(edited by leman.7682)
What an amazing time it has been! Let’s recap.
There was a company that made a video game. The game was promised to be everything before it was launched. On release, it was a lot, but not everything. What pushed it most to fulfilling its potential was its amazing community. What kept this community together was a promise of improvement from the company. It kept the community playing, even though it wasn’t always rationally justified.
A year passed. Things improved. [Redacted] The company kept promising that it was learning from all these experiences, that it will keep pushing the game forward and improve it. The community was even engaged in discussions about the game development.
Time kept passing. Some promises were kept, some weren’t. No one complained about it. The community just wanted to know that things were coming and months spent on completing mundane daily activities in a stale game would pass with the coming of a new fantastic content.
At some point the communication provided by the company dropped in quality and quantity. Even then, the community continued playing, but months kept passing and passing. It was close to the games second anniversary, when things changed…
Let’s recap the most recent history.
With the past two weeks the company’s handling of recent events has consecutively hit new lows.
First came the gamescom. The PvP event has seen some developers of the company being asked questions about the game in general. The company has obvious policies regarding outside communication and the answers provided during gamescom interviews were well in line with these policies. That was the first mistake. Not only has the company agreed to giving interviews on topics it couldn’t discuss, it also delegated improper people to do it.
The community didn’t like what it saw. It didn’t like for example, that content that was made available in the past that the community absolutely loved wasn’t coming back anytime soon. It also didn’t like the tone of poor responses that not only wouldn’t explain why things weren’t being worked on, but also sounded like excuses.
Something ticked, the head and founder of the company decided to grace the community with a letter that tried to explain the situation. Instead of showing willingness to improve, the rhetoric suggested a total negligence and denial, duplicating the well-known interview political talk. Something inside the company was shaken though and the community has seen a sudden wake-up of few developers. One of them for example, decided to hop into a 4-month-old topic with concerns about a recently implemented system and acknowledge the community he would look into it again. How splendid… In another topic, someone else came back and reassured the community, that he would talk to them again. Would things finally come to normal…?
Tensions dropped as the days passed, but then… another interview happened. Once again were the developers asked questions. The community learned for example, that one of the oldest and most important systems that was in dire need of changes to make the game more appealing and keep sworn fans playing wasn’t being looked into for the past year and no plans to change that were made. The community was once again reminded of things that weren’t off the table and were a subject of revision down the road, down the pipe.
(edited by Moderator)
While we’re nearing the 1-year anniversary of Fractals with all the fuss about new mini-dungeons coming later this year, I think we should take a while to think how the personal difficulty level affects the players.
Just after I finished my new character, which I’m very fond of, I wanted to do some Fractals. The problem I encountered is that it has no access to the higher level of difficulty.
To climb where I’m at currently with my main (upwards of personal 60) it would take a few months of running boring, low level and most of all no-reward Fractals or an insane grind for a week or two.
It is very hard for me to understand, why is this system character-based. Before you jump on me with the standard reply, I did the reading.
I can agree that the most common argument people bring up when discussing this matter – the personal level prevents people from jumping into Fractals with professions they’re not experienced with – was valid when Fractals were first introduced. It WAS, but no longer is, in my opinion.
Why? Let’s think of what the outcome of having this restriction is.
For me, being an experienced player, it:
- blocks me from playing Fractals (either go 700th time with my main or don’t go at all)
- prevents me from having fun (I can’t go with my second character that has a fresh and new playstyle)
- doesn’t allow me to test new things with my friends
Now, one would say that I am not everyone, but I mean really… how many people reached the Fractal advancement level where knowing how to play to a certain profession’s fullest actually matters? Is even 5% of the playerbase at Fractals 30+? It doesn’t matter if I play my best character at level 20 where the majority probably is and for players who reached higher levels, well, they are good enough to play it with whatever they want.
It was a valid argument few months ago when not everyone had full AR set and when people were still learning FotM. Right now, I cannot think of a strong reason why it should stay. The only one I could possibly accept is a technical restriction of some sort, so it would be nice for a dev to clarify that, but I think they no longer reply on these forums.
Do you guys agree we should embrace Fractals, especially with new dungeons on the horizon, with a new account-wide fractal difficulty level?
A suggestion that just came to mind having considered all replies in this thread –
Place a system that allows players to jump to a higher tier of Fractals once a week by completing Fractals at the higher tier than their character currently is.
How it works:
- A player with a personal level 25 makes a new character with personal level 1.
- He or she decides to play Fractals with this new char.
- Goes into Fractals, completes them. If the level was equal or higher than 10, the player gets bumped to personal 10.
- Repeats next week. If the level is higher or equal to 20, the character is bumped to personal level 20.
- Cannot repeat it third time on the next week to get boosted to level 30 on any of the characters, unless the player reaches level 30 through the normal progression by then.
