Yes, people can play how they want. The problem is nothing else is viable, period. This is the fundamental problem GW 2 ran into the moment it launched. The “play how you want because there’s no trinity” looked great on paper. It was fresh, a change. But in the end taking away healers and tanks left us with only DPS. So the answer to “should GW2 be all about DPS?” is a resounding yes.
If you want to tank and heal and be even remotely effective at it, do WvW and PvP. For PvE, especially dungeons, it’s just a waste of time to not spec dps. I mix my builds up a bit because like a lot of people I find zerker mindless and boring, but the overall builds are always geared towards dps. You have to understand where these other players are coming from. A lot of people have the zerker mindset because, again, without the trinity, GW 2 IS just a dps game. They just don’t understand why anybody would spec for anything other than damage in PvE environments, where tanking and healing is pointless. It’s fun, I’ll openly admit it. Cleansing conditions and tossing out heals on my Ele is my favorite, but it’s better suited for PvP, and that’s just all there is to it.
You can also get PvP versions of the armor and weapons in achievement chests. I got the PvP version of Feathers of Dwayna, which is a 300+ gold short bow, and can now use it in PvE for my Thief and Ranger.
As there are no PvP weapons anymore, you no longer get those drops from achievement chests.
That’s good to know. Guess I won’t be expecting anything anymore.
I have little doubt that precursor crafting, if ever released, would be a horrendous time-gating of awful mats (Giant’s Eyes, for example).
Because I have faith that good players far outweigh the grievers.
GW 2 your first MMO then? If something like this were implemented there are players whose entire existence in this game would be to run around Queensdale and gank. Trolls and people who grief will always be part of MMOs. What sense does it make to actually give them the tools to make trolling easier.
You can also get PvP versions of the armor and weapons in achievement chests. I got the PvP version of Feathers of Dwayna, which is a 300+ gold short bow, and can now use it in PvE for my Thief and Ranger.
I’d open a ticket then.
Elementalists are designed to be constantly swapping between attunements to be fully effective. For grouping you’ll seriously be hampering the group if you only stay in fire, but for soloing staying in one attunement isn’t going to matter as much.
I guess my problem is is that you can’t just go out and farm for stuff. Like Charged Lodestones for example. Need 100, or even 250 for kitten’s sake, for a recipe but don’t have a lot of gold? Give up on whatever you wanted. You can’t go out and farm and maybe get 4-5/hour. You’ll get maybe 1 in 50 runs of CoE, if even that.
I guess my problem is there is always two ways outside of good luck to get rare, desirable items, in this game’s case Legendary weapons.
1) The fast way for rich players: buy all mats, or even buy the completed weapon if super rich. Minimal farming for mats.
2) The long way for poorer players: everything that can be farmed must be, really only spending gold on items that can only be purchased.
That’s the problem in GW2. You can rarely just go out and farm what you need. Laurels have greatly reduced the frustration of getting T6 mats, but things like the aforementioned Lode Stones poorer players are kitten out of luck, in some cases only being able to buy 1 every few days depending on play style.
It’s just things like that that I have a problem with the loot in this game. I rather enjoy not having to do a dungeon over and over in hopes the boss will drop what I want, and when it finally does to have someone ninja it.
I’ll never understand why people care about celebrities. It must be terrible to have a life so pathetic you need to idolize someone that doesn’t know you exist.
I concur. I don’t understand why people read the tabloids or whatever. Who cares what so and so wore where. It’s actually beyond pathetic. The things that are reported about celebrities is mind boggling. Who gives a kitten, sheesh.
And if the OP is concerned about backlash for this topic, just sit back and think about it for a minute. It’s not rocket science. Just because he died and a lot of people are sad is positively no reason whatsoever to include any references to him in game, that is unless he played it and gave it plugs here and there on shows and whatnot. He didn’t, so what sense would it make to include his stuff. Are they going to do that for every celebrity who dies?
My problem is when new maps are released, there are never any hearts added and they don’t count for map completion. Why? Also in regards to hearts, weren’t they added to at least give players some kind of quests to do while exploring/leveling? I like the hearts. Not too many of them are truly tedious to the point of annoyance.
Two big problems I have with the map though.
