[KICK] You’re out of the Guild
Expansion will be announced by the end of the year, dont worry.
No. it goes against their core philosophy. no player should have access to something that another player cannot have access to. although if you’re in the game, clearly someone paid to be there.
“goes against their core philosophy” They went against their core philosophy a long time ago adding ascended gear.
This is and has been my biggest upset with this game, I loved playing hard mode missions and kitten, especially when they added in the zaishen mission daily.
Maybe one day that will read: “Don’t forget to pre-order Guild Wars 2’s upcoming expansion!” instead of “BUY GEMS”
Your gamble to try and revolutionize the way MMOs develop post launch, has utterly failed to deliver a product that can hold a candle to the prequal! And instead of doing a 180 and developing an expansion, you continue to push a 2nd season of Living story as the core experience to develop on post launch!
Holy kitten man, amen. People keep saying, “oh give living story some time to develop!” “anets listening this time it will be more permanent!!” or “it’s free content! don’t complain!”, real talk if the season 2 of living story is as bad as the first, I’m out… Almost nine years of support and its finally come time where I might actually drop the series all together. This new company that calls themselves arenanet have managed to frustrate the living hell out of not only veteran GW1 players but the people new to the series with the direction they taking with Living Story. Explaining why a years worth of updates aren’t accessible to friends that decide to return to the game always warrants the same response: “Nothing new to do? oh I guess i’ll just play another game instead”.
I understand that it is common knowledge this game has the worst story in MMO history, but it has to be said again.
I decide to make a new character and play through the story with a friend who has returned to this game. Both have the same options in the storyline and same race but you know it never wants to count the progress…At this point i’d rather hang myself than continue through this garbage you call a campaign.
I can only pray that the GW1 cooperative mission system will return in the expansion.
When ANet is done with the Sylvari being in the spot light and put the Humans in the spotlight we may see more lore around the 6 gods, but until then don’t hold your breath expecting to hear anything about DoA, UW, or FoW
Tru, Anet’s salad fetish is ruining everything. Humans are the center of Guild Wars and the most played race in the game.
“Toxic” stop using this word jesus christ
We are approaching the second anniversary of our game. Last years birthday gift was a disgrace. Everybody got the same exact untradable minipet…
I am really hoping this year you go back to GW1 roots and create a set of birthday exclusive minis or everlasting tonics that are tradable.
Election was rigged.
I really don’t care if somebody sucks because they can get better, but why the hell would you play your first few matches in tourney pvp and not hot join….
Let me take a wild guess; bandits, nightmare court and the inquest have formed the “lawless alliance” and this is the armor they will wear.
Living Story Season 2 confirmed a repeat of the horrible story telling all through out 2013.
No, I don’t want them to ruin any more armor sets from GW1… Just look at that piece of kitten they turned profane into.
If they bring back Obsidian it better NOT be from the gem store the same way tormented weapons are. Not only do they look like plastic toys now but they have lost the prestige of being an elite content reward.
So what you’re saying is that if a game doesn’t have an arrow for you to follow and give you objectives on your screen you are incapable of having fun. I think the main audience of this game is somewhat like the main audience of sandbox games: people who can take a huge sprawling game world where things are always going on around them and can make their own fun with it.
This game isn’t a sandbox it’s a themepark, the way you described this game sounds more like minecraft…
I quite like the UI.
And for crying out loud, a UI debate? What is this Windows 8?
I’d like to place UI elements where I want, right now it is complete kitten…
Its going to be what it always is…10 new achievements with a stupid looking backpiece reward from completing the meta. 3 new zerg events in brisban wildlands fighting the nightmare court, bandits and inquest alliance they teased in the bar dialog, and if we are lucky we get a 3 minute story instance where rox and braham argue, kasmeer and marjory have their tumblr lesbian fan-fiction “i luv u” lines and we just press f through all of it.
Feature pack is the only reason I decided not to drop this game until an expansion with real content…
Actually it wont take as long…they will need a HUB for Halloween and Christmas
Divinity’s Reach for all holidays pls
Yes, I want to team up with Canach instead of this group of kittens in the living story.
kitten was excited to see the racial cities on the 15th
If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.
Sounds like someone is jelly they never played GW1 in it’s prime.
who gives a kitten, story mode takes like 20 minutes for majority of the dungeons.
Some of us enjoy existing content the way that it is. There is no reason to ‘remove’ content from some people to then give content to other people (which was a mistake with Teq, not the mechanics or the event itself, just that they ‘stole’ content to make it), but rectified with the 3 Headed Wurm event (new super world event, didn’t steal existing content).
Make a new Kekkek dragon from the L33td00dz Mountains that hands out stars that can be placed on your belly with all the crazy, hard mechanics you want.
Choices and options. There’s no reason why content should be designed around haves and have nots.
lmao, so you enjoy sitting there auto attacking? No, this event should be completely overhauled just as Teq has, but not to the difficulty of the 3 headed wurm. Splitting it between two bosses is a horrible idea.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327
Here it is in all its glory.
Such epicness.
I still liked having armor be class specific, so no I hate this idea
I get that Scarlet was the villain, but I felt horrible listening to Marjory and the others joke about her death.
