Showing Posts For Xom.9264:

wars OP in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Mesmer, Thief, Guardian, Ele, Eng all stronger then the warrior imo.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

You could have dodge rolled and mitigated 100% of pistol whip as well.

100 blades is fine. Unlike the thief or mesmer build burst warriors do actually give up ALOT.

Perspective of a necro that has been killed by 100 blades… I dont like getting killed so fast but I do have a good chance of winning the fight. Thiefs I dont see coming and even if I live past the burst and can kill the thief they just leave the fight come back in a few seconds too kill me there is nothing I can do about it, mesmer same thing.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Its not broken or bugged because you think something shoud work another way. Yup I would like if it scaled with conditions also….. however that would be almost mesmer level strong and we cant have that, because deathshroud.

Wiki says otherwise

Bug.Does not increase damage conditions do.

Mesmer strength? Necros have a niche role and they fill it – want high single target dps roll a power build, want insane aoe dps roll condition/epidemic – the build I originally provided more than furfils that role

While you may have tested 30/30/x/x/x, you clearly didnt test it rigerously enough

Wiki says its bugged well guess we have to wait and see, regardless. It does more damage if you are looking to do the fastest most damage as a condition build 30/30/x/x/x is what you do.

I know you cant kill anything faster with his gear setup then 30/30/x/x/x I have tested, its basic math other conditions builds add utility/survival you lose damage.

Argue the fine points if you want over what build is better utilities etc if you want. I gave multiple builds for a reason an option of choice. You cant make a conditions build with rabid gear do faster DPS then 30/30/x/x/x does.

I dont even run that build because i like a bit more defense. You are welcome to prove me wrong and do faster damage with another rabid geared spec, good luck with that.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah all well and good if it was strong or even balanced the class would not be one of the least used in Spvp and Tpvp.

Its not terrible unplayable, however it is nitch underpowered class in PvP.

1 Mesmer
2 Guardian
3 Thief Ele (right spec)
4 Eng
5 Warrior Necro
6 Ranger

At least we are not rangers

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Shatter mesmers working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I suspect it’s intended. Once the mesmer hits shatter the clones are essentially projectiles that home in on the target to deliver the selected skill, the mesmer has no further control of them.

Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again. Many classes can set up a projectile combo so multiple hits land simultaneously

Shattering illusions is not a projectile, thats like saying popping a bone minion is a projectile.

If the illusion is “in flight” it is still around, and should not be considered shattered yet. I certainly hope this was not intended.

Agree heck necros cant even blow up our two bone minions at the same time there is a stupid delay on blowing up the seconds one.. more times then not the second one dies before the delay is up and it can be exploded.

But mesmer is the chosen class all the tools and power with no drawback. Reason why its such a popular class in Tpvp and Spvp

Having a delay in triggering your second explosion doesn’t stop the rest of your minions AND death shroud from functioning.

Yeah it does I death shroud and i can no longer explode the minion…. If I have to go into deathshroud my bone minion will be dead before i get out to explode it 90% of the time. Oh and I actually have to look where the minions are at and hope the attack what I want them to… I can just hit a single key and have them explode or even attack the target i want. Mesmers have other skills to use besides clone spam/shatter… I know you never needed to learn about using these other skills because you have no reason to put effort into playing like some classed do, easymode burst combo needs a nerf. Burst with an ele and tell me mesmers are not broken easy.

On a side note, you must be mistaking me for someone else, I play a Necro everything about mesmers clones/phantoms and traits that buff them are easymode to the extream.

So the rest of your minions completely stop functioning after you explode the first bone minion and you are unable to enter death shroud as well? Because that is the parallel.

Pro tip: Don’t make foolish assumptions.I don’t play a shatter centric build. Keep ranting about how you think mesmers are the easiest profession to play while simultaneously not making the slightest effort at trying one to learn about the profession mechanics. If you did, you might find you are incorrect; keep that head in the sand.

Your side note doesn’t even make sense. How about this for an aside: are your minion summons able to be dodged, blocked, or fail because of blind or LOS? Didn’t think so.

