(edited by Sir Black.7423)
I also agree it needs something to counter-act snowballing/spawncamping after the first defeat. Doing that through an extra mechanic could be interesting. But just doing rounds would probably be easiest since it avoids balancing issues.
But the biggest thing Courtyard needs is to not be in the same queue as the other maps. The recent problems with Capricorn and Coliseum – people hating on each other for map selection choices – was kinda like when Courtyard was originally in the unranked map pool. It needs to be treated as a different game mode, because it is. So give it a separate checkbox, just like the Stronghold and Conquest options, and then we can all be happy playing it or not playing it as per personal preferences.
Since this hasn’t gotta much notice, I just want to say that the problem still exists with whatever costume brawl skill(s) are putting people in combat.
I’m finding this happening once or more every day now – and that’s while only trying to get the single win for the daily.
Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it has become a common annoyance for me.
I would love to approach all matches with that “never give up” attitude people keep expressing here. And if I’m just playing for fun, or trying to be really competitive, then I probably do.
But when a PvP season or limited-time achievement comes along which requires a significant number of wins, my attitude inevitably changes. Sure I could keep trying in a 150-350 losing game and hope for a miracle win… or I could just let it end sooner and take my chances in the next game. And unfortunately in the long run it seems more effective to just crank through more matches than to spend the extra time trying for miracle comebacks.
Though don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying it’s good to give up the moment the enemy hits a 150 or 200 point lead. Personally, I at least try to keep playing seriously until it’s obviously hopeless. But if the other team is hitting 350 to 400 while having a ~200 point lead, and they’re clearly still dominating the action…. then yeah, it’s a lost cause for me.
I actually kinda dislike reward structures based on number of wins because of how I feel it encourages this “give up early, try again sooner” way of playing. But ANet keeps doing it, so here we are…
Oh that explains a lot. In the big brawls after Mad King Says, I’ve been frequently seeing my brawl status reset (points, health, etc) for no clear reason. That makes more sense if this stupid skill is taking me out.
Indeed. I too think the profession-specific achievements are overall a bad thing for PvP. The only positive to them is that they somewhat encourage players to try new things rather than just stick with one class forever.
But I find that’s far out-weighed by the troubled caused by people playing competitive matches on classes they don’t know, as well as imbalancing the profession distribution every day. For instance, even with the popularity of Guardians in the meta right now, I don’t usually find more than a couple per match – but on Guardian-win day? Oh my… easily getting matches with 3+ on both teams.
The current amount of CC might be ok if builds actually had to sacrifice something to get it. If it was a matter of CC vs damage vs suvivability trade-offs then things might get interesting. But instead right now it feels like many classes easily bring a lot of CC, good suvivability, and decent damage all at the same time.
To keep reiterating the point of this setup being a problem:
I managed to get another Capricorn game today where someone left immediately. Fortunately for my own sake it was someone on the other team, but it certainly meant the rest of them had a bad game. When the game design is provoking people into that kind of behavior, there’s something wrong with it.
And despite most people voting for Coliseum or Capricorn, there’s already often one person voting for a different map… and too often succeeding. In a game tries to pride itself on community and bringing people together, this design stands out as causing a lot of needless conflict.
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
I appreciate Anet pinning Capricorn to the selection, and it does seem to be helping: Currently people seem to be almost exclusively voting for either Coliseum or Capricorn.
But that’s only a minor help vs a fundamental problem. Time-limited achievements combined with random map voting/selection really sucks, and especially when most of the time overlaps a PvP season.
For all the reasons people have already explained this design eventually leads to a frustrating, stressful, and even toxic environment. I’ve seen people hating on each other for their map selection vote, and to an extent I’ve never found before in this game’s PvP. I’ve seen people AFKing when they end up on a map that’s “useless” to them, which then makes it pointless for the rest of their team to bother trying. I’ve seen people straight up leaving matches as soon as the map loads. Heck, just a little while ago I played out a lovely 4v5 loss on Capricorn! because a teammate left immediately – I guess he wanted Coliseum…
Having the maps and achievements available for multiple months doesn’t really help when it takes much less than that for the Unranked player base to hit a critical mass of people tired of the beta map and consistently voting against it. It happened for Capricorn, and I expect not too long after Coliseum is the only beta map then it’ll happen for that one too.
