Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
Plenty of people want high WXP rank nowadays. So, here is a guide to get WXP fast! Follow this guide and soon you can brag about your insane high rank to your guildies and server!
Don’t build siege, building gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t protect with whirlwind, protecting gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t heal people, healing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t rez people, rezzing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t kill downed people, killing gives 0 WXP when you already tagged that enemy. Let other people do it.
Don’t upgrade towers or keep, upgrading gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t down people downing gives 0 WXP when you already tagged that enemy. Let other people do it.
Don’t buff people, buffing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t stand guard in a tower, guarding gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t escort yaks, escorting gives 0 WXP whennot attacked. Let other people do it.
Enjoy your new ranks!
(edited by Tallis.5607)
Losing respect for TC because of the pretentious attitude of it’s forum warriors. Although the backhand comments from FA make us look bad as well.
The (albeit subtle) difference is that these FA-people are trashing TC already for months and TC never really replied in the past.
But there comes a point when too much is too much.
For me, that point came when these FAers kept saying that they were better than TC… after TC won against FA 7 times in a row.
When FA looses 7 matches against TC and some FAers keep saying over and over and over AND OVER that FA is better than TC, you can not expect that TC just stays quiet and doesn’t react to these insults.
Sure, you can say ‘be the better person and let them insult you over and over’ and that is what TC did. For weeks and weeks and weeks.
But at a certain moment, too much is too much, even for nice and gentle RPers like TC.
This weekend, five new things come to GW2. I made this post to give the info all in one place…
1. Three one-time events (finished).
2. The new PvE dungeon (permanent).
3. The new PvE map (permanent).
4. Weekend Quests (continuously until monday noon).
5. The new PvP map (permanent).
1. Three one-time events (finished).
- There were 3 seperate one-time events, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday noon.
- Everyone was scaled to level 80 for these.
- The first two events started in Lion’s Arch, the third in Sunset Cove.
- In the first, we had to repel the Karka attack on Lion’s Arch.
- In the second, we had to repel the last few Karka’s in Lion’s Arch and then go to Sunset Cove to establish a foothold there.
- In the third, we killed the big, mean Karka!
- The timing of the events were chosen because this were the times that there were the most people online together.
2. The new PvE dungeon (permanent).
- The new PvE dungeon called Fractals of the Mist is for level 80 characters. But during the weekend, all players will be bumped to level 80.
- This dungeon opened on Friday 11/16 at 12:30 (but was bugged for some, fixed at 13:30).
- You can go there by going into the new Asuran Portal near the Island Portage Waypoint in Lion’s Arch, by the new POI Consortium’s Gift Shop.
- There are 9 different ‘paths’ or ‘fractals’ in this dungeon.
- You can’t choice what fractal you do, but you can leave a fractal when you are stuck on it and get another one.
- After you did a fractal, you are send to a second and then a third fractal. These three fractals are always different fractals (afaik).
- After you did the third fractal, your ‘rank’ goes up to rank 2.
- You are sent again to a fractal (so the forth in total), a fifth fractal and a sixth. These fractals are rank 2.
- The fractals on this second set can be the same as the ones on your first set.
- After you finished any fractal, you get a chest that contains items and 5 Fractal Relics.
- You can turn these relics in for stuff, at the NPC inside the dungeon.
- When you are finished with the four fractals at rank 2, you are now rank 3!
- When you then restart the dungeon with the same group, you can pick what rank you want to do it: rank 1, 2 or 3.
- If you make another group and restart, you can set it to the rank you want, but the rank can never be a higher rank than the person with the lowest rank in the group has obtained.
So if you have a group of players that have rank 3, 3, 3, 2 and 4, you can set the rank at either 1 or 2 (but not to rank 3 or 4, because one player has only rank 2).
- After you did six fractals (three at rank 1 and three at level 2), you get a seventh ‘bonus’ fractal.
- This bonus fractal is the same type as the other fractals, with the same chest at the end, but you get an extra reward too!
- Note that these fractals are NOT easy for casual players, even ast rank 1, because you need alot of group coördination. Several bosses have odd mechanisms, there is sometimes tricky jumping, some gates that open with pressure plates and so on.