The outcome:
A small flow of ‘experienced’ players wanting to play lower level Fractals is maintained.
It’s time-gated.
The current system stays the same so there is no reason to worry about daily chests on each character.
There still is a progression, but it is diminished to a level where it is actually fun to progress with multiple characters.
(edited by leman.7682)
Ad.2.& 3. & 4.
The overall condition stacking/cleansing and boon stacking needs to be toned down to once again promote a skilled, timely usage.
- NO profession should EVER be able to solely stack upwards of 10 stacks of bleeding, especially in the AoE manner.
- Unloading all your condi skills on a target in the time frame of 5 seconds should be counter-productive and punishing to the player, not rewarding.
- Defensive boons should be used as an answer to a certain offense, e.g. a guardian popping stability when he’s about to be updrafted, and they shouldn’t last for ages (some exceptions are allowed on professions that are boon-based)
- NO profession should EVER be able to solely stack upwards of 10 stacks of might. Might stacking should be the product of complex team cooperation.
Proposed fix:
- Nerf condition stacking so that there are less conditions flying around.
- Buff the condition damage a bit to match power builds in their offensive capabilities and offset the stacking nerf.
- Balance it properly with condition cleansing.
- Apply boon philosophy outlined earlier.
The outcome:
- A necro picks a target and in a fully skillful and optimal manner applies a tremendous and unprecedented 5 stacks of bleeding, that tick for insane 300 damage each. The opponent is in a grave danger. (The numbers are just to showcase the direction of the changes)
- Stacking certain professions is less effective, because they can no longer cheese someone with insane pressure of damaging conditions and lockdown generated in 3 seconds.
- Boons are being used less as perma buffs (I’m exaggerating a bit , I know) and more like a counter to spikes, CC skills, extreme situations.
- People like it in PvE, because they are less susceptible to bleed cap.
Ad. 1.
AoE should be utility-focused instead of damage-focused.
Examples of good AoE skills:
Well of Darkness, Well of Power, Epidemic, Frost Trap, Ring of Fire, Churning Earth (with maybe a lower raw damage or without it completely), Entangle, even Bone Minion explosion and Ranger Drake’s F2 (big damage, but very hard to pull off) …
Why are these AoE skills well-designed? Because they are strong and still have very good counter-plays. Ring of Fire for instance forces your opponent to make a choice, either stay inside of the Ring and endanger themselves to any pressure that you may put inside, dodge through losing endurance, pass through getting burned. Churning Earth is a another great skill, because it requires the ele to come close to you possibly endangering himself and forces you to step outside of the channel area and anticipate a possible Lighting Flash. The skill also has many counters to it – you can interrupt the channel, block the skill, dodge it, eat the damage and so on.
Compare it to the unblockable Well of Suffering or Grenade spam. Both from a safe range, dealing huge damage, no skill, no danger, no fun. Every profession has those skills.
Proposed fix:
AoE in general gives utility mostly. The damaging AoE skills are either situational, elite or require a close range and have possible counters.
- Well of Suffering – huge damage + some vulnerability -> no damage + a lot of vulnerability
- Grenades – same thing – remove damage, focus on utility.
The ouctcome:
- No more safe, long-range AoE damage dealing.
- Offensive AoE being used with more thought, more timing, and more team cooperation, in the spirit of ‘The target is immobilized in the Well, huge vulnerability inc, JUMP on him, Mr Warrior!’, instead of ‘The target is immobilized in the Well, …, stomp him! … actually don’t! I’ll just throw in another AoE.’
(edited by leman.7682)
Ad. 6.
The most basic rule of design should be creating playstyles that are fun to play and fun to play against. While GW2 is mostly fun to play, there is a colossal amount of things that are not fun to play against. It is all connected to the huge imbalance from which the game currently suffers.
Things like perma evades, afk spirit rangers, random 5% procs from runes, and so on, need to be completely removed to make a competitive game. I’d go as far as saying that even internal cooldowns (ICDs) on traits are cheese, because no one knows if they’re available. I could live without those traits, everyone could. It would make the game less random and more enjoyable.
- To sum it all up
The sentence that needs to be repeated tenfold is – the game needs to be toned down across-the-board.
It needs more emphasis on cooperation between teammates and single target damage. ‘Nerf Everything’ is strangely appropriate given the current state of balance.
Something must be done. Fixing it all will probably take you another year, but then the game will be healthier, more fun to play, more fun to watch and more fun to cast.
Please, like my original post, because it took me literally a whole day to write it and much, much longer to think it through <3
Feel free to tell me what you think!
Ad. 5.
It really is the time to limit the amount of AI controlled entities that run around in PvP. Most of them have huge problems, getting stuck and dying in AoE. You can’t control them properly and you can’t rely on the AI code to run them.
