It’s been wrecked by Anet – is what most guys who say they played in Beta and BWE will say.
What I say – wait before coming back to Revenant, Anet has no clue what to do with the class, they seem to balance it only around Glint. I doubt this class will be properly balanced until we get 3 elite specializations for Rev ….. by then Anet would get a clue.
Well for it to work we would need fewer weapons than we already have and lose weapon swaping. I have toyed with this ideea and played a few games with Mace/Axe + Sw/Sw – obviously the OP beat me to it with this suggestion by posting it first,but here are my 2 cents on the toppic.
From an animation stand point for this ideea to work we would have to lose both hand swords as well as mace mh and axe oh in favor of dagger/dagger due to the fact that the animations of both swords, mace and axe can be recycled easiest within daggers (exception being precision strike from sword mh).
Unfortunetly dagger/dagger would be a poor fit for staff animations and arguably hammer animations, but with dagger/dagger holding the abilities of both hands swords, mh mace and oh axe, the rest of the skills can be condensed within Staff because this weapon is able to mimic animations of all hammer skills….except for Hammer AA which would have to be changed to a fast striking chain (hopefully they recycle the first 2 bits of the animations from melee version because those bits are the most awesome).
You misunderstood a little bit what i meant. I thought of these weapons as we have them now with additional 5 skills you could swap like utility skills as you wanted with weaponswap still working.
In my idea you can run sw/sw on both sets but with different skills in each slot and even mixed up if you wanted to. Or one time Hammer Ranged and one time melee. Or sw/sw on one set with condi dmg and staff ranged ob the other set with condi.
Just how you like it. With several trait fixes this could provide a looooot of build variaty.Every weaponskill has basically another option you could choose if you will say so and not mixing axe and sword skill or something like that.
It sounds like you are saying that each weapon skill would have an alternative skill you could slot instead? For example, hammer auto-attack would have an alternative auto-attack that might be melee range. Sword #2 might have an alternative that you could slot instead, which does condi damage? So, every weapon skill slot would have two options and you get to pick to slot one of the two.
Since Rev is very limited in weapon options compared to other professions, I think this sounds reasonable. It would be a lot of work for ANet and likely wouldn’t happen except in an expansion. And they might remove weapon swap from Rev if they do it.
You got it half right – in my vission mace/axe and sword/sword would be replaced by dagger/dagger so it would be easier for devs to recycle animations and make condensing weapons possible. Outside of this detail you got the basic gist of my ideea.
I would like to see some changes in sword too. I mean they could put sword 5 on the place of 2 and make a new skill that leaches some life or somethibg like that to give it an offensive sustain abbility.
I would pay more money for this change for sword to happen. I would pay them more if they gave us an elite specialization which doesn’t revolve around upkeep mechanic and gives dagger as a oh weapon with both a block type skill and a gap closing skill.
Edit:I don’t like proposed changes for staff btw.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
Well for it to work we would need fewer weapons than we already have and lose weapon swaping. I have toyed with this ideea and played a few games with Mace/Axe + Sw/Sw – obviously the OP beat me to it with this suggestion by posting it first,but here are my 2 cents on the toppic.
From an animation stand point for this ideea to work we would have to lose both hand swords as well as mace mh and axe oh in favor of dagger/dagger due to the fact that the animations of both swords, mace and axe can be recycled easiest within daggers (exception being precision strike from sword mh).
Unfortunetly dagger/dagger would be a poor fit for staff animations and arguably hammer animations, but with dagger/dagger holding the abilities of both hands swords, mh mace and oh axe, the rest of the skills can be condensed within Staff because this weapon is able to mimic animations of all hammer skills….except for Hammer AA which would have to be changed to a fast striking chain (hopefully they recycle the first 2 bits of the animations from melee version because those bits are the most awesome).
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
I don’t get where having 4 instead of 3 mediocre~rubbish utility skills would be a big improvement.
I’d rather have 3 decent ones first.
