(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
There is a gw2e table for LI, which is much more accurate representation because shards can be actually spent.
Yes but people who have tried and failed VG, Escort or whatever would have gotten a handful of shards and no LI. And there’s nothing you can spend shards on that only costs less than 10 shards. The statement that most players have never set foot in the Forsaken Thicket is not supported by the shards data. If however the claim is that most people have not managed to defeat a raid encounter, then the LI data does support this. However, given that raids are designed to not hand LIs out to people autoattacking while watching the latest episode of Westworld, this is probably working as intended.
Except that it’s not a fun experience. It might be fun for you, but that doesn’t mean that other players will have just as much fun with it.
If you read my post at all, you would know that I said it’s fun for the people who do this in static groups. That’s why they keep doing it. Whether it’s fun for experienced PuGs or training runs is another matter entirely. It’s not fun for you and the OP – most people commenting in this thread can see that. Most people commenting in this thread respect that. But if you enjoy WvW and I don’t, but I am ‘forced’ to do WvW because I ‘need’ a Gift of Battle or whatever, it doesn’t necessitate me writing over and over again asking developers to rework WvW to suit my tastes.
If you can respect that PvPers, WvWers, achievement hunters, jumping puzzle fans, fractal/dungeon runners etc. have their niche areas of the game that they enjoy, then raiders should be extended the same courtesy and respect as has been extended to these aficionados of other GW2 content. If you dislike white you can paint your own walls yellow, but it is impolite to splatter yellow paint on everyone else’s walls.
(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
This is gw2efficiency’s table of magnetite shards. Assuming people don’t spend them as soon as they get them, if you are making an argument for how ‘most players have never even set foot into raids’, you’ll need to explain how more than 50% of the playerbase who’ve clocked a few thousand hours into the game – the ‘veterans’ that have supposedly been driven away in hordes by the raid content – have a few shards in their wallet.
If you don’t like the content, it’s fine. There’s other content for you to enjoy. I started this game one week after launch and I’ve never entered a PVP match. Should I have quit the game when they had the PVP seasons, PVP-exclusive skins, or devoted their resources into the Skyhammer and Capricorn maps? My neighbour does a few things that really, really irk me. Does this mean I’ll have to pack up all my things and move house?
The reluctance to experience raid content is largely driven by players who have to overcome their mindset that the raid experience is necessarily going to be like XYZ. If you spend 15 minutes in teamspeak with any static team, you know it’s a fun experience for people. Otherwise no one would be doing it.
Is there room for improvement? Always. So many have been suggested. Have an ‘easy mode’ for raid bosses with fewer mechanics and a more forgiving enrage timer, which gives you a legendary insight fragment and combine 5 fragments into one legendary insight. Have a LFG tab thing dedicated to guilds and static teams looking to recruit potential new raiders. Give alacrity, might-stacking capabilities and power/precision-enhancing traits to other classes. Make boons shared squad-wide in raid instances only and double HP of bosses to compensate for the inevitable 3 boon-givers 7 DPS meta.
But if you’ve never tried broccoli before and absolutely hate it and will never ever give it a go, there’s no improvements that anyone else can make that will make you put one in your mouth.
Would you like to try us out at Astral Blade [ASTL]? We are non-80 friendly, have a guild hall, and when you hit 80 we do weekly fractals and guild missions. The website is here: http://astralblade.net/ and we have a facebook group as well.
There’s many AU/NZ members so there’ll be people around when you’re on. If you’re keen let me know, I’ll shoot you an invite tonight.
VInetooth Prime needs better downscaling.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895
I did try with tripwire, but found that I couldn’t land it 100% of the time. Scorp wire I could land much more reliably but I know it does less to the CC bar. I will try tonight with tripwire again and impairing daggers instead and see how I get on. Thanks for the tips.
If we could reliably get 6 people there to do it from the 10 minute countdown mark, it wouldn’t be that big of an issue. I’m not the OP so I know I’m not the only one having difficulty with this. But sometimes especially during the transition between OCX and SEA primetime when octovine is not up it feels like there are only 6 people in all of Auric Basin.
If you craft all the timegated things yourself and have to farm from zero gold, expect it to take 2.5 to 3 months at least. HOPE would work out to be more expensive than Incinerator or Bolt. Those websites linked are good to see a breakdown of what you’ll need, but don’t feel put off by the big price tag. You won’t really realise how much you’re sinking into it if you’re doing a little bit a day.
