Heavens Rage
Heavens Rage
26th should be fun. No more leagues for a bit, that means the players that only played for ap and the back piece probably won’t be playing. There should also be less premades, since it’s unranked and people won’t be farming as much. And of course the balance patch.
Heavens Rage
I played DH up until around Sapphire, realized it has no place in the current meta so I switch to Rev and got to Legendary using that. Honestly, I’m glad I did. Despite the fact that it is over performing in some areas, it’s still fun to play and I’ll probably stick with it even after the balance patch.
Heavens Rage
It would be nice to see. I’d probably say it would be something like this:
Heavens Rage
I think the problem is, Anet did fix it but they didn’t compensate for players that hit Legendary before the update. Which is why people that are hitting Legendary now after the change are getting it; also if you prestige after the patch you’ll get it. So if you were Legendary before the change, you need to either wait for them to fix it or prestige.
Heavens Rage
I just got the title when I hit prestige two just now.
Heavens Rage
There definitely is something wrong with it. Ayy lmao
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Matchmaking is being weird tonight. It feels like they changed something to it to help with que times. My last few games had Ambers, Sapphires, and Rubies.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Queue times actually have been acceptable for me the past week or so. I’m solo queueing as a Legendary and during the day I wait no more than 15 minutes usual. However, this largely has to do with the time of day and what players are on. If I try to solo queue at off hours the queues are +30 minutes.
None of this would really bother me if we could queue outside the Mists (beating a dead horse here).
Heavens Rage
Ranks don’t matter anyways, since MMR and divisions are separate. I’ve seen a lot of people that are Legendary that I’ve never seen in pvp before. Which leads me to believe they have low MMR and they also just farmed Stronghold (easier competition and faster games). At the moment that badge doesn’t mean anything, there really is nothing skillful at all to it. However, this game is catered to a casual player base so I really didn’t expect much to begin with.
Heavens Rage
Condi DH isn’t very good at all. Only thing it has going for it is Symbol of Energy on LB. However, chances are enemies aren’t going to stand in it for the full duration. If you go condi on Guard you’re better off just going the standard condi Guard and ignoring DH.
Heavens Rage
Shiro/Glint is your best bet. Phase Traversal only has a five second CD so you can spam that; then you have Facet of Elements for swiftness. You can also run offhand axe for another teleport with Frigid Blitz.
Heavens Rage
The skill is fine, it fills a similar role as Ring of Warding. Only thing they need to fix is the invisibility it has sometimes.
Heavens Rage
It happens when a Rev uses Unrelenting Assault and you pass through a portal.
Heavens Rage
Ventari and Jalis aren’t good that’s why you don’t see them.
Heavens Rage
On my way to Legendary I’ve only seen a handful of Guardians at the upper levels and even then they are always the first to get targeted. I stopped playing Guardian and have been playing Rev the majority of this season. As a DH I was a liability most of the time, the class just has an extremely hard time competing in the current meta. I mean sure you can do well with it, but for the most part you’re better off going something else.
Heavens Rage
Building a better legacy.
Heavens Rage
For the most part that’s all it really comes down to. Sure there are ways to make the process faster, but if you’re a good player you’ll get there. I just don’t see why so many people are trying to rush there; we still have a month until the season is over. It’s a marathon not a sprint. The only thing waiting for you at Legendary is a long que time. I’m eight games away from Legendary and I honestly don’t really care, I just play the game. Sometimes I solo, other times I play with a group. Getting to Legendary doesn’t really feel like much of an accomplishment anyways.
Heavens Rage
It’s possible, I made it to Diamond soloq a majority of my games. It did take me the longest of the divisions so far; took me a week and a few days to get through it.
Heavens Rage
Now that it has been a few weeks since leagues started, I can say that I’m less inclined to play every day. I can deal with the subpar matchmaking and other problems. However, the balance is what’s killing it for me, it’s no longer fun. Having games go on for 15 minutes where no team scores over 200 is mind numbingly boring. It’s just everyone AoEing on point (not even doing correct rotations) spamming. Any skill this game had is now gone. I’ve been around since launch and have 9.5k games under my belt and this is easily the worst meta I’ve seen. I was pretty excited for leagues, planned on going to legendary, but now I don’t even care because the game isn’t fun to play anymore.