Now we just need an ‘account pocket’ in the inventory panel where keys and the gemstore consumables go, so we don’t have to carry them around or waste account-wide inventory slots with countless items we hardly ever use and we never miss until that one time we actually needed them but forgot to bring them along, so they only end up accumulating in the bank.
This. So much this.
I’m sitting on over 50 Revive Orbs (as well as over 50 each of Instant Repair Canisters, TP Express, Bank Express, and Merchant Express) because I never get around to wasting inventory space on carrying them or spend time juggling them between alts just to have them around for the once-in-a-great-while cases that I actually want one.
So I end up never using them and just keep piling them up from free sources which further means I’ll never have any desire to buy more from the Gem Store.
Isnt capricorn picked like 90% of the time?
9 players pick Capricon, 1 picks Khylo, and the game rolls…. Khylo
Anecdotal of course, but there’s an uncomfortable amount of times where the game picks the minority option.
They really need to add another checkbox separate from Conquest and Stronghold which would let players queue for Beta maps exclusively.
I have to wonder how many people this the cap even affects. If I’m not mistaken, a person has to have been playing at least 3 or 4 years before they could possibly hit it. Just looking at two guilds I’m in: only 15/212 and 66/250 people even have over 15000AP total, and certainly not all of that is from dailies.
Personally, I’m happy to view the daily AP cap just like any other long term achievement. Weapon Master, Slayer, PvP, WvW… there’s numerous ones that take a long time but eventually stop.
And honestly I’m looking forward to hitting the cap because it means I don’t have to “worry” about daily AP anymore. I can choose to not even log in and it’s no loss. I would find it kinda annoying if there wasn’t a cap, because then any time I missed a day of playing would be an unrecoverable loss of that AP.
I suspect this is all moot though. I don’t expect ANet to bother changing the cap just because a handful of people are agitated on these forums.
And beyond that, let’s imagine if ANet reversed their decision and lifted the cap. What then happens for the people who have been capped for weeks/months/year/whatever. Should they be compensated for the AP there were denied during the time the cap existed? Maybe… except that I doubt ANet tracks the date when a person hits the cap so there would be no way for they to apply anything retroactively. So instead of getting into that mess, it’s perhaps easier for them just to leave the cap alone.
I’m starting to wonder whether the detector can bug out an not show you that anything is up for long periods of time… I just played for an hour where it said nothing was up. But as soon as I logged out and logged back in, it showed shark and arctodus.
Of course it’s hard to report that as a bug since I have no way to know if it was really bugged or what it was really supposed to show at any particular time – which goes back to the idea that this is a pretty awful way to have event tracking setup.
All other benefits and issues aside, am I the only one feeling it’s awkward to put access to a vendor’s items on an ability line?
Just starting with the concept of ability lines. All the other ones revolve around actions the player does whether being in combat, gathering supply, etc. But this one is about purchasing items for your build. Yes, one’s build then impacts combat. But it’s a step removed and doesn’t feel like it should be an “ability”.
And then there’s how this’ll work out for anyone who hasn’t maxed out their ability lines and doesn’t have points to spare…
Say a player wants to buy some things to fit out a build, so they invest the points and do it. But it’s not like they’ll be buy more stuff often. In fact it might be a one-time need. So now the 25 or whatever points are sunk and effectively useless (until a reset happens). That’s annoying.
And so if a player has bought all they need by the time a reset happens, then there’s presumably no reason to invest in it again afterwards. In theory a player could not bother with it ever again, even though they gained the benefit from it. That’s weird.
Are those recipes and items going to be soulbound or accountbound? If accountbound, then a player only ever needs one of their characters to invest in this pip. And of course they could just do that with a character they never intend on playing WvW with, so as to not detract from the ability point usage on their real characters. That’s silly.
And if ability point resets are ever revised into a more player-friendly on-demand scheme (instead of once in a blue-moon whenever A.Net thinks it’s a good idea), then players would be able to invest, buy, reset, and spend the points elsewhere which renders the whole ability line aspect mostly useless (other than preventing people who have less than 60 or whatever WvW points from using it).
I keep my inventory organized in a specific way – commonly used things on the right side, lesser used on the left side, etc. So when the free shared slot was first introduced and bumped everything around, it was annoying that I had to go readjust every character’s inventory. However only a minor annoyance, and worth it in exchange for getting a free shared slot.