Examples of good AI/semi-AI skills:
Ranger’s Pet (with all its faults), Bone Minion (the exploding duo), Flesh Wurm, stationary Spirit of Nature (ranger elite), a turret or two are also not a problem.
What makes them a relatively decent application of AI in PvP? They usually don’t create any significant clutter and they are fun to play around. You summon Bone minions solely to detonate them a while after. The Wurm is stationary somewhere outside of the point, so it doesn’t mess up the battlefield. When you see the ranger summon the elite spirit, you know it is very powerful and possibly game-changing so you have to play around it by bursting it down or interrupting the possible rez/cleanse. It’s all acceptable and even okay until people start stacking it.
The examples of wrong aka The Offenders Club:
- Mesmer’s illusions and stacked mesmers,
- Stacked minions and stacked minion masters
- Stacked spirits and stacked spirit rangers
- Stacked spirit weapons and spirit weapon guardians, but no one plays them so it’s okay (trololo)
Proposed fix:
Just rework those skills. Change them to resemble how bone minions and the wurm work like. Instead of having an army of passive effects and 10%-chances-to-proc following you, give players the entities that are summoned for a very specific purpose.
The utility spirits could be changed to a supportive AoE spells that last a couple seconds that give everyone in their radius a certain buff for a few seconds or maybe for a few attacks and then they disappear creating an effect like Cold Snap, Call Lightning, etc. It would be more fun to play around with the team, easier to create nice traits around them (like ‘active effect also when you summon the spirit’ and longer radius for example).
Additionally, get rid of Rock Dogs and all the random summon BS… ohh and don’t you dare add anything similar in the future. This part is very important.
The outcome:
- More rewarding skills, that are fun to play.
- Less clutter on the battlefield.
- More elegant, simpler and easier to understand traits and effects without a ‘10-to-70%-chance-to-proc-to-give-an-effect-and-siphon-health-removing-a-boon-plus-run-a-marathon-and-win-life’ kind of design.
- Less randomness connected to the AI.
- Quite possibly less calculations on the server.
(edited by leman.7682)
Let me ask one question as well – what the hell is going on with you?!
A quick state of the game:
- PvE – open-world content has never been more boring. There has been no valuable content here outside of Tequatl revamp. Living story – most of it are instances that you do once or twice. Permanent, but worthless replayability-wise. Dungeons – buried under the sands of oblivion.
- WvW – 5 months of work are bringing golem mastery and a new trick&trap. There is a new colour for commander icons.
- PvP – no new modes, no new maps, broken matchmaking, Skyhammer, atrocious ‘balance’.
Summary: where is the ‘expansion-worth of content’?
- PvE – open-world – nerfed over and over (Segnor Blix sends hello from his coffin). Living story – opening achievement boxes is fun… until you see the contents. Dungeons – grinding same paths for two years now.
- WvW – Colin said we would see a lot more precursors with the new reward system back when the rank system was introduced. Guess he meant something else. Also – playing WvW can actually make you lose money.
- PvP – reward tracks are nice, but still not close to PvE.
Summary: 2 blues and a green. Bloodstone dust. Even 10.000 champion boxes can’t help.
Now where exactly is the problem?
Everywhere. Literally all you’re doing is wrong.
You introduce content that people do not want and reject to bring back things that players love. When asked about it, you hide behind petty excuses instead of answering openly. You neglect the feedback and keep people in the dark. The communication management ranges from poor to straight unprofessional. Your game has long ago become boring, stale and unrewarding. Things that are important to your players are apparently not important enough to you. It looks horrible from the outside. Where are all the people that made this game such a great success? Where are all the Lead Designers? Are they out same as Robert Hrouda, Martin Kerstein and Kate Welch?
People have been telling you their feelings about the state of the game everyday for the past 48 months and all you give them is ‘maybes’.
How to waste huge potential by getting fixated on doing the wrong and rejecting to do the right.
(edited by leman.7682)
14k achievement points,
5 thousand PvP games
Ascended berserker gear
Insane gameplay
but a ranger.
And getting kicked by four 2k AP warriors, which I know suck big time, but that’s better than no playing.
Thanks for that Anet. Gj on PvE balancing. And I though PvP was kittened up…
I hope this Living Story leads to a total extermination of the Dredge.
Please tell us that the Fall of Abaddon is not lost.
It’s not okay to show us two amazing concepts and then say ‘hahaha, you’re not getting one of those!’.
CoE 2.0 incoming. With even more golems, lasers, portals, jumping pads and annoying asuran voice-overs.
It’s wrong imo. So sad.
(edited by leman.7682)
In the new map – The Silverwastes – there is only one waypoint and the map is designed in such way that not having more waypoints isn’t even noticable, at least for me after a few hours of gameplay.
