Sorrows Furnace
Sorrows Furnace
Sounds like a bug. If the mission fails the guild should not receive any merits.
Sorrows Furnace
You can have more than one leader. Be careful though, if you add a second leader they have the ability to demote you.
Sorrows Furnace
The Temple of Ages, the Temple of Grenth at the Southern edge of Lornar’s Pass, Duke Barradine’s Estate, Althea’s ashes, the Ascalonian Catacombs…
Sorrows Furnace
Thank you so much for this information. It is a relief to know that this problem will be resolved.
Sorrows Furnace
Yes, I would like to see this happen. I don’t have a legendary, but I think that when I get to the point of having completed one I’m never going to want to look at that character again
Sorrows Furnace
What are the ramifications if guilds were able to dissolve themselves and salvage the influence?
A lot of people have invested a great deal of time in their guilds and in light of recent changes some may want to merge with other guilds, potentially even on other servers.
It would be nice to have something other than the clothes on our backs to help the transition.
I literally feel like the refugees having to leave their homes behind.
Unless you are already frustrated with your small guild and were considering closing it before this update came out then you should seriously consider keeping your guild and finding another guild to ally with until you get your influence up enough to make your own missions. It’ll happen if you just hang in there, play with your guildies, and find a way to experience the new content until then.
Really… Don’t give up your guild. A-Net allows multi-guilding. Take advantage of it!
Sorrows Furnace
So every boss chest holds at least 1 rare now.
-Ectoplasm lowering – in 2 days the price has lowered from high 30’s to high 20’s. Still dropping. Fast.
-Rares dropping in price as well, near same scenario.
-Most beneficial way to generate income now: Farm all bosses on all characters. Nothing else is worth playtime in comparison.
-As opposed to the meaning (as I understood) ArenaNet attempted to get people to play more in the previously dead areas. The only activity is boss farming in a corner of the map.Is this really what was intended? Pre-patch I was happy whenever I got the occasional rare, which was actually just that – RARE. Now – I’m just hoping for more than one rare. Seriously, WAY too many rares are being generated in the game now. Just for today on 1 character I have looted close to 10 rares from various bosses, + a few on the 1 alt i have. Players with more characters can farm all day long.
Summed up, I feel this was taken away in the patch:
- Any sense of joy from looting a rare item
- Any sense of having accomplished something when the boss goes down (It’s just farm)
- Gameplay. I spent half the day farming. And while I got some serious cash.. Well. It wasn’t really that fun to be honest. (Go do something fun then; Don’t worry I will, but gold is gold)
- Any sense of rare items being valuable; Currently I’m getting rid of them ASAP, underbidding other players, since prices are in free fall. Even sold my ecto yesterday, while the price was still reasonable.Anyone else feel that a middle ground should be found? While I were quite satisfied yesterday when Maw got me 2 rares and an exotic in one chest, I immediately feltthis was out of hand.
I am so very glad that at this point I can make money to buy armor, exotic weapons, runes, mini-pets — anything I might happen to want — by actually playing the game and killing the bad guys instead of trying to flip Vials of Blood or some-such in the trading post. It greatly improves my enjoyment of the time I spend in GW2. Plus! I can do all of those things with members of my guild and make influence to spend on guild missions so that I can play with members of my guild which is always, always, the most fun way to spend my time in the game.
I’m glad of the change.
With that said, I also understand that people who play the TP and use money as their scoreboard were just slapped with far more challenging play.
Sorrows Furnace
I have a few questions if someone might be so good as to answer them:
1. Will players from other servers who are currently guesting and representing our guild receive personal guild mission rewards or only dynamic event rewards?
2. Can the Guild run several different guild missions of the same type to achieve the maximum merits for the week? Can I run the Guild Bounty tier 3 and the Guild Bounty tier 4 in the same week and receive merits on both up to the 50 point maximum?
3. When does the week reset? Is it 168 hours after running the mission or is it at a specific day/time the way that dailies and monthlies reset?
4. A VERY hypothetical question… I kick off a bounty but due to many people being in the zone (think Wayfarer’s Foothills right at the moment) the champion is dead, killed by random people in the zone, by the time my guild party arrives… Do all members of the guild who are currently representing get the personal rewards when the boss dies, or do you have to throw a few punches at the Champ to get the rewards?
5. GW2Hub showed one screenshot of a bounty and the text gives a very good description of where to find her. Does that description arrive before or after the 15 minute clock starts ticking? Are we able to get guild teams to the proper zone before the mission starts?
I am very appreciative of any answers provided.