But now they do this and all my inventory is off again… And now I’m caught in a bind: I could go readjust it all only to find out in a few weeks that they’ll put the slot back down or make an option or something – and then have to readjust yet again. Or I could suffer with messed up inventory for a while in the hopes that something will be done soon… but then again they might not do anything else so I would be suffering for nothing. Ugh…
Personally I do hope they do something to address the useless space on the shared slot line. It just hurts my soul to look at it. :/
But more than that, this is yet another case where more communication would go a long way – then people could critique designs like this before time is invested implementing them, or at least have a clue if/when they’re going to change it again.
I do appreciate the unexpected free slot.
But I also do find it mildly annoying that it’s stuck at the top of my inventory (especially since this has knocked all my inventory arrangement off by 1 for all my characters and I’ll have to rearrange everything).
And for good measure it’s also mildly annoying that the slot is held hostage to the level-80 boost which I might want to save for a future character but instead I have to consume now when I don’t need to level anything.
Same problem for me. I can’t reach that Assassin with anything because the bombs just plummet to the ground. (And of course I tried this in normal mode, so I don’t even have any clouds to work with…)
Yeah, bombs aren’t throwing properly:
Maybe it’s just me or maybe I’m not “pro” enough, but I have no time to be looking at my chat window nor my boon bar during the fight. There’s far too much else going on.
I haven’t noticed any distinct sound when I get the poison. However once I have it there’s a background wispy/bubbly sound. Unfortunately it’s very easy for other game sounds or TS chat to drown that out.
So the best I’ve come up with is to keep my camera zoomed out and to generally have it pointed towards the outside of the room. Then at least it isn’t shoved up against my character. The only downside is not being able to keep track of the position of all the slublings, but I think that’s manageable.
But that said, over all it still feels like half the challenge of this mechanic is the game UI itself.
So conversely from the good drops people have been lucky enough to get, what’s the worst? (not counting rares)
The most underwhelming reward I’ve had so far was from this week’s Gorseval giving me an exotic level 76 Soft Wood Torch.
(Seriously, why can’t the hardest end-game PvE content in the game at least guarantee a level 80 item?)
13 insights: 1 ascended medium boot.
Pretty much the least desirable ascended armor for me. Next best drop was a 4g exotic.
Yet another guy with the same number of wins has seen 4 or 5 or more ascendeds, including one of the new weapon skins.
At least I’ve earned tokens towards something but still… meh.
So overall rewards have been disappointing. I’ve gotten more out of Fractals in a couple weeks than from raiding over… what? nearly two months now? (And for less time invested considering all the time spent failing, practicing, and even simply waiting in the raid.)
700 games per single slot? Way overpriced. I can buy a bank tab or 2 bag slots for around that price… 700 is only worthwhile in combination with a Permanent Bank Access. But for the other 99.9% of the GW2 population, that’s a significant amount of money for such limited convenience.
Cut that price in half at the very least.
Number of Slots:
Only 5? Far too few. So I would have to pick between Copper-Fed Salvage, Mystic/Silver Salvage, commonly useful sets of food/utility, MF/EXP/whatever booters, account-bound gathering tools, bank access, TP access… And that’s just to start.
How about trying to get more use from the account-bound nature of Ascended/Legendary?
HoT map currencies I mean keys?
Tonics and such?
This should have gone up to 10 slots minimum. Better 20. In fact just making it a full-on “shared bag” slot would have been the simplest and most expected thing from a player point of view.
Differing Pricing:
1 for 700gem or 5 for 2800gem, so 1/560gem. With the overall high cost, this is borderline abusive in my opinion. A player shouldn’t just add one or two and then consider more later otherwise they’ll have spent more money overall when that later comes. This really pushes to commit completely at the start. Thus it punishes “I’ll try one and then buy more later if I like it” and so it’s really not in the buyer’s best interest. It’s in the sellers interest – trying to provoke people to dive in for the full $35, even if they didn’t really want to.
This isn’t like consumables where buy-in-bulk can make sense. It’s an account upgrade, like bags and bank slots.
Just give us straight pricing per quantity.
Despite wanting shared inventory, I’m rather underwhelmed by this offering. If it had been like 700 or 1000 gems for a shared 20-slot, I would be purchasing ASAP. As it stands I’m going to stick with how I’ve been managing cross-character inventory issues for the past three years.
I haven’t salvaged too many rings yet. But I too am getting the feeling that the rate averages out to around 3 per.
If that’s the case, then given that rings only ever salvage into Stabilizing Matrices, and the current market value is slightly less than 1/3 the cost of the salvage tool… then it doesn’t seem worthwhile to salvage rings over the long term.
