Showing Posts For Trevos.6473:
It’s true, they should tone it down. I just returned into the game 2 weeks ago, but never seen it dies since then and it’s not because of i can’t walk or dodge out from stuff or forget to protect turrets, laser, batterys. The event is just not scaling with the player number and if you don’t have a free hour to go there before the event and afk or play with your fingers there is ~95% chance you wont kill it.
I came here because i’m kittened of these “pvp” farmers who just abusing pvp reward system. They just capturing the point moving 2 feet away while the other team decap and capture the point and repeat! This can’t be legal, it’s not pvp and shouldn’t be rewarding! So after i met with this “thing” countless times now my suggestion to remove rewards from custom servers. When i accidentally join into one of these mess and all i get is getting kicked after some nice words from these scums because i want to pvp is a bit frustrating. I never join into servers with names because i know what it is, but hell some lamea** not even changeing the server name from numbers. And an option in the report menu would be nice too for this situation.
I just hope they fix this “mistake” since they just reward the ones who didn’t care with the election.
So we can sell the support tokens now for a lot! But what if i clicked 1billion times to vote and i have only buttons left… Let us sell the buttons on the same price as support tokens please! Thanks
Hello guys!
So i used 20-20-0-30-0 shout heal build with GS and a ranged weapon for 8-9 months, but now they nerfed my build so i plan to use something new( new for me). Warrior is my pve main so i do everything with it not just cof. I would miss the GS mobility, but time to try new things. Please check my link and tell what you think:;4VK-O0Y4JL-60;9;4T9;0T49A4;628ALoW4S;1CqNYCqNYBBlKN4LWZ;2jVp0t1yY3_9a6o0S70HV8aNX8aB
But if you not enjoying it why are you wasting your time trolling on the forums and destroying the moral of all the happy players. I can accept it that this is not for everyone, but you knew what you buying … Class balance is not perfect, matchmaking is the same but it’s far from fail and anet is polishing it slowly but surely.
We really need -1 button to send these treads into oblivion. Rabbits with great gaming experience teaching us gw2 pvp is fail, we must accapet this rofl…
You just can’t believe what yousaying. WoW pvp is not just gear to win but it’s full with awful ppl, ah and world pvp(aka ganking) is even worse coz blizzard just implemented such a kitten thing like /spit and kids not afraid to use it The community in this game is 10 times better than in wow, i know it i played it for 6 years
Why is the spectator mode able to see build and everything?
Someone that wants to give his build, will give his build away no need for making it visible to everyone.
If you don’t want to, like me and probably not less than 90% of players is this just outrageous.
Where is the -1 button? :S
There are many war abilities that can be combo’d with 100b, and even more so when playing with other classes.
I think it’s a well designed ability and weapon.
You just not playing warrior as i see. Thats not well designed if you NEED to use utility skill to land it’s only high dmg skill. Actually you need 2 utility skill bulls charge and frenzy, but since they nerfed frenzy and done nothing with warrior it’s even worse now.
I just don’t get it why do you want to nerf it’s dmg. That would be same long channeled skill even if you can use it while moving so everyone will just kite you to death like now… But shorten it’s cast time while uping its per hit dmg whould be nice change.
No, shattered strength never gave you might for illusionary persona, only for the clone shatters.
I won’t pay another 60$ that soon you can be sure, or i can play something else with monthly fee and that would be way more cheaper… ask this maybe 6-7 months later. But if you talking about free expansion i welcome it since i’m bored with the things now.
There is no point touching the base hps at all… they need to buff the effectiveness of the armor >30%.
I don’t think thats a good idea. Guardians are just not enough mobile to be good roamer. Close point defender with a dps build(but you can’t relocate fast to anywhere like a mesmer etc) or mid defender 0 dmg crap are the two option atm as i see, but maybe this is just me.
horn user warrior in pvp? U kidding right? if you dont use gs u kittend dmg wise and if your other set not includes shield u r kittend overall.
How can you still qq about 100blade? Thief can do more dmg with a steal+c&d+backstab combo and they can repeat it(without steal) or just read the patch notes they buffed the already op mesmers(9 stack might for 3 shatter rly?! and more) and mesmers can melt your face with shatter every 10 sec. 100blade only works with frenzy(60sec cd)+bulls charge(40sec cd) and you can avoid it coz u see it’s comeing not like bs…
Atleast give us the patchnote pls…
Sure warrior 1h sword and ridiculous amount of dmg…
This thing isn’t really ok. Lots of ppl get the box who wasn’t there or left the place when it was far from end and now they get stuffs for free. I was there from the start til the end and my reward was the same what slackers get now.
I would be happy to see sPvP kills count towards the PvE monthly which requires WvWvW kills. I don’t really like WvWvW and I get terrible framerate, but playing PvE and sPvP I can’t complete monthly achievements or work towards Legendary weapons that require WvWvW. I’ve pretty much written of Legendaries completely because WvWvW is not fun for me, but if I could substitute sPvP that would be perfect.
I feel exactly the same. It’s a pain in the… every month when i see 50 wvw kills need for monthly.
They drop from mobs? :o I never found any…
Dude you are desecrating the GW2 forum with this korean or chinese or wth crap.