1) By the time you get to your 4th character and above, completing the map just gets tedious. It starts feeling like a job and eventually gets boring. I’m at 82% on my 4th character and am struggling to find the desire to finish, to say nothing about the 5th I just created. It would be nice if, after getting 100% on one character, if subsequent characters could have the option to start with a completed map, at the price of receiving no rewards (SPs, money from hearts, Gifts of Exploration, etc).
2) The Waypoints are both a blessing and a curse. It’s VERY nice not to have to waste so much time on travel. Sometimes in WoW getting somewhere could take 15-20 minutes of play time, especially before flying mounts. At the same time, it takes away from exploration and seeing the map during travel. The mount debate will rage forever, but in the end it would be nice to have a mount to ride around maps.
What I find most interesting about this thread is that a year ago:
But now that much gold will only get you about 700 gems.
I remember when it only took 6g for me to convert to gems to get 350 for the total makeover kit when it came out. Just yesterday I tried it to see how much and 40g only got me 325 gems.
Yes, another precursor topic. But rather than complain about RNG, I thought I’d complain that players should never have been given control over the market for precursors. With a very rare, highly sought after item of importance it was inevitable that the current situation was always going to be the final result: a limited market that super rich players/groups will control, while standard/casual players have little choice but to rely on RNG, as by the time they save up for it it’s gone up in price yet again.
Precursors could have been been sold by a vendor for a flat price, ranging from gold for people good at making it to a large amount of skill points or karma for those who are not. I’m not trying to criticize too much, but it just seems like it was a system destined to fail, that while the GW2 economy and TP runs like a fine oiled machine (rare items are expensive), this particular item and the way it is acquired is keeping players from making their Legendaries for months on end.
As an ANet developer just mentioned in a wvw thread, do not delete this stuff, as they’re coming out with new things to use it on!!
Honestly, I dont even care if they will be important later. Because of how easy it is to get them.
Then I and many others who were told there will never any other use for it would like some compensation. For those of us uninterested in ascended crafting these mats have been nothing but a terrible nuisance. I hoarded for a while and had 10+ stacks of everything in the off hope they would at least be sellable to vendors some day before I just got tired of it taking up space. I understand why it can’t be traded, but it’s just such a terrible waste to destroy so many mats that I know people could put to good use.
As in, unlock the skin and then proceed to use it to make the Legendary with the other 3 gifts? If so, then yes. That’s how Legendaries are made. Forging something should unlock the skin anyway.
This is basically a topic that when going to transmute something you find a special skin in your wardrobe you had no idea you even unlocked, mostly because of PvP versions of stuff that were added as well. For example a lot of people found they had the rifle precursor skin and were afraid they accidentally salvaged a precursor at some point.
For me, I made a Ranger (I know, LOL), and when checking my shortbow skins I saw I had Feathers of Dwayna available. It’s about 400ish gold right there if I wanted the bow itself. I also had the staff Final Rest as well when I decided to make my Ele staff/support. I know Final Rest is actually pretty cheap, but Feathers of Dwayna is sweet. Quite a surprise.
I have gotten two since making my weapon I wanted. I wish I could give them to ya’ll. Truly I do.
Bears have bonkers health. Like, if a bear is an M1 Abrams tank, the next closest tank pet would be like, a security van. Rangers with a bear can go full zerker and when they’re on their own especially their bear can safely tank for them. There’s also people who like certain things about Rangers but unfortunately don’t have a very good concept on which pet to use in which situations. The reason Rangers are hated on in dungeons is because their DPS pets die quickly in aoe, but like someone said, at least bears can survive and do “some” dps.
Given that Norn are basically just giant versions of humans, will there ever be a remote possibility of them sharing some faces, hair styles, or facial hair. It doesn’t have to be all of them, but a few would be nice. You have to really tinker with the sliders for human males to make them look older or not like a kid and the Norn beards blow pretty much all the human choices out of the water. Also the Norn female faces are pretty lacking. A lot of them are simple repeats with makeup. I know care was taken to be able to separate the two races because they ARE different, but even though human is my favorite race, I do like Norn hair especially a lot better. xD.
