Can we see some progress?
I guess the dungeon community has no sense of humour, unlike the PvP community used to have.
Granted, the original had one thing going for it… it was original.
because from my experience Thief is underpowered to the extreme right now…. every other class can duel him…
can anyone give me any tips?
I made you a brief (27s) Thief instructional
That thief was standing afk or petting his dog. Why would you even post such a video anywhere?
I would like to see this outfit again!
That one has been fixed to death
This is what I’m hoping for.
I don’t want to craft, but have spent more than enough time and money on the game; just on other things.
I’d love to spend more time on barbecues, gaming and just generally slacking off. Can i have a nice salary still? I did spend my time after all, just not on work.
If you only press 1 and F, you are way to slow to be considered elitist or hardcore. You will be below newbie level… having the capacities of a lvl 80 and using those of a of a level 2 character. Think about it. Let it sink in.
And that’s a major problem with their challenging group content. Rest of the game is doable by pressing 1 and F while raids are going to require usage of your entire skillbar, there is little content that is in the middle.
Interesting, i haven’t seen these 1 and F runs ever. On the videos they upload to youtube they usually use most of their skills and in specific order. Sometimes even coordinated to achieve certain effects.
Don’t you think that your whole idea would defeat the purpose of the outfit in the first place? It was given to somewhat lessen the effect of the f2p announcement. Something like this: “we know you paid for the game and now we are giving it away for free, but here, have this outfit”.
It’s the easiest class to play at the moment. If I want to roam around and win every engagement and be able to escape anything that doesn’t go your way (being zerged) then mesmer is the class to be.
Just make a mesmer and start playing it so the game gets flooded with more and maybe they’ll nerf them. Maybe I’ll play the mesmer more once it takes actual skill to play because right now I feel really bad (not really) just steamrolling everyone.
This is a load of oxdung right here. Every roamer spec has to be able to win an engagement or run from unwinnable fights or it is not a roamer. Unless you are talking about a condition build which is truly awful, you are not steamrolling everyone.
Seriously, WvW players should just l2p.
The lowest skilled players usually gravitate to the most powerful class or class combo that requires the least effort to succeed on, just remember that
yeah, i literally had my hp halved by a stealth/stun/glass mesmer. I was on a necromancer. mesmer is way too strong right now.
Then you realized he was there, turned your attention to him and bombed him out of existence by spamming 1… Necros whining about a full glass spec that takes only half of their hp. HALF, after that he has to be on his toes to survive against a juggernaut that is the average wvw necro.
It’s fine. MM necro is utterly unviable still.
Sounds so much fun. Maybe they could buff burn damage and remove clones/phantasms from mesmers or make it so that they are unable to shatter when targeted by a guardian.
why would it be a bad idea for memsers to not use shatters F1-F4 skills when stunned or knocked down? Every other class has to use a stun breaker but not mesmers. Maybe this is something unique for mesmers.
Reducing the sustain of certain classes would make mesmers even more op atm. Right now ele/thieves/mesmers are the elite of tournaments and simply reducing ele dmg would force teams to run something else.
Why would it be a bad idea? Because other classes can use their special F1-F4 abilities while disabled (like thief steal, guardian virtues). So no, it is not unique. It would be unique the other way around. You as a guardian player surely wouldn’t be happy about such mechanics killing off your virtues.
Also, saying that thief and mesmer are the “elite” of tournaments together with ele is a bit misleading. Simply the insane amount of eles need a class with some more punch/mobility. It is not about the ooh-la-la burst of either thief or mesmer. It is all about mobility.
Edit: They actually win with 5 eles even. Whatever.
(edited by serenke.4806)
Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.
GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.
More random dodges is what the game needs. Bring it!
I think Daredevil should be immune to the blind condition for obvious reasons.
The outfit is is not five different outfits. Wedding Attire is Wedding Attire. outfit is outfit. It has unique look for each race just as all outfits should. I cant wear the norn look on my human or the asuran on my charr. They should not be jacking up the price just because there was a demand. Extortion.
lol. Extortion?
Extortion: the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
Tell us how the bad ANet threatened you.
Let me help you. You forgot the part " intimidation, or undue or illegal power, also : to gain especially by ingenuity or compelling argument" . I forgive you though. I don’t expect much from those who get info from Business Insider and think MKUltra was in 2012. ISP must block a lot. No reason for a near 43% increase in price. Then it’ll be on “Sale” for 700 later.
