Its insane how few builds some classes have like elementalists have…
Guardians (my main) i just don’t even know what to do with, (wvw mostly, i dont like that pvp makes me earn my armor looks over and they could have ballenced pvp armor stats around pve armor stats (yes and up-graded the ones that werent max level) (and keep some skills ballenced for pvp/pve)
Ive quit this game because ascended weapons require crafting,
Incorrect, there is quite a bit of stuff that have been permanent addition that has been added with the Living World model.
We have gotten a new area, new dungeon path, two new dungeons that are coming back as fractals, new fractal, new reward system, new WvW stuff, revamped world events, improved crafting and so on.
And yes, we have gotten new weapon and armor-skins with the Living World.
? Most of that isn’t from the living story its just updates that any normal mmo gets… and thats not a lot of stuff at all….. Not enough to make me and my friends come back.
Also some of the things you’ve said are trivial.
I sence you just don’t want to pay money.
None of the stuff you’ve listed is comparable to a real expansion go check out World of Warcrafts expansions, or guild wars 1’s expansions.
so far everyone in the living world has been temporary and its been all pretty lackluster.
To add a whole new story arc with a whole need area and a new feel with a bunch of new weapon/armor skins and new weapons and new features requres more then what the living story can deliver…
edit: of course its in my opinion, no need to put that as that obvoius…
(edited by Blissified.8369)
This game NEEDS:
-More Skills
-More Weapon Skills
-More Utility Skills
-More Weapon Choices per class
-More enemy variation / enemy tacticts
-New Areas with a more serious theme and tone (Like nightfall was in gw2)
- An 8 player instanced story mission chain like in gw1 and personal story in gw2 but make it geared for a FULL PARTY so more people will play and enjoy it just like gw1 missions.
*Make a darker more deep story with more violence
*A different toned story
*New writing style
The living story isn’t cutting it, also we need a new story driven way to introduce new cool items, not just puttting new items in the game that you can only get thru a non immersive chest that you get from clicking a menue.
Ascended / rare unique items should have cool storys too them perhaps very powerful bosses that weild them that you need to cool for a chance for him to drop his weapon.
Why is their no story for ascended stuff? Why can we only craft it and not sell it?
To add a whole new story arc with a whole need area and a new feel with a bunch of new weapon/armor skins and new weapons and new features requres more then what the living story can deliver…
(edited by Blissified.8369)
In case you missed it: single thread performance.
New laptops usually run i3 or i5 CPUs compared to mid range gaming rigs with AMD cpus.Here s a “GW2” CPU chart:
Yes there is the occasional “i didnt clean my PC for 3 years” or similar situation but in general GW2s render engine the main source of the problem. There are no miracle performance boosts till they dethread/optimize/rework it.
I was not debating whether or not the game is thread heavy. It is. As for your point about the intel and amd processors I’m not quite sure which point you are trying to get across.
There are plenty of “miracle performance boosts” if your computer isn’t setup right. As the best example which I have already used, no one really considered CPU cores being parked when running the game, until a guy came along at the forum. I’ve never seen so many happy people in one thread before. You can yell all you want that you get horrible performance because of poor optimization/poor game engine all you want, but a lot of people also come here saying they have no problem. If they can run the game, why can’t you? Because the game has a special exception that if they see your particular setup, it has to do twice the work? I have still seen nothing that indicates why half of GW2 players should get poor performance while others run the game fine.
But telling people their game runs like $^#& because they’ve made utter rookie mistakes and it’s all their own fault and you know better is inconsiderate to say the least.
Well, from my point of view
- Various computers run the game fine.
- People with similar or superior specs run the game poorly
- If the error is on GW2’s side: I see no way how. Sure a game can run differently depending on your entire setup. But assuming two build of somewhat equal power all around, using slightly different setup, using common components – Well that does not make a game go from 10 to 60 FPS, nor the other way around
- If the error was on the computer, software somehow blocking the hardware, that would however explain why people using the same setups get way different results.I’m not trying to be inconsiderate. I’m trying to look at it logically.
Furthermore, it’s fairly common knowledge that GW2’s problems lie with the game logic (as in, CPU), as otherwise changing graphics settings (which everyone can and have done in vain attempt to get more FPS) would resolve any performance problems outright.
That’s what I was getting at.
True! GW2 is way too CPU dependant, and to date I’ve never seen a graphics card holding this game back (With the rare exception of the mobile Intel HD 3000/4000, which I refuse to call a graphics card). But once you utilize that CPU while still being ok in regard to other components, I have still to see the computer that can’t hit somewhere around 30 FPS in a zerg.