3. The new PvE map (permanent).
- The new PvE map called Southsun Cove is for level 80 characters, but during the weekend lower levels will be bumped to level 80 when they go here.
- You can go there by talking to a new NPC near the Sanctum Harbor Waypoint in Lion’s Arch, by the new POI Macha’s Landing.
- Once you’ve been there, you can waypoint to it, like with all other maps.
4. Weekend Chain Event (Finished).
- The first part of the chain started Friday noon and was available until Sunday noon.
- The second part started Saturday noon.
- Both parts started in Lion’s Arch at Inspector Kiel.
5. The new PvP map (permanent).
- This map opened on Thursday 11/15.
- Not much else to say, really! It’s a PvP map. A map. To PvP on!
Good luck and remember to have fun along the way!!!
(edited by Tallis.5607)
Well, first of all to the OP: thank you! People like you keep this game running. Sure, you have been lied to. Sure, you lost alot of money. But, it’s for the rgeater good!
Second… this is what gambling companies do: they don’t tell you the price, they just take as much money from you as possible. Making you think ‘hey, the NEXT time can be the good one’ is a know marketing trick.
Third: if you don’t know by now that the BL chests are basically a tax for dumb people, you will never get it.
Forth… posts likes yours are probably printed out by the marketing person at Anet and then shown to their boss, saying : ‘look at this, boss, I made this dude buy 100 chests, give me a raise, I’m the best in taking people’s money!’.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
First, you can not buy them all. It is technically impossible. But I asume you want to go theoretically.
If you buy everything from one item, people will offer the ectos in their inventory. This will set a certain price. At the same time, new items will come in and a new price)level will be created.
So, that is the answer: people will find a new price level where supply & demand meet each other.
This new price level will not be 2 gold or something crazy like that. The price can not go up indefinatly, because at a certain moment people will simply stop buying them.
Why can’t you buy them all?
A. The current TP.
According to the TP, there are now 12,800 sell orders for ecto, 10,700 of them at 50s or lower.
So, let’s take 42s as the average you will pay for those 10,700, that is 5,000 gold.
1,170 of them are between 50s & 1g, so let’s say another 3,000 gold for those.
350 of them are between 1 and 2g, so that’s another 500g or so and ley’s assume the last 50 ones cost you another 200g (doesn’t matter much).
So, you just spent 9,000 gold to buy all ectos.
That is about 1.25$ = 100gems = 1g28s, so about 9,000 dollars.
B. People’s inventory.
Now… when you start buying up stacks of 250, people will add more ectos. Players will tell it on their guild Mumble servers. People will yell it in map. And as time goes on, more and more people will add ectos, because more and ore people will know someone is paying whatever price for them.
And this is an item that people HAVE stored away, trust me. Pretty much every hardcore player and every trader has them. Dozens. Multiply this with the amount of hardcore players and you are looking at more than 10,000 new ectos, this time at prices waaaaaay higher than the ones on TP.
C. People making them.
Once the ecto-prices are up, alot of people will stopwhat they are doing and start making ectos by buying rares and salvage them.
This will simply break you. You can not keep buying these, because they will keep comming and comming and comming. As in, literally, 100,000 of them if you don’t stop.
The fact that people can make them at will, makes it impossible for you to buy them all.
Such a shame too, this matchup was pretty good about a month ago until one of the servers decided they wanted a t1 amount of population.
First, the 3 CD guilds came two weeks ago. That was AFTER TC already took first place on it’s own.
Second, these guilds only field about 40 people. Granted, 40 people at off-time can do alot and it are a welcome 40 people, but it’s only that: 40 people.
Third, WM taking a break changed this tier much more than the 40 WWW players.
Forth, TC had a great reset day. We ticked at 300+ points consistently. That had nothing to do with the 40 new players, but mainly with DIS taking so much of FABL at reset. TC kept FA Garrison for hours during reset, that has nothing to do with SEA coverage.
Fifth and most importantly, this tier will not change because TC got some extra ranking points, this tier will change because DB is taking points in T3.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
With TC’s new transfers, there is no point in competing in a population game (and many guilds on FA were not interested in the first place). Instead, we’ll have fun doing things that don’t require population – setting up loot farms and GvG.