There is a good chance my minions are not doing anything inthe first place and are just watching me fight. Thats why you dont see MM in pvp I dont have a trait that lets me instantly recast and spike with boneminions again anyway.

We should be comparing the Mesmers burst to the other burst cloth caster not the necro.

Ele burst vs Mes burst. Lets keep it simple.

You dont see eles speced burst in Tpvp or even Spvp heck you dont even see that many eles to begin with.
You see millions mesmers and they are all spected shatter burst.

Population levels are not even close ele burst is not viable and necro does not even have burst.

Mesmer burst OP and easy to play, if it was hard or balance you would not see so many mesmers the numbers of Mes Ele Necro would be closer to the same in spvp tpvp.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

why plague form sucks for spvp/tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah its really just a bunker elite and boring as heck


Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Anet has done a marvelous job

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


WoW did not even have PvP (other then open world on pvp servers) the first 8 months and it took 2 years before arena.

Game is moving along just fine, we all wish there was already duels deathmatch rated pvp/arenas etc… They said things are getting worked on all we can do is argue about the order of importance (duels deathmatch)

Take a break because in a few months when those things are in place you will be back…. or are you actually going to stick with DIII or WoW? I think not.

wow didnt have his 10 fantabillion users because of pvp. people needed a pve game warcraft lored and puff , a wild wow appeard.
gw1 was a pvp oriented game , the best pvp game in years and look, smart devs didnt hold on the trend..

GW1 had a much larger PvE population then PvP, I did play GW1 towards the end of its lifecycle late 2011 + the PvP populations was extreamly small. The PvE populations was large and active still for such an old game that had not released a expansion in years.

When GW1 released, yeah I shelved it went back to WoW dueling battleground open world pvp. I basicly did 100% pvp in the PvE game you claim WoW is. WoW arena/BGs etc had a larger PvP community probably still does then GW1 ever did even in its hayday.

WoW had a solid PvE population that fed the PvP…. rated arenas let casuals fight casuals and improve skills continually building a PvP population.

GW1 PvP was closed to new players outside RA farming. It was a terrible farming system alot of top players had slow reflexes and were bad from what i seen but in a farming based system it did not matter they had the pointless ranks.

Anyway GW2 is moving foward it has more potental then any MMO out there.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Anet has done a marvelous job

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


WoW did not even have PvP (other then open world on pvp servers) the first 8 months and it took 2 years before arena.

Game is moving along just fine, we all wish there was already duels deathmatch rated pvp/arenas etc… They said things are getting worked on all we can do is argue about the order of importance (duels deathmatch)

Take a break because in a few months when those things are in place you will be back…. or are you actually going to stick with DIII or WoW? I think not.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Things I Feel Cannot Continue to Exist in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Take a look at this video:

Ignoring the actual game this is the kind interaction you want between players during PvP. The things I listed reduce a player’s ability to make the kinds decisions found in the video.

It’s not about removing interesting or fun mechanics and making everyone the same in the name of balance it’s about removing extraneous details that don’t contribute to the overall design goal of competitive play.

GW1 was more like that GW2 and all the MMOs I have played are not and never will be.

Yeah a guardian + warrior knocklocked me 100-0% I got my one instant cast fear off thats it…. I think I flooded the forums with necros need stabilitiy without wasting 30 points into DS!!!! posts. It annoying when it happens but at least its not instantly dying to a faceroll thief or mesmer. The rotation takes a little thought its an issue on the one game mode we have if ever we get deathmatch I wont worry about it… also I dont think most people can learn how to do it.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Well you have the ideal gear setup rune and all for conditions.

I think these are all top notch conditions builds.

