New skills without "traiting" them?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643
I did not know until last night, when I unlocked “Scrapper”, that I had to use the new trait in order for me to use the new Utility and Elite skills
I mainly only wanted it for the Elite skill, but I like the rest of my PVE build “as is”.
I can see how it makes sense “thematically”, and I concede that using that weapon should require the trait. But why should we need the trait to use the other skills?
Weapons are just a set of skills. Why should some new skills be okay to require the trait be slotted, and other new skills not?
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
There are plenty of places across Tyria that other players will never see for many reasons. I think you mean that it’s a place that some players won’t potentially see due to BLC RNG, is that correct? One reason is as good as any another why someone might not see something.
Reasons… like? Everyone who bought HoT has access to every map in GW2. No one is left out on anything, you’re able to explore everything. But you don’t have access to the vantage point unless you bought keys. That’s the difference.
News flash: The new maps might require HoT to access, but they’re not part of HoT. They are free content that ANet is under no obligation to release them or any part of the LW to the players… they can stop them or even remove them at any time, and if they did you would not be out any part of what you purchased with HoT. They could even change it so that it wouldn’t require HoT access, and you’d still not be out of any part of what you purchased with HoT. It’s a subtle difference, but an important one…. Because it is why your argument comes off as entitlement.
And as far as reasons go as why you might not see something, here’s a few: 1) You didn’t know something was there, and just didn’t see it every time you passed it. 2) You don’t want to purchase the Royal Terrace Pass, Captain’s Airship Pass, or similar from the gem store. 3) You don’t have the manual dexterity to get where you want to go. 4) You have an extreme aversion to the area, such as PvP or WvW. Do I need to continue? Not wanting to obtain keys for a drop that doesn’t appear difficult to get ranks equally among all those since you don’t need RL money to obtain keys.
And, just to split hairs a bit, you’re not locked out of it if you don’t have the item… I’ve seen nothing that states you can’t use the Teleport to a Friend item to get up there. If I’m wrong on that, please point me to that info, and I’ll strike out this part.
If it worked, your access to the mountain depends on another player who bought keys. You can’t go there anytime. A time gated, random chance to explore a place is not a solution. Plus, you can’t even buy Teleports to a Friend. They’re also part of Black Lion Chests or birthday gifts.
If it works, then it is a separate means for you to get up there. You have already had other people admit on your thread to getting the BVP item…. I’m sure it would be a piece of cake to make a request of someone here or on map chat or in a guild if you’re in one to find someone willing to let you use Teleport to Friend. TtFs are also given for an achievement, so they’re not exclusive to RNG or waiting a year. They are a perfectly valid alternative to get up there w/o having to use a BLC.
Also, has anyone tried to see if the Mesmer teleport is feasible? It does have a range of 5000, after all. That might be a 3rd way to get up there.
It pays to think of the solution, instead of the problem.
RNG exists throughout GW2, whether it be via BLC or mob drops. RNG is a staple function within MMOs and most other games in existence… whether it be computer generated , a roll of the dice, or a shuffle of the cards. Every time you kill a mob, you’re gambling even if you’re not thinking about it. RNG isn’t shady.
But it never prevented you from getting to a certain place in Tyria.
Ah, so you hate change and that’s what makes RNG shady. Gotchya. If GW2 used horses for mounts, then this is no different than a horse stable in the sky… and again, I assert that it’s not a place you’re getting but a different version of a travel boost.
How should BLC’s function? What kinds of rewards should they give that would encourage someone to farm or buy keys? Do you feel all items in the BLCs should be obtainable by other means?
The Black Lion Chests were updated recently. They do contain the chance of random wardrobe unlocks now. It’s been a reason why people started to buy keys again. Starting to lock areas after the game survived 4 years without it is surely not the only solution they have.
And, I don’t see it as locking areas. Your OP compared it to a convenience place like the Lava Lounge, when it functionally is NOT.
You’ve established your aversion to this item… good on ya’ for that. Maybe you’re right and it’s ultimately a bad idea. Maybe I’m right and it’s a great idea. At least ANet has the courage to try new things to see if they work, and that is a great thing for a game company to do. Can we at least agree on that?