If you really feel this way, maybe you should leave WvW and play sPvP?
You ban players for buying gold from gold sellers because why? If they want to get their account hacked, so be it. Why do you ban them? Is it because you want them to spend money on you and only you? I think that’s the reason.
Ofcourse they want you to spend your money with them. D’uh!
And, yes, the account thives (aka gold-sellers) sell gold cheaper than Anet. That is for the same reason as a car thief sells the car cheaper than General Motors: they didn’t had to do anything to make it.
Anet made the game. If you don’t want to support Anet and not buy gems, I understand that.
But if you want to support the thieves that steal accounts from other players and steal money from Anet, you are no better than the thieves themselves.
That being said…
I do agree that the gem price should be fixed. People that use gems to get TP items loose money over time because of two trends:
- TP items getting more expensive
- Gems getting more expensive
That is not the way to go in the long run for Anet, I think.
Yeah, we have a golem killer on TC. He jumps into a golem, jumps it off a cliff, gets into next golem, jumps that off a cliff and repeats it for every golem he can get.
We know who he is, we know his account name, we reported him with screenshots and all. But ANet doesn’t do anything about saboteurs like this, apperently, this sort of lame behaviour is OK for ANet
(edited by Tallis.5607)
1. We didn’t want another tier of gear; you guys knew that and implemented it anyway, so now we’re stuck with it.
Players rarely ever want their pet class nerfed, but its still necessary to the health of the game to do it from time to time. Consensus and Balance are distantly related on the best days and full-blown adversaries on more than a few.
While I have some issues with the specifics of Ascended acquisition, it’s not that hard to recognize the pressures at work that convinced them that the concept needed to be introduced to the game.
Keep in mind that prior to the release of the first Ascended items, the single most efficient way to advance your character was play the Trading Post. Full Stop. If you spent your time doing DEs or running dungeons you were a serf laboring in the fields in the service of your Trading Post betters. It was soul-sucking. Nothing you could do swinging your sword came close, and even today most people have this obsession with amassing gold when doing so mostly fattens you up to get fleeced at the market. The range of rewards that must be earned rather than bought is still astonishingly thin.
If anything the current crafting-only model of weapons and armor is a bit of a backslide towards ‘TP-uber-alles’. I sincerely hope that the currencies of heroism like skill points, karma, and various tokens get moved back to center stage as the means and the measure of characters’ mechanical advancement ~ vertical or horizontal.
I really just set out to summarize the thread to see if anything new was actually being said about vertical progression, or if we were just going in circles, this far into the discussion about it. And, truly, without more meaningful feedback than “Interesting ideas” there’s not much more that we can do with the discussion, in my opinion. Regardless, that was basically the first sort of comment that was picked up and addressed in the thread.
I’m in total agreement about consensus vs. balance, but I think it’s clear that balance isn’t being discussed here, on many levels.
I’m all for progress, and there’s truly no way to please everyone, but given the possibilities for vertical progression in a game like GW2, it seems like a middle ground other than “gear treadmill” might have been a more viable solution.
Hi Guhracie,
Will all due respect there has been a huge amount of dialog, discussion, ideation, summary and proposals. If you want to add value to the thread then I suggest you read it. Until then I am going to take everything you say with a large handful of salt. Sorry.
Wauw… just… wauw.
With all due respect… but I don’t think that it is a good idea to post that you won’t listen to a Customer, just because he didn’t read 100s of posts.
If someone has the feeling that you people aren’t listening and that he doesn’t like the format of this discussion, you should listen to him. Even when you disagree. ESPECIALLY when you disagree. That’s kinda the point of feedback, no?
The reason why I do not contribute to this thread is exactly the same as the poster. A dialogue means that both people talk. Not say ‘I can not comment on this’.
And when a poster voices my opinion, he gets scolded at. Nice, nice! It just fuels my opinion that this isn’t a very useful feedback thread.
Don’t scold at customers. Don’t focus solely on people that post in the form that you prefer to listen to. Don’t shut people out. You will learn alot more about your customers that way.