So it looks like we’re right back where we were before salvaging was added: might as well just sell them to the merchant for a few silver.
For example:
Advanced Spinal Blades (exotic berzerker)
30 Power
21 Precision
21 Ferocity
Ruby Orb
20 Power
14 Precision
14 Ferocity
50 Power
35 Precision
35 Ferocity
as compared to
Tempered Spinal Blades (ascended berzerker)
63 Power
40 Precision
40 Ferocity
I’ve seen the same thing recently too. And it did seem to be caused by multiple people trying to pick up the hammer at the same time.
Apparently there are couple places that trigger the achievement. I followed this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3r8us3/dragons_stand_achievement_guide/ which showed doing it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OonxeRgYrq8 and it worked for me.
Switching characters didn’t help, but guesting worked for me. May just be a matter of luck for getting on a different/unbugged map instance.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sir Black.7423
Unlocking your elite spec is a training line in your training panel that costs hero points. You do need to have trained all the existing training lines before you’re allowed to put hero points into your elite spec.
If you’ve got all the hero points in the existing game you’ll have enough to train about half the elite specialization training line on launch day. The rest you’ll need to earn in the jungle or via the new system Tyler outlined yesterday from WvW. The number of points to fully train your elite spec is higher than other training lines – but hero challenges in the jungle are worth 10 points each, so it’s not actually as big as it appears.
It’s 400 points total to unlock everything in an elite spec training line – I just can’t remember off hand how many points folks have currently if they have done all the existing ones, but it’s right around 200. The rest you’ll need to earn in jungle to unlock the deeper skills/traits/etc. in the training line.
You only need 60 hero points to begin using your elite spec, the points you spend after that continue to unlock more skills, traits, skins, etc.
Again, hero challenges are worth 10 points each in the jungle. So no you don’t need to go do 200-400 jungle challenges.
I feel like this deserves either a full news article laying out all the information, or it just should have been left quiet until launch when we’ll be able to see it in game. Since elite specs are one of the big new shiny things people want to get their hands on, giving the information piece-wise leads to misunderstandings and speculation on disappointment.
For instance, it’s “400 to unlock everything”. Ok, but that everything includes both things critical to gameplay and also cosmetics.
I think what a lot of people really want to know is:
A) How many points needed to start using the elite spec. – Well at least we got that in a second post: 60.
B) How many points needed to get all the skills and traits for an elite spec. – In other words, how many to make the gameplay complete?
I think lumping in the rest of the points beyond those amounts as “fully training your elite spec” easily gives people the wrong impression about when they can actually play it effectively.
For anyone suggesting this should be applied to WvW, then what damage reduction would you propose?
If they did something like 95% to make pets survive zerg vs zerg battles, then would pets become too hard to stop in small group / solo fights? – especially with like Necros and Mesmers putting out a lot of minions.
(Plus the potential meta exploit of bringing lots of pets with the zerg to soak up AoE, since they would now live long enough to actually soak up a significant amount.)
But if it’s toned down to keep those other problems from happening, would it still be enough to make pets noticeably more survivable during zerg vs zerg?
There might not actually be a single damage reduction value that would make sense across WvW. It might need to scale per the number of opposing players in the area. But I doubt A.Net would even try to implement something like that…
When you say that they are remaining the same for PvP, does that mean WvW too? Please say yes.
This is only for creature attacks against player minions. Player attacks against minions keeps the same functionality as it has right now. This is for everywhere.
That makes it sound like it will apply for any NPC AoE attacks in WvW. I dunno if that’s an issue – just a matter of clarification.
But preemptively thinking about a potential issue: If Player A’s pet hits Player B’s pet with an untargetted attack/AoE, does it count as a creature attack and get reduced damage or a player attack and work normally?
(edited by Sir Black.7423)
We really just need a UI in the game that shows all time-gated rewards the player has currently acquired. Daily and weekly. Key rewards, guild missions, raid rewards (when that comes), world boss chests, daily dungeon paths, etc.
And to keep down clutter (and spoilers?) it wouldn’t need to show all the potential ones. Just the ones currently already acquired. So when a player looks at that UI it’s simple: if it’s on the page, then they’ve already gotten it. And if it’s not on the page, then they’re eligible to go out and get it.
Or even if it wasn’t in-game but could be shown on this website or exposed through the API, that would be good enough.