I have a fire/water Elementalist that does good damage and decent healing. My staff #3 can usually refill someone’s lifebar from near death to a little over half to 70% full or completely full when they use their own heal as well. For armor I have 3 for Zerker (Chest, hands, helm) and the other 3 are either Magi or Cleric. Damage is pretty good.
I play a staff Elementalist and I don’t stack might. Don’t really need any special build for it. Zerker is always good for Ele’s since they have high damage, but it’s much to boring for me.
It’s understandable why they did away with the Trinity, but taking away healers/tanks really just left us with a DPS only game. There’s people out there who find healing/tanking immensely enjoyable. I don’t play zerker in this game because is so stinking boring. I play a hybrid Fire/Water Elementalist. Damage and healing are both good.
It’s still busted. Enemies don’t spawn until there’s like a minute left and then time runs out.
I’d pay for an instant map completion item that opens the map completely for one character. Of course players using it would not receive any SPs, money from hearts, or gifts of exploration, a necessary sacrifice for being lazy. Or at the very least a WP unlocker that unlocks every way point for a character.
I’m just past the point of being able to do map completion without it feeling like a job. I have 100% on 3 characters and 82% on my fourth and I just created my 5th and final character and I barely have any desire to do Queensdale, let alone the entire map for the fifth time xD.
Like everyone says, make yourself kick-proof by doing story and starting your own explore groups from inside the instance you start. If you can’t be bothered to do story again then that’s your problem. Quit coming here to complain. Engineers and Rangers have this problem, and it’s unfortunate. Starting the group isn’t enough. You have to start the instance if you want to really stick it to them.
Because of that, I’ve accepted I won’t be having even one Legendary
SnipIf you just want a Legendary to have a Legendary then there are at least 3 precursors priced at 80 to 90 gold. Rodgort’s Flame, Rage and Venom. Carcharias is currently about 120 (buy) to 145 (sell). If you don’t have your heart set on one of the high priced ones, a precursor is definitely within reach.
(Shrug) it’s what I did. There wasn’t a Legendary I particularly wanted but when I saw how cheap Rodgort’s Flame was I decided to get it anyway.
You could always make the Legendary from the cheap precursor, sell it and use those funds to go toward a precursor for one you really want.
That’s a pretty good idea. Maybe I’ll have to look into that. I probably have enough money to make a crappy Legendary at decent cost to make a profit in the long run.
Honestly, some of us just have to give up on ever getting a Legendary. I know I did. It hurts having to come to that realization, but we have to think logically. I can make decent enough gold if I try, but I just don’t have the playstyle or time really to grind endless amounts of gold while also enjoying content. When I’m able to play this game, I want to play it, not grind. Because of that, I’ve accepted I won’t be having even one Legendary, so that makes it all the worse when grouping with people who have all Legendary skins for their weapon sets xD.
Precursors are, were, and always will be, the problem. While yes, the TP is functioning as a well-oiled machine when it comes to economics, the problem is inherently the way Legendaries and precursors were set up. I believe precursors should NEVER have been a market players can control. It was absolutely inevitable that where we are now was always going to be the end result: way too rare to get by luck, way to expensive to buy (for the standard, casual player). Making the precursor actual weapons was also a mistake. If the precursor was available from the forge vendor just as an item for a constant, solid price there would be no problem at all. It could be bought with gold, 1500-2000 skillpoints, couple million karma, however the player could afford it (just throwing numbers out there). Then everyone truly could get one if they wanted. The grind for everything else is what makes it a Legendary. It would still take the standard player who has minimum gold to spend on items that aren’t required to be bought several months to acquire the other 3 gifts.
I only have experience with Elementalist and Mesmer. I just didn’t like Necromancer.
For dungeons as a light class to be fully effective you really need to just go berserker. Elementalists especially are so squishy that bosses and elites from dungeons are going to knock you down in two hits regardless of stats or gear.
That being said, play how you want. I find berzerker boring sometimes, so if you don’t want to play that way, don’t. Both Ele’s and Mesmers can dish out serious damage as berserker but I rarely play either that way. I play a toughness/condition damage staff Mesmer as a main build, and to be honest, it would suit your tanky desire. I use mostly Carrion equipment. I can solo champions even in level 80 zones and rarely go down in dungeons outside of a complete onslaught from monsters. Condition damage is slower than berserker and it require some patience, but I love it. I also have berserker equipment for times when I just want to kill and get some dungeons done.