VInetooth Prime needs better downscaling.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895
I fail to see the difference between your request and “nerfing”. You are asking that the fight be less difficult, which is how most people use the term ‘nerf’.
Mind you, I don’t see anything bad about the idea of nerfing, even if I don’t agree it’s necessary here. I’m not sure why you don’t want to use the word.
I’m not sure that the event was designed to be doable by any 3 people; I think it was designed around a crowd. However, as it turns out, it can be done by very small groups.
OK. If Vinetooth Prime was nerfed today, it means that if 20 people defeated Vinetooth Prime yesterday, they had a “harder time” defeating it than if those 20 people attempted the fight tomorrow. Whether it’s nerfed as in you need less CCs, or the HP was lower, or it doesn’t jump around so much or whatever, it was “more challenging” for 20 people to defeat it yesterday pre-nerf than it is for the same 20 people to attempt the fight tomorrow post-nerf. That is a nerf.
Asking for better downscaling is not a nerf. It should be equally challenging for 3 people to do Vinetooth Prime as it is for 20 people on an individual level, but it should not be impossible to do just because some content developer decided it was a [Group Event] and not an [Event].
Yes this game should absolutely teach people about breakbars rather than dumping them at Wyvern Matriarch and relying on other players to scream in mapchat. I have mixed feelings about the idea of a tutorial – if the New Player Experience was anything to go by I’d rather not – but I think we do at least agree that people need to learn about CCs even if we might not see eye to eye about how legendary journeys are designed.
So what skills did you equip on your Daredevil?
I ran staff and d/p, using skills scorp wire, distracting daggers, fist flurry, and basilisk venom on elite. Any suggestions?
(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
VInetooth Prime needs better downscaling.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895
If your character doesn’t have many crowd control options, you might want to bring a different class to the fight.
I’m sorry but this is a bit ridiculous. It’s a Vinetooth, not Matthias. I shouldn’t feel like I have to bring a specific character to get it done. The game should not assume that everyone has multiple characters they can bring to the fight.
To answer your question, I have tried on warrior, necro, rev, dd, dh, druid, and temp. Should I gear up a full vipers condi engi and learn how to play engi to attempt Vinetooth Prime? It just doesn’t work if only 3 or 4 of us are using hard CCs.
Actually, wouldn’t that be a sure sign that the event was far too easy? If it were remotely possible to succeed by any six strangers with monitors turned off.
I’m really sorry that you are having trouble getting your item and that the bottleneck seems to be a particular mechanic in a particular map. That isn’t reason enough for ANet to spend development resources to change things, especially since there are alternatives, including putting together a group (of PUGs) in advance. There are also guilds that include V-Prime on their Hero Challenge or other types of AB tours.
Despite your frustration, wouldn’t it be better for the game and the community if ANet spent their time on helping to ensure their players were more familiar with the mechanics rather than making the content easier? Isn’t it more fun to overcome a challenge using the existing tools rather than waiting for the game company to remove challenges or give us new tools?
I get that it’s annoying to be blocked by this one thing. I hope you can see that there are other dynamics in play besides that.
I meant that if a few people reply to this thread saying that they had managed to defeat Vinetooth Prime with half a dozen people, that does not mean that Vinetooth Prime should not downscale better.
I’m not asking for Vinetooth Prime to be nerfed. I’m asking that if 3 people show up to Vinetooth Prime at 4am North American time, the amount of CC required to deplete the breakbar should be doable by 3 people who are all chaining hard CCs. At the moment you simply cannot duo or trio this event. Of course if the game educates people about breakbars this might not be an issue, but changing ONE requirement of HOPE and Nevermore is ‘less work’ for the developers than putting some instruction tutorial in VB. Even the logistics behind that – what would you include in the tutorial? It’d take 5 minutes just to explain what’s a breakbar, what’s a soft cc, what’s a hard cc, what does immune mean, double damage during first 5 seconds, etc.
It’s not fun. It was past fun 3 weeks of daily attempts ago. My issue is that my legendary journey is being stunted by other people not knowing how or when to CC or sometimes even what is a CC skill. I have been able to solo every other ‘collection requirement’ – this should be reworked to be in line with other legendary journeys.
VInetooth Prime needs better downscaling.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895
I have been doing this everyday and failing everyday because even with ccs on skills 7, 8, 9 and 0, we’re not even close to depleting the breakbar and people are getting downed/not waypointing. Why should I be punished as an OCX primetime player when there’s only ever 3 or 4 other stragglers around? You should never put something you need a dozen other players around on the same map who know how to cc into a legendary collection.