All out damage that does respectable direct damage with all the crits and fair power you melt things fast. 30/30/10/0/0 I left some triats blank and just put the ones I felt are key. Use the utilities you like swap them on demand flesh golum is a great elite choice for all builds.;044Z;1kHVB0r3gJkJ0;9;4TT9;2B1-A1;6K-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vy

Then there is a tanky conditions build with pets. 20/30/20/0/0 you can go with more pets if you like drop greater marks for faster recharging pets or replace 50% more health with the faster recharge whatever works for you.;044Z;1kHVB0r3wI-K0;9;4JTJ;18-1-A19;5K-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vz

The full DS conditions build 0/30/10/0/30. Marks generate a fair amount of lifeforce you can go 0/30/10/10/20 and pick up the extra mark on a dodge.;044Z;1kHVB0r3gJ-K0;9;5T9-T;11-A1;49BK-H4;2dZH9fgm92VL

Those are the base three concepts – I would stick with the first two listed or something close to that or go simple 0/30/30/10/0.

There are also well based conditions builds but I think its meh… Some other strange yet effective conditions builds like staff spectral. 0/20/20/0/30 or 0/20/20/10/20 Its good if you partner up with a burst class because of the near instant 20 stacks of vuln on a target.;044Z;1kHFI094gJ-K0;9;5JJ-T;119-14;239BK-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vc

You have the gear play with any of the builds listed see what you like. If you have specific questions on a build lots of people here could give input.

p.s. the 30/30/10 build does work you crit alot and even with the +20% not counting conditions damage your damage is no joke with all the crits and the +300 power + base. Its a top build.

Unsure about the choice of sigils on those builds, the debate regarding cond duration vs damage is ongoing

I personally opt for undead runes over krait/afflicted because
a) meta pvp revolves around condition cleanse/removal – bleeds rarely tick that long
b) meta pve mobs die rather quickly so damage is generally preferred

That being said 3×3 is ok and outperforms 2×2×2 krait/centaur/afflicted

Also note close to death is currently bugged and does not apply to cond damage

He already said that Undead is being used, I did not waste the time changing them. I like the undead runes more for most builds. When i use 3×3 its for my staff conditions DS dance build or when I’m roaming WvW very few people condition remove in WvW. 2×2×2 agree too slow pointless outside of trying to solo elites.

30/30/x/x/x Your power is 1200 or so and you crit alot looking at 26-30+ more damage when under 50% (depending on types of conditions on target). A dip into DS for quick fury into a staff unload or Scepter Feast is good spike damage. I would not of posted it If i did not test the it vs other conditions builds.

Its not broken or bugged because you think something shoud work another way. Yup I would like if it scaled with conditions also….. however that would be almost mesmer level strong and we cant have that, because deathshroud.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Takes an hour for a necro to kill a treb.

PvP no necros are not a good choice

WvW sure abuse the mobs running around in WvW to always have full lifeforce it makes the class balanced.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Condition damage Necro and Thief.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Its a playstyle.

If there is a good necro on your team the warrior/ranger or Thief that stacks bleeds best not fight where the necro is.

staff used at the right place and time. GG

Anyway I thought it was more PvE related, condition Thief is faster then a necro imo.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Defensive stat: Toughtness or Vitality?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


If you look threw some of today threads someone said that the number one rated player in spvp is a necro and when i looked up his build it was alot of Vitality. Unfortunately he didn’t have gear on the page just jewelery and runes.

In the end though it’s all about your play style.

Eh, sure, but not for this conversation. For this conversation it’s a lot about the math. What gets you the most bang. Playstyle choices may derive from getting traits or runes that benefit from toughness, but aside from that it’s straight math. Which I haven’t done. If I had to guess I’m guessing a balance of both gets you the most for your money. But as necros already have high base HP, I’m not sure what the magic numbers are.

You can not even stack vit over toughness in Spvp/Tpvp unless you go the terrible carrion path…. Every high rank 40+ or tpvp necro that impressed me I have talked to runs with 1600+ toughness at least.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Is Reanimator the worst trait in the game?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Its the worst ‘working as intended trait’.

There are traits that flat out do nothing at all /shrug

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Do You Enjoy Traiting Death Shroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I figured out a way to make my conditions build alot stronger with traited death shroud.

I still dont trait death shroud with my power builds.

So you trait because it makes you stronger but you don’t enjoy traiting DS per say?


I guess I never really looked at it that way, you’re right I dont enjoy traiting DS the only two traits I like are faster spectral cooldowns and more lifeforce gain on Marks. Its rare I spend more then 20 in the line. Yeah I guess the only reason I spec into the line is so my conditions builds can actually gain lifeforce and use the necros DS to live past burst……… My power builds gain lifeforce just fine so no need to waste points in DS.

