Showing Posts For Reaper.1695:
Constantly changing your look is a luxury. It was before feature pack and it still is.
So you have two FREE options, either do some world exploration or do PvP.
Ok, I didn’t know they can be acquired from PvP. (don’t do much PvP, maybe it’s time!)
When they advertised the Wardrobe, I felt like we’d be able to change our appearance more freely and with a cheaper alternative. I guess in my mind I wanted the 3:1 to go the other way. 3 Charges for 1 stone. Lol. Nope…
I’ll do what I did on all my other 80’s, and as someone else suggested, is to wait till 80 to tweak things.
Thanks for all the replies duds and dudettes.
I’m I missing something? I’m leveling a theif right now (lvl 41) and there is a certain look and stat combo that I like right now. I play alot of WvW, a bit of PvE and just starting with dungeons with this Toon. I upgrade my armor/weapons as I loot (WvW is the best for this) and sometimes on the TP if a particular armor piece does not drop.
Now to keep my look, I need to use the Transmutation Charges right? Yes. Well, would’t that get kinda expensive after a while? I have 100% world on another Toon and don’t really do alot of map completion anymore. So my only access to T.Charges are from T.Stones (3:1) from the Gem Store. I don’t think so Tim. I need my gold for other stuff…
Did I miss something? I like the idea of the wardrobe and all, but why do I need to pay and pay and pay and pay and so on and so forth?
A way to get a percusor with no RNG involved. It could be a “Do 500 events in each map in Tyria” for all I care.
I’m almost done the “attainable” part of the Legendary and I don’t have the precursor for it yet. This thread is worrisome.
That was it. I was suffering from that bug. Revisited it and BAM! 100%
I have one left and I’ve triple checked everything. Was there one added recently?
Oh man, so close.
Thanks for the replies.
Ok thanks. Ya, that makes sense. I’ve been tagging the same few in my typical paths…
So I found 27 heirlooms, but only show 5 found in my achievement pane. Been digging in those rubble piles like crazy. What gives?
a well played ranger is godmode, sadly most people just dont care enough to play properly and play as they want.
I wouldn’t say god mode but I as a ranger say up for the whole event and never failed on a platform yet. Yes, the ranger is not all about DPS but is had other advantages. With the proper pets to suit the event you can go a long way. ( I don’t use the bear BTW) I have a lvl80 warrior and mesmer and I still always play the Ranger.
I’m with OP.
Going for the Dreamer.
92 Icy Runestones to buy
31 Clovers to forge
~200 of each of the T6 materials
~300 Ectos
World Completion. At 99%. Can never get into WvW :/
The Lover to acquirer.
So I have 87 Laurels now. What’s the best way to use these so the end result is towards my Legendary. I’m about 1/3 the way for each of the T6 mats and in the need for Ectos (300 or so)
Thanks for the replies.
I like the finishers! Gives a sense of “Ya MoFo!!! I got you” However, I wish it didn’t take a whole 4 seconds to complete the animation. Especially when you have a mob of 4 on you!
I’m fine with the solo instance, but should have the option to allow other people in. Similar to story events. My wife, who is not as skilled, had a hard time soloing the event. I had to complete the last part for her. Not everybody has the same skill set and need a little help one and a while.
It is so much fun trolling that Queensdale train. SO. MUCH. FUN!!! You can down the troll early as well as the Oak then wait for the hilarity in the map chat.
Now the one in FS I take seriously. You make real monies there.
HA! Got it. Video drivers got messed up somehow. Re-installed video card drivers and all is well…
For those how keep track of this stuff, I just did 92 attempts (only had 92 ectos) for the Mystic Clovers and got 33. 35.8% chance.
However, not all is wasted. I did gain alot of ground on the T6 mat collecting! Somewhat win/win
Now to farm more ectos!
So I deleted all files manually and ran C-Cleaner. Tried to install the client, it goes through the downloading part and just closes. Tired to run as Admin, same.
Does this game use Visual C++ redistributables? or .net framework? Wonder is something else is fubar on my PC.
Tried to un-install through the control panel. Can’t do that. Gives me the “send crash report” pop up.
Tried to re-install the client, looks like it was going to work. Nope. I get the same result as posted above.
Think I can go manually delete the install files? Then perhaps C-Cleaner?
I’m on Win7 64bit.
I just check my firewall settings. All seems well…
Got a bit on an issue. My client is hanging when loading. I tired to do the -repair thing, tried to delete the local.dat. file in the Documents/Guildwars 2 dir. Acutally there was no local.dat file in there but there is a file called VerifyResults.log and this is what’s in it.
Client build is 24249 (101)
Manifest build is 24249
Verifying contents of archive…
This file gets created when I try to load.
Any other advice? I’ve attached a screen shot of where it hangs. Whatever I do it doesn’t get past that screen.