Sorrows Furnace
It’s funny. Just before I logged with the new build to fix the mystic forge weapons I was farming pent/shelt and a guy in our party pretty much summed it up with: they killed it. Pent/shelt has been a regular part of my play since I first hit 80, even in the old ‘annoying’ Orr. I really don’t feel like going back to the new/improved Orr.
Pent/Shelt/Plinx are about scratching out the meager rations of a poorly designed loot system to begin with. The addition of Champs to a farming area is just a headscratcher. First of all they drop squat. Because they take forever to kill, they remove you from the opportunity to kill other more lucrative mobs. It’s like the people who implemented this have never actually played the game. I’m sorry, but I’m serious. No one who understands gaming and GW2 would ever think to change Orr in this manner. If I were in a development meeting it would take me about 2 seconds to understand that it was a bad idea. Who are the people making these decisions?
What was meager gold earnings before the improvement is now pretty much like what Champs drop…squat. I honestly don’t know if I’ll go back.
Honestly I think that’s the whole point. They’ve increased loot so much in other parts of the game — world bosses are dropping rares and named exotics and they take just a few minutes to kill and then you can move on. Regular event mobs in mid-level areas have increased rare drops, there will soon be bonus gold from guilds… You don’t HAVE to just run between two spots doing the same things over and over now. You can venture out into the world and make the money that you used to make between Pent-Shelter. If you haven’t gone and killed the Maw and the Flame Shaman yet you should give it a go. I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised. Besides, it’s much prettier there
Sorrows Furnace
It’s funny how some rejoice.. yet I see the crafting bit and get really irritated. :p I wish they’d extended choice to monthlies as well. I’d greatly prefer to do fractals and dungeons over crafting.
Me too. But the same way I can argue for dungeons or WvW being in the mix when people see them and become irritated I can see why they put crafting in. It’s an aspect of the game that many people don’t participate in and they want players to give it a go.
Sorrows Furnace
WvWvW. Vets come like hot cakes and events come like hot cakes.
This. All of the NPC guards are vets and they are served up warm every few minutes at a supply camp or enemy holding. Easy pickings
Sorrows Furnace
It seems that if you completed 2 objectives at the same time the daily bugged and didn’t offer the reward. So, killing the last veteran and at the same time leveling would keep you from getting the reward.
Sorrows Furnace
They most likely have it on their list but it is bottom of the list most likely. There are more pressing matters i dare say
Not for my game play. There is absolutely nothing that they could add to the game that would give me more enjoyment, increase my longevity in the game, or make me appreciate A-Net more than an alliance chat system — not bug fixes, or guild missions or PvP maps. Nothing.
Sorrows Furnace
Or they could just give us an Alliance chat channel. That’s really all I’d need to keep my happy. Our guilds/members can work out their own things about who reps where and for what activities. Really, all we need is an alliance chat channel.
Sorrows Furnace
You might want to edit your post to say what server you are on. From what I’ve read only guild members from your server receive the personal rewards, so it’s rather important to know.
Sorrows Furnace
I isn’t the cost I have a problem with, it’s that once we are all geared up in ascended gear they plan to bring another type of gear in with higher stats. They’ve said they won’t do that until 2014, but at the rate they are making ascended items available it will take until 2014 to acquire them all anyway. Then we get to start all over. Yippee
Sorrows Furnace
It has not been my experience. I have opened several chests without receiving a rare, though none that didn’t give me at least a green.
Sorrows Furnace
MY experience
1. Represented guild and bought influence until we could do the Guild missions
2. Guested on that Guilds server (My home is JQ, and I guested to this guild’s server which is not JQ)
3. Participated in Event
4. Only got credit for a Dynamic Event (relating to the guild mission)Is this working correctly? Do I need to rep the guild & have the same home server?
Is this a bug that got fixed and I just missed out since I was an early adopter?
I’ve heard quite a few disappointing things about the guild missions, but this is the worst. The worst.
Sorrows Furnace
I didn’t understand that they had to be unlocked in order either. I was hoping that all of the guilds in our alliance could research Bounties, then have each guild research a different mission type based on the guild’s size and influence income, thereby allowing alliance members to participate in each type of mission more quickly and allowing each of the individual guilds in the union to contribute meaningfully to the alliance. But with this information it appears that the largest guilds, the guilds with the most influence available to them, will always be the ones at the forefront.
Sad, really. At least without this required order we could be truly allies instead of just tag-alongs.
Sorrows Furnace
By offering a variety of content, we can have a game that lots of people can enjoy. There’s a lot of content out there, but there’s not a whole lot of things for a coordinated group to do larger than 5 people to do. Guild missions were made to remedy that.
That makes perfect sense, thank you.