End the guesswork and hassle – just let people see the information that the system is already tracking about their accounts.
we want constructive ideas that help us make future events that are fun, meaningful, rewarding, and involving.
Individual ideas will only go so far. And in many cases they may be reactive to the structure of this event but may not apply as well to differently structured events in the future.
What this event really needed – and what future events will always need – is involvement of people who really understand how events work in practice and how players play in practice. They need to analyze and try to predict how design decisions are going to play out, long before the design is set in stone. So these people need to be involved from the very start of building such an event.
And if these resources aren’t available in-house for whatever reason, then find a way to reach outside. If necessary do something like involve veteran members of the GW2 community in the event design, or whatever else it takes to ensure events are fun and work the way they’re intended.
Autobalancing is a symptom. The problem is so many people leaving matches.
While there will always be rage-quitters and such, I suspect a lot of the times people leave hotjoin matches right now is due to the profession win dailies. With such an all-or-nothing criteria for them, there’s little point continuing to play out a match where your team is “obviously” going to lose.
And once one person leaves, the losing team is even more likely to continue losing. So the rest of the players on it have more incentive to leave as well. It’s an unfortunate but fairly obvious consequence of having too much emphasis on winning in a mode that has no penalty for leaving.
If A.Net would revise the win-based dailies into something different that actually counted partial progress during losses, then I believe the situation would improve.
120 months here. Do I get to be even more special? :P
Seriously though, I don’t feel there’s any particular need to reward anyone who started way back in the day. We already got the benefits of starting from day 1 / early access / beta events / etc back then.
Your reward now can simply be the feeling of pride or whatever that you’ve been with Guild Wars so long.
They think it would be nice but the expansion is a higher priority.
Much thanks, this worked for me.
Before I was getting speed comparable to a dial-up modem. But making use of that command line switch, it’s back to patching at full speed.
Before adjusting anything else, first they need to get rid of the profession dailies (or at least re-work them into something that can count some kind of partial progress when on the losing team).
Currently those type of dailies are a big incentive for people to seek out ways to end up on the winning team at all costs. And consequently they encourage quitting out whenever their team is likely to lose. As a rather logical and straightforward result, most hotjoin matches end up being unbalanced and ridiculous.
Speaking of stale match-ups, here on SBI we’re entering our 5th week against Dragonbrand and 3rd week against Maguuma alongside them, with no end in sight…
I remember while leading up to release, A.Net said things like they didn’t want to require people to farm specific events to gets specific rewards. (That was the whole point of the Karma system.) And somewhere along the way I remember them saying that they didn’t want people to feel the need to fail events on purpose.
It seems they’ve lost sight of these ideas over the past couple years…
Almost exactly 1 year ago the trait changes wrecked downscaling so that high level players do far too much damage in low level zones.
And around the same time we got megaservers, which changed up the worth bosses such that they will always be populated by tons of people.
And as has been noted countless times before and since, many of the world bosses don’t scale well beyond a handful of players anyway.
The results of all of this are hardly surprising… 10 second boss kills… players wishing that other players wouldn’t show up… etc. I can’t believe that A.Net is unaware of these things. So apparently they must not care. Or at least they apparently must prioritize fixing these things so much lower than working on the next new release (Living Story, Heart of Thorns, etc).
While I don’t want to discourage anyone from giving feedback, I don’t hold much hope of these bosses ever being interesting in the near future…
Making it random per person would eliminate only half the reasons I dislike it.
I would be much happier if they just removed profession dailies entirely.
HOT already has a price and Release Date?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sir Black.7423
We had the same kind of stuff happening leading up to the original release of GW2. Some sites started listing speculative dates and such, possibly just because they needed place-holders in their databases.
Until you see information officially from Arena Net themselves, anything else cannot be relied upon to be correct.
Well this is a significant disappointment…
Yeah sure it’ll come along “someday”, but it would really have made sense to be a feature of the expansion.
I already find it hard enough to keep track of the various useful builds in the game… (easily 3-5 PvE/WvW builds and 2-3 PvP builds per class), making it annoying to be able to swap in a timely manner. The expansion is obviously going to compound the problem adding another main class, a specialization thing per every class, and then a new PvP mode.
And I know I’m not the only one wanting this. Of all the quality-of-life improvements that would be nice, this is the one I hear asked for the most – sometimes being mentioned on a daily basis in guild chat and such.
It has some downsides, but overall I still kinda like this minigame. As others said it can be fun when the teams are evenly matched.