Welcome to T2, DB! I hope you will have fun in here!
And KN, sorry to see you go. You were a great server to fight: no spawn camping, no dancing on bodies, no killin in the jumping puzzle, no jumping up towers. Thanks for the fun all these weeks!
People in golems are often fun, hehe. When it’s their first time in WvWvW, they see it standing there, the USE comes up and off they go!
Usually they start using all th skills too, so the golem is whirwinding a poor rabbit or so
Then they stack afaik.
Just like 2 Minor and 2 Major Runes stack (like for fury duration).
It’s just that they don’t care. Simple as that.
They don’t care that you can glitch in garrison walls and kill siege with some AOE attacks. Mesmers been doing that for about a year now. Most players don’t do it and when it happens, often the other people from that server tell the player to stop. But every now and then there is a newbie that does it anyway.
The same with the green keep glitches in EB. You can sent in 5 videos of a thief cheating there, you can report the cheater with your entire guild, they simply don’t care.
And if you link to a video with clear evidence that this cheat still happens, the moderator here simply deletes your post, gives you an infraction and everyone pretends the problem is solved while the cheater just continues to cheat.
It’s kinda like the police destroying your evidence of a crime and punishing you for daring to accuse someone, lol.
Don’t get angry about it. It’s just a game. Just forget about it or you’ll quit this nice game. Just accept that they simply don’t care about a few players cheating.
There is nothing you can do about, nothing at all.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
So, it looks like we will be fighting the same two teams AGAIN after this week. Pfffffft. There should be a better matching mechanism, so that the servers don’t have to compete the same ones over and over and over again: I am tired of FAs dancing on corpses and camping JPs
First… you got realize that your friend is an exception. Not alot of people make 75g a day.
Second, your friend is a criminal. As in a go-to-prison real-life criminal. He helps thieves that make money with stolen accounts.
You got one thing in your life: you are honest.
He has another thing in his life: he has money. In a game!
Not alot of people would feel good about themselves with being dishonest, no matter how much gold they have in a game.
- These bots and account-selling gold sellers cause alot of emotional pain to people who loose their accounts, accounts the player put their time in. Players who will likely never enjoy a game anymore, out of fear.
Bottom line: don’t say ‘I am unhappy because my friend has more money than me’. Say ‘I am happy because I am honest and do not make other people unhappy’.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
BG and FA, i sincerely hope you guys pulverize TC into tiny bits of RP’r dust. I’ve never played against a server that constantly complains so much about everything.
Needless to say it was a great joy spawn camping them to the extreme ( trebs, ballistas, shame ram trains and barricades). I can trully understand why FA detests TC so much now that i’ve played against them.
Oddly, the first time SOR faced them, i dont recall them being this way.
This post is HILARIOUS…
If you change the order of things, you see what happenes here…
- First, TC doesn’t complain.
- Then, TC notices that SoR is so incredibly lame that they camps spawns with trebs and all.
- And only THEN, TC complains about how lame SoR is.
You just proofed exactly the point that TC made: that some people on SoR are so lame that even when they have 550+ points, they camp spawns.
Luckily for your server, most people on TC know that it is only a small portion on your server that is as lame as you.
I just want to know how TC dropped a kitty load of players (literally) on my head last night as I was manning a ballista. No warning to me or anybody else in the area, we were epically crushed. It was both rude and awesome at the same time! I guess I still have a lot to learn….
Probably a mesmer portal. We did that ALOT this week, especially at choke points: with their two invisibility sources and some of their protective skills, they can run pretty far after they placed the portal entrance.
Some history of the FA – TC matchup in the past.
October 13 – 20
1st Blackgate 442,949
2nd Tarnished Coast 102,076
3rd Fort Aspenwood 83,220
TC wins over FA.
October 20 – 27
1st Tarnished Coast 413,816
2nd Fort Aspenwood 117,167
3rd Dragonbrand 82,352
TC wins over FA.
November 17 – 24
1st Tarnished Coast 227.668
2nd Fort Aspenwood 198.906
3rd Yak’s Bend 190.939
TC wins over FA. Noticing a theme here?