DS is ok (hate skill attack 1 need a bleed for a few seconds added to it imo)…. I dont like traiting into it I guess is what it comes down too.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah its actually a good build, you really never need to change out of staff because you are laying down marks so fast and gaining a ton of lifeforce when its traited. Well use when lifeforce is low and staff marks are down will skyrocket your lifeforce.

To get the most out of it be sure to splash a little condition damage 400 or so for all the AoE bleeds you will be putting down.

x/x/20/x/20 is the base build. I like 0/0/20/20/30 I use all 4 wells off set is Dagger/warhorn to stop people from leaving wells.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

permanent swiftness / increased running speed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yes you got it right… dont invest in the passive speed triat boosts they are a joke.

Spectral Walk is a great skill always on my bar. Warhorn is great for a power/crit or wells build… for conditions builds I think you are giving up to much dagger off hand is better.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Necromancer Duo Partner?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Well Im going to say Warrior, because a necro can let the warrior focus on pure damage or stunlocking.

Warrior is king of in yourface melee and the necro can perma chill remove conditions from the war weakness spam the target or stacks vuln with wells or spectral wall to 20+ stacks in a few seconds.

Same concept for Thief and damage focused Guardian.

However a tanky necro + a high damage anything works great.

My win combo when i dont want to run solo in WvW is get a burst thief or warrior off my friends list and go roll full groups of people.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I have a real problem with people claiming to be top tier when there is no ranking and no one is actually playing the pvp side of the game yet.

I want a ranking system soooooo bad to get the WoW arena players comming to this game.

Anet, these are not top players they are farming a empty pvp system pulling from a low population. Get ranked systems for teams like WoW arena FAST.

You will get complaints for your current ‘top’ players when you try to add more skill to the game and tactics. They are the defualt farmers that really dont want challange when the real tactical pvpers that look for challange come you will not see these fellows currently in the top anymore.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah I lay down marks to stop the kill steal tactic, thiefs can stealth past them sure they might trigger them but they are still stealthed when they trigger it. Is that a bug? Is the design intention that traps/marks should break stealth? Other games have stealth break on damage. Have to say the comment confuses me a bit considering marks and traps do not break stealth.

Only if the thief/mesmer deals damage stealth breaks…

lol I know, I was joking when i asked if it was a bug. Marks will not stop a thief from getting the last hit wells really wont stop it they only last 5 seconds….

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

pvp and why it has issues

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


1 and 3 make me think this is not the right game for you.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Shatter mesmers working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I suspect it’s intended. Once the mesmer hits shatter the clones are essentially projectiles that home in on the target to deliver the selected skill, the mesmer has no further control of them.

Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again. Many classes can set up a projectile combo so multiple hits land simultaneously

Shattering illusions is not a projectile, thats like saying popping a bone minion is a projectile.

If the illusion is “in flight” it is still around, and should not be considered shattered yet. I certainly hope this was not intended.

Agree heck necros cant even blow up our two bone minions at the same time there is a stupid delay on blowing up the seconds one.. more times then not the second one dies before the delay is up and it can be exploded.

But mesmer is the chosen class all the tools and power with no drawback. Reason why its such a popular class in Tpvp and Spvp

Having a delay in triggering your second explosion doesn’t stop the rest of your minions AND death shroud from functioning.

Yeah it does I death shroud and i can no longer explode the minion…. If I have to go into deathshroud my bone minion will be dead before i get out to explode it 90% of the time. Oh and I actually have to look where the minions are at and hope the attack what I want them to… I can just hit a single key and have them explode or even attack the target i want. Mesmers have other skills to use besides clone spam/shatter… I know you never needed to learn about using these other skills because you have no reason to put effort into playing like some classed do, easymode burst combo needs a nerf. Burst with an ele and tell me mesmers are not broken easy.