I must admit it feels much better than the generic GW2 maps, feels much better than Dry Top, and pretty much anything that we have had so far.
I will go as far as saying that I would enjoy every map to be designed in this way – smaller than the traditional GW2 map, without an abundance of Waypoints and an absolutely amazing event structure.
I can also imagine it’s much more difficult to produce a map like that, but the quality is unrivaled so far.
Great job, ArenaNet. Whoever designed the map and came up with the idea of not putting waypoints everywhere around deserves a bonus and a hug from Colin or… something! I really hope it’s not just a single instance of this design.
What do you guys think?
I can prove that by a simple thought experiment:
Thesis: Necros are good.
- People say eles are bad.
- Anet buffs eles.
- Ele is good now.
- People say necros are bad.
- Anet doesn’t buff necros.
- Necro must be good already.
Shoutout to the Devs and especially Jon ‘5 signets’ Peters who graced us with this wonderfully balanced game.
PvP in GW2 was created without any vision.
A harsh statement, don’t you think? Well, let’s look how it all started and where we are now.
When the game first launched its PvP consisted of hot-join and free tournaments. After some time we received paids with a barrier of entry, nice rewards (gems) and QPs that were promised to qualify teams to tournaments in the future.
We also received a very simplistic progression system based on grindy rank and skins. That was it.
First thing to acknowledge is that the free/paid distinction was probably created with belief that PvP would be very popular with thousands of teams jumping in, buying tickets, competing and fighting for QPs. It wasn’t the case.
It first made some people quit the game when only frees existed, because casual people were joining matches solo or in teams and were being stomped by hardcore people.
I don’t know if devs believed that adding paids would solve that, but it certainly wasn’t the case. With an addition of paid tournies, the already smaller playerbase was split. Even more so with the initial cost of 5 tickets to enter, they caused more teams to leave the game.
What we ended up with at that point were super-casual players playing hot-joins, semi-casual prospective players were losing frees against hardcore people whole day with an exception of evenings when hardcore people were starting to play paids.
People were leaving, hc teams were accumulating QPs and everyone was waiting for announced custom arenas. People at the same time, since premiere, were asking for solo queue and ratings.
Suddenly, the devs decided to step back with Customs to implement matchmaking and ratings. It was most probably caused by a worsening situation back then.
We waited. Lately the devs “had” the idea to change paids into 1v1 instead of 3v3. It proved to be a relatively big success, just as people predicted. Of course they decided to keep one map for a whole week to keep us equally entertained. We were said that the system would be there to stay.
But this month’s update just shows the sad truth – PvP team had no idea how to make an entertaining, competitive and popular PvP system that would keep people playing.
This month they deleted paid tournaments – the barrier of entry proved to be a very bad idea. They deleted the QPs and tickets – this is not the way tournament entry will be decided in the future, at least for now. It is another thing they wanted to have but it proved useless. Just another bad step. The matchmaking is apparently there, but it is NOT solo queue. We can only wonder and wait to see how bad of an idea not making the 1v1 solo-only will prove to be.
I have no idea how experienced game developers/alleged PvPers that run this game’s PvP were unable to pull this off after so much hype and millions of people at start. How could they fail with so many intelligent and dedicated people that were literally beta-testing and even designing (!) game systems for them. For free.
Add a terrible balance, hundreds of bugs and ridiculously over-powered specs since launch with no live and immediate response to the above and we have a story of how PvP that was supposed to be everything turned out to be nothing.
Anet thought that making a PvP that would be based on hot-joins for non-PvPers, frees for semi-dedicated players and paids for professionals would work out. They wanted everyone to pick their mode and stick to “because it’s fun”. They thought this reason is enough to forget about rating and matchmaking. The idea was to add Customs in the future so that pros can just play them and occasionally go to paids and then use their QPs to play in bigger tournaments. It didn’t work, was bad design, people knew this better than devs and now there’ no one to fix things for.
Less QQ, More pew-pew.
(edited by leman.7682)
Impressive insight!
There is pretty much nothing to be added. As I wrote in Another thread there are things Conquest achieves. It just is colorless and bleak.
The fundamentals were noble, but I think they lost it in the process. It is completely fixable both technically and conceptually. But it would require developers to look back and admit Conquest isn’t perfect. Then they would need to sit down and build a new PvP mode from scratch.
I would also add that in my view the idea of making GW2 an e-sport is long forgone. The Conquest is just unsustainable as an e-sport.
- Maps are too small and simple to provide long-term entertainment for viewers – I don’t know about others – but I can’t imagine myself watching a stream of a few randomly rotating maps in a multiple team tournament. Conquest with its maps doesn’t have League of Legends scale, complexity and possible scenarios.