“I did it once with 6 strangers all in nomads masterwork gear with their monitors turned off with 5 minutes to spare” =/= Vinetooth Prime should not have better downscaling.
(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
A bit of a cheeky suggestion but I’ve done the gift of battle reward track once before. It’d be nice if once you have it ‘unlocked’ you could buy it with badges or something.
I’m dreading running it again, but that’s partly to do with how I went ~7 hours straight to get it the first time. This time I’ll space it out better.
Yeah as someone who plays viper reaper a lot, my food costs me more than 1g per 30 mins. I would love to get in more practice for Sab and Matt because I know I’d get so much better if I tried it every night. But if we barely scraped through two days after reset night, the cost of going again for half a dozen shards if I’m not capped already is just prohibitive.
If people are afraid a small minority of ‘hardcore raiders’ are going to break the economy if we got liquid gold or exo/asc loot by farming VG, it would be nice to get something like a bag of 10 shards that doesn’t count towards the weekly limit. Shards is more flexible and gives us options to buy ascended gear, raid skins, minis etc.
It seems to me like part of the issue with your guild is that it sounds a bit like a ragtag band of people trying to conquer content that is designed to cater for a more coordinated and efficient team. Like you brought a power reaper to VG and other members of your guild raid team are running suboptimal gears/builds etc.
While I agree that min-maxing can create an environment that is hostile to casual players and can seem like it sucks the fun out of everything, bringing the right gear and skills will make it a smoother experience especially if your team is not all that experienced with raids.
I get that people are comfortable playing with certain weapons and have always used these utilities/traits that worked very well for them in other content, but you do have to know your class well and be flexible in that regard, and you do have to know the boss mechanics to get through. It’s not really a matter of ’I’ll play how I want’ or ‘raiders are elitist’ or ‘DPS check or get kicked’ anything like that, but it’s like trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole or trying to drill kitten with a screwdriver. It is just that much less agonising if you bring the right tools for the right job.
I’m currently raiding with a static group that is struggling at Gorseval because we’re hitting the enrage timer (once you hit the timer you can’t break the wall and everyone dies), but we’re getting better with each session. We recognise that the problem is not the timer – we’re hitting the enrage timer because too often people are getting knocked down, trapped in eggs, hit by orbs, ccs are too slow, etc. and we lose too much DPS especially if everyone has to stop and rez. Sometimes it is easy to blame something that is ticking in the corner of the screen but the problem is often something you won’t notice as you’re mashing buttons frantically crapping out on your rotations while trying to cope with 3 or 4 boss mechanics red circles green circles black circles flame walls poison etc. simultaneously going on.
It would be nice especially for some of the more difficult adventures if you could get silver by getting bronze 50 times or something. The range of difficulty is really diverse even in just one map. For example the first person shooter one in VB seems way more difficult than every other mini-game in VB?
Count me among the many who have done the hard yards already on the way to doing a legendary and then have this change force me into AFKing in WvW.
Because that’s what we’ll end up doing. I play on a crowded server with 20+ queues on reset night but I will follow the zerg for a bit and AFK/hit things every 5 minutes to maintain participation and not give two rats’ behinds about our server like I always have. Thanks for a colossal waste of my time and making it difficult for the people who actually enjoy WvW.
The other useless crap you get in the reward track on the way to the Gift of Battle is just insult to injury. If you’re going to make it a reward track item at least give players something useful for their legendary like ectos or obsidian shards or something?
I would be happy to have the option to unlock all WPs on an alt (assuming you already have at least one character with world completion) for the convenience. Couldn’t care less about map completion/rewards.
Otherwise I just keep swapping to my 100% map completed character if I only have a few hours of gametime to get all the things I’d like to get done and my alts don’t get as much playtime as I’d like.
My Hellblazing Druid will be complete if you could add a loose red tie shoulder item to the gem store one day…
Just saying.
I’m fully aware the hype will die down in a couple weeks and really, for now, the clutter is largely a PvE problem. You no longer see information in map chat like “champ/champ train/ori/ancient node on my tag” when there are numerous other people tagged up for no real reason.
If you implemented a charge of 1 gold or 1~2 guild merit points every time someone tags up outside of WvW and EotM, so that guilds can still use tags to find bounties and lead rushes and whatever in PvE, it would deter people from cluttering up the minimap. Sure, people won’t tag up anymore just to show you where an ori node is, but they can always just ping the nearest waypoint and write a short description the way we’ve been doing it since before the commander tag hype.
After all ANet is always looking for goldsink avenues… this could be a good one.