On a side note, you must be mistaking me for someone else, I play a Necro everything about mesmers clones/phantoms and traits that buff them are easymode to the extream.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Anything in the pipeline for new game types?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


When it’s ready right ? Cause game was ready right ? It was weird to hear that some minor features would be released latter, but it’s hard to believe the content… we have right now is something worthy of calling ready, but without minor features.

So what am I doing here ? Game will release in June 2013 will it not ?

The game was the most ready I have ever seen an MMO on release and Im kind of long in tooth have seen alot of MMO releases.

Add dueling while people wait for other modes…. /duel

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Downed timer adjusted:

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I think 20 seconds was short….. you did not give it the time needed for testing.

The burst zerg kids tactics game that we have now is not what will bring top MMO pvpers in and staying.

/shrug middle ground I guess better then before by a little bit

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Things I Feel Cannot Continue to Exist in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I would of just went to too much burst for a no healer game and left it at that.

CC is not overly long compaired to other games its really short…. problem is the burst is higher then other MMOs so the short CC 2 seconds can lead to losing 3/4s of your life before you can respond… Thats broken.

Agree on invis its hard to balance and broken.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

D/D Elementalist boon duration

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah DD boons is nice.

However you try to play an elementalist? Its alot of work, only class other then necro I could not just faceroll with and own people. Lots of twich reflexes needed.

Respect to all the people that play ele instead of just going easy faceroll guardian mesmer or thief.

I did not have it in me to continue learning ele, necro is plenty of work so my alts are all faceroll Thief Mes guardian War. Less work better/same results.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Map-Stuck is back

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


It is always on Forest of Niflhel for me.

Does have happen much so might be random chance but only the Forest of Niflhel for me also.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Shatter mesmers working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I suspect it’s intended. Once the mesmer hits shatter the clones are essentially projectiles that home in on the target to deliver the selected skill, the mesmer has no further control of them.

Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again. Many classes can set up a projectile combo so multiple hits land simultaneously

Shattering illusions is not a projectile, thats like saying popping a bone minion is a projectile.

If the illusion is “in flight” it is still around, and should not be considered shattered yet. I certainly hope this was not intended.

Agree heck necros cant even blow up our two bone minions at the same time there is a stupid delay on blowing up the seconds one.. more times then not the second one dies before the delay is up and it can be exploded.

But mesmer is the chosen class all the tools and power with no drawback. Reason why its such a popular class in Tpvp and Spvp

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

permanent swiftness / increased running speed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


You have three ways of doing it with spectral walk + warhorn.

With a spectral walk build

With a warhorn build and + speed duration runes.

Just get spectral walk as a utility slot and warhorn on one weapon set. Put at least 20 in death match for the +20% boon duration and its near 100% uptime

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Well you have the ideal gear setup rune and all for conditions.

I think these are all top notch conditions builds.

All out damage that does respectable direct damage with all the crits and fair power you melt things fast. 30/30/10/0/0 I left some triats blank and just put the ones I felt are key. Use the utilities you like swap them on demand flesh golum is a great elite choice for all builds.;044Z;1kHVB0r3gJkJ0;9;4TT9;2B1-A1;6K-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vy

Then there is a tanky conditions build with pets. 20/30/20/0/0 you can go with more pets if you like drop greater marks for faster recharging pets or replace 50% more health with the faster recharge whatever works for you.;044Z;1kHVB0r3wI-K0;9;4JTJ;18-1-A19;5K-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vz

The full DS conditions build 0/30/10/0/30. Marks generate a fair amount of lifeforce you can go 0/30/10/10/20 and pick up the extra mark on a dodge.;044Z;1kHVB0r3gJ-K0;9;5T9-T;11-A1;49BK-H4;2dZH9fgm92VL

Those are the base three concepts – I would stick with the first two listed or something close to that or go simple 0/30/30/10/0.