And I also agree completely that changing in-game settings doesn’t change much for most machines; Those settings revolve mostly around the GPU which in most cases isn’t doing much anyway.Still – Never seen a relatively new computer not being able to pull 30FPS… Well unless the new computer is a tablet q:
everything you said i agree with except you’re last sentence, read my specs and in dragon fights on a populated server, i drop below 30 fps all the time and you’re right turning off supersampling and shadows down to high and reflections down to terrain only doesn’t change much in zerg v zerg (these are the most taxing to have on ultra instead of high)
I do recomend people playing on all max to turn down those settings i mentioned to high as the gain is a lot compared to what you see
Mainly from the people claiming that they get good performance, but oh my god, from people saying dx11 is a bad thing ( dx11 can always be turned off) to others saying TOP OF THE LINE HARDWARE 3 years ago is obselete (btw i just built a 2000 dollar computer). A top of the line gaming rig 3 years ago is still top of the line now, hardware isn’t progressing as fast as it used to.
i5 3570k overclocked to 3.8
Amd Sapphire 7950 oc’ed to core clock :1200mhz (insane o.c makes it faster then stock 680/7970 by a bit)
8gb Corsair Vengence @ 1600mhz
Running @ 1080p Everything max – Fps drops below 20 in BIG ZERGS= unmplayable
in non zergs fps = 50-100 avg 55
Running @ 1080p Reflections – terrian only, supersampling off,Shadows High – Fps drops below 20 in big zergs = unplayable
in non zergs fps = 50-120 avg 65
Conclusion: This game still has mediocre to moderate performance in non zerg situations and in big fights like tequati or any dragon / WvW Zerg v Zerg battle (mid battle) on a full server like t.c performance is unacceptable and unplayable.
Unplayable = anything below 30fps and thats being generious on my part because when the high end systems or a budget high end system (like mine)
cant ALWAYS get above 30fps on ultra settings (or even on my 2nd test run with all ultra except turned shadows to high and reflections to terrain only and S.S Off)…………………….Theirs a PROBLEM!
I signed on to just post this because the ammount of people posting misinformation is making my head hurt, also a gaurentee most people getting good fps especially when they state they have lower end systems are running at LOW RESOLUTIONS or dont play with a fps counter enabled or are used to playing games with low fps.
Someone said their was a mmo out where you were lucky to get 5 fps, thats a lie 5 fps is slower then a slideshow.
Also AMD AND INTEL PROCESSORS can BOTH play games PERFECTLY if you have an amd 8350 then you have MORE THEN ENOUGH to play ANY game on ultra settings if you have the right GPU.
Ofcourse if you have a low end amd card then that card wont run gw2 good, amd just has a lot more slower processors out their, but if you have a person who knows what their doing they would only put about 3 different amd cpu’s in their gaming rig, the 8000 series which shouldn’t be bottleknecked AT ALL.
(edited by Blissified.8369)
Yeah, I said my piece.
No sense in a further discussion when the other sides main argument is, “it´s faster because I said so”.
Especially judging from a freshly installed system on unknown hardware.If you bothered to read benchmarks that have been linked it does have a several fps increase in performance, not a major increase but 1-5 extra fps just from having a different OS is pretty nice.
1-5 fps, so 2.5 fps more average… is nothing actually ive done benchmarks with my o.s where the difference has been that.
Yes windows 8 does give some games a negligable boost.
u guys can have ur sab,
ill be playing a game with REAL CONTENT and not kiddy, cheap mini-games that have NOTHING to do with the gw2 world.
tes:online HERE I COME!
(edited by Blissified.8369)
people, dx11 games doesnt mean you cant play it with older cards….. all games with dx11 can be run in dx9,10, just with less features, i only want dx11 for the porfamance and looks 2nd.
Maybe it’s because the sun is shinning on your armor, and since it is silver, it reflects back the yellow light, making your armors more yellow-y than the preview?
its not silver, all the armor is dyed CELESTIAL (THE WHITEST WHITE)
If you want to get what you see in the Hero Panel / Preview window, turn off the Post-Processing effects
And no, I’m not kidding
The preview you see in Hero Panel and Preview window do not take into account Post-Processing and Shadows. Turning off Post-Processing will remove the hue effect around your character
Doesnt work,turned off post procession and chestpiece still doesnt match, this is a problem with some reason the previewer isn’t taking into account the different materials and how dyes look and just uses the pure color.
guys my point is that the preview is BUGGED its NOT lighting ive said it 1000 times, the preview isn’t showing what it actually looks like which isn’t cool at all when your trying to mix n match (as all real gw2 players do)
(edited by Blissified.8369)
You may wish to acquire White dye as well, and apply it to the chestpiece. Not all armors reflect light and color the same way, so having both White and Celestial (or Black and Abyss) on various pieces evens out the slight mismatch.