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Could you please take an objective look at it? It’s not about perspective, these are facts: The player who bought keys and obtained the item will be spawned in a beautifully designed place in the mountains of Bitterfrost Frontier other players will never ever see. So they did exactly lock a part of the map.
It is about perspective. You see it a location on the map: a place to go to. I see it as a means to glide high above the map with a starting point that is immaterial to the function… again, would you object if they just dropped you high from the sky and hoped you had a fast loading time? The point of platform has nothing to do with map completion, POIs, achievements, mob spawns, jumping puzzles, or any other functions of a map. It could be invisible with no view because you’re surrounded by clouds, or a crevice in the mountain with a launch pad that shoots you out of it… the view doesn’t matter, only the function.
And, see, that’s where we have a different perspective: you think the view matters; you’re not putting any importance on the function of the item beyond seeing a view… for me, if that was what the item was for, it would be a complete waste of an item.
There are plenty of places across Tyria that other players will never see for many reasons. I think you mean that it’s a place that some players won’t potentially see due to BLC RNG, is that correct? One reason is as good as any another why someone might not see something.
And, just to split hairs a bit, you’re not locked out of it if you don’t have the item… I’ve seen nothing that states you can’t use the Teleport to a Friend item to get up there. If I’m wrong on that, please point me to that info, and I’ll strike out this part.
Plus, the only way you can get access to it is gambling. Tell me more about how this isn’t shady.
RNG exists throughout GW2, whether it be via BLC or mob drops. RNG is a staple function within MMOs and most other games in existence… whether it be computer generated , a roll of the dice, or a shuffle of the cards. Every time you kill a mob, you’re gambling even if you’re not thinking about it. RNG isn’t shady.
How should BLC’s function? What kinds of rewards should they give that would encourage someone to farm or buy keys? Do you feel all items in the BLCs should be obtainable by other means? Because if you do, there we continue to disagree… I have no issues with a convenience item being obtainable solely via RNG.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Sorry, I don’t share your concerns or perspective.
I think it’s a neat bonus thing to get out of a BLC, and keys are obtainable to any player w/o having to spend cash. And, if cash is spent, it’d be closer to a P2L than a P2W since it deprives you of mobs and drops. Speedier travel (in this case by gliding from a super-high ledge) is never P2W.
People clamor about how BLCs aren’t worth the effort or money to obtain keys… well, this is a step towards making it worth it… and again, it’s a non-P2W step, which is the kind of step I want to see.
Gliding above the enemies grants you an easier way to navigate through the map. You can also see it as an additional waypoint. Furthermore, the maps of the Living World belong to HoT. We paid for our expansion, so we surely won’t pay again in order to experience 100% of the maps.
You do know that if people agree on this they will go further and lock larger areas each time? You can see the concerns of the people in this thread. Black Lion Chests are gambling and are therefore not meant to lock maps. I think ArcheAge has been accused to be P2W because they started to put more and more into RNG boxes. Do you want GW2 to be like that?
And again, I don’t share your perspective. It’s not locking part of a map. Gliding is a primary mode of fast travel in this game. Speedier travel is never P2W… so how should such an item function in GW2, then? Should they just spawn you way high up in the air and drop you hoping your loading screen vanishes in time for you to deploy your glider? It makes sense that it drops you onto a ledge from which you can glide… that is awesome.
It’s a convenience item, nothing more… the ledge you’re put on is a logical part of how this type of convenience should work with the existing infrastructure of gliding. Convenience items are never P2W… that’s the same as saying the harvesting nodes you get out of BLCs are P2W… or buying the home portal stone off the gem store is P2W. It demonstrates a lack of understanding of what P2W is.
You are not map-locked. You are over-reacting.
And, your slippery-slope fears are just that: fears… they’re a logical fallacy.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Sorry, I don’t share your concerns or perspective.
