Ugh, that has to be the most ugliest greatsword skin in GW2 yet :/
What it needs is a much higher focus on pvp, balance WvW (equal faction numbers at all times) and arena-pvp, conquest will never ever ever work as an esport. wasn’t out in 1997
I wasn’t speaking about 1997 but about today, just check out the list.
What is dead may never die, seriously PvP isn’t dieing it’s dead, even Age of Empires 1, the one released in 1997 has more viewers on .
The more I play GW2 the more I’m against capitalism.
Thats what people who cant afford luxury things do in real life. But they still like freedom of speech, having food and other things that you can only have in a capitalist system.
That’s a very biased and ignorant statement that simply isn’t true, but back to topic, i doubt that anybody who actualy has that much gold doesn’t already have a legendary.
Thats what a “communist” who buys stuff developed in a capitalist system (like this game) and have food on his table and freedom of speech would say. Dredges FTW.
And back to the topic, some people might want more than one legendary and, as far as I know, you need 100% completion to make your own legendary, which is obtainable only once per character.
Let me guess, you are american and the only 2 systems you know are capitalism = good and communism = bad, sigh…
The more I play GW2 the more I’m against capitalism.
Thats what people who cant afford luxury things do in real life. But they still like freedom of speech, having food and other things that you can only have in a capitalist system.
That’s a very biased and ignorant statement that simply isn’t true, but back to topic, i doubt that anybody who actualy has that much gold doesn’t already have a legendary.
The problem is that a-net still thinks that they can turn the conquest mode into an e-sport, sigh…
Balance should have been around 5v5 or 8v8 deathmatch, not around running around the map – avoiding pvp to win.
way too easy, only needed 5 trys to do it, first time because of a lag, 2nd and 3rd time because of a char blocking the view and the 4th time because i didn’t know that the presents on which you have to jump disapear, was hoping for at least mad-king puzzle difficulty.
Dungeons already drained all my coins lol, so i simply decided, that in a dungeon, id only wear clothes if it was some stronger boss fight, not to waste repair money by being swarmed and killed by those little mobs.
(and you cant repair while inside the fractal anyway)
that can actualy be considered as scamming, you can get your acount banned for dooing that.
because that’s deffinetly an exploit and unfair against those that don’t misuse game mechanics.
Will a-net finaly do something about that or do they simply not care? I’m speaking of those maps where 2 players just capture/recapture one point without attacking each other.
I just can’t figure out why someone who isn’t 80 yet wants to already start dooing things he will get bored of at lvl80 because there is so little to do at 80 :/
Realy, even if i and the other 3 compensate for your lack of damage/survilalibility, therefore having a harder time in the dungeon?
- Make the game attractive to viewers and streaming, GW2 just gets lower on the list everyday.
it’s already lower then super mario sunshine and pokemon red/blue, the one who has 800 viewers and supposedly is playing GW2 is playing xcom, don’t think it can fall even more, at least i hope so :/
i suggested that several times, a-net seems to be ignorant, thinking that “exploring” is something people care about as endgame content, even if it means everytime releasing broken content when a new patch comes.
Basicaly, right now you have the “contribute less, get more” mentality of some players, who go into a dungeon with full magicfind gear, thereby exploiting those who don’t, so why just not take the highest magicfind a player has equiped and add it automaticaly to all his partymembers?
“message body length must at least be 15.”
Now either the OP isn’t able to play anything else then a glasscannon thief and therefore gets killed so often or he does have some tough and vit but doesn’t know how to avoid attacks, i think we have here a serious case of l2p.
Seriously, i think the problem is you and not the dungeons i pucked to level5 without having a group that has failed dooing a boss so far.
Yeah it would be a risky decition separating pugs from premades, meaning that it could lead to hour long queues for premades but with the already very small spvp playerbase there wouldn’t be much they could loose from trying it out.
I don’t understand why someone who isn’t yet 80 wants to do an explorable dungeon, there is a lot to do till lvl80, why already start with the boring endgame pve content?
This time next year id say the game will be in trouble when TESO comes out.
you know that teso uses the hero engine?, no content can make right what an awful engine destroys, have fun lagging with more then 10 people on screen.
far from it, check back again in a year
0, nobody wants an invite :/
this is serious bullkitten, beeing able to chat with the enemy makes things much more interesting
Looks like they have given up on WvW, it’s just a gimmick and not the pvp they want players to enjoy at endgame.
200 hours to reach level 80, are you kittening kidding me?
I bought the game, didn’t rush anything, did all dungeons, did all the jumping puzzles i could find, explored a lot, tried out spvp and WvW and was 80 on my 4th day of playing, the GW2 leveling process is realy realy fast.
The hardcore players did it in 2 days after release. I would say that ~40-50 hours is a normal amount to reach 80.
(edited by Tito.3270)
This official statement is just another nail in the coffin. Good thing my buddies and I have already said our goodbyes to WvW.
Please tell me you have a team working on a new large scale PvP battle type with a duration of 1 to 4 hours.