Head to the Heart of the Mists and play around. Check out each professions utilities and see what you like. Both have some great moves to bring to a dungeon group.
I gave up on both shortly after they were released. I just don’t play at ample times to be part of the organized groups that they require. They’re both plenty beatable, but they aren’t everyone’s bag.
Personally I find it ridiculous we have to do all 3 Borderlands when they are all the exact same map.
It’s always easiest for me to just wait for the color rotation. Check each one and see what your server has and get what you can, but unless you’re dominating the map I usually just save the Northern areas until my server is the color I need.
There is nothing to fix as It’s not “broken” as is evidenced by many players that actually have them.
Now if you want to request that they change the method (or add another), that is a valid discussion.
TBH, if casual “poor” players (which includes me) could get a Legendary easily, they would not be very “Legendary”.
Good lord I’m tired of hearing that.
Getting a Legendary shouldn’t be easy. That’s not the question. What’s under scrutiny is the exorbitant amount of gold required just to make one. They should be very expensive to buy, but not to just make. In traditional MMOs, players have two ways to acquire desirable upgrades:
- Buy them outright if they are rich enough.
- Take the long road and grind out the mats to make it themselves at minimal cost.
Problem is in GW2 there simply is no grinding for some things, like Lodestones for example. You can’t just go out and grind 4-5/hour a couple nights a week. Laurels do help with the T6 at least now, but those can’t be steadily ground out either from creatures. They simply have a low chance to be in a dropped bag.
Again, I am so stinking sick of people saying “too easy = not Legendary.” If I could reasonably and reliably grind out every single mat for a Legendary, I would gladly spend 2-5 months grinding off and on until I’ve amassed all that I need, buying what I can when I can to speed it up a little. Wishful thinking.
In today’s game, casual players can only afford one or the other: the precursor or the “rest of it.” They are left with nothing after coughing up the money for one of them. The precursor situation is absolutely horrifying. ANet has essentially let a small group of people run wild and take complete and total control over the precursor market to where they are absolutely unaffordable to the casual player. And the RNG to try it free is some of the most rubbish RNG I’ve ever seen in an MMO.
(edited by Woljnir.7810)
Some Guy has Every Legendary , he either A, flipped trade post or B, its bill gates Son ..
The truth is, you don’t even need to be the son of Bill Gates to afford a legendary. Eternity, the most expensive legendary, only costs 735 USD, which is easily affordable for most middle class Americans.
Only? You’re going to sit there and say, for a “middle class” American, it’s only 735 dollars? I have gamer friends and even they would have me committed if I spent $735.00 on a sword for my MMO character, to say nothing of the divorce I’d be getting when my wife found out I spent nearly 85% of an entire paycheck on a pretend item in a pretend world. Wow do some people have no concept of the real world.
Put on the goggles, jumped and landed in the pool and didn’t get credit. Anybody with experience knows that sucks. What gives?
The gold spam was getting worse, everyone complained about how bad the spamming has gotten.
They took extreme measures to remove it, now we are complaining some more.
Extreme measures indeed. Too extreme obviously.
Did you create a Necromancer to go along with this topic?
Is it the Aetherblade path? I was very disappointed to learn they included that in the Twilight Arbor meta and took out an existing path. I was afraid I’d never get that path or it would take awhile since it’s not run a whole lot anymore. The biggest problem is that it is very much different from the rest of TA. You really can’t just walk in of the street and expect success. Do some research before so you at least have an idea what to do, as most groups won’t tolerate complete newbies. It’s level 80 and can be very challenging.
I’d say 8.5/10. I’ve always liked the “wizardy” look of that chest but never really wore it for any of my magicians. Neat color scheme.
Went for a simple look with this one. Water-based idea. Mostly WvW support, since support is pretty useless in PvE xD.
Be nice
(edited by Woljnir.7810)
I made a topic before about this without any answers or any feedback, so I thought I’d try again. The spam filter is simply out of control. With Mega Server now especially, doing big group events and talking to people outside of my group in /s and /m when suddenly I get the ’I’ve been silenced" message. Positively infuriating especially since it’ll last nearly 75% of the fight sometimes.