It’s a way for players to validate their personal taste by removing what they consider to be the least usefull utility skill and to become less predictable in pvp.
Also I am an advocate of 4 decent utilities for each legend.
Considering how bad core legends are….I would concede to the notion that the F2 skill from Herald changes based on what legend is summoned……idealy however we should have the ability to chose what ability to put on the F2 from a choice of 5 unique skills themed around each of the 5 legends Revenant-Heralds have access to.
I would go Invocation for a stun break on legend swap or herald if you use tranquil benediction to gain might when you pick a healing orb. Third choice would be Devastation.
Revs in Ventari and geared towards healing have pretty insane burst healing and their passive healing isn’t to far behind an ele that ops to take the soothing waters grandmaster buff. I’d say the hardest thing is landing the heals on moving teammates
It’s just that you get crapped on vs opponents who use CC and you have to reduce your healing output to almost 0 in order to provide boon support/counter to condi dps.
My final advice: re-learn guardian and see if it now fits your current desires. Revenant would have fit the bill perfectly if not for the following facts:
1)Corruption does not provide a reliable increase in condi dps, it’s very ghimicky with it’s on crit conditions + the conditions applied are not damage oriented but control orientated
2)Invocation and Herald are mandatory for all competitive Revenant builds
3)Salvation is useless without Ventari and needs a rework, because currently Ventari without the passives to increase healing to others is very weak!
4)Ventari has no stun break which makes playing a healer is very risky in encounters where mobs have access to some form of CC.
5) Very dependant of sigils.
If you would take out this option from the poll “The fact that every balance patch, Revenant gets a nerf of some kind.” and redo it, I think this post would be more usefull for the devs to figure what they did wrong with Rev.
Do you mean elite specialization?Personaly I prefer core Guardian over DH and I recomend Mesmer over Revenant because the support skills of Mesmer (portal entre,feedback dome,veil and mass invisibility are my favorite support skills – but I never had the patience to level him) are more interesting than Revenant’s (Glint dragon stance – most passive crap I ever saw n this game, and Ventari, which needs both Salvation and Herald to achieve it’s full potential and has no stun break within it).
If you were to take a close look at Rev forums – most people who play this class are very unhappy with it and have problems recomending it.
Guardian became a lot better. No more boon steals in fractals and updated mh sword is kitteng awesome and scepter is now the go to ranged weapon over DH bow for the purpose of pure dps. Revenant on the other hand….well he only has 1 viable build and the support component comes solely from Glint (which is a very passive style of support)
Unless you want to fight mobs with a staff in melee range from lvl 1 I would say go with either Guardian or Mesmer.
So it gives Stability now when you successfully evade an attack with it?
I don’t think it does. Test it yourself.
Ditch the pet and you have my support.
They should retire Ventari for either Togo or Pyre as far as I am concerned.
I would hate if they did this to Jallis because Jallis is a very good legend for leveling and from what I hear is decent during raiding….but if they would transfer JUST the direct damage from hammer to Malyx ult on the other hand….then I would hope that Jallis gets replaced by any legend which can feature a skill that creates a lighting combo field.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
If anything, CoR needs another nerfing in damage. In compensation, a buff to 1, 3, and 5 need to be made. This is especially true for1 since it is so slow!
Hammer 1 under immposible odds is pretty decent for me.
How can you check which healing power modifier is being used?
In an 80 level map with 1036 healing power, Ventari’s will is healing me around 1300 hp, much more than tablet’s passive healing that is around 400 hp. Since it’s healing me, no healing output modifiers are being applied.
Get a friend to use as a guineea pig, lol.
Hammer while under Impossible Odds was a good tactic for me in sPvP.
For PvE I would go for Mace+Shield and go for a bunker build….maybe add Ventari so I can spam Blind and Prot like crazy.
… I’d like to see Forced Engagement get a flipover skill that allows it to be used as an actual pull.