Most of my armor sets are mix n match, and this is how I keep things looking like one set.
you’re right, if i use celelstial on the chestpiece, and white on the others, then the chest piece now matchs the ugly grey-looking white, but problem is i wanted that nice clear white on the chestpiece to match it.
Now i know this is somthing mix and matching people have to deal with, but my problem is why does it look legit in the preview
Maybe it’s because the sun is shinning on your armor, and since it is silver, it reflects back the yellow light, making your armors more yellow-y than the preview?
its not silver, all the armor is dyed CELESTIAL (THE WHITEST WHITE)
(edited by Blissified.8369)
its not amibent lighting, i tried it in all lighting, its actually because the materials are technically different which the game color previewer doens’t correctly incorperate.
the preview image their all the same shades of white, in game no matter the lighting (ive tried many different angels im not THAT DUMB)
the only part thats white is the middle chest piece.
So i was excited for my guardian to look like this (changing my mixxed set so i can match radient armor a bit) and to my unfortunate suprise what i saw in the preview is not what i see ingame and its a shame it looks B.A in preview mode
This needs to be fixxed plz.
Note its all dyed celestial.
my mixxed set is still the best overall imo.
It is indeed pretty awsome and totally fits the look. What’s that chest piece?
chest piece is dredge dungeon
Im actually thinking of changing it to t.a dungeon, but yea its dredges.
Having a scepter in your bag wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. There are plenty of places in the game where ranged dps is the only viable option. That said, I don’t agree with the assertion that all guardians should use a scepter as their primary weapon.
I personally like to use melee / semi melee for all parts, and its gone fine, when people do the stack together and range to death i move in and melee the bosses, its just A LOT HADER i prefer to play this way, if i need range for pulling i do have 1200 with the orb on the staff.
I play melee only by choice, not cuz of ingorance.
Theirs nothing in the game that requires ranged that i can think of, some of the little cheap strats against bosses call for it, but im already bored because this games pve is easy so going melee only makes it a little more tolerable.
Btw with greatsword pull and staff line of warding i do great on the trials, ( i even solo them) IMO thats more build dependant anyway.
Actually in his defense Scepter is awesome in trials. Immobilizing the looters is a godsend. But yeah, if you were doing fine without it don’t worry about it.
it was trials, and immobalizing is good, staff has line of warding which is just as good, / better if u have multiple people, and that plus the greatsword pull i was fine.
oh I WAS the one that said ive been playing since beta btw.
So, you think if they add dueling people will QQ
We know for a fact dueling people will QQ – just look at this topic.
Between implementing a seriously flawed feature and not implementing it, the latter is better. Dueling would be something seriously flawed considering how the game has not been balanced around 1vs1. The game developers right now can’t even balance the current skills for the current game modes, they would never be able to balance more skills (which we have been told are incoming) for all the current game modes plus 1vs1.
This game seams pretty ballenced to me, some classess may need a few tweaks, more so classes need MORE OPTIONS then anything, but right now i;d say the game is pretty ballenced in pvp / wvw / pve.
Plus i 1v1 really good players all the time on multiple maxed out characters and have yet to see anything game-breaking.
This game was never horrible unballenced, drama queens will be drama-queens yes theirs some ballencing to do, but nothing so bad as to with-hold features that every other game in its genre has had from launch.
I would love to see the post where they said they would never balance Tpvp.
You forgot the key word.
There’s a world of difference between balancing tPvP and balancing FOR tPvP. One implies that the game mode is balanced, the other implies the other game modes take a backseat to the one being balanced for. Understand?
As Allie said, we want to be careful to balance their (classes) WvW/PvE potential against their PvP potential, and then inside of PvP, we have to be careful to watch how they perform at high ranks vs. low ranks.
So, you think if they add dueling people will QQ and that QQ will lead them to break their whole entire game to appease that group of people? Because not only will they balance dueling they will balance the game FOR dueling.
Yes, because they’ve already demonstrated they’re willing to balance one area of the game to detriment of others. If they’ve taken an action once (or multiple times, as is the case), what’s unreasonable about expecting them to do it again?
