It doesn’t even just go into monster mode; it goes without transition. One frame it’s normal, the next it’s full monster. Then when you stow it you get a gradual animation where all the monster parts recede into the hammer. Why couldn’t the draw animation have just been that in reverse? It’s baffling.
Just got done with the fight and I can say without exaggeration that this was the least fun fight I’ve had in the entirety of GW2. And probably the most frustrating.
The room is far too small. You spend the whole time fighting the camera. The AoEs are just chaos. I have a computer that handles giant zerg battles on max settings with zero issue, and it could not handle this fight. That’s how much random, simultaneous sparkly nonsense is going on every second. There’s simply too much happening at once. I must have cried “I can’t even!” twenty times. I can’t attack and dodge and heal and watch the floor and adds I can’t even see and the boss and hit that counter magic button all at the same time.
And the knockdowns are absurd. The half of the fight I didn’t spend desperately healing I spent on the ground. I’m getting knocked down every five seconds and I can’t even see what’s doing it most of the time because I’m trying to look at six other things. Then you bring in a jade armor, and it’s like putting a grenade in a blender. I don’t have the space or the camera or the time to deal with this.
The fight is not fun. I feel like half the issues would be solved just by making the room larger.
Back in GW1 before enemies moved out of AoEs and my ele could just pile on the nukes. I mean they would just stand there and let you melt them, it was great.
Back in the way back.
HD remaster? No. HD remake? Maybe, but honestly no.
A remaster wouldn’t help the game much. The enviornment is so sparse. Shined up textures and lighting would just make that all the more stark. A remake, with maps overhauled to GW2 detail would be great…but frankly ANet doesn’t have that manpower at their disposal.
Not to mention, as others noted, the physical gameplay is so frustrating now. Like others, I’ve got all campaigns, thousands of hours, obsidian armor, the works. I love GW1 to death. But every time I go back now I keep trying to jump. The material and inventory systems are lacking. There’s no trading post. It was a fantastic game in it’s own right, but coming out of GW2 it just doesn’t hold up.
There are things about it I vastly prefer, like the tactical aspect and the deckbuilding skill system. I still play from time to time and I still enjoy it. But it would not hold up as a remake. And honestly? The graphics are not all that bad. Take a look again. It’s really the enviornment detail and density that makes the difference between the two.
You have 5k gold and 20k ectos how is that “pretty much broke”?
Hello, I feel like the human male character should have a little roll of fat hanging from his pant. I am also concerned about the lack of balding haircut. We need this because I’m totally insecure.
Stop impossible expectations now !!! REAL MEN ARE BALDING AND FAT.
(Take your undercover low tier feminism out of this VIDEO GAME, please.)
OP is looking for a single additional body type option, probably just to match up with their personal, real-world experience.
If that screams “hidden feminist plot” to you, then you’ve got problems.
When they came back, the Jotun were rendered into barbaric brutes and yet the Jotun were proclaimed a very powerful magic wielding race at one point, implying that in taking in magic the Elder Dragons sap it away from the races as well.
According to those same lore tablets, the Jotun were reduced to brutes not because the dragons stole their magic away, but because they vowed never to use magic again. Thus their society – built on magic before – regressed into tribalism.
I’ll be honest, I was disappointed when Lazarus wanted to join us. I thought he was going to be one of the major villains.
Meh, I don’t like making big judgements until the story is complete. We’re only on chapter 2.
Don’t count him as an ally yet. I don’t trust that guy any farther than I could throw him.
I also agree that there should have been some dialogue towards Aurene. I wonder how fast dragons grow and how long before they can speak.
Also, as a herald, I got some real goosebumps channeling Glint herself to defend her baby. Fact of Chaos had a very “get off my baby!” feel. I’m curious to know how “present” a revenant’s legend is. That is: if I’m channeling Glint is she, in the mists, aware of what’s going on around me? Does she know that her child was born? I wonder if a revenant and their legend can have a direct conversation.
You don’t say what game mode you’re playing, and I can’t speak for WvW or PvP, but for PvE yes, celestial is fantastic. My ele, guardian, engie, and rev are all full celestial.