- The matches are too short. With every match pretty much ending in 15 minutes it just isn’t enough to tell a story and show rivalry. Messy things happen very fast in multiple places with no single point to hold on to. In League of Legends the focus points are usually being carried by junglers in early game, then by whole teams during mid-late game. Conquest just doesn’t work like that in so many ways.
I think Anet needs to realise that to be able to move on.
8 professions / 2 professions/stream = 4 streams
4 streams / 1/2 streams/week = 8 weeks
8 weeks / 4 weeks/month = 2 months
Conclusion – next balance patch no sooner than in two months.
Touche, Anet, touche.
(edited by leman.7682)
Please shut this thread down. It’s clear the PvP community has the maturity and entitlement issues of a 10 year old rich kid.
This is a positive thread. Could you please refrain from posting negative and inflamatory opinions?
Well, Allie clearly isn’t responsible. Her job is to gather what people write and present it to the Devs.
The balance team on the other hand… it is probably the poorest team in the whole studio. While I can say that sPvP was improved throughout the year, slowly and by not much, but was improved, I cannot say that about balance.
The balance team is just so disjointed from the actual state of the game that it is painful for me to even think of it.
People were giving feedback regarding balance for months and here we are; with cheese being everywhere even though no one asked for it.
Allie, you asked for constructive feedback explaining that it would help you understand the root of the problem. I think, after 12 months, that the problem is inside, not outside, given how much valuable feedback people had given and where we ended.
It’s because necro’s design is largely incompatibile with the dynamics of the game’s combat system. I’m beginning to understand that most of the balance suggestions are pointless because they are never going to fix that problem and a full rework of some weapons/mechanics is needed.
Despite a huge negativity in this thread, I’ll try to be as constructive as I can.
The new Crown Pavillion is garbage.
That’s it. I’m out.
And I have none, because my guild is too small and doesn’t have Art of War.
Thanks for making us quit the game. We were really waiting for this guild content.
We really would like to say it was fun… but it wasn’t.
Pls fix your game and stop this one time event misery.
Any professional response to my complain?
Stop being bad and you’ll realize that turret engi isn’t that good.
He’s actually a very good player from EU. That response is quite below the standard I would expect from you.
Now, let me show you how discussion is properly done.
What Phd (OP) is saying is that turrets have an insanely high payoff-to-effort ratio and actually work in an unorganised PvP. When I play Ranked Arena solo and encounter turret engies, I get insanely mad, because there are a limited number of good players who will adjust and outplay a turreteer through rotations.
Usually you don’t land with only such players on your team and get some PvE heroes that will just get screwed sooner or later and then just rush back over and over again leading to an ultimate wreck.
Point is, in unorganised play the turret engie is extremely likely to contribute a lot with very little effort. The build allows players who use it, to bring their contribution to levels that is unattainable by them with ‘normal’ builds (much like power LB pew-pew ranger) and this is the problem here.
When I play as a premade team, I don’t care in the least if there are turret engies on the other team; they will get rekt. But when I see these baddies winning over other baddies just because of the build, I understand these complaints.
I like how you care about AP so much when it doesn’t measure skill.
Stop AP farming and get good at dungeons.
I never farmed AP, but it’s an indicator of me having played since beta. Also, you know nothing about my gameplay, so why the insults?
Stop mindless posting and get good at reading.
So… That’s it?
For a couple of months of waiting and we get this?
Please communicate? Is it everything? You basically repeated the stream and then some by forgeting about thieves.
This doesn’t feel very fair and what to discuss if you post nothing new?
Some of you may know that Anet has introduced a new type of PvE items (Ascended) that has received a wide response from the PvE community.
The merged discussion has received over 9000 replies with almost 100000 views.
In this topic (created 3 days ago) community expressed its concerns regarding the new item type.
It took less than 24 hours to get a written response from Studio Design Director regarding these concerns.
Link here: A message from our…
Now, we know, that Anet made a PvE game with a tiny little bit of a PvP twist to it, sometimes.
We know that our topics don’t reach such high popularities.
We know we are spending less on gems than PvE community.
But we also deserve an answer from someone in charge, and pardon me when I say, someone higher than Jonathan Sharp or Jon Peters.
We have been raising concerns about PvP since the very first beta event. These concerns haven’t, I repeat, haven’t been addressed since then. We haven’t received any communication of even slightest importance besides empty promises that Anet cares about the PvP.
We need answers from someone in charge and we need them fast.
We need someone in charge to come and say, just as Mr. Whiteside did, how they imagine GW2 PvP in few months. What do they want it to be? What are your goals regarding PvP? What’s the vision?
@Jonathan and Jon: No offence, nothing personal. you both look like cool guys to hang out with. We know you like quotes, Chap, so here’s one I like.
“I have learned to respect ideas, wherever they come from. Often they come from clients.” Leo Burnett
(edited by leman.7682)
That doesn’t apply to you, you’re veterans…
Learning the old system was okay for the veterans.