Except, there was no undue illegal power or ingenuity or compelling argument from Anet. They provided an offer – 1 outfit for 1000 gems – and you can either buy it or not.
I really hope you are right about them being “nerfed”.
Wake up devs and stop balancing this game around PvP!
Didn’t read the rest past this point. The devs have favored PvE compared to PvP since the game’s release. Saying they balance this game around PvP is a complete joke.
Funny because they do balance the game around PvP. And yes, where you could safely do certain things in PvE while having stability up, now you’re losing stacks faster than when an engi used Slick Shoes (when they were still using that skill). So much so that sometimes it makes more sense to bring something else. Hallowed ground is nice but a long cd and the stability it provides is blown away anyway.
The best farm is the one you can do without going nuts. Doesn’t matter how effective something is, if it sucks the life out of you, you shouldn’t be doing it.
700 gems, 1000 gems, who cares. There is nothing else to spend gold on anyway. Just like in real life, you see something you want, you check the price tag, you make a decision and then buy it or leave it.
Seriously why is everyone complaining about DD eles? You did not think this would happen when you asked Anet to remove the capability of others to take out celestial DD eles? Oh right, it’s the pvp forums, people never think beyond their target of hate.
Well, i hope you enjoy this meta because you asked for it.
Metas tend to work like this: if a build is able to survive and do what it is supposed to be doing well, it will be picked up by many people and will thrive.
When anet nerfed everything that could kill a cele DD ele quickly (mesmer, thief) they basically created an environment where the celestial ele can run around freely and do its “thing”.
But the nerf to those classes came on popular demand so actually we should not complain now.
Sounds so much fun. Maybe they could buff burn damage and remove clones/phantasms from mesmers or make it so that they are unable to shatter when targeted by a guardian.
I have only one concern. For a game that made it a selling point to be so different, this seems to turn into yet another generic mmo step by step over the years. We will see i guess. Not sure what to do when we get those mounts though.
I think I’m the only one that dosnt like this guy. Hes like a short-bus secret agent.
When he died I was like ‘ugh, FINALLY’, never picked order of whispers again because of him.
I tell that to my friends all the time and I get all the /hate
You are not alone.
From a design perspective, Mesmers are more about providing fields and less about activating them. It’s not just blast finishers, Mesmers lack reliable sources of many other finishers too. Necromancers fill a similar role. By contrast you might notice that Warriors have lots of finishers but not many fields.
We don’t always get this balance right (and I think there is a different discussion to be had about when we don’t) but I hope that clarifies what we were going for in the case of Mesmers.
It’s funny because there’s so little viability in mesmer builds that provide said fields. Which are all etheral btw. And outside of Chaos storm, or falling off a cliff traited, require util and elite slots -_-u
Hey now, we can also provide a light field with Temporal Curtain! Mesmer is totally about providing fields.
and now you got a completely useless birthday gift.
Do you honestly call something you can sell on the TP for 30 gold useless???
I do. Granted, Anet has pulled off the same stunt several times before, but if they hand out dye kits, why not just give 30g to everyone?
Because selling a dye on the tp for 30g doesnt create new gold, in fact, it acts as a gold sink with paid fees and taxes.
Giving 30g directly to each player would be a huge gold faucet, only adding to inflation.
I quite honestly don’t care about the big economic impact, just like anet does not give a rusty cent about the consequences of their actions either.
I figure the 1% will delete it or toss it in their bank in hopes of it having a use in the future, and then they will go and dive into their giant vault of money Scrooge McDuck-style.
I have to comment on that vault of money. I am not playing the tp and i saved up for my dyes, sometimes i spent more, sometimes less but i always acquired all the dyes when they came out (you know, collecting stuff).
The idea that people who have all the dyes are rich Scrooges is just simply wrong.
And now since everyone and their dog can get dyes for free, i would like Anet to hand out any mini of your choice next year. I want those mini karka hatchlings for free that mini collectors paid insane sums for.
and now you got a completely useless birthday gift.
Do you honestly call something you can sell on the TP for 30 gold useless???
I do. Granted, Anet has pulled off the same stunt several times before, but if they hand out dye kits, why not just give 30g to everyone?
Joined a group for CoE path 1 the other night. Got up to the room with the console. Instead of doing the 1 then 4. We started out doing 0. I was defending and realized everyone else had stacked on the left side and no one had done the console.
Then rather then doing the 1 and 4 we did one, fought, and someone started the second console while we were still killing the golems from the 1st one. I thought they hadn’t realized but it turns out it was intentional. This kept going through all five golem phases.