Lmao these anti-dueling arguements make me LOL
so you don’t want dueling because you’re worried the devs arnt smart enough to NOT ballence the whole game around it?
So you don’t want dueling because you’re worried anet is kittened,?
I’m not unique in this aspect: I played Guild Wars 1 for years. It is arguably my favorite game of all time.
What made it near perfect was its balance between MMO gameplay and the ability to play however you wanted, whether alone or with people, min-maxing or playing with something quirky and interesting. Character builds, while widely copied for min-maxing at least, were extremely unique and interesting. Necro/Rit, Rit/Ranger, Wa/Mo, Wa/Derv and on and on. I was always surprised reading about what combination of classes, runes, items and abilities someone combined to make something truly unique.
In Guild Wars 1, I happily purchased almost every item they put into the cash shop. The link to heroes for the PvP unlocks made them still extremely worthwhile purchases even for just running around vanquishing areas.
In Guild Wars 2, much of this is lost. In its place are other benefits. Crafting is much improved in terms of potential at least. Visual character customization is better than it’s ever been. Combat is in many ways improved, certainly in the fluidity and potential skill cap of the active combat itself. The world feels more alive. Weapons tied to abilities has lead to more potential variety in setup. Guild functionality is much improved (though who doesn’t miss having a guild hall?). Achievement rewards, awesome.
What I find interesting however is that in every area where it is a step backward, it is not a step backward in a way that conflicts with its steps forward.
What I’ve felt most poignantly having come back to GW2 after a lost absence is the inability to attempt any PvE content I wish by myself. It’s not that I’m anti-social, but that my life is not configured such to be able to always allow for uninterrupted play. If I was running on a group of myself + heroes, I could simply step away from the computer for a few minutes, take care of what I needed to, and return. I don’t believe 4 players would approve of this. No progress GW2 has made in any other area would be negatively impacted by allowing the use of heroes, especially if those heroes were tied to alts or important story characters. World roaming, I don’t see any purpose in a self made party, but for fractals and dungeons, it’s a tremendous loss compared to GW1.Also, the gem store is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it’s a great way to offer some of the best parts of the GW1 cash store and more. On the other hand, it’s clearly affecting game design decisions in a way that is moving too far down the path of mobile and facebook games. I strongly dislike RNG elements introduced into store purchases (recent skin items) and am also not a fan of some of the restrictions on items that are relatively expensive. When I buy a skin, I expect to own that skin forever. I do not expect to have to re-purchase it for $10 every time I change armor to maintain that look. When I buy a perma-axe, I expect to be able to send it to my new main. It was $10 afterall. Capping salvage kits from merchants at 80% with gem purchased @ 100%. These are the types of gameplay changes that are moving away from the “pay for what you love” and into the “pay to remove pain points” territory.
There is also the slip into gear based progression and too much reliance on grinding #‘s. I didn’t understand the move to 80 levels from 20. The quote I remember was something along the lines of, people said they wanted more progression. Ok… but what happens at level 80? This strikes me of the scene in Something About Mary with 7 minute abs. The problem isn’t removed, only moved and delayed. All it’s managed to do is delay the moment where you feel ready for end game content (upleveling just isn’t effective in WvW). Now add in the ascended gear/legendary stat increases and an unpleasant precedent is being set.
Finally, the living story and lack of emphasis on major content releases. I’m not into mini-games and jumping puzzles. A trickle of these in groups with a little lore attached will never replicate the experience of exploring Cantha for the first time or playing through the well crafted missions of GW1. New classes. New continents. New content to rival the starter content in size, scope and importance. Currently, content feels like a thinly veiled pressure to spend more money in the gem shop when I’d much rather, and gladly, throw money at you for new content.
If you want to be able to play ALL the content by yourself, then why are you playing an MMO? even if you could play dungeons in gw2 by yourself, it would be way less exciting then playing say a singleplayer only game where you have 5 npcs that help you (DRAGON AGE ORIGINS / MASS EFFECT 1,2,3 BAULDRS GATE, DIABLO, SKYRIM.FALLOUT)
Pvp is ballenced seperately
WvW is ballenced Seperately
Dueling can be ballenced seperatelyt
or just leave it and only ballence game breaking things (qq doenst count)
or lump dueling ballence in with pvp / wve ballence
OR learn that good ballencing takes into account all game modes, like all the other mmos do.