A large part of GW2 is going out to explore and be amazed at what you find through trial-and-error. There isn’t a hand-holding NPC at the beginning to tell you exactly what to do for a reason. If you can’t follow a straightforward simple guide that reduces content to a checklist of achievement points and explicit instructions on how to attain those achievement points, then we cannot help you.
Download Teamspeak, join ts2.ttsgamers.com, go into Boss Blitz 1/2/3/4/5/6 and look for usernames in Teamspeak with ‘TAXI’ next to their names. You don’t need a microphone but you do need speakers/earphones.
80% of us are not TTS. We are just PuGs willing to use our microphones and organise gold maps for everyone else. I have spent the whole month staying up until 4~5am nearly every night to help map hunt/taxi/organise/call HP%s/ERTs/you-name-it and just this morning I was in a map that got 8 gold chests in an hour.
Gold maps are not dead, you just have to be willing to listen.
Nothing stopping you from looking for gold/silver taxis in LFG, open-world content shouldn’t have to rely on voice comms, but the Boss Blitz channels on Teamspeak are the easiest, fastest, most efficient 6~14 hour farms I’ve done.
Been accumulating karma through Teamspeak-organised Boss Blitz fairly easily.
As someone who only ever converts gems to gold occasionally, you have to consider it from our perspective… back when it was 4g per 100 gems = 32g per $10. Would I pay USD$1 for 3.2g? Lol no way. Yes, back then I could buy more things for 3.2g than I can now, but I convert $20~$50 at a time. I’d rather spend my money on something else.
If it was 12g per 100 gems = 96g per $10. I’m happy to pay USD$1 for 9.6g. BUT the rate going the other way isn’t equal, so if we exchange gems to gold we don’t get 12g for every 100 gems we put into the exchange.
You are waiting for the price of gems to drop, I am waiting for the price of gold to drop. As long as there is this standstill, the price will continue to work in gold-buyers’ favour until an acceptable conversion rate is achieved.
It depends on what you mean by ‘better’ but warriors are ‘easier to play’, in that you can don on full zerker gear, sort of mash any buttons, facetank with a greatsword and do decent damage and not go down in 2 seconds. As you probably know by now, you need a little bit more skill for Mesmer – you have to make decisions like do you want a phantasm build or a shatter build, you need to swap out your utility skills quite a bit depending on what you want to do with maybe only the Signet of Inspiration as a almost-permanent utility slotted in, whereas on my warrior I pretty much always cycle through the same 6 utilities depending on what the situation calls for. You also need to be able to melee as a Mesmer to get any sort of decent DPS (in PvE at least, Mesmers that hover at 1200 range and autoattack with their greatsword have a bad rep in PvE though greatsword is more useful in WvW) and that’s not necessarily as easy when you’re in zerker light armour.
For PvE I would recommend the Warrior and for PvP/WvW I would recommend the Mesmer.
In the end you will likely level both to 80 and designate them to specific tasks like I have a few 80s and I’ll get on my Guardian for FotM/mob farming, Warrior for 80 speedrun dungeons, Ele if need to carry low levels in dungeons, Necro for PvP/WvW, etc. But for now if you would like to focus on one I would recommend the Warrior.
‘The one class everyone hates on and you automatically have a bad name for playing that class’ is going to be either Ranger or Necromancer, and that is more of a balance problem than a player problem, so you’re safe either way.
(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
I was thinking of buying the pass this time around since you can’t do any crafting in the Vigil’s Keep so I’ve been spending more time in Divinity’s Reach. But you don’t need the pass to get into the Crown Pavilion, the portal or door or whatever will open up when the event starts.
You have to craft it.
I made a set for my Guardian for the lols. It only gets use in FotM level 40+ after my PuG wipes 12 times and I’ve damaged my Berserker and Soldier sets.
It’s very good for Elementalists but if you’re in PvE the answer to all content is Berserker.
Jeez, why draw the line at ‘Legendary’?
That word has been used since the beginning to refer to the “final stage”… at least you’d know with certainty that there can’t/won’t be a tier higher then Legendary, ever.
C’mon, it’s the last tier… they have to do it.(but I feel it should be almost horizontal from Ascended)
inb4 the Jesus tier where the Legendaries become the precursors for Jesus.
All of the big guilds in the high population servers were organising Teq just fine before megaservers, during US prime-time, Europe, Asia, Oceanic – no problem. Get on the Teq teamspeak and away we go. Meanwhile all the barren servers never had enough people even during prime-time.