That sounds amazing. I would like this. Maybe 25 energy for the first sequence (taunt) and 15 energy for the second (pull)
Same should be done with Pain Absorbtion from Malyx. I strongly believe that the 2nd sequence should be Pulsating Pestilence.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
Been gone for a few months. What changes have come to the Revenant class?
They nerfed the stability from Unwavering Avoidance so now condi Herald is useless at every part of the game. Power Herald with Glint/Shiro and Devastation, Invocation and Herlad traitlines is the only “viable” build. Hammer is useless.
But they nerfed Phase Traversal (energy cost rised from 20 to 35) and Enchanted Daggers (you lose the heal stacks if your attacks miss), so in order to play power Herald you must play perfect: you have no stab, almost no condi cleansing, your heals are crap, and you can be poked to death at range if you miss your burst.
New Condi Meta is Corruption/Invocation/Herald with Malyx and Glint.
Malyx without the Demonic Defiance trait from Coruption is very bad.
What I would do:
-Swap the places of Unwavering Avoidance with Retaliatory Evasion
-Make Axe a Mh weapon with the aa chain of the mace and current skills of the oh axe, then leave mace as oh with the 2 skills it has left
-Would make Energy Expulsion a passive which activates upon Legend swap.
-Would fuse Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation and leave the 2 fused traits on Serene Rejuvenation’s spot
-I would have the traits Natural Abundance and Tranquil Benediction swap places within the trait line, then buff the later to proc whenever a healing orb or energy fragment is picked up
-In place of Tranuil Balance I would put a trait called Gracious Retreat – when invoking a legend gain swiftness (3 sec).
-Would fuse Rampant Vex with Yearning Empowerment and put it in the place where Rampant Vex is.
-In the spot where Yearning Empowerment was I would put a trait called Unrelenting Pain – critical hits vs targets with Torment will apply random conditions
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
- revs don’t “deserve” any “improvements”, the class is still one of the best in pvp, i am not even going to mention how they fare vs core builds. The reason why the class feels weaker is because it was overtuned beyond comparison for seasons for the sake of sales (spoiled much?) Welcome to reality.
- i do agree that bugs need to be fixed but it applies literary to every class in this game – they all suffer from it (how many mes/thieves died due to no valid path error caused by different texture on flat terrain? How many times necros rezzed enemy due to condi xfer bug?) Bugs are NOT basis for the buffs.
Proper tuning of Revenant class can’t be done if the class is bugged.
Rev had 3 builds (invo power, retri power, condi), now you can pretty much only play gutted version of invocation. gg anet, gg.
That pretty much sums it about right.
I think the bigger problem is how Glint is more or less the automatic choice for second legend.
If I could viably have a DPS spec and just bring Ventari as my secondary, I’d love to go wild with spot-support at times. Maybe with Resonance (apparently) getting the door I might revisit that idea :S
I think you may have meant Shiro,but ok.
In the year or so this profession has been out, I too can’t recall a single encounter where I’ve ever seen another Revenant use that skill. I’ve definitely seen them run around with a tablet, but even then I never see them use it, or just leave it behind in the heat of combat.
I think people used protective solace against Sloth when wing 2 got released but it turned out that Mallyx was a better option against the shake attack while other profession bring reflections instead of negation.
Doesn’t that mean that Malyx/Ventari is actualy good for wing 2 because it can deal with Slot mechanics and make room for a newb dps within a raid?
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
I always hated the stab on dodge mechanic….but nerfing Retribution couldn’t have come at worse time…it killed ret+invo+herald which was the defensive variant of power rev litteraly worsening the lack of build variety Rev has due to the innefectivenes of Jallis, Mallyx and Ventari when compared to Shiro and Glint.
I can’t find the source anymore but I remember reading somewhere that devs don’t acknowledge Jallis hammers as bugged and insist that this is how they wanted it to work.
From my perspective there is only 1 viable build now – Shiro/Glint + Invo. I am also done maining Rev – it’s too bad …. one viable build for solo que sPvP with the 2 legends I dislike the most ? F@ck that!