Thanks for the help!
Just got into a major set back in my Legendary progress. WvW completion!! This is going to take some time.
What Chopps said. Go Ranger. It’s my main and I’ve invested a ton in him. We’ve had our ups and down, but we are on a decent up right now. I just started to play a GS Sword/Dagger combo and I’m really liking it vs the LB/SB Axe/Axe (or Horn or Torch) combos.
Necro is also very good, but for me, the weapon skills are annoying to use. (this is my opinion, not a general consensus) The skills in Death Shroud is very powerful if traited properly.
Can’t comment on Engi. Ran out of Slots. I also have Thief, Mesmer and Warrior.
Working on The Dreamer.
Gift Of Wood (this was the easiest)
Unicorn Statue (TA was surprisingly fun, but I’m glad I’m done with that)
Gift of Battle (thank god for the achievement chests!)
The Bloodstone Shard (FS Champ run helped here)
Superior Sigil of Purity. (straight out bought this on the TP)
World Completion. (3.5 maps to go + WvW maps + Chantry of Secrets, better start walking and fighting)
350 Obsidian Shards for the Clovers and Gift of Mastery. (Cathedral of Glorious Victory is always contested.. :/ have 925k karma)
T6 Mats. (Only at about 10% of all the T6 I need. ugh…)
92 Icy Runestones. (JORMAG!!!)
300 Ectos. ( ugh…)
Last but not least, The Lover. (worry about that later)
(edited by Reaper.1695)
I had 99 blooms left to get 500 blooms for my Legendary. Used the LFG tool in GW2 to join with a group for a few final TA runs. A few ppl came in and immediately quit before we even started, why, we don’t know. Finally a group of 5, so we start. Get to the 1st part with the vines and wipe and wipe and wipe. I think everyone was having some bad luck. For me, I kept missing the dodges, step in AOE red circles by accident, got overrun by the AOE circles… Just was not in ‘the zone’. Anyhow, a couple of members where getting annoyed by this and quit. I’m thinking “I’m never going to get those 99 blooms tonight”. But I didn’t want to abandon this group. You join, you stay till everyone agrees to quit.
So the leader LFG’d again and this player comes in. Norn Guard, all in black, didn’t talk, very mysterious. We reset and get back to the 1st area with the vines. Since we all went down and had to reset, all the vines were all up along with the final larger vine in the center. We were still having a hard time at it. However our last entree, the mysterious all in black Norn, named Disturbedd, was a machine. I mean, the guy must be the love child of Darth Vader and Chuck Norris! He carried us through that first part, rez’ing, soloing while we healed. This guy did not take damage! We were impressed. He held the title of “Dungeon Master” and he deserved it! With him we did Up/FF. Without him, we’d still be stuck at the vines.
We thanked him at the end and parted ways. Seeing as we were a weaker group, he could have left anytime. But no, he stayed and helped. I did get my final 99 blooms and was able to craft the Unicorn Statue for The Dreamer.
They say the road to your Legendary has many memories, this will be one of mine. Thanks for reading.
Don’t know if this has even been calculated, but here is a screen shot of my Dreamer Spreadsheet. I use this to keep track of where I am in my quest. I set all the values to zero for this experiment.
Bottom right corner you will see the cost off all the materials you can buy, as of Sept 24 2013 at noon EDT. This is not including the cost to level to 400 crafting.
Nice! Love reading the ‘in-the-moment’ chat box when this happens.
1s 61c. Lol. What was a loot?
Sounds like BG got ’er done… waiting for screen shots. In in LA at BG right now.
Why nerf it? BG has shown it can be done. It has not been 12 hours yet.
The forums possibly have about 3k players at the very very very very most that actively post here. This thread will get at most 500 responses. There are literally 400,000 players playing at one time in this game. The nigh impossible 500 responses this thread would get is .1% of all players that are playing right now and since about 5 million games were sold of GW2, that’s about 0.01% of all players that might play this content.
The forums house a very vocal and negative minority of the playerbase.
This poll is useless and misleading.
I’m from BlackGate, been in OF all day. Not enough ppl in OF to even tickle him.
Can you not trait/skill/rune/sigil as DPS? Or trait/skill/rune/sigil as Tank? Or trait/skill/rune/sigil as Healer? There’s your Trinity. You and your team mates choose whatever your want you team to be. All DPS, yes. All Tanks, go head. All healers, sure! Mix and match to have a trinity, yep. You can argue that the healers can’t heal that well, but that is upto Anet to fix. The mechanics are in place.
I think ANet did good job to add that flexibly. Any class can be what ever, ever whenever.
I farmed SE to buy some boots, ran to the vendor and bought the shoulders, which I already had. Salvaged for ectos and farmed SE more, ran to vendor and bought the light armor boots…for my guardian. Salvaged for ectos.