There are also well based conditions builds but I think its meh… Some other strange yet effective conditions builds like staff spectral. 0/20/20/0/30 or 0/20/20/10/20 Its good if you partner up with a burst class because of the near instant 20 stacks of vuln on a target.;044Z;1kHFI094gJ-K0;9;5JJ-T;119-14;239BK-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vc

You have the gear play with any of the builds listed see what you like. If you have specific questions on a build lots of people here could give input.

p.s. the 30/30/10 build does work you crit alot and even with the +20% not counting conditions damage your damage is no joke with all the crits and the +300 power + base. Its a top build.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Condition damage Necro and Thief.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Necro with staff and traited with larger / faster recharge / unblockable marks + ground targetted wells = good aoe damage + lifesteal / blind fields, especially if someone decides to splash around in it.

Ill post a vid of my thief someday spaming aoe 25 stacks of bleeds while he cant be hit because evade is built into the aoe bleed stacking attack. Its LOL, no idea why thiefs dont farm with condition builds probably because people just likes big crits /shrug.

Killing groups of mobs is faster with a thief.

Necro is more utility group support while putting down solid conditions, has its role.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

I'm having second thoughts

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


It works in WvW necros are actually solid in WvW because you can always have 100% lifeforce.

Wells are great in WvW because of all the melee people running around.

No a necro can not stack bleeds like a thief.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Defensive stat: Toughtness or Vitality?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Go with toughness, the armor favors the necro more our base health is fine and we remove conditions easy the bane of low health chars is conditions. The bane of low armor chars is burst.

Or go with something balanced. If we are talking pure stacking toughness > vit for a necro IMO.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Corruption skills (why?)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Here is something simple to test… get a stack of bleeds on a target 8-10 watch how much it the bleeds tick for. Use Blood is Power stop attacking…. watch how much the bleeds tick for.

The two bleeds it puts on you are nothing just tranfer those two bleeds to your target or feast on them for higher heal.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Do You Enjoy Traiting Death Shroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I figured out a way to make my conditions build alot stronger with traited death shroud.

I still dont trait death shroud with my power builds.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Condition damage Necro and Thief.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Leveling up a thief and spvp with one. Thief stacks bleeds alot faster with DD.

Necro has other things going for it condition control for example and the ability epidemic.

However Thiefs and Engineers I know for a fact do more condition damage on single targets because of how fast they stack bleeds and burning options. My thief is pure conditions build works outstanding in pve and spvp.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I had this happen when I was playing Ele…. was my second time playing the ele.

I could not do it again but only played a few more games or so.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Glory trading

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I dont think thats what you are seeing… its slow glory farming that way.

People are just dueling 99.999999% of the time when I run into a server with 2 people in it.

Edit make that 100% of the time never seen people not just dueling in the empty servers like that.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


On a side note, duels in the random arena…I mean, the mists lobby will merely add to the already pestering lag issues pvp is suffering from.

What lag issues in PvP mists? Honestly no idea never seen it place is empty most the time.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Ask not what your developer can do for you...

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Naw dueling needs to be casual fun and social in the Mist where people can watch chat and duel. There are too many private disconnected aspects in the games PvP already.

You target someone type /duel if they accept you duel simple fast easy… got your butt kicked want to test something else no need to leave the server to go change runes etc.. no need for the person waiting for you to comeback to a server they can be dueling someone else.

I cant count the number of times people dueling would decide to go raid or group up for arenas or BG’s. It was community that GW2 just does not have.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


1v1 games are not a good idea. Dueling in the now empty mists is whats needed.

2v2 and 3v3 deathmatch games is outstanding fun and a must have

Please dont be DAoC dev team that refused to evolve refused to listen and released Warhammer…..

Did I mention this game needs dueling and deathmatch.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I think that dueling is a great feature, but I don’t think it’s as important (right now)

Its important, dueling helps builds a PvP community. Myself and tons of people would duel endlessly chatting having fun outside capital cities in WoW same in other games like Aion, DAoC. Every great pvp game with a solid community had dueling.

GW1 while a great game was closed off to the extream to new players. Casuals of today will be some of the top PvPer of the future…. if you have dueling. I watched casuals grow into top players in WoW because they continually improved via dueling.

GW1 HA rank 10+ only is the result of no dueling no way to actually test players skills so the only benchmark is rank. Its a PvP community killer when a game is so disconnected like you see in the Mists.