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
For sPvP, for me at least, Scepter+Shield is the way to go because shield feels as if it’s built for providing ranged support.
Just one thing, one of the characteristic of the legend’s skill is that they are not “categorized”, which is why I do not call them glyph.
Oh you are totally right about that! Didn’t have this in mind, although all "Dragon"Skills are Facetts, so maybe it’s still possible =P
Ultimately, my idea is more a way to make the core legend more enjoyable to use (for me) than anything. (Yes this is really selfish, but I really want to be able to use the potential of each legend in a different way than the actual one. For exemple, I allow me to get rid of the clunckyness of ventarii’s stone.)
I see what you mean. Your suggestion is totally superior with this goal in mind! My idea was to stay with to legends but that your choice affects the whole playstyle. Like a Shiro/ Glint and a Jalis/Glint Herald is nearly the same as long as they are in Glint stance.
Well here my idea [Sorry to OP, if this is kind of hijacking your original post]
Please don’t take the names of the skills/ traits too serious. I really lack creativity when it comes to naming ^^
Hope you’ll enjoy reading it. Keep in mind that taking this espec means not being able to use glint.
New Elite-Spec: The Ritualist
(I know this is not newand to be honest I disliked the idea of a ritu espec, but while thinking of the possible skills I found it quite fitting but don’t expect a ghost-spammer here)
General Theme and Legend:
I thought about a Legend which isn’t isolated from the other one(s). The ritualist rather focuses on cooperation. The new espec grants some condi-management for the revenant and should be able to support power and condition builds.But who could the legend be? Considering the cooperation-theme it has to be an indifferent character – not bothering cooperating with the good guys or the bad guys. So my suggestion is Razah (Legendary Plasma (??) Stance)
New Class-Mechanic:
TBH this was a hard point for me. I still think that Herald doesn’t really offer a new class-mechanic compared to core-revenant (just an extra skill?). So you could easily do the same with the ristualist. But I tried to think about a new class mechanic:
Remove the energy regeneration and gain energy per hit. (the 50% “rule” outside combat and when swapping stays the same). As I said, I’m not 100% sure with this. The traits will hopefully clarify it a bit. Also I think it has to be done with icd’s or something to balance the weapon types??The revenant has currently only one ranged weapon. While scepter could thematically fit, I’ve chosen the shortbow to give this weapon a bit more love
1-Mist Arrow
Shoot an arrow of pure mist energy that explodes at its target.
Number of targets: 3
Combo: Projectile (20%)2-Mistroller
Release a wave of mistenergy damaging foes in front of you and destroying projectiles
Number of targets: 53-direct assault / hostage
Shoot through the mists and shadow step to your target. Evade attacks while “travelling”.
Return to your former location and drag the enemy with you through the mists inflicting poison.
Number of targets: 14-Coat of mist
Cover your enemies with chilling mist energy. After 3 seconds the mist explodes damaging all nearby foes.
Number of targets: 55-displacement
Hit your enemy with an arrow that displaces him through the mists, causing torment.
Number of targets: 1
Combo: Projectile (100%)
Why not go with a high profile Elementalist from GW1 as your legend for this glyph themed legend?
I would like it if Herald just added 1 more utility skill for each Legend on the F2 and that Facet of Nature would simply go away upon legend swap.
“Similarly, there will be changes in boon duration and boon application for a few professions. For the Revenant, we’ll be looking at reducing Naturalistic Resonance’s base boon duration.”
Lets hope they atleast fix some bugs, otherwise the class is getting completly useless. Thanks anet.
This is how I tend to play on Engineer and Druid so I would agree with the sentiment. The problem for me isn’t ventari’s lack of DPS but rather the horrific clunkiness of using the tablet. The energy costs are quite high, the effectiveness of the heals is low and there are too many steps to activation and the cast time is too long.