Granted I enjoy the hybrid, mixed-support, non-twitch style of gameplay. One thing you will find when crafting a set of celestial is that the full benefit is accumulative. Meaning: half a set of celestial feels terrible. Two-thirds a set feels better. A full set is amazing. Because of the stat spread, the closer to 100% celestial you get, the better it works. At least in my experience.
it doesn’t makes any sense though, because they are not guarding against the Dragon,
they are more like stopping them, I mean the commander and the team are not like staying in one place and guarding against the Dragons, they more like going out there, find information to fight the the name doesnt really make any sense to me.
If you are on watch and an attacker comes, you don’t just stand there and watch it. You fight it. It makes perfect sense.
That’s OP’s point though. “Dragon’s” Watch implies that we are on the watch of the dragon. That’s what the possessive " ‘s " after “Dragon” means. “Dragon Watch” on the other hand would mean that we’re on the watch for dragons. One means that we’re on the dragon’s side, the other that we’re against the dragons.
So I’m with OP on this one.
It might have split among the all bloodstones and elder dragons (there was a book in priory vault that suggested that killing one will make the remaining ones stronger). In which case all the dragons are stronger now as well, by equal margin. And they started with a massive power difference.
Anyway, Lazarus most certainly didn’t get all the magic. Lot of it is still here – so much that it warps the space and creates magical vortices in the air. A lot has been likely returned to the world as well. And of course, quite likely a huge amount got used up just to revive him.
That’s a fair point. In fact, magic from the Bloodstone going out to Primordus might be what caused him to become active again. I have a couple thoughts to add though:
1) A lot of care is taken for the PC to state, repeatedly, that Lazarus absorbed the lion’s share of the magical explosion. Usually when ANet has a character repeat something so assuredly like this, it’s b/c it’s true. So I think it’s safe to say that he got most of the magic from the Bloodstone. You’re also correct that plenty is left in the area; that should give us a good metric on just how much it was that Lazarus got (a ton.) Any magic that got away from Lazarus, and thus made it to Primordus etc, would be leaking away from the residual magic in the area. It wouldn’t have come from the explosion itself, b/c that’s the part that Lazarus absorbed.
2) As above, it’s stated a couple times, in notes and in speech, that the explosion should have wiped all of Kryta, if not the whole continent. Again, I think this was done to reinforce that it was a lot, lot, lot of magic.
3) The revival seems to have been done with shards from the Bloodstone. As found in Stronghold of the Faithful, there’s a decent amount of shards…but they’re still just small shards. Seemingly on par with the small ones we can interact with around Bloodstone Fen. I’d wager that the amount of magic used to revive Lazarus was actually quite minor, esp. in comparison to the total magic in the Bloodstone as seen in the explosion.
2. How did you get from absorbind bloodstone magic to ‘could literally kill a dragon’? That is a huge leap of logic.
One of the notes says that the Bloodstone tripled in size immediately after Zhaitan’s death. This suggests that it contained a large portion of Zhaitan’s power, if not the bulk of it. Meaning that Lazarus now contains the lion’s share of a sizeable chunk of Zhaitan’s power, on top of whatever magic was in there.
It’s possible that Zhaitan’s magic split equally into all the surrounding bloodstones. Even then, it’s safe to assume that Lazarus now has a magical power rivaling, or at least approaching, that of an elder dragon.
Also on the “wouldn’t they have used the bloodstones’ power to defeat elder dragons if they had that much magic” bit: the original purpose, as stated, was to keep the magic away. Using it against the dragons would have required a way to utilize it, i.e. absorb it without letting it run back into Tyria. Seems to be exactly what Lazarus is doing, no?
Could go into more spec about whether or not the Seer had the capacity (or intent) to utilize the magic that way, or just to capture it in the bloodstones, but I have to go to work.
(edited by Kalarchis.8635)
I doubt the average citizen knows it was ultimately Abaddon, though I’ll wager that Kralkatorrik being the source of magic for the event is commonly known.
At the end of the day, the takeaway is likely that the Charr caused the Searing, and the Flame Legion more specifically. Regardless of who gave them the weapon, they were the ones to point and fire it.
What do you mean you can’t think of anything to do with it? Do you not make and gear alts? I could have hit 500 Jeweler twice over with all the exotic trinkets I’ve made. This month alone I made a couple celestial earrings and a full set of marauders.