But as with any PvP mode or minigame (although perhaps more so than some) this one sucks when one side is down a player whether due to AFKing or someone simply leaving.
And since there’s no penalty for leaving a match (or conversely no actual reason to stay in a losing match), then frequently as soon as things start to go badly for one team, people start leaving and it just gets worse.
Furthermore, it really sucks that Volunteering to the outmanned team doesn’t give an automatic win credit to the player like it does in normal PvP. I saw games hemorrhage players until it became a 1v1 because the losing team abandoned ship and then the winning players were autobalanced into losers and so they abandoned it as well.
For this event in particular, I also disliked the Dragon’s Gaze achievement. For a skill that’s hard to land and only situationally useful anyway, 100 was far too high. I did the five wins everyday plus some more and still didn’t get even half way to completing this. So basically I was averaging 1 progress per every 2 games. At that rate I would have needed 200ish games, and that’s a bit absurd for just 2 weeks. Or I could have sacrificed effective gameplay and instead tried to always spam that skill. Trying that I probably would have racked up fewer kills and significantly more deaths… and I’m sure the rest of my team would not have appreciated such selfish tactics.
“Why cant we have difficult content?”
Because they keep putting it in the open world.
- If it requires too many players to play well, then the failings of a few can ruin it for everyone else (see Marionette).
- If it requires only a few players to play well to succeed, then most people don’t have to care and can even be carried. So it wasn’t really all that hard.
- If the rewards for reaching the hard tier are too good, then the hardcore players can become toxic against anyone perceived as not pulling their weight or causing failures – such as casual players just wanting to play the zone normally.
- If the rewards aren’t good enough, then hardly anyone will bother even trying.
Sure, if the game allowed easy separation between the people aiming for hard tier and people who don’t really care, then it might work out. But with random megaservers and all that’s a pain.
And yet, if they just tried this with instanced content, it would be so much easier on everyone. Players would have the choice of how hard they want to aim for and could group themselves accordingly. I think Fractals works reasonably well at this, and even vaguely similar models could be applied just as well.
I’ve had times where if I just press H, open the Finishers tab, do nothing, and switch away it ends up resetting it.
The previous daily system had regional event ones. I didn’t see any need to make that more restrictive.
The only way map-specific ones would work well is if the devs finally start addressing the current problems with event up-scaling and player down-scaling. Otherwise, we’ll continue having high-level players crammed into low-level zones one-shotting the handful of mobs the show up at events and creating a bad gameplay experience for everyone involved.
If you’re going to have “5 events in <insert zone>” as one of the achievements then <insert zone> should have the spawn rate for events increased OR have a 2 minute count down timer locally until the event begins. Too many players are missing the events and there’s starting to be a lot of jerks who spam incorrect WP’s just to be mean.
Event dailies that are restricted to low-level zones really highlight the fact that both player down-scaling and event up-scaling are terrible these days.
It’s always been an issue that many low-level events tend not to scale up beyond a handful of players. But ever since last April’s trait overhaul, high-level players don’t down-scale very well at all. The combination results in a poor experience for everyone involved.
On it’s own that’s bad enough, but with these dailies driving high-level players into low-level zones, that creates a lot more contention over trying to tag mobs for any credit in these events before they evaporate.
A.Net really ought to be taking a look at this since it undermines the fundamental premise of the game where we’re supposed to want other players to show up. Instead right now it’s much more preferable when other players stay away so that the mobs don’t die too fast.
For the past several days, at least the first song I try or the first two will fail to register any correct note.
But once I’m past that, I can properly complete the rest. It’s not like I’m a bad player at this. I can score 100 (or near it) on every song when the thing is working. But sometimes it simply doesn’t work right at all and counts everything as incorrect.
This is very frustrating to miss out on even the easiest songs due to this bug.
And can we please have this permission be assignable to only guild officers?
Really… isn’t this pretty obvious that guilds should be able to control who can claim credit for EVERY mission type? Instead of letting random newbies foul it up for everyone else?
I think I found a work around for the missing challenge mote for dancer in the dark achievement. If it is missing simply log in a different character and then go back to the previous character that’s missing the challenge mote and try again. This always allows the mote to show up again.
This worked for me too.
I had tried everything else – logging off, restarting the game, guesting to a different server – none of that worked. Then after reading this post I started the game with a different character and then switched over to the one I needed for this achievement – and only then the challenge mote finally appeared.