Worst is in Spvp and Tpvp their are no stats listed… no way to tell what players are doing for damage, healing how many rezes how many stomps we need the data to know where to improve.

Dueling is a great way to test players skill and improve on skill /reflexes. I would duel endlessly in this game if I could. Heck the combat demands it more then any MMO I have played, I want to learn to perfection what skills I need to dodge/avoid from other classes. You have the combat system give us the tools and watch the community grow more social in the MIST.

Make dueling only in the MIST if you must… might be a good idea.

Feel strongly about this one, alot of people dont like dueling I think more people like it.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Ask not what your developer can do for you...

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I think GW2 has a great community that wants it to be a top game.

Custom maps would help, deathmatch would help, dueling would help.

There are fanwebsites that want to do these things. The devil is in the details I have seen too many chosen MMO games with potential fall flat because of slow response to the community. (Im looking at you Warhammer)

@ Anet Dont fear adding dueling and deathmatch over worries of imbalance cries. Look how many people you are forcing to go to empty servers just to duel when we could be building a community in the MIST dueling and testing with each other.

Dueling people is how I formed my top arena team (WoW), its a social part of PvP games and spvp is a disconnected anti social mess right now.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Just for you to know...WvsWvsW is NOT PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


WvW is PvP in the same way that games like UO, DAoC, AO, Shadowbane, Darkfall, Eve, and all the rest are PvP games. World PvP is what this entire genre grew up on and those were, arguably, the golden days of the MMORPG.

Either way – regardless of whether it’s open or canned, it’s all PvP.

Aye was a huge fan of DAoC, I do consider it player vs player.

However I dislike when people use WvW as an example of skill or class balance. For this game Ill go the not calling WvW PvP… I will call it WvW and keep WvW to the WvW forum.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Burst will still have a place I see myself grouped with a burst thief or warrior and just rezzing them up over and over if need be while I keep conditions on targets.

Before fights like the GY zerg its was better to just let them rez and comeback then risking dying trying to rez them. I used to just kite around the node waiting for the burst to comeback.

I guess i like it because I can see the Necro being a good rez class, and I want more roles for the necro other then condition control.

I think it will make teamwork more important burst + someone supporting them will be viable. Funny how people just see it as a solo game and now want to all spec tank….. shows that this change was needed.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

New timers= bad

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I like it stops the bullkitten faceroll burst from running in causing people to blow stun breaks then comming back 15 seconds later and blowing everyone up because stun breaks are on cooldown.

It will make things less zerg, rezzing will be very important adding to tactics and teamwork.

The main thing I feel GW2 lacks is true organized teamwork in a fight. Changes like these you will see the teamwork based teams start to pull ahead of the solo heros zerging points tactics. Support based classes and runes/set ups that rez faster might be worthwhile now.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah I lay down marks to stop the kill steal tactic, thiefs can stealth past them sure they might trigger them but they are still stealthed when they trigger it. Is that a bug? Is the design intention that traps/marks should break stealth? Other games have stealth break on damage. Have to say the comment confuses me a bit considering marks and traps do not break stealth.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Wells Need This Change!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


This would melt people lol.

Bit too strong but sure would be faceroll fun.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

No healers = class balance must be perfect.

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Well Noctred I would still say the QPs are not a indicator of potential team skill just current. If good team based players from other MMOs and this game see no reason to pvp because there is no rating and just a farming system then we will never really know with a QP system because the pool will always be very small with a few groups farming each other.

So back to my point… if there is no ladder system there will be not be a pvp system worth anything at least in my eyes.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Stack'omancer versus Condition'omancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Don’t invest in spiteful marks as condition damage build you will get more damage out of the flesh golum doing 30% more damage and if you go that path I would drop the signet and pick up another pet wurm/shadow. Give them 50% more health or faster cooldowns keep greater marks.

Regarding the question: Does the gain in might make it better then the base condition damage from undead runes. You might find something very comical perhaps a bug if you test BiP or any might generation with conditions. I have been using it gives that little boost that has moved me towards condition builds away from power, I still use undead runes or 3/6, 3/6 setup for 30% longer bleeds but BiP never leaves my bar.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET