We should nerf thieves more by making Steal require a target. Oh wait.
No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target. No valid path to target.
Just kitten ing delete the thief profession. Please.
This on top of all the unwarranted nerfs. Why does this profession even exist anymore?
I can’t even use shadow step to cleanse a simple immobilize. Kill yourselves.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
Just make the chest a guaranteed exotic. Easy. Who could afford not to come and play then?
Also, I have to disagree with the fourth point. People still use mesmers to skip more than half of the puzzle. Glitch shortcuts are irrelevant. The main downfall of OS was that it became it’s own instance so mesmers couldn’t advertise their porting services to those playing in Eternal Battlegrounds.
Greetings, forum… and hopefully Arenanet developers!
As of current, if one queues a ground targeting skill and happens to target that skill outside of the skill’s max range they would get the message “Out of range.” and the ground targeting cursor disappears as if nothing happens. This forces you to re-queue the skill and try again.
Why is this a problem? Why not just re-adjust your cursor closer to your character like a normal person? This seems like a non-problem, not worth looking at.
When ground targeting, we usually want to squeeze out the most range we can. This is especially true for ground targeted blinking skills such as Blink, Infiltrator’s Arrow and Lightning Flash since they are often used as an escape. However, ground targeting also affects other important skills like the Necromancer’s Marks. With the current system, when we activate the ground targeted skill out of range it resets its queue as of it never happened. This leads the player into having to re-attempt activating the skill while keeping maximum range in mind often leading to multiple re-attempts to activate the skill which eats up precious time, especially in a PVP environment.
My suggestion: Make an option that would limit the ground targeting cursor to the skill’s maximum range (staying in the green). That way, even if your actual cursor targets an area that is out of range- your skill can still activate in that direction at the highest possible range it can.
I’m sure many who uses ground targeted skills would appreciate this option.
Apologies if this has already been suggested. Thanks and happy new year.
Honestly, how could you possibly care?
Cutting off supply to an enemy keep or tower by killing off supply dolyaks is not something you’d care about? Some people….smh
Bugging them to your advantage so that the model isn’t actually where its positioned.
How isn’t this fixed yet?
I just wanted to say no.
It really isn’t that hard to shut down a spirit ranger. Necros can easily counter them with boon corruption, fear spam and condition transfers. As for PU mesmers, lol that is not a serious spvp build. If you are really having problems with PU mesmers I suggest you roll a warrior or guardian.
You’ve learned your lesson to sell when it’s high.
Staff but not magical staff, a melee staff! Like how Kilik from Soul Calibur uses.
Take a deep breath and let the reality set in.
Based on the history of how anet deals with the TP, they would never put the resources to overhaul and make significant improvements to the TP not now not ever.
You can look forward to Living Story season 2 though so there’s that.
I’m having same issues, it’s as if I am not online. I whisper and it says others are not online, I say or map chat and nothing comes out.
Did someone say Piano mounts?
Well, Mr. Jorun. You’re quite quick to judge what builds I use over a simple screenshot. That being said, I was messing around with a p/d build when I took it lol. Not that it matters, I’ve had experience with all sorts of thief builds. I was hoping people would just see the amount of hours I have on thief so that they can’t blatantly say I’m some scrub coming over here to complain. Regarding rank, lol rank. When has rank ever actually mattered? It’s like prestige leveling in call of duty. It only tells how much you’ve played, not if you’re good or bad.
In any case, I still like the idea of thieves not being able to spam their stealth attack without any discretion. I’ll admit, my suggestion is over the top especially when guardians have so much access to blind and aegis. Perhaps there could be another trade off. Lower Int cost of skill 5 across all weapons? Have only it only reveal if it’s block (evades don’t count)?
If they are running condition clear on stealth, there is no way you can beat them 1v1 unless they over extend.
Stealth attacks get one attempt. ONE ATTEMPT to land that Backstab, one attempt to land that Sneak Attack, one attempt to land that Tactical Strike, one attempt to land that Surprise Shot.
Whether or not that attack lands or misses, your stealth ends.
Revealed debuff is lowered by 2 seconds to balance.
Edit: Okay okay, one attempt across the board is too harsh. The end goal here is to force thieves to time and position their stealth attacks instead of the current system where they are able to spam stealth skill 1 without any discretion besides how much stealth time they have left. Perhaps, lower initiative cost for all weapon skill 5 to compensate further? Or maybe make it so only blocked attacks reveal, evades and blinds don’t count. How about CnD triggering stealth on block? All great suggestions to consider.