Kalla Scorchrazor seems a perfect fit.
Grandcub of Pyre Fierceshot from GW1, led the revolution against the Flame Legion, secured victory and was assassinated for it. Essentially the mother of modern free Charr society and restored equality to Charr females. Also wielded a greatsword according to her statue.
What if there was a map completion mastery line? Each tier gives you perks/bonus rewards and the final tier makes uncovered areas and unlocked waypoints account bound. It does not auto-complete maps for new characters, just reveals map and wps.
I’m the type that enjoys revealing every possible area just for the look of it on my map screen. It’s really frustrating that many parts of the map are only revealed for story instances, so I have to do those instances on each character if I want to reveal those parts for everyone.
- Gliding now consumes gold.
- Increased the number of silk scraps needed for Bolt of Silk from 3 to 4.
Mystic Forge
- Zommoros now taunts players.
- Added out-of-combat weapon swap.
- Added out-of-combat weapon swap.
- Redesigned kit backpacks are now live!
- No longer affected by conditions.
Mo, I gotta say, I like your style. Keep it up.
It seems like the holdup here is the legendary journey part. If the volume of gem store weapons tells us anything, it’s that the physical design of the weapon is the easy part. It’s building the precursor journey that’s slogging up the whole process. I recall them saying that this delayed them on the initial release of precursor crafting as well.
So for all the legendaries that were designed but the journeys are incomplete: can we have these in the game as non-legendaries? Tone down the intended effects and put them in the game either as prestigious MF recipes (like Vision of the Mists) or as endgame unlockable rewards, or both. Surely this implementation would require less manpower?
These weapons can still be put into the game, can still take a bit of doing to acquire, and can still be visually impressive. I would much rather this option than knowing that there are a bunch of unfinished weapons sitting in development limbo forever.
I don’t understand why people get so worked up about this. They’re working on LS3. They’re working on the next expansion. In the meantime, they’re releasing raid wings. They have multiple projects going at any one time and they’re not all ready together. The raid is the focus at the moment…and that’s nothing to be bothered over.
This is like going to a restaurant and getting mad that another table got their food first. There’s nothing wrong with serving that table. The problem is when that’s the ONLY table being served.
Except it’s not. It’s just the only table being served at this moment. Relax; your food is on the way.
If an ED is willing to talk that means it recognizes what is talking to as worth speaking to.
If ED willing to talk other than to play mind games it proves we are a threat to them.
So if I go to my yard and stomp on an anthill for fun, and as I do I’m saying “Hi little ants, I’m gonna crush you now. Flee for your lives!” does that mean I think the ants are a threat worth speaking to?
Mordy only talks to Sylvari PCs during most of the story, and then all he’s saying really is “Submit to me” or “Everything will be mine.” etc. During the Dream/DS fights he talks because you’re literally in his face with a sword.
If he was pulling up a table to negotiate you’d have a point. But he’s not talking because he considers us threats. He’s talking because he can.
I’ve been using staff since Beta Weekend 1 and I still love it. It’s got range, huge AoE, great healing and condi removal, lots of CC and lots of fields. Works great at 1200 or standing right on top of things. It will dominate everything PvE can throw at you. Great damage, support and control all rolled into one.
But really it’s PvE and you should play what you enjoy. Grab cheapies of all your usable weapons from the basic vendor and go try them all out. See what speaks to you and then play with your build from there.
Raiding is its own thing and what goes on there has no bearing on general PvE. Most everything is viable in general PvE, so the important thing is finding a weapon you enjoy.
Yes the fact that dead party members get cloistered away to watch the fight helplessly is baffling and really frustrating.
My best friend was very cynical about the fight (after Zhaitan.) I got him there and we pushed through to the final phase. He was impressed all the way through, esp. with all the cool stuff for sylvari PCs beforehand. Then he died and had to spend the rest of fight watching me from the rafters.
It very near ruined the experience for both of us. The two of us have been playing this game together since GW1 launch. We were excited less to defeat Mordy, and more to defeat Mordy together. We were there with our sylvari PCs and it was a whole thing. When we realized there was no way to get him back into the fight it just killed the whole mood.
Please don’t ever do that again. Helpless and powerless is the last thing you want you players to feel during the final boss fight.