Until it was just me and one other guy still alive at the end.
Haha, that happens to me all the time! That’s why I don’t like running CoE fullruns without friends. Everyone either screws up on the console or has no idea what to do on husk.
It’s best to just do 4-1, that way you avoid the hassle.
Right now?
I want more.
What I’m worried about?
Dead on arrival.
This. I have a feeling we will be quite disappointed when it finally arrives.
Why are people assuming you are bragging? You collected all the dyes for a reason (be it a desire to have them all, the freedom to use any dye or just being a completionist) and now you got a completely useless birthday gift.
I assume that the wise men at Arenanet calculated that the 1% as you called us will not make a big enough problem out of the useless gift they gave us and the 99% who get their dyes for free will tell us to go and kitten ourselves anyway.
I love the new warhorn sounds.
Because they looked way better when the black ones were released. Then Anet “fixed” their physics so that when the white ones came out and i saw the new physics, i just didn’t like the way they moved anymore. Thus i am not using them.
Maybe we get a skin of our choice with the 4th birthday present. You know, so that you can appreciate it for the hard work you’ve put into it.
I don’t get it. You want to get more rewards if you spend more time? Like… autorun into a wall for 50 minutes in CoE before the last alpha fight (then kill him) and get tons of gold/tokens? (Autorunning is also “doing stuff”)
This is a good change, at least in theory. The existence of rank farm servers makes it a bit less effective.
No worries, it’s company policy that everyone has to have everything and if possible, for free.
I have all but 8 dyes atm, I’m just glad I can get the few that remain for just a bit instead oif the 2700 gold they were listed for together…. saves me about a legendary most people will only get 5 maybe 10 dyes now… some will just want celestial and abyss…
I’m fine with it.
Of course you are fine with it. You just pointed out that you will get 2700g worth of stuff for free.
Elementalist and engineer are the only two that cannot use greatswords.
Illuminati at work?
Just to clarify, i did not speculate on dyes. All i am talking about is that there is absolutely nothing in the game that would be rare. If something is rare in an online game, it is something that many people want (just because it is rare).
When people say that the game is not rewarding, they mean exactly this. You don’t get (cannot get, cannot do anything to get) anything that would make you feel rewarded.
But whatever, i’m pretty sure that for the 4th birthday we will get that legendary of choice.
OP, that’s Anet. They’ve been doing this since day 1, they will keep doing it and i thought they could not surprise me anymore. I was wrong.
What can we do? This game’s ideology is that everybody should have everything – not a single iota of feeling rewarded for spending more time, being better (in pvp for example), thinking ahead. It’s all about RNG and “equality”.
And shovels, don’t forget shovels.
All is vain.
So with the 3rd year anniversary how about we get as “birthday gift” our idle animations back?
Just throw that switch that turned it off into the “ON” position.
That feeling when 3rd year bday dye pack is completely useless to me. :’(
I find it hilarious and sad that Anet could actually come up with something that surprised me and is so utterly useless at the same time.
No but almost everything has a greatsword.
they took out the passive skill turrent trow?
If you already have all the dyes in the game like me, better not opening the kits you can stack them (takes less space in the bank, for a useless gift in that case
We’re in the same boat. Stupid useless gift unless these can be used for dyes that are released later
Haha! Kittenty kitten kitten over a kitten… I have all the kitten dyes, what a useless piece of kitten birthday gift.
Did i mention kitten yet?
Condi mesmer is just not worth using in dungeons. There is maybe one or two boss fights where i would switch to it and that just does not justify getting the gear.
If you desperately want to play condi mesmer, go to wvw and troll inexperienced people there with a PU condi build.
While practicing with my Mesmer getting used to shattering 7 clones at once. It dawned to me, all of mesmer balance and their placement in the meta since day 1 is based around how powerful shatter spike is.
So the question is, why is shatter spike never in a good spot?
Because it’s instant cast and it legitimately takes no skill to land once you understand how “landing hits” in this game works.
It doesn’t help that Mesmer spams evades while attacking and if they run out of endurance they just stealth.
Mesmer TAKES NO SKILL. This is why Shatter will not be on a good spot, every other class has to be more broken than Mesmer mechanics so that Mesmer is balanced “takes actual skill.”
Look at the cele meta for example. Mesmer in that meta was kinda balanced because they still affect rotations extremely well and it’s impossible to be useless if you were good with portal.
Nier… which class do YOU think takes skill? Because you seem to say about everything that it never took skill to begin with.