Overall I think more players benefited than suffered from the change. Giving people free transfers to underpopulated servers didn’t work so this was the alternative.
Well, obviously. There weren’t enough people on the forums QQing about throwing in 6000 rares and 2000 exotics and getting zero precursors.
I feel like I wasted all that time to get to 49 for nothing. Yes, it was challenging to do FotM 48 with people who knew how to use the dodge button, and yes I think I did get better drops and a better chance at fractal skins. The old system of grinding levels per character was tedious, but it did mean that someone who got to FotM 48 on their warrior couldn’t just relog on their alt and die over and over again, bringing the team down.
I suffered through absolutely crap loot, breaking 3 sets of armour because we have to keep wiping at cliffside to get the hammer that’s stuck in mid-air, that clown car I don’t even want to talk about, and OMG it seems like no one can do Shaman at 48 without at least 2 guardians in the party.
I don’t mind doing FotM with a wider range of players other than the limited playerbase that’s gotten to level 49+. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these FotM 30+ players are better than the ones at 49+. But I am incredibly annoyed that I’m getting punished for suffering through those 31~49 levels by having my progress reset. Some of us don’t give a crap about the leaderboards! We just want to play the same thing we’ve worked hard to be able to play without having to re-unlock the levels that we’ve already unlocked. WTF?
Strange how no one’s mentioned how stacking is one of the few times where you’d be able to lay down combo fields that would actually benefit the whole party instead of everyone running around like headless chickens. If I’m running my guardian in a predominantly melee group, I get to dust off the hammer sitting in my inventory and put it to good use.
Far enough, the logistics of hosting a truly ‘international’ competition can be daunting to comply with all the local laws. But you’d think that they would say that this competition was only for residents of the US/some EU countries instead of burying it in clause #1 of the fine print page.
Did I not read a massive flashing sign saying so, or is the fact that this contest is only for US/EU players only in the fine print?
I’ve had the icon glitch before where it’d show the fused greatsword image instead of the sprocket one.
If you’ve checked your bank and the watchwork sprockets are not there (they’re under the T6 mats) then file a bug report thing in-game – I don’t think we can help you much on the forums lol.
(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
Simple solution that all the forum trolls will tell you: Reroll guardian or warrior.
Yes you can do it with endurance regen food, sigils of energy, rejuvenation booster, etc. – but professions that have 100% dodge uptime traited for vigor have an even easier time if they use all those consumables/sigils.
Necromancers have no blocks, no stability, no vigor trait, and it is the only profession with ZERO skills that make you go invulnerable. Useful stunbreakers you could bring are plague signet and possibly power well cast at your feet. But I’m seeing people use useless utilities like flesh wurm just for the teleport.
You can do it on a necro, but you’re going to be buttonmashing a whole lot more than a guardian who can just lolaegis half the attacks.
I would definitely try to finish the Gauntlet within the first day – the first 6 hours would be even better. The other things don’t seem to be needing patching? Basically there’s just a free travel to Divinity’s Reach via hotair balloons and some olympic torch relay race – I’d probably do the torch beacon lighting thing after you’ve finished Gauntlet as people might have found shortcuts/ezmode ways of doing it that will b e patched in subsequent days.
I think there are quite a few people on the forums who are happy to take you along for a dungeon run, myself included if you’re in an NA server. Everyone’s had a first time in a dungeon – just pay attention to chat and wait for instructions before charging in.
People won’t usually kick you if it’s your first time unless you joined one of those farming/speedclearing/‘must know how to exploit by jumping puzzle’ parties, but if you don’t say it’s your first time and you do something that makes it obvious it’s your first time, or if you just don’t read what’s in party chat, most of the time you can expect to get booted to the loading screen.
SoS unleashed a 20-golem army the other night during Oceanic primetime. While it was quite funny to watch, I didn’t think it was fair on the other servers we were matched up against. Besides, most of us didn’t sign up for Gundam Wars 2. If it becomes even more siege-based than it already is, there’s less room for people to want to just run around and flip camps for daily or whatever.
I don’t think there’s much skill involved in Guardian Hammer 4 Alpha into corner, and then unleash DPS, dodging a couple times inbetween for those of us who can count 1 Mississippi.
You have to count to 2, get it right.
Wow, y u so pro? Can has pug w u?
The original design philosophy was that story mode was supposed to be the ‘easy mode’ for people who can’t take on explorable mode which is the ‘hard mode’. You were supposed to try the ‘easy mode’ first before being able to progress into ‘hard mode’.