Armor is an investment. Don’t go for it unless you’re really sure you want it, or you have a bank full of silk.
Weapons are totally doable since they mostly use Deldrimor and Spiritwood which are the easiest two to farm.
Trinkets are easy. Fractals and laurels hand your amulet/rings right to you. Accessories are a little pricier, but honestly I’ve been on the world boss train for years now and I can’t say 100 ectos was much of a loss.
Love the look and especially the sound of the glider, but…it’s a bit big, yeah? I feel like it’d be perfect at about 75% its current size.
um, welcome to 3 years ago?
More like 10 years ago, honestly. Game’s been this way since GW1 launch.
Can confirm that just in front of his right foot, about 45 degrees from the head, is the ideal place to get caught in one. The things suck me under all the time and it’s always when I’m in that spot.
“I don’t like this elite spec. I know there are people who love it but who cares about them, change the elite spec because I don’t like it.”
This is actually what you said. If you don’t understand what’s wrong with this mentality, read your post again like someone saying it to you about an elite spec you love. Then imagine the devs actually listened to that person and removed/changed your favorite elite spec.
If you don’t like druid then don’t play it. There will be more elite specializations in the future.
Meta event containers from HoT are affected by magic find. This will probably be the trend moving forward.
I run an effective 250% MF these days. I didn’t really start seeing drop improvements until 120+, but now it’s very noticeable. Rares and exotics are more common. Mats particularly: on lvl 80 maps the T6 mats are steady, and the T5 mats are plentiful. In general I get a lot more junk/common drops where before I would have gotten nothing.
It’s a slow and steady gain so it’s easy to overlook the benefits, but over time it does add up substantially. That said I wouldn’t go sinking lots of gold into maxing it out. I salvage ten or twenty ectos now and then but for the most part I’ve built my MF by salvaging blues/greens I get naturally and that’s worked fine.
I have the same result if I show up after map reset. The trick is to show up about 15 mins before the map resets. You’ll land in a map full of people, who squad up and then reconvene on a single map once it resets.
Personally I think the megaserver is a little loopy about this map, because post-reset it always puts you in an empty copy, when I know there are populated copies that aren’t full.
Raids in their current state are just out of reach of the majority of the playerbase. Why not make them a content that everyone can enjoy, instead of only the hardcore players enjoying it, while the majority of the playerbase suffers?
B/c that was the point of the raids. They’re specifically designed as top-end, elite content, specifically for the hardcore players. Those players have been asking for content like this for years. Now that they’ve finally gotten it, you want to take it away from them?
95% of the game is for casuals. The game is full of content for everyone to enjoy. The raids are for the hardcore players to enjoy. That should not change.
Now that the questions have been picked I just want to say…
It’s amazing to me how many people don’t read the topic and just throw any old question they feel like in here. Happens every time.
Kudos to those who actually read.
In addition to map bonuses you can drop a level 21 character at a JP chest. There’s a small chance of silver doubloons at that level. I put two alts there and scored about 15 of my doubloons that way.
…then I got fed up and straight bought the rest, b/c I literally had everything else.
Biologically, sylvari are distinctly of either male or female sex, with humans as the template for the dimorphic differences.
They seem to mostly be cis-gendered, in that their self-identified gender = their biological sex.
And their sexual orientation appears to be mostly ‘pan,’ meaning that they’re attracted to people, not genders.
Something I love about HoT enemies is that they all have a “shtick.” Every enemy type has a distinct mechanic that requires a distinct approach to combat. Mordrem Snipers force you on the move and severely punish inattention. Rolling Devils are relentless until you poke them with CC. Itzel dodge, dodge, dodge, you’re dead now. All of the enemies require more interesting play than stand-and-auto-attack.
Can you talk about the relationship between these mechanics and creature design? How much of one informed the other? I’d love to know which creatures were designed around mechanics and which mechanics were designed around creatures.
1) This entire thread I’ve been noting that PvE = open-world for my purposes and when I say PvE I don’t mean instanced content. How you think I said hammer is strong in instanced content I have no idea.