I find that my personal survival using Shiro tends to be superior to Ventari and as such can help people better by being alive to res, agro or cut down enemies faster so they don’t have opportunity to threaten other players. In short, bubbling the occasional random player is fun, but it’s more effective to annihilate their enemy in most situations. Which is a shame because I would prefer to play the way you are advocating.
I haven’t really thought about it til now but the fact that playing Shiro tends to provides better, more efective and easier to use survival than Ventari, is just bizarre.
I disagree with the whole tablet is clunky thing. What makes Ventari a drag for me is the lack of a stun breaker within Ventari’s kit.
I forgot to make a point of the lack of stun breaker, good point! You don’t find it clunky to switch legends, then have to use a skill to get access to the utilities instead of them being immediately available? or having use two skills to get the effect of one at a specific location? The tablet is an interesting idea but the fact that it has inescapable lag due to cast, travel time and additional button presses where most skills require only the one activation can surely only be described as clunky?
It’d be like an engi swapping a kit, then having to press another button to gain access to the kit skills before finally pressing the key for the skill they need. No one would put up with that.
Annoying yes,but not clunky. Personaly I wish they made Togo the support legend and give it 4 more weapon kits besides Ventari to cast. But as it is Ventari activation is a minor annoyance due to the fact that there is little reward in going through that whole process.
The whole time travel thing….I don’t want to touch that sort of bs after work …. so let’s leave it as a “variable annoyance” (there are days when it’s a huge annoyance and there are day when it ain’t)
This is how I tend to play on Engineer and Druid so I would agree with the sentiment. The problem for me isn’t ventari’s lack of DPS but rather the horrific clunkiness of using the tablet. The energy costs are quite high, the effectiveness of the heals is low and there are too many steps to activation and the cast time is too long.
I find that my personal survival using Shiro tends to be superior to Ventari and as such can help people better by being alive to res, agro or cut down enemies faster so they don’t have opportunity to threaten other players. In short, bubbling the occasional random player is fun, but it’s more effective to annihilate their enemy in most situations. Which is a shame because I would prefer to play the way you are advocating.
I haven’t really thought about it til now but the fact that playing Shiro tends to provides better, more efective and easier to use survival than Ventari, is just bizarre.
I disagree with the whole tablet is clunky thing. What makes Ventari a drag for me is the lack of a stun breaker within Ventari’s kit.
I actually like that a lot. Part of the inherent problem with condi rev is the nature of Torment. This is a solution that helps supersede the problems of torment by allowing the rev to have more access to other conditions. Number of stacks/other “maths” aside, I like this idea. I think it might require throwing in some other ways for the class to apply different conditions. For example, we have 2 skills as sources of burning(and 1 trait), 1 skill with confusion, 1 skill(and 1 trait) with poision, etc. The point being that your idea for “adding extra stacks upon reaching a threshold” is good, but wouldn’t really syngergize with the class’s current state. There’s just not enough sources of other conditions.
Hmm. I understand.
I considered such a change might need to account for Runes (particularly condi ones like Krait’s) and Sigils and anything with +Condi Duration to allow stacks built up to last long enough for more than one trigger, but you’ve got a point there about our lack of access to the other conditions otherwise.Perhaps, the effect could be refocused on the way we apply Torment stacks instead?
Such as the maximum Torment Stack (lets say, 15~20+) also applies Burning when striking the enemy with a Legendary Demon skill (while lower stacks can inflict the other conditions) in addition to whatever effects said skill applies?
I would go with procs that activate on critical strike vs targets with Torment in order to make the condi around which Malyx and Corruption is build to be viable in both pvp and pve scenarios. Maybe redo Diabolic Inferno to chill on elite and have another on crit based trait to do Burning vs targets?
Since we are talking exclusively about Venom Enchantment here….why not make it so that Venom Enchantment has no ICD but only procs on critical hits vs targets with Torment.
And then we can change Frigid Precision to Frostfire enchantment which will apply Burning to targets with Torment and apply Chill vs targets with Poison on ciritcal strike – again no ICD.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
Rev’s don’t have as many skills as eles. Ele’s have diversity … make the connection. I mean … ANY class has diversity if they have as many skills and ways to mix them as an Ele does.