The problem is that now most if not all the dungeons are fairly easy in explorable mode, and story mode doesn’t reward tokens or anything valuable for your time investment (unless you do CoF story and up I suppose, at least you can salvage your rare hat/helmet for a chance of ectos). Story modes like CoE, HotW and Arah are much longer than explorable modes and those who have run it once likely don’t ever want to do it again.
Just keep bumping your post on gw2lfg.com or ask your guild on a day that has story dungeon completer for daily – people will come along; just don’t expect your party to fill up anywhere near as fast as explorable runs.
Well I’m assuming that since they nerf every farmable thing in this game, they’ll do something for Jormag as well, but I was just hoping someone would come outright and say that yes they would change this champ business.
After all if they’ll nerf the giant farm because (a) it’s a farm and (b) it slows down access to Arah, then why shouldn’t they nerf the champs at Jormag because (a) it’s going to be a farm and (b) it’s going to slow down the completion of the event.
I know this won’t be a popular suggestion, but there’s already enough people farming champs at the back at Claw of Jormag not contributing to destroying the shield/pillars right now despite the crap loot. After the update with the champ loot, everyone and their grandmother will be farming the champ wolves/goliaths and no one will be focused on actually doing the event.
I don’t think there’s much skill involved in Guardian Hammer 4 Alpha into corner, and then unleash DPS, dodging a couple times inbetween for those of us who can count 1 Mississippi.
But other than the Alpha fights the rest of the dungeon is enjoyable. Just wish I could get into a coordinated party for the Destroyer for P3 for once… Most parties I run with have at least one first timer who doesn’t want to listen and turns the laser on willy nilly.
Actually most people missed the joke and assumed that I was referring to all zerker warriors in general as opposed to the ones who only ever do CoF P1 who will be going down every 5 seconds in other dungeons where you have to do a bit more than stand there and 100b.
I’m certain there’s something wrong with the event chain on SoS. It’s working as per normal when I guest to JQ, and it’s completely deserted in SoS.
Don’t worry about it guys, I can guest until it’s fixed lol.
@OP: You are trying too hard to make CoE p2/p3 pugs look hard. Those pugs are generally not that bad. Sometimes there is 1 or 2 that fails in dodging. Even the best gets downed by Subject Alpha from time to time.
Maybe you’ve had better luck than me, but I’ve had to solo 71 P2/P3 Subject Alphas when the rest of the party wiped within the first 2 or 3 delayed AoEs.
I’ve no doubt I’ll reach the 100 mark by Christmas.
@LordByron: I can tell you’ve never PuGed CoE P2/P3.
@Oranisagu: I wonder what a few seconds of stability could possibly be useful for in a dungeon where gravellings chain knock back.
Oh wait.
I am dreading the coe pugs.
CoE P1 will be fine. No dodging required.
CoE P2 and P3 however… I foresee a lot of solo vids coming.
CoF P1 zerker warriors =/= zerker warriors.
I tried searching the game release notes forum for any information about this, but couldn’t find any – maybe I’m blind, but the Kessex Hills DE chain from the bridge fixing to the champ overlord isn’t chaining like it used to. Once you finish the bridge fixing there’s just that Keep Calm and Carry On message; the 3 vets or the waves of centaurs invading the camp don’t trigger.
Maybe it’s just my server (SoS)?
My suspicion is no. Once you frak up on the torches more than once, those who are used to ‘drop banner “FOR GREAAAT JUSTICEEEEE” 1112 swap to axe/mace 1111111111 swap to GS 1112 "OMG I can’t dodge, ENDURE PAAAAAIN" swap to axe/mace 111111111’ will ragequit.
I imagine a common dungeon rotation would be something like CoF P1/2, SE P1, HotW P1, AC P3/1, CoE P1/2/3. I don’t know about P2 and P3 for CoE though; all the PuGs I’ve been in play like they’ve never used the dodge button in their lives.
(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)
There are two ways of doing it depending on your party composition. I find it’s easiest if your party has a guardian/mesmer and is DPS-oriented. You charge in under the nightmare tree ASAP, pop up shield/wall of reflection/feedback (not all at the same time obviously) and then DPS in melee range.
If your party is like 5 necromancers and negative DPS, have the most durable party member kite the spiders round and round the tree while 4 people kill the boss. This is very slow and more dangerous as the kiter is very prone to dying, but that’s the price you pay for ‘play how you want; bring a support build with clerics gear if that’s how you want to play rainbows and unicorns carebear shine yaaaaay’.