I think it’s a neat bonus thing to get out of a BLC, and keys are obtainable to any player w/o having to spend cash. And, if cash is spent, it’d be closer to a P2L than a P2W since it deprives you of mobs and drops. Speedier travel (in this case by gliding from a super-high ledge) is never P2W.
People clamor about how BLCs aren’t worth the effort or money to obtain keys… well, this is a step towards making it worth it… and again, it’s a non-P2W step, which is the kind of step I want to see.
In that case, what are you complaining about? You have what you want. There’s some trench coats, so what? You can reskin your gear so just do it if you don’t like it.
How am I complaining?… I’m just saying that female non-sexual attire options aren’t as prolific as you’re making them out to be.
I have the Aetherblade medium set skin on my engineer, it’s neither a trench coat nor is it skimpy. I really can’t see the problem you could possibly have, unless your objective is to get trench coats out of GW2, which isn’t going to happen.
Again, what problem do I have? Or are you now talking to the OP?
I love trenchcoats… I just don’t like playing the medium-armor wearing classes. I wish more trenchcoats were available in the other armor weights… just like I’d love to see more skimpier male armor. Lord Faren’s Loincloth outfit needs to happen.
Also if the game’s artists like medium trench coats then who are you to tell them otherwise? It’s their game.
Now I’m convinced you’re not talking to me anymore, lol.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Now, for once, we get a game that has clothing meant to make females look epic rather than kittenty,
We must be playing two different versions of GW2… ’cause even if epic-looking clothing is an option for females, I see WAY more female PCs with skimpy and over-sexualized appearances in-game (and the screenshots people post of their characters) than I see with something epic and/or sensible for battle.
It depends how they fix it, but it is most likely to kill the map completely.
The map won’t be killed, you’ll find meta such as TD meta. Maybe VB and TD will have more players for meta, which is good.
Most folks will just move onto the next best farming spot and the AB meta will join the rest of the unpopular HoT content. A few die-hards will do it but most will not. /shrug
There are some that only care about the most efficient farm… but I think it’s fewer than you think. Definitely we want fun and efficient farms, and AB will likely remain so… Many of the older farms are still done (SW, World Boss, etc) there’s no reason AB won’t remain one regularly done by peeps even once multi-mapping exploiting is stopped. I feel that MO implied just as much in his ama introduction, but I also recognize I could be reading into it more than is there. But it’s bad business to nerf a farming spot to the point where it’s not worth going to… have a little faith that the devs know that.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Combat tonics were talked about briefly in yesterday’s ama (just a fyi for this discussion):
Are we going to start seeing more tonics like the Endless Kodan tonic to play as races/creatures that are too minor to become a fully playable race?
It’s very unlikely that we will add combat tonics of races that don’t share animations with the player races, like Skritt or Quaggan. Those creatures don’t have a large number of animations that are needed for player combat. However, both Linsey and I are big fans of combat tonics, so we’ll likely have more in the future where we can fit them in.
I see elite skills as skills you activate only occasionally, hence why they’re so powerful. For me most of them are my ‘oh-kitten’ button; a skill not needed for most combat.
Are you serious? Most elites are crap compared to some utility skills.
Yes I am. There are exceptions, of course… but the ones with the long CD’s, yeah… either highly situational or are ‘oh-kitten’ buttons…. skills not meant to be spammed or used in trash-mob combat which is a large majority of the game’s PvE combat. If you need elite skills in trash-mob combat, then you’re doing something very wrong.
Are there any plans to reduce some of these in the future? 3 minutes seems like an awfully long time to get to use a skill again (I don’t know if other MMOs have these long cooldowns too though.)
I’m still relatively amateur in skill, and play almost exclusively PVE, but it seems a shame that there are all these neat skills out there that I deliberately DON’T use just because of the long cooldown. I find myself choosing the 60 seconds or less skills just because I can use them more often
Seems to be 90 seconds should be considered a good maximum cooldown. Reduce the damage/power accordingly if you need to, but at last then we get to actually see the skill occasionally.
I see elite skills as skills you activate only occasionally, hence why they’re so powerful. For me most of them are my ‘oh-kitten’ button; a skill not needed for most combat.