2) It’s true that most of the balance happens around PvP, but saying that open-world doesn’t need to be balanced is nonsense. It does need it, and it gets it all the time. It shouldn’t be the focus of balance, but neither should it (or will it) be ignored or allowed to become unbalanced. The fact that all weapons are viable there has zero bearing on that.
Completely agree that everything is viable in open-world. However that doesn’t mean that the effectiveness of weapons in open-world is not important, if only because the devs continue to refuse to split skills along PvE/PvP.
“Hammer works fantastically in open-world” is relevant to discussion of hammer game-wide because the devs are balancing for all game types here. They probably aren’t going to buff hammer in general because it would be too strong in open-world. Because it’s very strong in open-world. So PvP hammer suffers to keep PvE hammer balanced, and it’s “tough luck” for the PvP players.
I wish the higher-ups would just allocate the resources for splitting the skills between modes, but honestly I don’t ever see that happening.
I only use hammer in PvE for bosses that is needed ranged weapons and for WvW.
Unless you’re not in those situations hammer is useless to me.
Fixed that for you. I play a mixed/support style and I use hammer everywhere in PvE. It’s amazing in Orr, not b/c of CoR. It’s amazing in HoT, not b/c of CoR. It’s amazing in Dry Top and Silverwastes. All of the skills are incredibly useful.
….Also think people should include a “I only care about raw DPS and nothing else about the weapon matters to me.” disclaimer.
But that’s what mostly counts in PvE.
To you. I would rather have an interesting fight where I use all my cool skills than one where I spam CoR and it’s over five seconds faster. Not everyone enjoys or plays the zerker style (esp. not now that support gives event/tagging credit!)
NOTE: I’m talking about open world PvE only! Your examples of why DPS matters in PvE were all dungeon/fractal/raid examples. Dungeons/fractals/raids != PvE. They’re located in PvE, but honestly they’re their own little ecosystem, especially raids and fractals. This is why I’m advocating people being specific about what game type they’re talking about. There are so many modes to the game, and so many different play environments nestled within each other.
I think in threads like this everyone should note what mode of play they’re talking about. Seems like a lot of the negative opinions about hammer are coming from the PvP side, and I can see why it might be kinda cumbersome there.
But my experience has been great results and tons of fun in PvE and in WvW zergs. Some weapons are just better suited for certain game types, and rev hammer might just not be a great PvP weapon.
….Also think people should include a “I only care about raw DPS and nothing else about the weapon matters to me.” disclaimer.
I’d really like the Radiant Backpiece too, but honestly it’s not made for you and me. Like the Pinnacle Weapons, they’re for the top-of-the-top achievement hunters. Specifically the backpieces are for those people a couple years from now when that many APs are actually in the game.
And hammer is not even viable in PvP, barely in PvE.
Hammer 3-5 are pretty mediocre, so yea, I think it should get buffed somewhat because all hammer had was CoR spam.
Are we playing the same game?
3 is not only a blast finisher with AoE chill but also an evade. And it’s ground targeted at 1200 range, with good damage besides.
4 is one of the best skills in the game. A mobile dark field that destroys projectiles and turns all my AAs into lifesteal? And makes some of the more obnoxious areas and enemies a joke, esp. when timed properly with skills 3 and 5? Yes please!
5 is another blast finisher, also ground targeted at 1200 range, and also an AoE knockdown with good damage.
This weapon is amazing, and it’s amazing in PvE. It needs zero buff. Everyone was used to the overpowered damage on CoR and just needs time to adjust to the change. It’s like when you come off the highway and going 45mph feels really slow for a few miles b/c you got used to going 80.
(edited by Kalarchis.8635)
I find it hard to believe there was no technical way to resolve this issue. All you need is a check for the damage source and then apply that 0.5s restraint to that source. Before software developers come out of their cave and scream ‘YOU DON’T KNOW THE CODE!!!11!‘, I don’t. But how would that be impossible when there’s already separate tracking of conditions and damage sources in general in the game?
I don’t know the code either but I know it’s just a rigged-up version of the GW1 code, and I’ve heard the devs talk a lot about how many changes like this just aren’t as easy as one might think to put together.
Condi damage is a great example; the current system took so long to implement because it was a nightmare to get it working properly. Tracking the individual contribution of 2-6 conditions from 150 players at once is not an easy task, esp. not on a 10-yr-old engine that was not built for it. Pretty sure I remember them saying that they had to buy some more servers just to handle all the data for it as well.