Most other mmos only have pvp / pve skill ballencing and that accounts for all types of pvp 1v1 to 50v50 and it works out good enough.
I 1v1 all the time in wvw and can tell you the classes are ballenced enough, and i duel really good players and we communicate via forums / mumble to set up these matchs, remember most of the people saying things arn’t ballenced on the forums are just bad players that need to learn, that in some sitations one class / build may excel more then the other
The omg but anet might have to ballence it and it could be hard arguement is a joke.
Anet can do this, we pay them to do these things remember, if everyone els can do it can to don’t worry everything will be fine.
Not every single game mode needs to have its own ballence, it works in other games, most of the qqing about ballence on forums isn’t legit, and theirs strats to take down people.
(edited by Blissified.8369)
Let me help explain it to some people here, the people opposed to dueling don’t want to look bad or like a coward when someone asks them to duel and they decline. That’s it, there’s no other real reason, simply put, they don’t want the feature implemented because it makes them uncomfortable.
+1 for dueling. It’s fun.
A mind reader you’re not.
I don’t want dueling because the type of player that is attracted to that stuff isn’t at all generally attacted to the type of game I want or play. In general I think the duelist community is incompatible with the community I’d rather see in the game. I feel the same about open world PvP of any kind.
Open world PvPers call those of us who don’t want that sort of that carebears. I also don’t want to see the flood of my profession isn’t balanced posts, because the game was never meant to be balanced for 1v1.
Thinking that I’d be embarrassed to refuse a duel request isn’t just wrong…it’s completely wrong. I’d be PROUD to refuse a duel request.
dueling isn’t open world pvp. dueling means two players have to accept.
So you dont want people who like to duel to have fun because they MIGHT not like the same stuff as you?
Everyone i know wants dueling, even the people who only do pve, and the people i know that do pvp and wvw also play pve so i dont understand..
Im big on pve and immersion and all that, but i find it fun to duel people while waiting for dungeons, lfg’ing for people for an activity, or while waiting to figure out somthing to do, or to settle a score, or just to have a bit of competetive fun.
what do you like?
(edited by Blissified.8369)
so we shouldn’t have dueling because people might ask to ballence it?
I just don’t get the logic here, dueling may never be 100 percent ballenced but then can say that, but if dueling becomes so big people are asking to ballence it i see that as a good thing.
The cool thingf games like these is the players can ballence stuff themselves atleast somewhat (it happend in gw2) say someone runs flavor of the month build a, then people start running a counter to fotm build a, thats build b, then build b may become flavor of the month.
Dueling isn’t about being completely ballenced, dueling is about fun, sometimes fun>ballenced and i already duel A LOT in wvw by meeting people in the forums on different servers and i can tell you its VERY FUN and not that unballenced at all, if you get owned its you’re own fault.
Because this is a MMO
Massive Multiplayer Online games are ment for playing WITH other people which includes playing against, basicly “INTERACTING” with people.
Also its COMPLETELTY OPTIONAL click the option “automaticly deney duel requests” if you get so buthurt over a tiny little message.
dueling as being a mmo convention is silly, dueling is a form of player activity, player activity is a convention of online games, not mmos.
thats like saying every other game has dungeons, so why should this gw2
So because my workplace says “employee client face-to-face interaction is highly recommended” I should be dueling my clients, eh?
Your reasoning just isn’t sound. At all.
Are you trolling me?
Is you’re work an online computer game?
you’re post did make me lol though, so thanx :P
Because this is a MMO
Massive Multiplayer Online games are ment for playing WITH other people which includes playing against, basicly “INTERACTING” with people.
Also its COMPLETELTY OPTIONAL click the option “automaticly deney duel requests” if you get so buthurt over a tiny little message.
dueling as being a mmo convention is silly, dueling is a form of player activity, player activity is a convention of online games, not mmos.
thats like saying every other game has dungeons, so why should this gw2
Most people like me want dx11 for the increased performance as this game runs like crap for how it should run on high end computers, plus it doesn’t use as much gpu power as it should (on high end cards)
arn’t all cards dx11 ready? ( I should know this, embarrasing coming from a computer technician)
edit my 7950 certaintly is.right?
i thought all cards are capable of using dx11 as long as you have windows 7 and up (stupid microsoft scam)
this is why i am switching to tes online, the gw2 community just has no clue what a good game is, they’d rather have mini games as their main story driven content, with new items only available outside of the game in a store, then an OPTIONAL addition that any good mmo should have (like dueling)
Also the people who never played an mmo before, telling people to go back to wow or or leave gw2, wow didn’t invent
dueling/raids/pvp/ wow didn’t event any of the stuff, wow copied everquest! wow had dueling because mmos should have dueling.