They’re not elite if you “reduce the power/damage” in order to balance with a cooldown reduction… then they become just another utility skill.
Has there any discussion about reducing these?
Probably. It’s rare a topic comes up that hasn’t already been touched by someone. Most likely you’ll find such discussions in each profession’s sub-forum where they can be discussed with more specifics.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Because you asked, you don’t get to have it. But, the rest of us will enjoy it on your behalf.
NEVER log in on a patch day—-verrrrrry bad .
Agreed. While it’s understandable, they still almost always need to patch their update… I see little merit to rushing in immediately when updates goes live.
Because you asked, you don’t get to have it. But, the rest of us will enjoy it on your behalf.
Maybe ANet sees no future in featuring derivative content? Instead of trying to get a slice of the pie that’s made by others they instead bake their own.
Introduction of Raids suggest otherwise.
No, it actually doesn’t. Read the rest of my post…. GW2 having raids is no different than them having skills, quests, etc… they’re not done like everyone else does them; at the minimum they apeal to a broader audience, and thus a larger (or different) pie. It doesn’t matter one lick that the game didn’t start with them.
edit: in other words, GW2 raids seem intended to create a new type of raider player base, made only in part from those that like to do raiding in other games… but not exclusively so. If they just tried to solely target the ‘omergerz raid or die’ audience, they’d absolutely fail.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Plus, one of the things that sets GW2 apart is that it doesn’t try to do what everyone else does simply because everyone else does it.
So please tell me why they implemented raids at all? GW2 never meant to have raids but to provide challenging dungeons (later fractals) instead. They wanted to do it their way. With the implementation of raids, they did exactly the opposite of your statement.
The answer to your question is in your text I bolded. While they have NPC-given quests, they wanted to do it their way. While they have crafting, they wanted to do it their way. While they have skill bars, they wanted to do it their way. Same goes for every other component of GW2 that is marginally like other MMOs; raids are no different even if the game didn’t launch with them.
GW2 might have raids now, but they are raids done their way.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Except for GW2’s major competitors that have tiered raids and over a million paying customers each; but I guess ANet doesn’t like money as much as their peers evidently.
Maybe ANet sees no future in featuring derivative content? Instead of trying to get a slice of the pie that’s made by others they instead bake their own.
Many mmos went out of business aping WoW… there’s no future or piles of money in stagnant development.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Meh, if you all would just follow the Human Female Meta, none of this would be an issue and we’d have a thousand more armor sets in-game already. Hmm, should I have included “ever-shrinking” in there somewhere?
If the ‘human male meta’ showed as much skin as the ‘human female meta,’ then I might be motivated to make at least 1 human alt that wasn’t a key farmer.
I’d buy one too.
Ideal for Silent Sylvari, Asura crewes experimenting with microwaves and commanders who want to fight Mind Dragons.
When I google image searched “tinfoil hat vegetable,” this is the best result I could find… maybe consider it concept art?
That comic is what made me create such a build a while ago. I ran with it for a few months (frequently tweaking it), and it works really really well at keeping you alive.
This is my last iteration of it before I moved onto other builds:
The point is to utilize banner of tactics in order to boost your boon duration to over 34%, in order to keep regeneration up 100% of the time*. Since other banners don’t give you that extra 10% bd, they’re not worth using in this build. Most of the time you won’t even need the banner except in truly difficult fights.
Rune of the Monk is the best rune at that level of Healing Power… better than Dolyak (trust me, I crunched the numbers). If you want to know a way to get the runes of the Monk w/o going into AC, let me know via forum pm.
There’s some room for variation, of course, but I’ve found that this works against everything but the most powerful champions in PvE…. all w/o going into Berserker. Heck, there are plenty of champs I’ve flat-out face tanked solo.
AH + Healing Sig + Regen + Vig Shouts + Runes of the Monk + Sigil of Water = nearly unkillable Warrior.