November 24 – December 1
1st Tarnished Coast 256.950
2nd Fort Aspenwood 184.958
3rd Yak’s Bend 184.204
TC wins over FA.
December 1 – 8
1st Tarnished Coast 279.596
2nd Fort Aspenwood 176.299
3rd Yak’s Bend 167.087
TC wins over FA.
December 8 – 15
1st Tarnished Coast 261.804
2nd Crystal Desert 184.407
3rd Fort Aspenwood 177.955
TC wins over FA. Well, yes, there IS a theme!
December 15 – 22
1st Tarnished Coast 279,542
2nd Crystal Desert 173,515
3rd Fort Aspenwood 158,201
TC wins over FA.
February 2 – 9
1st Blackgate 265,892
2nd Tarnished Coast 179,209
3rd Fort Aspenwood 162,260
TC wins over FA.
Thanks to for keeping track. Cause some things are worth remembering!
Current score…
1st Kaineg 156,589
2nd Tarnished Coast 135,905
3rd Ford Aspenwood 127,008
TC wins over FA.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
So… ANet gives ‘’Accusations of hacking, exploiting, & griefing’’ as one of the reasons to shut down the www-forums.
Instead of actually fixing the bugs that we have been posting about for months and month, ANet now simply stops the forums that they are mentioned in.
It’s a first, I think… a company actually shutting down the communication of their customers to the company because the customers have the guts to point out what’s going wrong.
This shut-our-customers-up decision is the same level as the infamous ‘DEV don’t need to listen to players, DEVs already know what players because DEVs are players too’ attitude from earlier this year.
Must be nice, living in a world where you can just shut people up, just because they have the nerf to point out certain things that go wrong.
Quick and short : when I started playing I had a feeling that people are so nice and you know … “well brained”. Now when ANet tries to do something for A LOT OF PEOPLE that were just getting bored everyone else is crying about it.
We do not cry because they do something for bored people.
We cry because they make this game into just-another-MMO with the exact same grind tred mill of every other MMO out there.
Great catch – I did in fact do something to spy kits (both OOW and Ash Legion) that got dropped out of the patch notes by accident (Stealth stealth nerf!). I’ll go make sure they are properly put into the patch notes.
When you say that you did ‘something’, did you mean ‘I nerfed them so bad that they now got a 60 seconds colldown, so they are pretty much wortless in the fractals’ or did you mean ‘no, you don’t get reimbursed for the ones you got’.
Oh, wait, you did BOTH.
Odd that it’s always bad news that gets forgotten.
Good job!
(edited by Tallis.5607)
<nods>Pretty sure the top tier is as close as it will ever be.
T1 is pretty much fixed.
One word and one word only: gems.
The OP is awesome just for stating clearly WHERE to go, with details. Thanx!
I thought it was very unclear where to go and what to do, so I added this…
Lol I’m not upset, I just want to see actual dates. If you are going to go to all the work of making a chart of historical matches, it would be nice to see it reflect the proper weeks.
You’re right, the dates of the last two matches were wrong. Not sure how I missed that.
Instead of ‘March 15 – 22 2013’ it should have been ‘March 8 – 15 2013’ (aka last week).
And instead of March 22 – 29 2013 is should have been ‘March 15 – 22 2013’ (aka this week).
And as score update for this week:
1st Kaineg 29,781
2nd Tarnished Coast 19,998
3rd Ford Aspenwood 17,886
we were doing a guild raid with 25-30 people, going for garrison watergate and placed two superior rams. Not 10 seconds had passed and around 4 arrow carts started firing on us whilst we were at the door and everyone was just melting away we had to get back, and before we could get the gate to 50% the rams had melted rapidly
So you thought it was normal that you can take a Garrison with 2 rams?
Personally, I think that defending a keep should be easier than it was before: for me it’s perfectly normal that 4 people on defensive siege can kill 2 offensive sieges.
New score update!
Unfortunatly, the previous posters are right.
ANet is very well aware of these cheats, but they simply do not care. We posted about these hacks, we reported these hacks, we posted videos of these hacks… they simply do not care.