The main reason I’ve pvp this long is because I enjoyed the combat and gameplay, however what we have at the moment is nothing short of atrocious. Hopefully Anet understands this isn’t the direction they need to be going with pvp and the balance patch at the end of the season fixes these issues.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
This was the only game that ever gave me three pips. I’m guessing it has to do with the other team being extremely heavily favored to win.
Heavens Rage
Red guy is definitely a war, that is a heavy armor set he is using while doing an Earthshaker. Blue is a Guard doing a Banish with hammer, it’s the same animation.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
As much as I love solo que it more than likely not coming back, so it’s just best you deal with it by doing your best. Also just because they are a premade doesn’t make the sutation hopeless or an instant loss. I got to Diamond soloq for the majority of my games. It really just comes down to the players and comp. This was the game that actually got me into Diamond last night.
Heavens Rage
the #3 Leaderboard team on NA is running the tag [Nigr].
Safe to say anet is turning a blind eye to everything in sPvP now. From balance, to manipulation, to open racism.
Can’t wait to see the devs acting confused when this game dies.
That’s actually an acronym for National Institute on Genealogical Research. However, we all know these players aren’t using it in that context and it’s really disturbing Anet hasn’t done anything about it.
As for verbal abuse, there as been a lot since leagues started. I just report/block and go on about my business. They’re not worth my time to response to.
Heavens Rage
I was wondering about that game. What’s even worse is I played them a game before, we lost 497-500 and I also lost a pip that game. They also didn’t have Hugh that game it was a full Apex roster.
Heavens Rage
So much fun, hopefully once more people get into Sapphire and Ruby this doesn’t happen as often. It hasn’t even been two weeks yet, so I’ll give the system the benefit of the doubt. If it continues to happen late into the season then they really need to rework their system.
Heavens Rage
Played seven games this morning, and I played the same premade four times out of those seven. At this point it’s comical. There really is no point in me queing atm, so I either go into unranked or go do pve. If the games were close and competitive, I wouldn’t mind, but they are complete blowouts and it’s just a waste of time. Not even fun.
Heavens Rage
Yeah the R8 was pretty broken, don’t know what they were thinking releasing it in that state. However, it’s great to see Valve patch it so promptly, the CSGO dev team is really small also. Anet definitely could learn a few things.
Heavens Rage
I’m also getting a lot of DCs, but it only happens when I’m in the Mists. It did happen once during game, but the game just ended so it wasn’t a big deal. Servers are having issues atm it seems.
Apparently the new patch fixed it, so we’ll see.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
It’s bugged, they said they’ll fix it at a later date.
Heavens Rage
Never meant anything in the first place. Everyone knows who the top and skilled players are; they don’t need some badge next to their name. If you’re a good player people will notice, you don’t need some emblem.
Honestly, leagues are no different than the old leaderboards, it’s just a prettier UI with some rewards attached to it. Same issues same problems.
Heavens Rage
Now that they got tired and went to sleep the matchmaking doesn’t give me games. It’s either:
A) Play the same premades all night.
B) Wait around in the Mists for an indefinite amount of time.
Honestly, if you could que outside of the Mists I wouldn’t even mind, but no I’m stuck here doing nothing. I have no problems with long ques to get a “decent” match. However, being stuck doing nothing is frustrating. People have been asking to que outside the Mists for months now and yet Anet still refuses.
Heavens Rage
Ruby has been a pain, I mainly solo que sometimes I duo. I’m sitting at Ruby t3 atm and it’s been a frustrating experience for the most part. Had to stop playing DH (even though I’ve been playing Guard since launch and have +5k hours on ) and switched to Rev. Since there really is no point in running DH against bunker mes, revs, and tempests. The amount of “pro” premades I go against is disgusting. The reason I say “pro” because most of these players aren’t mechanically skilled at the game. They are being carried by their builds and running full parties with ts. It’s even worse when they have to abuse the system by pairing up with Amber players just so they can lower their MMR to farm more easily.
Nevertheless, I don’t expect much from this community and this doesn’t surprise me. At the end of the day it’s just a game. I forget about pips and points and just concentrate on doing my best and enjoying myself. The minute things get too frustrating I just log and forget about it because it’s not worth getting upset over. I’m not worried about it, I’ll get to Diamond and Legendary with my own skill and willpower.