Also yes, I think a shield block skill being only effective from the front is a great idea. At the moment, a shield stance is practically a free 3 second invincibility.
Keep the suggestions coming.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
We almost lost the match because I got stuck when I respawned on Skyhammer, why is this even a tpvp map in the first place?
I couldn’t use any skills, emote or anything at all as if I was falling in an infinite abyss.
Can you guys just delete this map as if it never existed?
If anything they should increase the cast time of Inf return to root out the bad sword thieves.
Hey guess what?
If you don’t like it then don’t buy it! So kitten simple. Just because you don’t think it’s worth the 500 gems doesn’t mean the person next to you does.
Too many kitten complainers in this community.
See, I get that different people have different playstyles and all. What I don’t get is the people who claim to have been playing for over a year, who claim they don’t spend their in game money on much, and yet claim to have less than 100g to show for it. Something just doesn’t add up. I mean, if you don’t accidentally end up with over 1g from an hour of random playing, what are you actually doing in game?
Spending it on Mini Southsun Kasmeers.
We need dual wield torches.
It’s a nice luxury area where rich TP traders can have all utility npc’s in one convenient place.
Bad title.
Also, this forum is not supposed to be used as a grey market.
Mod, please remove this terrible thread already.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
Team of default female asuran mesmers named “IIIIIIII” and “IIIIIIIII” anyone?
Stop crafting in Lagger’s Arch. There are plenty of other places to craft that have a much nicer environment and music.
Have you tried refining them?
Regarding the donation part: you don’t necessarily have to do that achievement to complete the meta achievement. You can do dailies instead.
If you’re an achievement hunter or competitionist, 3 gold should be nothing to you.
I swear, people here complain about the most trivial of things. Too much entitlement going on.
Looks like it only can be obtained from the Toxic Dye Kit http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blacklight_Dye.
So no you cannot get it from a unidentified purple dye.
Hi. I am elementalist. I am elementalist since beta. This trait very good. I kill many necro and thief and engi now thanks to trait. I take no damage from them. They is very easy to kill. If I take damage from them I heal because of boon called regeneration and water skill. Engi can no shoot me and flames no more. It very good. Almost too good.
Spvp elementalist very stronk. I take on many necro and engi and no die. I once scared of engi and necro. Now I not.
This trait make me very powerful. Thank you anet for make me undieable to necro and engi. Much thanks.
You play Thief and Ranger. Please leave.
No. I play elementalist since alpha. You no read? I say before. See? I take picture. See ele is very good. Thank you for buff anet. I play good when engi and necro come.
Hi. I am elementalist. I am elementalist since beta. This trait very good. I kill many necro and thief and engi now thanks to trait. I take no damage from them. They is very easy to kill. If I take damage from them I heal because of boon called regeneration and water skill. Engi can no shoot me and flames no more. It very good. Almost too good.
Spvp elementalist very stronk. I take on many necro and engi and no die. I once scared of engi and necro. Now I not.
This trait make me very powerful. Thank you anet for make me undieable to necro and engi. Much thanks.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
With all the crafted exotics flooding the market, what do you investors think about this?
Glory Vendor exchange rates.
Thank you very much.
Can anyone post the prices of the vendor?
Are you being sarcastic? Or did I miss something in the patch notes…brb.
Build is 5/0/30/15/20
Centaur Runes
Movement skills:
Healing skill- Withdraw
Shortbow 5 (with sigil of energy)- Infiltrator’s Arrow
Utility- Shadowstep
Acrobatics gives you swiftness on dodge, vigor on heal and dodges use 33% endurance instead of 50%. With centaur runes (heal skill withdraw) and a couple dodges you get permaswiftness.
Also the initiative base increase in Trickery let’s you use shortbow 5 twice in a row in most situations.
So we have permaswiftness, a ton of dodges and an instant “escape button” by switching to shortbow for an extra free dodge and using shortbow 5.
With the recent patch, vigor on heal and steal is nerfed a bit but overall intuitive regen buff should aid shortbow 5 use. Withdraw is a great movement skill as (traited) it comes with the vigor, swiftness and heals snares. However most movement comes from sb 5.
I’m not exactly sure if this is completely faster than GS+ s/w warrior but I can sure as hell get out of any situation in wvw if I want to. The only times I die is if I get greedy and stay in combat. Also keep in mind that thieves use teleports which are unaffected by chill, immob, cripple whereas warriors use leaps and rushes which are affected by these conditions. I’m not sure but warriors may have a better “speed burst”. However in the long run with constant use of withdraw and short 5 I think thief wins in mobility. Shortbow is a great secondary to p/d because poison field, extra evades with skill 3 and sigil of energy, and escape tool. Whereas no warrior in the right mind uses s/w and gs at the same time.