^ I agree that this change is likely intentional. Let’s face it, it was fairly easy to hit larger targets with the second and third hits of the skill, every two seconds, for massive damage. Now picture a bunch of revs in a zerg hitting this way. It was too powerful and this nerf makes it a balanced skill. Plus you can still hit some larger targets twice, like dragons if you fire across their feet.
The “stops dmg from other players’ CoR” part is likely because there was no technical way to stop one player from hitting twice in that 0.5 without stopping all players from doing so.
I just got Juggernaut for my Rev and you should be aware that the hammer animations on skill 1 and 5 are still the generic hammers and don’t use the Juggernaut like they should. No noticeable effect on skill 2 either.
Not a deal breaker, and probably something they’ll fix later, but just a heads up.
The endgame has been Horizontal Progression since GW1 launch. “Players should not have to grind gear for content” has always been a HUGE part of the design philosophy for this series.
Devs have stated repeatedly that Legendary gear will always be BiS but will never have better stats than the next tier down. The value is in the appearance. The GW endgame has ALWAYS been about visual appearance.
At least you can swap stats on Legendaries, and they + asc. stuff is account bound. My GW1 Obsidian Armor and Tormented Weapons are expensive, shiny, and very, very soul bound. I can’t even put the skins on my alts.
Stats on celestial are just fine in PvE. My three mains are all full celestial, including one full ascended, and I only PvE. It works fantastically and needs no buff.
Not to patronize, but are you using a full set? The returns on celestial are only good if you run 100% celestial. Mix and suffer poor stats.
Let’s say you’ve had three copper-o-matics for two years. That means you got two years of convenience out of those items. So it wasn’t a waste at all; it just wasn’t as useful to you for as long as you hoped it would be. But you still got use and value out of it.
I don’t know bro. If Anet would told people in the beginning, most of people probably won’t bought it.
So I’m not sure if people get their “worth”.
I bought 9 permanent bank license, and multiple vendor/tp too. If Anet told me in the beginning I wouldn’t.
So can I use your time machine? B/c it would really help me if I could jump ahead and see what business and product decisions my bosses are making two years from now.
Really, you expected them to say “Here’s this new copper-fed-salvage-tool! Btw account slots coming in 2+ years maybe.” How would they even have known? Maybe the big bosses said NO to account slots back then. Maybe (pretty likely) the tech didn’t exist in the game to implement them properly.
Anyone might have predicted that account slots were coming eventually. But expecting a statement like that years before actual implementation is just bonkers. In what fluid, non-linear time do you live?
People must have money to throw away if they are spending 700 gems for a 1 item slot. Even in a virtual world that can not be considered value for money.
Personally, I’m an adult with a FT job and a monthly budget of $ to spend on gems. And speak for yourself on value. I never have to buy salvage kits again! There’s tremendous value for me in that alone.
And now to add insult to injury, those extra copper o matics and silver o matic I bought long ago were a waste of gems/money. Not to mention the infinite tools (i bought several sets for my alts) Not very happy.
Not calling you out in particular, but I want to address this sentiment which I’m seeing all over this thread.
Those extra tools you’ve got are not suddenly a waste of money. They have less value to you now, but the value you already got out of them PRIOR to the account slots still existed. Let’s say you’ve had three copper-o-matics for two years. That means you got two years of convenience out of those items. So it wasn’t a waste at all; it just wasn’t as useful to you for as long as you hoped it would be. But you still got use and value out of it.
The gathering tools esp.; you really would rather be switching a single set around all day? And if you forget to take it off one alt you gotta go back and get it? This way you can just leave your extra sets where they are, on your alts, and put other stuff in the account slots. Heck, I intend to KEEP buying extra sets of tools; they’re just as useful to me now as they were before the account slots.
Obviously this argument becomes less potent the more recently you purchased the tools.
Bought all five, put copper/silver-fed + food/ult. there. Got a leftover copper-fed but I got my money’s worth out of having two so it’s fine. My multiple sets of gathering tools are staying right where they are, b/c they’re exactly as useful to me as they were before.
Price is just fine. 10/10 would buy again.