Kieran if you would like to experience the content without joining a guild please let me know. I am happy to message you with the date and time that my guild will be activating missions and you can participate in the same way that you participate in open world dynamic events — just by being present and joining in the activity.
Sorrows Furnace
I’ll be honest, my guild is the most important thing to me in this game. I expect other people feel very much the same about their own guilds as I do about mine. I don’t want anyone to leave a guild that they care about, ever.
My guild on Sorrows Furnace has the upgrades and influence to be able to start guild missions when they are available. If you have a small guild on Sorrows Furnace and would like to talk to me about cooperative guild missions please post here or send me a message. I do not want to assimilate any other guild. I don’t even want you to become a member of my guild — right now we aren’t recruiting. But hopefully by working together we can keep all of the small, family-oriented, close knit guilds intact and still let the members of those guilds experience the new content.
Sorrows Furnace
See if Gaile can help you. It might be that she cannot, but it’s worth a shot. She has a lot of heart and a good dose of common sense. I believe if she reads this, and actually has the ability, she will help you.
It might be that you are forced to abandon your guild and start over. That would be bad. But it would be better than losing the circle of people that you play with and call friend.
Keep us updated. I’m interested in knowing how it works out for you.
Sorrows Furnace
I have a friend who’s in Canada and not able to find gem cards there. If I send him some cards from the US will there be a problem with him using them on his account? He says he purchases using US dollars, but I want to be certain before I spend the money on the cards. Any help appreciated.
Sorrows Furnace
I’m wondering what the purpose of deleting all of your characters is. Are you assuming that the server change will be free if you have no characters to move? Cuz that’s not the case, you’re charged per account transfer, not per character.
You might have wanted to check the links provided in this thread. According to Martin you CAN transfer for free as long as there are no characters on the account.
Sorrows Furnace
I’d love to see it so that we can once again play with our European friends. PvP, nasty comments about a dead game and everything else aside, being able to play with our European friends is important to me.
Sorrows Furnace
I will never in all of my life say meow, but I do agree with you. The fur patterns are too beautiful to keep covered.
Sorrows Furnace
There should be no such thing as soulbound on acquire in any game. Yes, the devs need to look at it, and for everyone, not just you. Soulbound on acquire is punishing, and games don’t need built in punishments.
Sorrows Furnace
Tokens, there was supposed to be tokens.
Nah not even one in the 7 bags I opened.
In explorable mode bags of wondrous goods give 3 Tokens, Liquid Karma, and coin. Always. Story mode doesn’t reward tokens.
Sorrows Furnace
I agree with most of this, but I question the tip of not saving your skill points. It’ll take up to 30 skill points to buy your first elite skill — after that no need to save them. Until then you probably want to take a look at some of the build sites, decide what you plan to focus on and spend the required points to open those utility skills and no others. Once you have an elite skill you’ll know more about what you want to do with your build.
Also, about servers: Choose one based on what you want out of WvW since that’s the only thing you can’t do while guesting. If you want no queues go to one of the middle or bottom tiered servers, if you’re willing to wait in line for the sake of competitive battles and organized battle plans then go to one of the top 2 tiers. Everything except WvW you can do cross-server: guilds, dungeons, fractals, and even open world PvE with friends can be done cross server. Guesting is a very remarkable addition to MMOs, it’s just very sad that A-Net stopped short of it working across regions.
I hope you enjoy every minute in Tyria You’re also welcome to add me to your friend’s list and PM questions.
Don’t rush, explore, have fun!
Sorrows Furnace
The problem with your behaviour is that your server is only allowed to have a set number of siege engines on the map. When you use the allotment of siege engines that are ineffective in their placement it causes the rest of the players representing your server to not be able to use siege in a place where they are actually helpful. Yes, you already knew this. Yes, you are griefing. It might not be against the rules but it IS against the spirit of the rules, and it is very bad behavior.
If you don’t want to be “bullied” use your supply where it’s effective — build siege, repair walls or gates…
If I were on your WvW team I would make a point of explaining the problem in chat right before I reported you. Then the support members that have to check the reports would at least know without doubt that you aren’t doing it in ignorance. Efficiency isn’t a good excuse for being a jerk.
Sorrows Furnace
Rares give a range of 0-3 ectoplasms.
Exotics give a range of 0-5 ectoplasms.
I have salvaged a lot of exotics and I’ve never seen more than 3 ecto from a salvage. Have you?
Sorrows Furnace
Yes, please. Alliance chat is a huge thing to me.
Sorrows Furnace
The spinning death cam is annoying. It would be better to be able to click a party member and get the view from their eyes ala GW1, or be able to adjust your own camera to see what you would like to see.