Don’t let the door hit you.
No, really. Night capping is fine. If you don’t like it then play during the night as well. Wait, you can’t? Guess what! Many people playing at night cannot play during your hours as well. Why should they be punished in any way or form. Did they pay less for the game then you? No? Stop complaining.
Deal with it.
But why are the people who can’t play at night punished, we have queues and if we don’t want to have them we have to distribute ourselfes equaly throughout the servers, why not force the night-crews to do the same with flexible allowed playernumbers in WvW.
Sry but if you want a guild where you think it’s members have nothing else to do then wait for someone that needs help half a world away then you are in for quite a search. No Server will be what you are searching for, the GW2 community ingame is realy realy bad, probably because GM’s aren’t as accessible as say in WoW, so inpolite people don’t get their accounts banned, thereby making the rest of the community as bad.
I feel that this is a realy bad idea, why couldn’t they just make the new items look cool?
I dont understand what kind of thieves you guys are killing
All I know is whenever I “win” against one theyll just run. No Badge for me.
Unless getting them to run away is considered “killing”
Scepter chains, hammer circle, staff line, greatsword pull, judges intervention,… ?
Thiefs are too predictable, as soon as they loose hp they try to run, that’s the moment where you can use one of your 938489237948327985 stuns to finish him off.
Because it doesn’t give me joy winning in WvW just because my server has the higher numbers, there is no skill involved and it doesn’t mather how good you play, the more numerous faction is always gonna win. So there is no point in dooing WvW.
I like that idea
WoW-style arena are realy the thing this game needs to get players back, they are fast, don’t require much preparation and are more fun then this objective-capture-on-a-kittening-map-that-isn’t-bigger-then-my-room.
Releasing patchnotes prior to a patch is industry standard, everybody who plays competative pvp will agree on wanting them, so he can prepare a different equip ahead of time or teams can let their players l2p other classes that will be needed after the patch in tournaments, besides it gives us a lot to theorycraft about
Those upscaled don’t have the traits a real lvl 80 have, nor the exotics, so a good lvl 80 can still take on multiple (4+) non 80s.
So yeah it’s only 5 days till that patch goes live, where are the patch notes, please don’t tell me that you are just gonna roll a patch out again without anybody knowing what has changed regarding the classes.
Anet have already said that no other players time is more valuable than anyone elses, so limiting points gained by time is not an option.
But at the same time they make the playing time of those people playing at non peak hours more valuable then of those that play on the prime time by letting the nightcrews gather up at some specific servers to roflstomp the WvW maps at night, while forcing the people who play at primetime to divide equaly among the servers if they don’t want an abyssimal WvW queue.
The statement by a-net is flawed in it’s essence and contradicts with what we have ingame.
No it isn’t, it is PvP, which is why it is in the PvP section of this forum, PvP does not mean player hitting player, it means player competing against player.
You win WvW by PvE’ing, you can’t win it by PvP’ing.
No you don’t, there is no PvE in it, it is all PvP, everything from direct combat with other players, to organisation/strategy, to whacking down a tower door quicker than the opposing team can rebuild/get there/defend and so on.
wow, you mean those guards and doors that the nightcrews have to fight and thereby get their servers half the points are actualy controlled by players, didn’t know that.
It’s been over 2 months and that’s a long time for a mmo, if the basics for having a fun time at 80 aren’t there then the developer has to respond imediately or see the game dying out.
So far they haven’t been able to balance the pvp around a single gamemode, how should they do it with several gamemodes?
Most people moved on after hitting 80, if you haven’t reached 80 yet then it’s deffinetly worth dooing that, but after reaching 80 there is absolutly nothing fun/rewarding in this game to do, spvp is broken at the core, WvW suffers from some very bad design-decitions (nightcapping,commanders,balancing,…) that result in frustation and the dungeon stuff is just too grindy.
Off course the fanboys will tell you otherwise but looking at your friendlist/going to the mists will tell you the truth about the state of the game.
(edited by Tito.3270)
People are way too used to gear treadmills. So ingrained because they never played anything other than that one type of game.
There is an endgame in GW2, and it’s fantastic.
Care to explain what it is? I have 100% world completion and can’t name anything else to do.
yeah, i would love to know that as well
This game is about exploring, a-net also wants us to find out what has changed by ourselfes i think :/
What’s happening on the 16th?
new content patch, i would realy wait for that day, right now the servers only have a high population because half of the characters are bots
Source? I must’ve missed that one. In any case, it’s to be expected that it takes more than just a few days to release a blog if that’s the one he was referring to, give them a bit of time, there’s still 9 days until the 15th.
Nah, i don’t think that he means that one, one guy of a-net gave an interview a few days ago about the upcoming content patch and didn’t want to talk much about pvp because there would be a new blog about the content soon.
same thing on piken-square, it’s a ghost town, you don’t see more then a couple of people in the mists at primetime.
Humans are the only classic rpg race in GW2, the other are just to different to be played by the older generation, if there would have been dwarfs/elves and orcs the race distribution would have been more even.