TL:DR: Assume both classes have permaswiftness. Thief’s main movement skill is Shortbow 5 with a CD of 6 seconds with current patch (previously was 8 seconds) and can be used twice in a row if needed. Withdraw every 15 seconds. Shadowstep (50 cd) if needed. Warrior, assuming he is crazy enough to use both s/w and gs at the same time will have Savage Leap (8 cd), Whirlwind Attack (8 or 10 cd) and Rush (16 or 20 cd). Use Bull Rush if needed.
Real TL:DR, sooooo theoretically thief can travel over 10200 units per minute. warriors can travel 12000. So I guess warriors are better. This is all just a silly estimation of course. Plenty of other factors to consider like how swiftness affects leaps, combat slow etc. However, I still consider thief to have the best mobility due to other factors and sheer experience.
All this typing….we should just do an ingame race between warrior and thief, lol.
“I die invincible!” – Male Asuran gaining protection boon.
It’s incredibly viable for solo roaming. It’s also incredibly fun. With the right build you can get the best mobility in the game hands down. The only thing that comes close is a s/w and gs warrior.
Having the best mobility in the game is pretty useful when running from an angry mob/zerg.
- Cheesing Thief
If you have ever played as a thief you would find that they are incredibly predictable after they’ve activated stealth. If you see them go into stealth you can aoe, kite, cleave, cc, dodge. There are a lot of options. They usually only have 3 seconds or so to land a backstab. You can assume they are trying to get in range of your back as soon as they pop stealth. Since they are melee, you can kite them very easily if you have swiftness. Afterall, they only have around 3 seconds to land a backstab They have a couple teleports up their sleeve but that’s when dodge and other skills comes in.
Easiest way to counter thief is to play one. You’ll see how all their mechanics work. I’d go more in depth about countering thieves but it all depends on your profession.
I’m sorry but if you are spamming 1 and auto-attacking in the air then it is definitively a l2p issue. If you are killed by a heartseeker masher then I have zero sympathy for you.
Bads will we bads.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
There are plenty of ways to counter the perma-stealth meta if you know how it works.
Yes perma-stealth is over the top and I’m glad its getting nerfed next patch but don’t act like a d/p theif can just faceroll everyone. There are ways to counter it.
Oh and yes this a l2p issue.
TP bots are a myth.
I thought that was already established.
Killshot is only op if you’re fighting outnumbered and thus distracted enough to not see the obviously telegraphed killshot.
Also it’s op when there is server lag.
Otherwise, here is what you can do to avoid it: Dodge. Blind. Aegis.
Shout out to all the achievement hunters and pve’ers clogging up the queues. Bonus points if you spent gems to transfer to a stacked server.
I hope you’re satisfied with the rewards. At least now you’ve gotten a taste of WvW and it’s awesome rewards.
See you in Season 2, not.
Scarlet is coming to sabotage Tixx’s factory.
edit: the pic below I found somewhere in the gw2 subreddit, don’t know who originally made it though.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
This is a terrible suggestion. What we need is more AI options for the pet.
Also, the AI can be kited way too easily even by melee classes.
Also pet ai sucks and there are so little options for controlling it. I wish there was a “stay back” option so it isn’t standing in the middle of aoe or being cleaved to death.
That’s called Guard, plus if you bring a Spider and/or a Devour you basically get one and/or two mobile “turrets” on a 15sec movable window.
It evens out since PBK* ai sucks too
*Person Behind the Keyboard
Guess what? Not all rangers are garbage bearbow rangers. I like to use sword and feline pet which gives me optimal dps and NOT be a deadweight to my team. “Guard” is not sufficient when the player is in melee range since the pet will just sit there next to you and since it cannot evade attacks it will die while “guarding”. A “stay back” option would be nice to make sure the pet can get out of bad situations.
Rifle rangers, cmon anet!
edit: also torch thieves, k thanx.
Extremely rare from a normal mob drop. I’ve probably gotten around 5 during my whole 2k hours of gw2.
Zone completion on the other hand is 50/50.
I contributed to a mesmer nerf that anet actually decided to go through with. Back then, Into the Void was instant cast.
So many mad mesmers that day. I was pleasantly surprised when they took my suggestion and actually implemented it in the next big balance patch.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)