Sorrows Furnace
It’s good for players to have an option of belonging to a guild that focuses on tPvP, a guild that focuses on WvW, a social guild, a guild of family/real life friends.
I am a guild leader that actively encourages my members to have multiple guilds. I’ve gone and searched out a PvP guild that they can participate with, put links on our website, and announce their events and activities in our MotD. People have different activities that they enjoy doing, and one guild can’t be everything to every player. It’s impossible. Multiple guilds help keep the highest number of players in the game. I’d much rather have a member go rep someone else for a couple of hours, or even a couple of weeks, than to quit the game entirely.
Sorrows Furnace
Thanks for taking the time to communicate with us about this. It helps to know that you’re working at it.
Sorrows Furnace
/signed for PvP armor on log-in screen.
That is all.
Sorrows Furnace
1) Fractals of the Mists don’t count toward your monthly achievement.
How did I get January’s monthly quota then? I did nothing but fractals. I haven’t set foot in one of the old dungeons since the FoTM came out, because most of the old ones are horrible and bug-ridden.
January’s monthly required fractals. February’s requires dungeons.
Sorrows Furnace
/signed We need tinfoil hats. Devs are frightening creatures.
Sorrows Furnace
On the guild roster, there should be a section which shows when a player was last online. This will help find out how active players are in a guild.
This feature was on the first Guild Wars so I’m a little confused as to why it isn’t on this one too (as well as trading).
Anyway, anybody else want this?
I’d add this to the list of guild-related QOL features that are nonsensically absent from a game with “Guild” in the title (intuitive MOTD editing, MOTD in chat, coaltions, officer chat…)
You understand the the Guild in Guild Wars does not refer to players in any way, right?
That’s funny, because it did back in the original.
No, it didn’t. It referred to a historical period where the guilds battled each other for control. King Adelbern outlawed guilds in Ascalon to keep history from repeating itself and guilds were not able to be created until players entered Kryta.
Sorrows Furnace
On the guild roster, there should be a section which shows when a player was last online. This will help find out how active players are in a guild.
This feature was on the first Guild Wars so I’m a little confused as to why it isn’t on this one too (as well as trading).
Anyway, anybody else want this?
I absolutely DO NOT want this information. I really prefer that they keep it exactly as it is, but if they should implement this I hope they make it so that only the guild leaders can see. It is a source of potential drama, and it’s unneeded.
What would you do with this information?
Sorrows Furnace
I have high hopes that the guild update will fix this. Signed, for both editing the message and having it display on sign in.
Sorrows Furnace
What would you do with the information if you had it? If someone’s account has been compromised there is nothing that can be done except to contact support, and if you’ve given the culprit permission to withdraw from the bank anyway, then they had permission.
And sorry, but no — not anyone’s account can be compromised. You have to do some silly stuff to make your account vulnerable.
Not saying it would be a bad thing to have, but I don’t really see any usefulness either.
while what you say is completely true, just using a mobile authenticator makes it virtually impossible to get your account compromised, unless your mobile phone is stolen, it still silly you cant see the account name at least
But then what would you do with the information? How would the change help?
I mean, this is something that would take someone’s time to fix, and I can’t see any benefit at all. The guild system needs so much work already for things that would actually make a difference, that I’d hate to see them spending time on something that doesn’t serve a purpose. Like I said, I don’t see any reason to not have the name displayed, but I also don’t see any reason to do so.
Sorrows Furnace
lets be fair about this:
when you start stomping, you loose all buffs, including stealth/haste etc.sounds more reasonable ???
I like it.
Sorrows Furnace
It’s never a good idea to limit your choices. Definitely not signed.
Sorrows Furnace
I really miss some of the ones from GW that didn’t make it over.
Sorrows Furnace
What would you do with the information if you had it? If someone’s account has been compromised there is nothing that can be done except to contact support, and if you’ve given the culprit permission to withdraw from the bank anyway, then they had permission.
And sorry, but no — not anyone’s account can be compromised. You have to do some silly stuff to make your account vulnerable.
Not saying it would be a bad thing to have, but I don’t really see any usefulness either.
Sorrows Furnace
It’s cool that the reference is in the game. It’s cool that Colin stopped to talk about it and to share the story of why it’s in the game. I wonder if Papryk bothered to notice that it was about 10:00 pm when Colin answered that post? That at 10:00 pm Colin was reading the official forums…
I don’t think anyone here needs to be slammed for lack of devotion to the game or it’s problems.
Sorrows Furnace
Does Laurel gear grant any agony resistance at all?
Sorrows Furnace
The subject line on this looks like a really bad personal ad and it made me laugh.
Here comes my infraction for a frivolous post, but sometimes it’s nice to smile.
Sorrows Furnace