Saved up some karma for cleric’s boots, bought the shoulders, which I already had.
Farmed TA for some boots, bought the light armor boots for my guardian.
This is a problem I can’t seem to get over.
Oh man I hear ya. I was halfway into buying a set of Exotic Armor for my Warrior when I realized they were medium and light armor. Wish there was a way to filter the Armour not for your class. The RED warning letters are apparently not enough for me. Then went to buy a exotic GS, bought a sword instead!!
Good thing it’s only virtual money.
I play with my teenage daughter, she’s setup with a PC and her own account. I think it’s perfect for her and she really likes it. I’m glad it’s not all blood and gore. My problems are the low lifes who find out she’s actually a female player playing a female character.
Lighting leap always makes me land on top the far side energy pyramid thingy, right in the…. erm.. satchel. lol. Didn’t need to have kids anyway.
Otherwise, for me, it undershoot the landing pad sometimes.
I two questions about doing CoF speed runs and I was wondering if anyone out there could answer them for me.
1. I heard swapping characters reduces the DR. So if you run P1+P2 with character 1, then swap to character 2 and run P1+P2, swapping back over to character 1 will make it so you don’t hit the DR cap for dungeons and can keep farming till you die of exhaustion. Is that true, or something similar?
2. I’m planning on making an alt to just run CoF so I can swap to if the above is true at all, but my main is already a Mesmer and I don’t want to make a Warrior. Would groups be accepting of a Guardian or a Thief in Zerker gear?
There may be some truth to this. Last night, one person kept doing this and did insist we run P1, P2, P1, P2. I asked to explain why and he got all defensive.
If there’s an exploit to be had, someone will test it eh…
Ya.. My all out Ranger was ignored till I showed up with a just barely there LVL80 ‘poor man’s’ exotics GS Warrior. Then, for the first time, I was cool!
50K+ with the right team and setup.
Mother of God! Ok. Have many roads to travel then…
So was doing CoF P1 …
stopped reading right here
why don’t you have a guild to do this with??
My guild of 15 bailed after the Nov15 patch. Been looking at Guilds, but just can’t seem to pick one. Another subject for another time.
Here’s another one. Last night guy decides this Engi had to go, this is after the first battle on Path 1. He actually typed “The Engi has to go” I said no, let him play. So BAM he’s gone. Whats he do? Lets in another Engi. Lol. Anyway, we still finished and he complained the whole way through; to slow, not enough DPS from everyone, bla bla bla. He was a Ranger BTW.
Anyhow, it’s all in fun. I’m fine tuning my Warrior, making money and getting the job done. Crits are in the upper 8000’s on 100Blades. Not sure how high they can go with a proper setup. I still have a ‘poor man’s’ lvl80 exotic amour and weapons set. This is why I’m running this path. I needs the monies.
P.S.: Note that I use the word Elite with quotes around them.
Thanks for reading.
I’m part of a 15 person guild, but only two are active and those two people are my wife and I. They all bailed out of GW2 after the Nov15 patch fiasco.
Was thinking of joining a new Guild, but how do you pick? I mostly PVE, the odd WvW round, and lately CoF P1 to make some money!
I really haven’t been a pure speed group yet. Hell, most of the groups I’ve been with didn’t even have a Mesmer. LOL. Good thing I’m good with the rolling stones part. So a 10 min run is not bad is you ask me. I’ll try the suggestions listed above. Thanks.
So was doing CoF P1 with some randoms and was trying some different builds for my Warrior. This build was mostly glass cannon, so I was a little squishy. My crits were very nice! (This is after being given a hard time that I was not doing enough DPS for Cof P1. Do people use stop watches for these runs?) Anyhow, I downed a few times, not dead, just downed and rallied. The leader says “Go down one more time and I kick you.” Sure enough I go down where you need to guard the 5 flame things. I had 6 on me. Kicked. Ugh.
A little while later, I re-build a little more tankier. Go back in Cof P1, join with a different group of randoms. One guy noticed I’m laying out Battle Standard and Banner of Tactics banners and says “I’m kicking you for those banners. This is no place for healers like you” Kicked.
Man… We were still get it done around the 10 min mark.
What has this game come to?
Got 1st ticket on 40 or so coffers. I also got a skin from the SAB on the first run through. Now, can I be this lucky on a precursor… Nope.
Now explain the break dancing/moonwalking spiders with sun glasses…
Yes Yes. Please do. I’ll kite around them just to see the animation.
This is funny. Check out GW2Spidy. Looks he(she) bought them on the TP. They are like 2c * 3000 = 60silver. A cheap trolling event.
Installed this a few days ago. Super Sweet. I like the audible notice. I just leave it open and wait for the chime. Just one suggestion… Could you add more space or add a thick line between the events. It’s very compressed and hard to tell what’s for what. Also can you make the name the even in bold?
Keep up the good work.