Heavens Rage
Not only was it extremely boring to watch, it’s boring and frustrating to play against, which is what everyone runs in ranked now.
Heavens Rage
Eye for an Eye definitely needs to be looked at. It’s a 45 second passive, that applies four seconds of Taunt (with Viper). And sevens seconds of Protection (with Durability), almost ten seconds when also using the Facet.
Facet of nature boon duration does not apply to yourself.
Then a bug needs to be fixed.
Heavens Rage
Eye for an Eye definitely needs to be looked at. It’s a 45 second passive, that applies four seconds of Taunt (with Viper). And sevens seconds of Protection (with Durability), almost ten seconds when also using the Facet.
Heavens Rage
Probably Thornheart for me, +100k. Sure it can go much higher; I wasn’t 100% zerker, didn’t have 25 stacks of might, or any consumables.
Heavens Rage
I’m actually surprised I had a number of really good games tonight. Most were solo, but some were duo. Ended the night with two pips in t2 of sapphire, my matches actually seem to be getting better the more the ranks are distributed. Real test is when I get to Ruby, curious to see how hard it will be since I mostly solo or duo.
Heavens Rage
So ToF is necessary… hmm, okay!
Isn’t blood’s damage lower? And it’s not aoe. It does have the health benefit, but doesn’t it lack in burst?
I’m a big fan of sigil of rage, but the darn CD is so long. :-(
Do you run trap daze or f2 damage?
ToF is easily the best trap, it just has a number of things going for it. Short CD, unblockable, high damage, protection, cripple, and it’s instant cast. It can also be used in conjunction with SoJ and Binding Blades to pull enemies back into it for more damage.
The damage between Blood and Fire isn’t that much of a difference now after Fire has been nerfed. The healing aspect of Blood makes it a better choice than Fire now.
Rage is still a decent sigil to use on GS.
Definitely want to use Piercing Light over Soaring Devastation. Not only does it add the Daze, but it also reduces the CD on traps. Soaring Devastation is generally used if you just go straight medi.
Heavens Rage
I got to Sapphire earlier today and the majority of my games were soloing. That being said it was still extremely frustrating at times. Having to play against Abjured, PZ, and other notable teams multiple times does get old. I’m actually curious to see how things will play out the higher I progress.
Heavens Rage
He’s absolutely right. Hopefully Anet listens and fixes these problems next season.
Heavens Rage
Took me six hours to move one tier in Emerald. I played PZ five times and that’s not even counting the other high rated premades. Most of these I was soloing, so much fun!
Heavens Rage
Pretty frustrating atm, hopefully it gets better over time. Probably not.
Heavens Rage
Just when I thought matchmaking couldn’t get any worse, it does! Bravo Anet bravo.
Heavens Rage
Now that you can see the requirements it’s quite simple. However, there is a time gated part so it’ll be impossible to finish in one season. It requires you to play three matches everyday for 15 days. There are four different tiers for this, so that is 60 days until you can actually finish it.
Heavens Rage
You don’t have to be high skilled to get the backpiece. Higher skilled players will just get it faster.
The Ascension is designed to reward investment in PvP by any player and will require more than one season to complete. You don’t need to be the most skilled player to earn it, but highly skilled players will find that they can progress through the Path of the Ascension faster.
Heavens Rage
Now that HoT has been out for over a month. I think it’s safe to say DH falls into line with pre-HoT medi Guard. It’s viable, however it’s has glaring issues, same way medi Guard did and still does. Every day you see less and less DHs and for good reason, there are just better choices in the meta. Tempest, Scrapper, Rev, and Druid all counter DH. One Tempest alone can make a DH almost useless in a team fight. The more I play DH the more frustrated I become with the class and I can understand why people are switching to other professions like Rev. DH isn’t a bad class and in my view it doesn’t need any buffs, however the other elite specs need to be brought into line.
Heavens Rage
You can run the Berserker ammy on DH, but you need to take Trappers runes for it. Monk Focus and stealth from traps makes the 11k hp manageable. If you don’t use Trapper runes you’re better off going Marauder ammy for the added vit.
Heavens Rage