*note= I haven’t tested this since the October patch where they reduced the regen cap to 5 stacks, so I’m not sure if one banner can still do the job of 100% regen up time with 37% boon duration. If it can’t, then I’d consider replacing Sig of Might with Banner of Strength as a possible solution.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Better solution: kill all the humans, sylvari, and norn… that way there are no human models. Then, all armor can be designed for Charr and Asura…. as it should be.
I’d rather a non-snarky response 5 hours after a question about an update was asked.
The response wasn’t snarky. But, in your OP you came across as an kitten; you set the tone for this thread, and your subsequent posts were no better. If you can’t keep your temper under control and be tactful when you post, then don’t be surprised if others aren’t falling over themselves with politeness in response.
When you posted your OP, there was already mention in the Game Release Notes section that there was a maintenance build. I know because I checked… right when you posted, before you had any responses. There was no purpose to your thread except to use it as an excuse to complain… regardless if you believe it or not, that maintenance build was the explanation posted. Kitten happens, the downtime in this game is far less than many others I’ve played even when patching, and if there’s nothing they feel is necessary for us to know when they patch/update then they’re not going to tell us. Accept it and get over it.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643
Don’t boost anything until you’ve leveled up at least one character normally.
Doing it that way, there’s no need to be thinking about the boost for a while… and by the time you’ve got at least one maxed character, you’ll likely have a better idea of what you’d like to use the boost on.
Hurrying to lvl 80 with the boost will at best leave you frustrated. The journey to 80 and the exploration of the world is one of the biggest strengths of GW2.
edit: Forget everything you’ve learned from WoW about how a MMO should be run, this game is different in many glorious and fundamental ways.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
The only thing that I ask for is for the devs to give us an answer on the question that people keeping fighting over:
Do they consider this to be an exploit that needs fixing, an exploit they allow because of the kittenstorm that would cause or if this was actually intented and truly allowed?they wont because even if they come out and say its not a exploit the kittenstorm wont stop. people will abuse them and non stop spam about how they are mistaken or “just giving in to bad players demands” as theyve been doing to people who defend it repeatedly.
I’ve recently been pondering if there is a solution they’ve already implemented, and we’re right in the middle of it. Namely the new maps being added for LWS3.
Diffuse the ABMM by creating new maps that can give commensurate and/or more appealing rewards, instead of modifying/nerfing old maps… and, over time it’ll get fixed by diffusing the people doing it. If it only partially works, then they can decide if they need to step in for something more heavy handed, or are willing to let it go. By that time, though, the player push back won’t be as intense as it would be if they took that heavy handed approach now.
Now, I’m not suggesting that this is the sole purpose of the new maps (it’s obviously not), but there’s no reason it can’t be an intentional benefit/solution from them.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
“When you spring to an idea, and decide it is truth, without evidence, you blind yourself to other possibilities.” Robin Hobb Assassin’s Apprentice
@Cristalyan: You’re as guilty of this as anyone else in this thread.
The fact is, you (we) are never going to be given all the information that ANet has to work with. Most of us do not have the experience in MMO economies that John Smith and others at ANet have. Sure, they can make mistakes. And, sure, they could manipulate the truth about what they know.
But, you still won’t have that information either way…. So, the actual question is, are you capable and willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until other information can be presented?
Being open to the possibility you’re being lied to isn’t the same as deciding that you’ve been lied to.
The reality of the mystic coin prices is in front of you. Learn to deal with it and find ways to cope with what frustrates you, or don’t bother with mystic coins and accept there’re items you won’t be able to access.
From one perspective, this could be considered one of the darkest and most evil of the legendary weapons…. The shield could be being powered by that baby quaggan. Quaggan children are a largely untapped renewable resource. Add to that you’re simultaneously using a baby quaggan as protection vs attacks…. yeah, that’s way more evil than a staff that mind-controls flocks of birds.
Validation?? the only validation you needed was my money.
A compliment or praise works better for me… but money is a good alternative.
225 gold for a stack and you can only get 20 a month talk about a gold sink. These should be more available and not that expensive.
When a person wants something bad enough they find a way. When they don’t they complain on the internet.