But newer players will benefit from the updated system.
But it isn’t for the new players.
A is fine for Group V. A is too difficult for Group N.
Group N is dumber than Group V. Apparently.
That’s what I feel Anet is saying. The system was just too confusing.
When you read their explanation out loud, there is no intelligent way to justify it.
Concerns of this nature come in via tickets, when someone takes the wrong step, buys too many times, isn’t able to process the acquistion or exchange, etc. By the time someone’s on the forums, they’re usually comfortable with the systems.
What prevented you from adding more quantity tiers then? What’s the explanation to this question? Also confusing?
(edited by leman.7682)
It’s like a slap in the face from my perpective.
ArenaNet haven’t given any explanation why this is implemented.
Until then or until the decision is reverted, I consider myself deeply wronged.
I have none, because I play necro and there is no reason for me to look at LFG.
These blog posts simply don’t cut it.
I just feel that the company lost its momentum. They don’t engage in discussions anymore, the Collaborative Development Initiative turned out to be BS so far.
Before season 2 we were fed with the info that most of the content is permanent, but they forgot to mention that the value of that content is mostly lost due to it being just one-time story instances that you enter once or twice.
They won’t engage in a dialoque about things that hook people up (SAB is the prime example) and won’t give official statements on features that have been asked for since forever (first-person FOV). It just all seems like we’re stuck with, sorry to say, poorly written, childish and boring Living Story updates worth 3 hours of playtime every 2 weeks. The development of these underwhelming updates takes a long time and after just a few months they have to take a mid-season break.
The features they’re adding surely improve the quality, but don’t change the gameplay.
What players need and are asking for is changing what they’re supposed to do, not how they’re supposed to do that!
What is the point of having Solo Arena Leaderboards if the game mode and some terribly design missteps (Skyhammer) stop people from enjoying the game in the end making them leave?
What is the point of introducing new WvW golem mastery/skills or new traps and tricks if it doesn’t change the crucial problems with population, zerging and rewards?
What is the point of going to Gamescom if you can’t even make a cohesive presentation?
What is the point of giving interviews if there is literally no questions you can answer (seriously, the GuildMag interview was just embarassing for the Studio).
What is the point of maintaining these forums if in the end all that the passionate players writing walls of texts of feedback get is an excuse of being just a vocal minority?
It really seems like Anet moved from developing and improving the game to just servicing the bunch of players who still play it.
The absolutely worst thing, that the management at the company should be ashamed of, is sending the truly passionate Devs to these interviews while having a strict non-disclosure policy and making them dodge all the questions. The ones that should put up with these questions should be the Studio Leads.
(edited by leman.7682)
Joshua Grouch Davis,
We like the game and aren’t unthankful, but the pace at which the balance team releases changes is abysmal and their impact on the metagame in PvP and PvE is none.
I really hope it’s because HoT brings new weapons and skills and whatnot and that the balance looks different there, that the team was working hard to make the meta and playing all professions fun in the expansion (with the new game mode that is coming) which was the reason for close to no balance changes over the last year. Otherwise you’re never getting even close to making a competitive game and your e-sports dreams will remain just that – unfullfilled dreams. You’re moving farther away from it with every player lost to months of stale, uninspired and, sorry to say, plain dumb management of the game balance.
PvP can be a great community-building device, but it needs to be nurtured and taken care of. What’s been done during last year is just a spit in the face of your loyal players who’d been there even longer than some of the Devs and who supported the game and promoted it through viva voce. You’d be nowhere without these people. They deserve at least some honesty on what the hell is going on and why it’s taking the team 5 months to change 36 skills. Makes me sad thinking of it.
It’s been too long.
a gw2 pvp fan since beta
(edited by leman.7682)
You crazy kids breaking my maps!!!
The breaking will continue! It will until Cantha is added!
lets do some Bearbow math.
Best post 2014.
Gotta love how one guy comes, says he’s pro, disagrees with changes in few months old game, says others agree with him and requests the developer to revert the changes.
I couldn’t disagree more.
Well, let me explain something. This is not your game. It’s ours. Please do not generalise.
That’s a healthy change that enables us to actually prepare team builds as well as encourages balanced teams. It shifts the game from ’who’s got portal, who’s got ele to nuke treb, who’s got thief to solo Lord’ into ’who’s got the most universal team build, the team that can win no matter the odds’.
If things don’t work out well, this can always be changed back.
But you discrediting it from the start, proclaiming yourself a voice of top pvpers (like the game was being developed only around you) and ‘requesting top players’ to agree with you is just unbelievable. Please don’t force elitism on Guild Wars 2.
-1 OP
+1 Anet.
(edited by leman.7682)
ArenaNet, can you please add a short tutorial on how to click skills? Thanks!