(edited by Blissified.8369)
agreed it would support more of a full team – build like in games that actually have build variety and more then 10 different choices of skills (that only fit in 3 slots) and the limite traits.
gw2 is becoming almost like p2win because for some winning in gw2 means having the nicest look gear that u could have for your character. same as in gw1, cept gw2 makes it s o you have to buy the new cool armor with real cash, ontop of that you have to pay atleasrt 50 bucks for one new peice because of their rng assure people spend atleast 40 – 50 bucks
Maybe if you guys would stop throwing away your money, then hey they might actually incorperate a non REAL MONEY NO GAMEPLAY AT ALL GAMBLING TYPE rng way to get new items, hey i got a GREAT idea how but getting items from actually PLAYING THE GAME this is becoming diablo 3, gw2 DOES NOT WANT TO BECOME D3.
In GW1 you got cool weapons skins as a CHANCE TO DROP from said REAL BOSS MOBS THAT WEILDED THE WEAPON ITSELF.
example; Blissified wields the Demonic blade of the blisslord, well galie grey comes by with her 8 friends, she slays me but almost dies, because i am very heard to kill and a lot of parties fail to kill me, well she kills me, gets lucky and gets my weapon; the demonic blade of blisslord, it very unique.
Galie shows it off to her friend bobby, bobby sais “Wow thats cool, i killed blissified but i didnt get his drop” then bobby sais “But i did find these Angelic pauldrons of might, they glow n kitten! i got it from killing that fallen angel boss”
and then they live happily ever after, continueing to play the game and find new unique skins, heck anet even added in 10 more bosses around existing tyria that have chances to drop their weapons / armor pieces on kill, but some of these may even spawn randomly around world, some may not. also added wvw specific armor/weapons that you can only earn in wvw but use anywere, same with spvp, and pve, you get them from doing those things but you get to wear them anywere.
Also anet revamped champiosns, so that randomly generated mini champions can spawn randomly out in the wilderness, they are randomly chosen with different attributes / unique abilities each time they randomly spawn, these guys have high chances to drop named exotics, and out top teir ascended gear (anything except legendarys)
these bosses would be very hard and spawn in different places and arre also rare
(edited by Blissified.8369)
Apparently im a noob because i dont carry a sceptor around, because i like to use staff/greatsword and prefer to melee bosses which i do just fine with, he said wow your a noob you dont use a sceptor, i asked why is that noob?
They told me because sceptor is only ranged weapon guardian has, i then replied with if i need to pull i can use stakitten number 2 orb skill which has 1200 range, then i said i have been playing guardian since beta and i can melee any boss without downing, he then said only a noob uses only melee, i replied by saying melee is way more challenging then ranged how am i the noob?
He then kicked me.
Btw we were doing the trials, i do keep a spare sceptor in my bank if i do need it, but everything ive done so far doesnt require it, if theirs a time i need to be out of range ill just use orb of light on my staff which btw has a reduced cooldown.
This made me so angry, as i was the only one not downing on the last teir of the trials, (one more teir b4 achievement) and they decide to kick me even tho i was pulling more pludneres away with my gs, uses the wall skill on my staff to block plunderers, yet just because i wasnt using a 1200 range (staff is 600) im a noob.
Most comments in this thread demonstrate how little some players know about sPvP. Complaints about stealth? Terrible class balance? Limited attributes compared to PvE?
Limited attributes are a good thing. In WvW it’s possible to reach extreme levels on some attributes such as 120% +crit damage. In PvP the maximum + crit damage is capped around 60%. The limitation reduces the role of luck and takes insane burst out of the game. Another problem is the dominance of bufffood: +40% condition duration makes a world of a difference. The additional attributes and bufffood ruin the balance in WvW. The limited attributes make sPvP the best balanced mode of the game.The sPvP community is not visible. There’s no skill lag and no blob. Around 50.000 players on EU, probably the same number on NA, so 100.000 in total played at least 10+ tournament matches since the implementation of leaderboards. Would you call that unpopular?
This is why they should have made a middle ground like food buffs only in pve and not in wvw / pvp, ballence the attributes so they work in both pvp AND pve maybe have the 100percent crit actually only be 80 percent of what it is right, now, or just use the wvw stat style without food buffs in pvp, theirs counters to high burst and ive played some 10v10 and 20v20 in wvw (was structured) we even do 4v4 and 1v1 and it still seems decently ballenced if you take out food.