225 gold is not a difficult or painful thing to obtain if you use your noggin. A person can still make a dedicated effort for the things they want w/o making the game a grind or miserable experience.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
No thanks. I like soloing karkas… it’s a great way to test a build, and they’re a fun fight. Even if I’ll wind up being the only person on the map, so be it. The zerg kills them too fast for them to be fun, and it’s annoying when they come up from behind and kill the one (or more) I’m fighting.
Who gets to decide what is and is not acceptable as a legendary?
Ooh! Ooh! I know!
It’s ANet.
the constant black screens everywhere anytime anyplace
I had that problem once… then I remembered to turn on my monitor.
Considering the HoT Legendaries and the new mace I thought we were done with
sillyoutrageously over the top Legendaries…Shrugs As long as it doesn’t “coo” at passers by.
It ain’t gunna be cooing anyone with an arrow in its lung. Sashimi skewers, ftw!
If I were into legendaries, then I’d be all for using a quaggan as a shield.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
A crack in the ice? Is Jormag mooning us? That dastardly dragon!
After losing a claw, it’s had difficulty pulling up its pants.
TIL: Elder Dragons wear pants!
Skirts get easily tangled, and they let in too much breeze when you’re flying around. Pants are just more practical.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
This thread is a couple of months old, back when there was an Anniversary Sale to make suggestions for. The next Anniversary is in nine or ten months … though sometimes there is a sale in March as well.
There’s not much point to adding suggestions to this particular thread right now.
… unless you feel like celebrating the 2 month anniversary of the 4 year anniversary.
A crack in the ice? Is Jormag mooning us? That dastardly dragon!
After losing a claw, it’s had difficulty pulling up its pants.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
They are exclusive… ya’ can’t get ’em in any other game. Not WoW, Skyrim, CoD, or Hello Kitty Online. /s
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
I’m not seeing any drawbacks to this idea. O.o
I could see it severely impacting work flow for each of the people/teams… more so when it’d first be implemented, but definitely from then on. One question wouldn’t take long, but when it’s 50? 100?
Then there will be those who’ll try to pass off multiple questions as one. I have a suspicion that it’d happen more than just occasionally. That’s just a sucky thing for them to have to deal with.
I tried to word it in such a way that it’d (hopefully) not impact the people/teams too severely by having it be a singly allowed question, but that raises the issue of a person getting a one-time benefit for all the xp, points, and time put into filling out so many tiers of a mastery…. and on top of that it’s an out-of-game reward for doing something in-game. Both of those factors don’t feel like good design to me.
Btw, this thread is fun. Thanks for thinking of it, JaFW. I tried approaching it by thinking about all the regular forum complaints, and then think of a mastery-based solution. In other words, “there’s a track for that.” It’s serindipidous that they’re also… problematic.
Rage-Quit Track
T1: Loading screens now last 15 minutes. Your character will be visible in the world during this time, and can be attacked by hostile creatures. Armor repair costs have been reimplimented.
T2: Using a waypoint has a 15% chance to teleport your character to a random waypoint instead.
T3: Your blocked list and your friends list switch functions. Once a day a random item stored in your bank will be mailed to someone on your blocked list, along with a romantic note.
T4: Anything you type in party, squad, and guild chat is automatically translated to Latin.
T5: NPC merchants will randomly stop buying/selling with you while you’re interacting with them, and not allow you re-initiate trade with them for 24 hours.
T6: The TP will not allow you to take your money or items unless you first emote /beg.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Because I like poking the hornet’s nest:
Be Careful What You Ask Track
T1: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for Gaile to answer within 2 weeks after posting. (Sorry to increase your work-load, Gaile)
T2: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for someone on the Art or Living world team to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T3: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for someone on the Fractal team to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T4: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for someone on the Raid team to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T5: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for someone on the PvP team to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T6: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for someone on the WvW team to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T7: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for someone on the Skills and Balance team to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T8: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for John Smith to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
T9: One-time only you can designate a question you ask on the official forums for Mike O’Brien to answer within 2 weeks after posting.