I haven’t read the whole topic so I don’t know if anyone already suggested what I’m going to write.
I realise people will be angry with me for this idea, but here it is – just make Terror a GM trait to limit the number of builds you can run it with. Switch it with the scepter or weakness trait so that you forgo defense to go full <30/30/w.e /w.e/w.e> offense (THIS OR kill Dhuumfire without changing the Terror)
- This way, you can’t have Soul Marks and Last Gasp in one build with Dhuumfire and Terror.
- You also can’t have unblockable marks in the same build so that you have to make choices.
- Corruption, warhorn and the the swapped trait all become viable again. They help the necro offensively as well, but in a different manner.
Some things during the Terror trait swap would have to be figured out, like if the traits are good enough for their tiers after the swap, but that’s the easy part I guess.
The aim of the change is to bring back the old-school 0/30/w.e/w.e/w.e condi necro, maintain the ultimate damage hybrid as a possible and a high risk/high reward build, force build diversity and drive away the fotm players from the necro
Coming from an exclusively-and-constantly-since-beta necro.
Please don’t hate me too much, just trying to help.
- Yet-another-edit:
To potential people concerned about the change having a negative impact on PvE/WvE – it doesn’t.
(edited by leman.7682)
You know what – I was the biggest Anet supporter for many years.
I was an evangelist for the franchise.
I praised the Developer and the game long before it launched.
I advocated its cause every time I felt necessary.
I had a strong link with the Guild Wars brand.
Anet has done a marvelous job at destroying it with the PvP they gave us.
I first started to
get angry,
then rage,
then hate
and finally I just lost hope.
Now I don’t care anymore.
I feel we were treated as stateless people suffering from lack of civil rights and sovereign protection.
We were treated as no one cared about us.
Why would we care?
That’s what it is. I can’t see why someone who played GW1 would ever like it.
I just lost all faith, I wanted to like this PvP, I tried from the Headstart. At first it was a blast, but right now I just hate it. Meta is boring, Conquest is a fail, there are no basic features.
GW2 tPvP is less fun than LoL and GW1. It’s less fun than most of the games I played. This marks a death of some standards we were used to.
I don’t write it because I hate Anet. I do share this feedback because I hate what Anet did with our favourite game. They took everything we loved about Guild Wars 1 PvP and put it into a trashcan.
I hope Jon and Chap and whoever designed it read these forums so they can evaluate.
Also, the studio head should look back and think of rehiring the masterminds that created GW1 PvP, so they can fix this mess.
But maybe it’s just me…
As always I’m redirecting anyone to these two topics, they deserve more recognition.
(edited by leman.7682)
Hey, guys. I’m Leman. I’ve been around since always. I’m an active Solo Arena EU player and the current sweg-massktochen for one of the best PvP teams that have ever existed.
Today I had a horrible PvP match streak infested with people that clearly weren’t matched properly. After one match I decided to check out how well the matchmaking was working and here are the results;
I included tpvp experience as well to try to gauge the actual skill of all players better. Don’t mind the rank though – it doesn’t count towards solo queue matchmaking and it may have decayed (it certainly did in my case since I last played).
How am I supposed to enjoy this game when this happens to me? Not to mention I then just flame my team for their disability, but it’s not their fault…
I really hope there are fixes and changes coming, because in this state this game is bloody unenjoyable and outright infuriating.
Quoting Mike O’Brien, the CEO of ArenaNet:
Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t (…)
It’s pretty obvious that in this case things aren’t working out and it needs to change.
Special bonus for the Devs that are reading this topic – there were huge lag spikes and rubberbanding during today’s matches (everyone was complaining) and as you can see on the screenshot – I was respawned in the water under the map.
“Martin Kerstein and Kate Welch " Woooott they are gone?
As of today’s news.
Over a year ago Anet sat down with the community and talked about possible new game modes in a Game Modes CDI.
Here we are 16 months later with an announcement of Stronghold that will initially consist of one map and new gameplay.
There are already topics discussing this horrible, unexplained example of slugginess.
What I would like to ask is: how come that during the HoT announcement Colin Johanson comes on the stage and says that guilds are going to form guild teams that will play Stronghold to fight for the top spot on guild leaderboards and then Grouch and Nightmare say something completely different during the Ready Up?
You’re either making it a feature connected to guilds with separate matchmaking, ratings, leaderboards or combining it with Conquest into one queue using the current leaderboards and MMR. In either case, someone wasn’t telling the truth.
Is this going to be the ‘fractal leaderboards’ all over again? Get your stuff together and for once decide what you want from your game. You know, like professionals do.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: leman.7682
I think the argument is that this ‘expansion’ is nowhere near worth 50 dollars and I will not be buying it.
Also, the ridiculous white-knighting by two users in this thread makes my day. Whole bullpen at the bank heard me laugh thanks to you, boys.