The class that’s been running minute variations on the exact same build since beta has diversity?
The point of this thread, as I see it, is that Mallyx, Jalis, Ventari, Corruption, Salvation, Invocation, Mace, Axe, Offhand Sword and Hammer are all F-tier choices that should never even be considered when building for pvp. They’re not merely not as good and therefore only don’t get taken because they’re not optimal; there is simply no way for any of these choices to contribute meaningfully to a build.
Thats what we want to change for this class!
I would recomend mace over sword because you can perma might and perma swiftness with jallis…just don’t invest in condi damage stat.
People are way too hung up on the skills being locked to a legend. That’s just part of the class. If they change that, you’re losing the whole theme of the class: channel “_” legend to get “_” skills. That’s it. It’s the exact same concept as having weapons attached to certain skills… Oh wait…
What you guys are asking for is to change the class’s mechanic entirely. The customizability isn’t the issue here. It’s how impactful those skills are with the traits we currently have. The class just needs a ton of adjustments in its traits, the damage/healing of skills, and it needs more weapon options. Allowing players to pick and choose their skills from different legends would be broken and completely go against the theme of the class.
Umm no….what I am asking for at least is for Rev to stop relying so much on Herald…to have combinations of legends that don’t involve Glint also be viable in end game.
Just that revs have it good, they really do. Revs is all quality over quantity. But if you ever want to feel bad about yourself, check in with eles. You’ll feel all better very quickly.
As far as I know, even with the uncalled increased CD, eles have 3 builds they can take to raids to dps (Fire staff, FA staff, FA d/w) and I haven´t seen any pug saying no to any of them. And then, they have a healer build, whose problem is not the healing part but that GoL is so OP. To me, that seems, to some extent, build diversity.
There’re different ways of dealing damage in power builds (like ele does), condi builds, healing builds, tank builds. And our niche role is to provide boon duration and boons. That doesn’t seem like any build diversity or any fun to play, considering the potential in core revenant legends.
Yeah, ele’s also have way more weapon skills than any other class as well; each weapon is basically 4 with element swapping. They are BOUND to have a significant increase in diverse builds for any category of build you want. In otherwords, diversity is a result of Ele’s class design. If it’s not part of your class design, you aren’t getting it. Obviously Anet isn’t going to introduce the same increase in weapons skills or legends just to satisfy the desire for diversity on other classes. Ele is a great example of how Anet gives you diversity … with class choice.
Eles have 20 weapon skills with 1 weapon and we have 10 utilities with legend swaping. Despite that we can argue that Revenant has less build diversity than ele because at present date all of Revenant’s strongest builds involve Glint and Herald….which makes Revenant really stale in comparison to ele because of the 10 utilities Revenant can access 5 will always be from Glint regardless of whether you go condi dps or power dps route.
With Guardian on the other hand, with the recent buffs to Sword and Scepter it is possible to ditch traps in favor of Honor traitline for extra tankiness and small increase to utility and traps can be replaced with some shouts or wall of reflection. Furthermore Revenant can’t cover the role of Bunker as opposed to Guardian due to their inability to rely on either Jallis or Ventari for when the going gets tough in pvp.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
I only use shield in tandem with Mace….I simply hate how sword 3 looks with the shield but in my experience with shield 5…it’s good when you get condi bombed because it blocks all that condi damage….soothing bastion on the other hand yeah, it should break stuns so we can have some reliable def vs condi and cc outside of Malyx + shield.
Does shield 5 still stop condi damage?