Or ATLEAST let skins earned from pve be used in pvp, ESPECIALLY special items, so i earned my shatterer wings, youre telling me i can either use it in pvp or pve . so max 50 percent of the game ican use somthing? BS.
But thats just an extreme example i want to bring my arah /cof/ta/rubicon/t3 mixxed set on my guard into spvp heck i earned some of the upgrades and pieces of that set in the other form of pvp in the game! (wvw) even if it was just the skins from pve why not?
Want to keep pve players still happy? make some PVP EARNED ONLY skins (that work in pve also) so that pvp players can still show some prestiege, then make some PVE ONLY AND PVP/PVE MIX required skins for the people that play pve or play both pve and pvp types so their can be a type earned from doing a bit of both too.
Also other pvp unique things that can be used in pve would be allowed
so with my suggestion we have:
All the current pve / pvp armor skins that can earned in both and used and worn in both
Then we have pvp specific skins that can only be earned in pvp but player can WEAR anywere
Then we have skins you can only earn in pve (not in game yet) but you can wear in both game types
the new game type earned – specific armors are just to show prestige for your game type, any regular new armors will be usable in both gametypes, but to make the pvp players happy giving them somthing unique on or two sets (more later) can be pvp specific same thing for pve players. but still 95 percent of the skins (and all current skins) will be usable for all.
i think this would be a nice first step into making spvp as good as gw1 pvp,
next we need more gametypes, a random team type, and a planned team type of match, and more. ( i posted more on thiss on my first post on this page, this morning go back to read)
(edited by Blissified.8369)
save yourselfs is op? l2p bud, theirs HARD counters to save yourrselves and guardian bunkers arn’t even that effective, their just the most obvious bunker choice.
no. i wasn’t clear… it was nerfed by anet already specifically for spvp and shouldn’t have been. i know they are not effective which is odd considering other classes are better at being a guardian.. it’s stupid ‘balancing’. no one can even call it that.
my bad u should really edit that post, it seems that you actually ment the opposite of what i got out of it.
- no reward compared to equivalent time spent on something else
- bad balancing: nerf guardian bunker (“save yourselves…” etc), but make engineer and necromancer bunkers. trying to capture point when they can drop high damage on the point and you are melee is stupid…oh sure, you can avoid the point….except hthat is letting them win
- targeting is bad too for stealth rogues that keep stealthing and running through you, dropping targeting every 3-5 seconds
save yourselfs is op? l2p bud, theirs HARD counters to save yourrselves and guardian bunkers arn’t even that effective, their just the most obvious bunker choice.
What We Want In GW2 PVP
- PVE skins in PVP
- More Modes like:
CTF,FFA,TDM, Attack / Defend, Random TDM/FFA, Hall of Heros(gw1), GvG
- And more game modes that require more varied play then just point capture
- Rewards that you can use anywhere in the game
- Less splitting of spvp from the rest of the game
- A Ladder Mode
- A ballencing of WvW And PVP to make them more unified and less like spvp is a whole new game.
- Fix targeting bug that untargets people, (this happends in all game types)
I see. The problem that may arise with offering gear from PvE to sPvP, they also need to account for the existing PvP players. I know a few aren’t too happy about the achievement boxes and I’m sure letting PvErs bring in culture gear wouldn’t excite them. So if they do that they should offer gear from sPvP to PvE too, to be fair.
I don’t know if using pvp gear in pve is fair, as it seems the rewards are off, i do know being able to bring pve skins into pvp wouldn’t though, because it seems pve gear takes a lot more time / resources then vice versa.
As in if someone has ran arah enough times to get full arah gear, compared to someone who just recieved it from doing pvp, as armor in pvp doesn’t have harder dungeons to do or not to to recieve said skins.
example: Teir 1 human gear in pvp vs arah gear in pvp, arn’t they almost the same reward – wise? i may be wrong as much as im a pvp player, i just hate how pvp is divided from the rest of the game, and with wvw their i have no reason to go to pvp.
(Except when i cant find any non zerg v zerg battles in wvw, as about half the time i prefer smaller skrimishes like 20 v 20 )
(edited by Blissified.8369)
guardian shield is a horrible weapon, outside some niche uses, i want the shield that has a block also.
It doesn’t seem right that the focus is better at blocking damage / protecting then a shield?