And if it does, everyone will just complain about how the Elite Spec is mandatory.
Becausecomplainingpoor design.
Players will have every right to complain for two reasons:
- Revenant gameplay in all specialzations being both better designed and stronger
- Having to buy HoT to stay effective.
In the end, what absolutely needs to happen is every specialization needs to be viable (=playable, desirable, balanced) in a significant portion of the game, regardless of whether you play as vanilla necro or HoT chronomancer. Otherwise we will continue to have 3-spec metas, that rend anything else useless and forgotten tratlines like Blood Magic, using which is considered trolling or being a total noob.
(edited by leman.7682)
No PvP in GW2 is the official statement.
Putting it all together…
Match highlights:
When a match starts, you should focus mostly on surviving, building LF and putting pressure before you can move to the juicy part.
I like to go over close with whoever caps it to make sure it’s not being pushed by someone (engies and warriors like doing that, and you’re a perfect deterrence).
When you start fighting over mid or close, stick to ledges, place your Wurm in the escape spots and start putting pressure. On average, your favourite targets would be engies, other necros and squishies.
I like to pick targets myself, if you play solo a lot, this is the best thing you can do in the beginning. At this point, there is usually someone already training you hard and this is the crucial moment, because you now have to survive and put pressure waiting to make use of your true strengths. If your team focuses correctly, opportunities for Corrupt Boon and Terror spikes should happen and this is the time where you add your damage interrupting the targets and fearing them to negative hp, i.e. the downed state.
At all times I’ll try to stay at a safe distance to make sure I can avoid as much pressure as possible and not to get gibbed by some crazy spikes or cc-locks.
In practice though, you will find that having a thief and a warrior jumping at you with all their cooldowns forces you to start kiting them around and usually it’s best to stick near to the node so that if things go south you may get rezzed by your team.
As for the duels, I honestly don’t feel comfortable dueling over a node as a necro. I not only find other professions inherently better at fighting over small areas than the condi necro, I also believe that the current meta makes it rather hard for condi necros to perform that already difficult role. I also don’t think that’s where necro can shine the most and thus doing it as necro isn’t optimal.
However, fighting for a node against an engie, another necro, a thief or a ranger I find, on average, to be skill-based, so you may very well go for it. With the others it’s more tricky, but a thing to remember is to avoid celestial eles above everything. Fighting them is a waste of time that will likely result in you getting killed with fire.
If you’re wondering on how to actually fight, I’d say try to force your opponents to dodge and pop their defensive cooldowns. You should bring their health as low as possible (around 50%) and push for a Terror spike. You should also aim at interrupting their heals and maintaining poison and weakness on them. When playing against other condi specs you can try playing with Deathly Swarm and Putrid Mark condi transfers – they can absolutely devastate your opponent.
Some additional advice:
- I consider Nightmare runes not worth it because you don’t have any control over the proc and it was nerfed lately. Personally, I use Traveler’s and I’m happy with the passive mobility they provide, allowing you to rotate and kite more effectively.
- similarly to the previous one – I hate Reaper’s Protection and instead have been running Greater Marks for a long time now.
- I also use Soul Marks instead of Master of Terror to generate LF with my turbo marks – unblockable, with lower cooldowns, generating LF, what’s not to love? I also think that in general it’s easy to lose value on Master of Terror, because good players break stuns and dodge properly so the increased duration may never happen.
As you can see, my build is less focused on damage and more on keeping myself alive and performing careful, timed interrupts and corrupts, so playing on the strengths and offsetting the weaknesses.
I think that’s it for now. It’s quite late here and I still have some learning to do.
Tell me what you think and ask if you have any questions.
(edited by leman.7682)
OP is the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
This, totally and thus I recommend everyone not engaging in the discussion.
“You never feel like you’re grinding”
Hahahahaha. Hah.
Same reaction, I almost spit my cocoa listening to this.
Well, technically it’s their game and they can do anything with it, even if it means introducing money-grab mechanics. Everyone’s job at this point should be to stop paying Anet’s bills with our hard-earned money. The customer always wins in the end and their in-house ‘economist’ should know that. Should.
Locust Swarm: The casting time of this skill has been reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
- Dev note: This change will give necromancers a bit more mobility.
Whoever wrote this deserves a troll bonus.
Leave Allie alone. She’s just doing her job, and is great at it lately, mind you.
I agree that the patch month ago messed more than it fixed, but things are going in the right direction now. I cannot believe that one can claim that our (necro’s) survivability was hammered this patch. It was improved, by large. There is still a long way ahead, but we’re moving there.
Everyone needs to realise, that the tournament is coming and some kind of status quo needs to be maintained until it concludes. After that, I am sure, new balance patches will come and we will see another set of changes – buffs and nerfs.