Haven’t played shield in a while,but I am pretty sure it still blocks condi dps…..give it a go and let me know…..Poison should still wreck your healing from shield 5.
taking out the stun break was really foolish. That alone allowed some diverstity in the traits when taking Ventari, Mallyx and Jalis which have zero to bad stun breaks instead of being forced to take retribution and herald with those legends
Yeah I would rather they took out the healing rather than the stun break from the Soothing Bastion.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
I only use shield in tandem with Mace….I simply hate how sword 3 looks with the shield but in my experience with shield 5…it’s good when you get condi bombed because it blocks all that condi damage….soothing bastion on the other hand yeah, it should break stuns so we can have some reliable def vs condi and cc outside of Malyx + shield.
If we could redesign Retribution and Herald so that Unwavering Avoidance and Enhanced Bulwark be on the same traitline we could increase the number of viable builds…..maybe have Bolster Fortifications swap places with Unwavering Avoidance to increase the viability of Ventari/Jallis builds?
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
… Also demon stance skills need to be cheaper – 35 for 3s Pain Absorption is too much imo.
Personaly I would make Pain Absorbtion into a part skill and keep the cost spread between both parts. Part A would be Pain Absorption and part B would be Pulsating Pestilence….because if we are going to be propper necro rip-offs in terms of how we protect our team mates vs condis and apply condis,we should at least have Pulsating Pestilence as a utility so we can do the job properly.
I also believe that Opportune Extraction and Demonic Defiance should swap places within the trait line because Demonic Defiance is too strong of a choice compared to the other traits on the same line.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
This thread is about Rev issues,lets leave the issues of other classes to their respective forums…..anyone else feel that Ventari isn’t usefull for pre level 80 content?
Has anyone tried Coruption/Invo/Deva yet?
What I think we need are traits which proc vs targets with Torment to make Condi Rev viable. That would make Torment fair in both pve and pvp because we have to focus on hitting targets to get the procs vs making mobs in pve move so that torment can deal as much in pve as it does in pvp.
To me, build diversity means META build diversity. Because in meta, only Glint is acceptable (I’m talking about pve). Core legends aren’t good enough to be meta. They need to be buffed. If all core legends were good enough, you’d see tank, condi or healer heralds.
My demand is not that they change how skills are related to legends and you can choose only two, but that they work some trait lines (salvation i’m looking at you) and weapon skills, buff core legends or even revamp a legend’s design (like they changed Mallyx after beta, but now performs poorly) to create a variety in meta builds for any game mode.
I don’t see how that would work, irregardless of class because in that sense, Meta is just the optimal build for the situation. I mean, Meta build diversity … what does that even look like? Is there any class in this game where Meta build diversity exists?
As far as i know, each class has an optimal setup and rotation for whatever content you want to do. It’s not like I can choose one of a few builds, get whatever kind of gameplay I want AND be the optimal performance … that’s a fallacy in this game, just by the way it’s designed.
I think what is meant here, is that there ought to be a build that can be used in any given situation without herald, and not be trash.
OK, but that’s still not diversity … Maybe Mallyx condi build becomes awesome again (personally I think it’s still awesome) … but there is still an optimal build for a given situation.
Maybe it’s a academic point but diversity isn’t the word people are looking for here; this game isn’t designed to give you multiple paths of similar performance for a class; that is a consequence of throwing away the holy trinity. Holy trinity forced game devs to come up with ways that different game mechanics would give similar performance on a class, or the trinity would break down; not enough tanks playing because they suck to play, for example.
We don’t have that … you just do damage and survive. It’s a singular approach to playing the game, so there is no need for the devs to introduce clever mechanics for each class to ‘compete’ in PVE; the game is smartly designed to challenge and conclude those constructs are artificial. The choice of profession itself is the method they have introduced for diversity.
Regardless of WHAT the approach is, Glint, Mallyx, whatever you choose, it’s either the optimal build, or it’s not. If you accept playing not-optimized builds, you have all the diversity you want. So it’s not really lacking diversity, you have lots; It’s the lack of overlap between different build performance.
The thing is….Revenant is balanced around the ideea that we will invest in elite spec….if you approach Revenant and chose any path that doesn’t involve Glint or Herald traitline you shot yourself in the knee with an arrow (Skyrim pun).