Ofcourse some people wont be happy as they already have their focus and people fear change, but i would like focus block on shield, and or just re-vamp shield completely.
i cant even use my special back items in pvp, unless i want them to forever only be locked into pvp. Wth? why do i only have a choice for one or the other thats kittened.,
I cant even use my skins ive earned in wvw/pve in pvp, i should be able to atleast use the skins.
So for my pvp needs i just go to WvW where the game isn’t split into two and my rewards can be used in the rest of the game.
The game runs fine on any cheap gaming rig. Now if you’re talking a computer with no quality gaming parts… this is an age old problem. You have to be careful what you buy because there are plenty of lame companies that will sell you a junk parts computer because they just don’t care.
Your best bet is to go to hardware websites and check in the forums what kind of parts someone would build a cheap gaming rig with right now.
Please this isn’t the problem at all, its more like people who actually buy top ends parts and know their stuff notice their not getting the right ammount of performance they should be.
These people complainng arn’t people buying their parts from bestbuy, its people like me who built 1500 rigs which shouldn’t have framerate drops in big zergs.
A TON of misiniformation here, people claiming their game runs fine probably don’t even notice their fps drops and are probably used to slow downs, because they seem not know what their talking about.
(edited by Blissified.8369)
my mixxed set is still the best overall imo.
With wings, i also have the scarcerite shell back piece that i was rocking before, i dont know what backpiece i like better. Fallen Angel look or headcrab but on the back corrupted paladin thingy look.™
(edited by Blissified.8369)
Yay finally some people who know their stuff have shown up, and i dont feal like im in the twilight zone, where windows 8 magicly improves performance on an engine that has optimization issues, and where windows 8 benchmarks even tho they show no significant performance in any games, still makes a difference because its shiny and 8 is better then 7!
i dont see how windows would make it look any different.
Only time o.s has made games look “better” is when windows forces you to have to upgrade to get the latest dx, which happend from windows xp to windows 7 (windows xp didnt support dx11 even though it could have is ms wanted it to, it was just a scam to get people to upgrade to windows 7.)
So even if you did go from windows xp to windows 8, gw2 should’nt look any better since gw2 is dx9.
Looks =/= performance and Win8 does have slight performance optimization over Win7.
I also have no idea what your talking about with stream it works fine I use it all the time…. Some people just don’t like change I guess.
You´re ignorant, please inform yourself. I suggest googling Gabe Newell´s comment on Win8.
I use Win7 on an SSD and it probably boots about 3 seconds slower than Win8 would.
I can live with that.
You really have to start understanding that with Microsoft change = hype.
Microsoft wants to control the market, any market it is involved in.Every product ever has been hyped, every company wants market control and what ONE person says doesn’t matter when there really is no control over the games market on win8 like gabe said win8 would do, unless you count the ONE Halo mobile game, every thing on Windows 8 works fine all the way back to Win95 with my original disks for Half life 1 and built in mounting to play older pc titles, w/o a disk.
if you read the o,p he said the game looks better with windows 8.
Did you even read the thread?
Why do people keep taking what i say and applying a different context to it to try and prove me wrong?
you’re going to rotate them when you feal like rotating them. Thats what you should do
/thread done.
Can anyone from Arenanet provide any comments on that? I tried to contact support but their answer was generic and useless as usual.
I have transmuted 6 out of 11 legendaries because PVT stats are useless in nearly every aspect of the game and i really-really do not want to see all my efforts wasted.
Appreciate any feedback, please note that this question was already answered on these forums multiple times
Thank you
actually if theirs one item you want to have as pvt, it would be your weapon, zerker stats on weapons cost sooo much attributes for that lil bit of crit dmg its almost not worth it.
PVT is def not useless in almost all parts of the game at all, the only arguement you sort of have is pvt in pve, wvw/pvp pvt is good, and having a few pvt items on a pve build is not bad either, i understand why a pve’er wouldnt wanna go all pvt but zerker trinkets, pvt weapon and knights/pvt armor with ruby jewels is actually really good in pve if your a class with really low base hp like a guardian
I was under the impression that when they referred to “consumables”, they meant items that disappear when you use them which will give small but permanent bonuses to magic find for the account, not food items or such which you can eat at any time for a brief magic find increase……
why would you be under the impression that they ment that? that would be way o.p, or so rare and weak
that it wouldnt have a noticable effect.
to add to op:
i think their should be actual rewards for you’re in-game achievements. The skins that they award should not be dyeable whatsoever, and only really look good on heavy armor characters, because only heavy armored characters count as real people with souls.