You are wrong… utility caltrops stacks alone 10+bleed +dodge caltrops and the kitten thief not even touched his weapon skills and now tell this is fine when that stupid class can force out anyone from the point while evading all attacks and stacking insane amount of bleed. In the beta i could do the same with ranger but only on single target and they nerfd them to the ground(or below) now time to do the same with the thief
I think it was newb not noob (not the same atleast as i think)
This discussion gave me some kind of comfort feeling somehow.:)
Something happened last night, because there was no team in tpvp without warrior. Most teams had 2 of them.
They should really implement a limit. 1-2 day and gold/gem will be 1-1… it’s 40 now. Better remove this thing or limit the minimum 75 gem/gold, because there is no way in this game to farm gold for a normal player(daily quests etc…) ~1.5 silver/event rewards when traveling to 1 point to another costs >3 silver and with a bad economy where i can’t earn money with profession this is just lame.
(edited by Trevos.6473)
I hope they read this topic, coz i found some really good ideas here.
It’s true, just the mechanics don’t allow different modes as i see. I mentioned CTF, but another one is assault etc, with those tons of knock, knock down, stun, pull, push skills these modes can’t be good.
You won’t wee new game modes in the near future because the “class balance” made around conquest. Imagine a CTF etc where thiefs porting around with flags(huss huss i don’t want too see this picture)
You didn’t mentioned the stupid mechanic which allow mesmers to keep phantasms when they are downed… It’s like if i die as ranger i can still put down traps and auto shot do everything else… 1 duelist unload 4k, warlock 4k+ and the wonderful downed phantasm 5k+( but you have to put down 1. somehow the mesmer… tons of dmg combined with tons of utility and high base hp thats the mesmer)
They drop the mark with those niblet stealth skills…
Bleeding thiefs can bunker easy… broken healing signet, caltrop is on low cd and do way too much bleed stack on way too big ground and i didn’t mentioned the endless dodge with clatrops and blossom evasions…
My suggestions : Make 1 downed state skill set for all class (it’s really important since the downed state is really really stupid atm with vanishing(thief, mesmer), teleportingthief( mesmer), smoking and going back to almost full hp again(against elementalist you can’t win downed vs downed), 6k+ hitter phantasm summoning craps) Diasable all pets when someone goes down( stupid mesmer phantasms…)
Stop qqing about HB newbs, qq about the kitten thiefs. The ridiculous bs and even worse bleed spammer thiefs! this is the problem here not the warrior who spend his all utility bar to land 1 ability.
And now every noob will try this and scream on forums how HB is op. The only op here is the frenzy, without that hb is a useless, slow crap and the only real dmg option in gs… Oh and u need to combine it with a second utility skill, bulls charge…
Now i can see this too. Dude i hope you reported this.
(edited by Trevos.6473)
Hotfix it now maybe?! Its …kin annoying! I don’t want to wait another week or more for a patch, hotfix it.
5v5 spvp is just the same as 8v8 since everybokittenep zerging together no chance for some good 1v1 node defending fights or 2v2 etc its just 5v1s and running around over and over again. This can be solved with a ticking node defending bonus (10point every 30 sec maybe)
The number 1 prio should be the ranking system with matchmaking, without this they loose more and more player day after day. Not enough that tpvp is pointless now but without ranking system its not even fun when we need to fight against teams what beats Team Paradigm too.
“You have the invisible dude that will come out to own your face but can’t do anything past initial burst.” Lies…
Since backstab is auto attack ability it dont eat up your initiative all you need to do is do your burst for 0 initiative, cloak and dagger or shadow refuge or blinding powder or… and do everything again if the target is not dead. Free kills without cd if you doing right and you can still run away with stealth or shortbow if something going wrong.
I have this problem too. I can’t use the tabs in the gemstore, it stucks on it’s “starting” screen and nothign happens if i click on Minis, Upgrades… The other parts of the TP is just working fine but i need the gemstore now. I already tried to delete the local.dat file but it didn’t helped.
Just watch some spvp match and all of you will see 4+thief in teams…that is sad and annoying. The class needs an overall 15%+ dmg nerf and restrictions on stealth(this shadow refuge is a joke too, i saw a thief who resurrected his full dead teammate coz of the neverending stealth).
Thief is a full kitten class for kids. Let me explain:
1. Backstab thief: 3k+ steal(even my biggest attack can’t do that high dmg as ranger) followed by a 8k+backstab followed by some 1k+ auto attacks(even my greatsword auto attack does less than half of this dmg) followed by a 4k+ cloak and dagger and the thief is in stealth(again), i’m dead or 1 backstab far from death…
2.Blossom thief:12k hp, but his bar never go under 99% because of the signet. Trying to dmg him noway he is evading all the time with blossom, using caltrop+blossom=17+ bleed stack…I’m dead.
3.Thief underwater: Some kind if kitten spammable underwater attack what makes him evade all the time…I’m dead.
All of the thiefs build is kitten and too strong and this is the only class which have 3 “usable”(op like hell) elite skill.
Maybe the pop quickness pistol whip-pistol whip-pistol whip spammer crap is over but there are lots of other annoying and overpowered build sadly.
Ranger Pets are Awesome -but how about giving the player the choice for different play styles?
in Ranger
Posted by: Trevos.6473
They are superbad if you realize that they can’t attack moving targets, because they stop every time when they want to attack while the target moves toward.