(note: all questions are still subject to forum rules and moderation. Inappropriate questions may result in account suspension, termination, or other action. ‘I don’t know,’ and ‘I can’t say,’ are valid answers. Insert other legaleeze here.)
edit: I’m hoping the myriad of reasons why this is a bad idea aren’t too subtle.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
The Never Ending Track
T0: Every time experience is applied to this track, the total amount of experience required to complete this track is also increased by the amount gained. This track starts at 1 xp to complete.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
True Immersion Track
T1: You cannot access any menus (including inventory) or UI elements outside of Lion’s Arch. Your HUD is automatically turned off outside of Lion’s Arch.
T2: When your character’s inventory is full, they move at ½ speed and make occasional muffled complaints. You will no longer receive a pop-up window showing what your character cannot loot.
T3: Every character is required to eat food and drink something every 5 hours, or else take cumulative penalties to power, toughness, health, movement speed, and endurance for every meal missed until they eat and drink. The timer is active even when logged out. When a meal is missed, the character’s stomach occasionally growls.
T4: If two consecutive weeks’ worth of meals are missed, the character is automatically deleted. Rangers are the exception: instead of automatic deletion, every 2 weeks they permanently lose a pet due to eating it.
T5: Weather now affects your character, and is tied to outfits and armor skins. Your character will take damage over time and/or stat penalties when wearing the wrong outfit/armor for the zone they’re in.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
The Tougher Tyria Track
T1: The dynamic level adjustment for any non-80 zone reduces character level by 2 total below the zone level, to a minimum level of 1.
T2: The dynamic level adjustment for any non-80 zone reduces character level by an additional 2 (4 total) below the zone level, to a minimum level of 1.
T3: Non-aggressive (yellow) creatures become aggressive (red). All creatures targeting your character gain +100% movement speed.
T4: The dynamic level adjustment for any non-80 zone reduces character level by an additional 2 (6 total) below the zone level, to a minimum level of 1.
T5: The dynamic level adjustment for any non-80 zone reduces character level by an additional 4 (10 total) below the zone level, to a minimum level of 1.
T6: All ambient creatures explode for massive damage when your character gets too close.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
What of the achievements that give you a smattering of tickets when you complete a set? Do you propose they still give those tickets, or that the achievements get modified? Either way, I think that’d change the estimated prices so far.
Also, would you have the skins bought in this manner be account bound so they cannot be resold?
Many of the players. The rest of the game is great.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643
Keep whatever quality of weapons you have, but drop your armor down to Masterwork (green). If that still doesn’t make the content challenging enough, then drop your trinkets down to green, too.
Agree, rifles sucks. Damage is inferior to melee weapons and considering it’s single target (aside from 3rd skill on warrior) only it’s even worse. It certainly can’t compete with ranger LB for example, probably not even with dragonhunter LB.
Of course damage is inferior to melee weapons… the trade off for some damage is you’re attacking from range.
Also, the burst pierces, the primal burst explodes, and the purpose of the rifle isn’t solely doing tons of damage… you also get interrupts, fast adrenaline gain, and a free evade. Take the time to learn how to use it.
I know better… 25% movement speed as amulet enrichment!
Agreed. Enrichments have a lot of potential that still hasn’t been tapped. I really want to see enrichments (and infusions) that add inventory space: cargo enrichments/infusions
Even more so, is there a point to having a legendary rifle ingame? The only class that can somewhat properly use a rifle is engi, and even then, they’re better p/p hammer.
Would be nice if the rifle got an update so that it became the meta weapon (oops hopeful thinking) I mean at least the main ranged weapon of some classes?
cough warrior cough.
So much potential in this game…. who is wasting it? I want names! jk.
Kitten any meta.
The rifle is great for the Warrior if you take the time to learn how to use it. Button-mashers need not apply.
Wait to see what the next expansion brings. There might be a new profession that can use it, who knows?
Royal Ascalonian weapons. Their nighttime blue fire goes really well with my ghostly outfit. Similarly I’m a big fan of the Spectral weapons.
I read the title, and immediately the song Siberia by the Red Elvises broke into my mind… I think the lyrics could be adapted to Tyria with only minor tweaks.
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