Previous LS updates established that she’s been driven crazy by some external force that she encountered in the Eternal Alchemy and could no longer mentally fight it. We should pity her or mourn for those she’s killed, not make childish jokes about what it felt like to deliver the death blow.
Not to be rude here, but I’m genuinely curious – do dialogue ideas get checked before they are added? If so, did no one suggest that joking about killing a mentally unstable character might be in poor taste?
dude the story quality was probably on par with a disney channel cartoon, why are you taking it this seriously?
The fact that players voted for some nonsense science mumbo jumbo over getting to see a being like abaddon (and probably other dieties in the game) and his fall is beyond me. How could ANYBODY want the first over that?
because our votes didn’t actually do anything
I was in a solo arena match a few minutes ago and someone was typing in some oriental language. Another player then told the person to stop and called them a (only using the words as a reference from the chat) “rice picker.” They said this to the person twice during our short match.
I reported that player for taking his own issues with not being able to accept a different race or culture into the game. I also kindly told him(or her) I reported him(or her). Their reply was lololol I’ve never been banned for that. (not exact words )
So my question is, does Anet not care about racism? Will anything happen to this person or was he right to laugh at me for reporting because it’s a waste of time?
Reports should only be used for bots and spammers…If you can’t handle other people on a game you shouldn’t be playing an MMO or even using the internet…
Im glad its finally over, I didn’t play it for the last 5 months.
I’d much rather have feature updates only. And real content.Are you saying that what we have been experiencing isn’t “real content”?
If so, please describe what “real content” is.
I have been having a blast with the Living Story(not every single patch, but most. Plus the LS has been getting so much better since the Tower of Nightmares).
so you think doing the same 2 zerg events in Lions Arch for two weeks is real content?
take a look at what guild wars beyond offered and tell me living story is real content
Seems like the living story writers love nothing more than stamping on the remains of old Guild Wars lore. I wish history and lore from GW1 were celebrated more rather than retconed and removed from the game.
yep, subliminal message from the new writers saying they are jelly of the good lore from the first game because they can’t write for kitten in this one
The halo is really weak-looking, like a piece of plastic tubing.
To me it looks like something’s missing on the shader, it’s missing bloom or high dynamic range or something to make it flare up like it’s a circle of light, like this:
(screenshots are just something I had to hand… maybe someone has the GW1 halo screenshotted?)
i zoomed the camera out pretty far and you could still notice it in gw1, it would be invisible in gw2 at this distance
I really that it’ll be. C’mom, the Asura Halo is RIDICULOUS. It disappear with most of helms, and Its so small that is totally unoticicable.
i saw an asura with the ascended helm and the halo is so low the crown part blocks it completely it really is ridiculous
Will the halo ever be usable in dungeons, and will it ever look as good as the gw1 halo?
20 should have been the cap from the start…
I would prefer they put it on indefinite hiatus and fix the dozens of fundamental problems like poor game optimization, bad dungeons, dead zones everywhere, bad events, needless grind instead of actual endgame content, a severe lack of skills for every class, extremely lacking PvP, atrociously awful story, horrible class balance, broken events & numerous bugs everywhere…
I could go on, the game needs fixing but I doubt ANet will listen because they sure as hell haven’t for some time now, instead choosing to pump out more living story content that’s almost universally reviled despite a huge number of complaints posted on these forums the whole time.
amen, agree with everything you said. they just keep pumping out the backpiece story that doesn’t even work on the first day because of how many bugs there are…
charr are the reason we dont have capes…
the best armor sets in this game reveal no skin at all
because this would add so much to the longevity to the game over real content.
dont even give anet more ideas to waste time
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327
complete kitten
garbo knights bugged like 3 times on the first day and i have no motivation to grind this dumb meta achievement
fire the writers and release a good expansion pls
TSIA. that map was my ish
Forget all of that, I want this armor for my Ranger!
(Image from this page: http://gw2.kongzhong.com/act/tiro/index.html)
nope sorry trench coats only for medium armor
one reason: charr
delete them from game
bump for great justice
And the horns are just two bones sticking out your head. Not what I expected of either! A halo being a ring?!
sticking out of your head??? IT’S FLOATING IN THE AIR kitten . WHY?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????
it’s ridiculous….
haha yeah it looks like your character is glitched to be honest
seeing tons of complaints ingame about how the halo is just a see through ring. make it look like http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Halo pls
Server populations are fine. In case you didn’t notice, a new Living World just came out. Try going to Lion’s Arch and look for people.
“server populations are fine” LOL, no they aren’t. Luckily I’m on BG so i don’t have to worry about this problem but majority of the servers are dead and need to be combined
to be honest, i really don’t need 80% of the kitten on my screen i.e level bar, buttons on the top left, living story text, achievement text, the kittened black distressed border around the entire screen, hell i dont even need the skillbar anymore
when will i be able to customize the god kitten interface like i could in the first game
you could always play anyway you want, but not everyone wants to play like you. Many of us want to be efficient as possible which means using the best available build for our profession.
you sound pretty entitled with this post saying people shouldn’t play a meta
I used dawn as my gs until I finished the few things i had left for sunrise
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