I’d just like to know what are the parameters, as in, what exactly triggers it. Is it the number of messages in a given time? Is it the same thing multiple times in a row (as in thanking people when down). Problem is sometimes there’s at least an entire minute between thank yous. I don’t see how that would trigger it. Please explain how this works so when I’m having a great time doing boss events or just chatting up the map it isn’t ruined completely when I suddenly get a gag order. I feel like just turning the game off when it happens. I’ll be the first to admit spam filters are necessary in these games, but I’ve never been silenced like this before.
I have 2 Elementalists. The first is my Norn, Tal Visota. She is a support build.
The second is my Human, Llofrudd Seicotig. She is a condition monster.
What’s the chest on the first one?
We’ve been waiting/asking for this since shortly after launch. Probably won’t ever get done.
I was hanging out by the forge and someone said they got the spear precursor off 3 rares and a stone. It can happen.
As for whether to use exotics or rares, exotics are barely better than using rares. The only advantage to using exotics is that you’re guaranteed an exotic in return that could be a precursor. The only time most people can reliably throw in exotics is when they buy them with dungeon tokens.
LoL, losing (any amount of) levels for dying. That would go over just wonderfully in an MMO.
I’m not too confident in precursor crafting. The mats will be ridiculous and probably be severely time-gated. I have no desire for Ascended crafting and no doubt you will need 500 crafting to make one.
I guess somebody has to be the Negative Nancy here. There is positively no way class change will ever, ever, EVER, happen. We’ll be lucky if we ever even get race change, but being able to actually switch professions on a character simply destroys the replay value and Anet would never allow that.
An MMO that institutes a class change is doomed to fail. Nobody would level alts ever again, and alts are what keeps a lot of people playing. That’s the beauty of MMOs. I don’t want to only have one character. Sure I have a main, but when I’m done being a Warrior, I play my Thief. The problem is when someone feels like they’re done with being a certain class and switch, what happens when they suddenly feel like playing their original class again, pay for another switch? No way.
For staff conditions, he should have gone Mesmer. I have a condition Mesmer and love it.
Elementalists are one of the weaker classes when it comes to conditions, not because they can’t do it, but because other classes can do it so much better. Pretty much every class can pull off berserker, but for the finer-tuned builds like support or conditions, several classes are simply much better than others. Staff Elementalists are capable of tremendous damage, but to be honest they simply aren’t going to be effective with a condition build. With something like a Necro or Mesmer in group your conditions as an Ele are going to be far outshined and you’ll end up hurting your group overall. D/D and S/* on the other hand can absolutely be viable for conditions with some practice.
The idea is average people don’t get to have a legendary.
I call bull cookies on that one. That was never the intention. Legendary weapons were just supposed to be a long, expensive, drawn out grind that gave a person a powerful, unique looking weapon. Absolute rubbish drop rates and preposterous prices on the TP of the precursors preventing average players from acquiring them =\= “average players don’t get to have one.”
My personal opinion is that precursors as they are should never have existed. The “precursor” should have been an item available from the Forge Vendor and been account bound. The Gifts are no short order, especially for people who need to grind out more than they can buy. Making the precursor an easy purchase from the vendor doesn’t make the Legendary any easier to get.
Finally got a key from map exploration and got these and got excited thinking they were something new. Then I read the description and was disappointed: more useless boost crap from BLC xD. I deleted all my boosts ages ago because I never used them.
OP is being ridiculous trying to address a known issue, but if precursors were reasonable obtainable outside of the TP everybody would be complaining about T6, lodestone etc. prices.
Unless drop rates were increased to keep up with the demand.
Everything about the economy is in ANets hands. That’s the beauty of a virtual economy. If an item is plentiful, it’s because ANet decided to make it plentiful. If it’s rare, it’s because ANet decided to make it rare.
Not quite. When you have super rich people/groups buying 75% of the Dusks on the TP or all of a given Precursor for example, they are monopolizing that market to keep making gold for themselves and setting their own prices.
Come on people, it’s GW2. 1/1,000,000,000,000 drop chance for the coolest stuff shouldn’t be surprising anymore.