WWW simply doesn’t get the resources to stop these hackers.
That, the server with the most hacks happens to be the server where the DEVs are rumored to go play WWW, so…
You got two choices: accept that the other side can cheat or simply quit playing WWW. There is no 3rd choice.
Let’s see…
First, you say you make 25g per hour. A statement that I find extremely unlikely.
Then, you claim that ‘you know something others don’t’. Again, very, very unlikely.
You claim to have lost 200g and then won it back on… platinum and silver doubloons which is an extremely tricky market, thir price plummeted then skyrocketed, on very thin sales number. Again, very unlikely.
All talk, talk, talk. When I read the post, I was thinking : ‘why would anyone lie like this’.
But then it became clear… you try to sell something ’’I’ve been buying up chocolate lately because it’s going to 21-25c minimum over the next couple of weeks, which will give me a 50% return. My main problem with the lower value stuff is space, so even though chocolate is a great buy, it’s not that good in terms of the short to mid term space it takes up.’’
So, basically, you are just trying trick people into buying chocolate.
I doubt anyone would fall for it, people aren’t THAT stupid, Mister I-make-25-gold-per-hour.
800 gems is 8 gold.
If you have 4 level 80s that are ‘decently equipped’, surely you can pay 8 gold for a 6th slot!
If you don’t plan to WvW on the WvW maps, and there is a queue, please also show the respect we’re known for and free up the spot.
As much as I agree with the if-there-is-a-queue-give-up-your-spot theory, it doesn’t hold in this case. IT’s not like this were 20 people that didn’t WWW at all and holding spots for a full day.
This were a group of people that fought long, then RPed some, then fought again. You can’t tell these people to go away from WWW, just because they only fight 90% of their time there.
If you do, what’s next?
Tell people that aren’t 80 to go to WWW when there is a queue, because they’re only 90% as efficient as an 80?
Tell people that don’t have full exotics to stay away when there is a queue, cause your stats are 10% higher.
TC is a RP server. You got to respect people that fight 90% of the time and RP 10% of the time IMO.
A bump for funk. Cause… they’re funk!
Oh and about exploits hiding a Mesmer inside a keep and than flipping it 5 minutes later should be considered an exploit too. I think Anet should change the functionality of portals so they dont work through walls/gates
I am always the first to call out exploits, including the occasional person on my own server (albeit that rarely happens).
But I do not consider it an exploit when a mesmer hides in a tower, waits 5 minutes, creates a portal on a wall, jumps down and then creates the other side of the portal so that his friends can come in.
This is a normal use of the portal skill imho. Besides, I consider ‘mesmer sweeping’ after capturing something as part of the WWW fun!
Like the past two weeks, Tarnished Coast, Ford Aspenwood and Yak’s Bend fight it out in tier 3!
- Will Tarnished Coast win for the 3rd time in a row?
- Will the second place again be decided in the last hours of the week?
- Will FA lose it’s current 8th place in the ranking to YB?
- Will the tranfer of some GODs from FA to TC affect this week’s outcome?
- Is pie really better then cake?
Find out here in this thread or watch the evolution on
And don’t forget to have fun along the way!
If it was good enough to put your points in the first time, it’s certainly not bad enough that a point reset is something super critical to your build, no?
That argument is odd. You picked whatever was the best at that time. Now, new things are added and maybe there is a new ‘best thing’.
That being said, this whole WXP thing is very badly designed from the start. I won’t be surprised if they don’t reset the points.
This whole WXP was a good idea, but it’s badly implemented so far. Let’s hope it gets polished soon!
So you want to make it so Staff Elementalists (and other AoE abusing builds) can take down entire zergs by themselves and become massively overpowered? Because that’s probably what would happen, causing ANet to pull a massive AoE nerf across the board that would effect PvE as well and make AoE useless. I SAY NAY!
You make a classic mistake. you assume that when some mechanism changes, people will not react to it.
If ANet makes AOE useful against zergs, people will zerg less. Plain and simple.
this has nothing to do with reports of exploits/bugs/hacks but rather the rampant accusations
Euh… no… people get infracted when they post a screenshot of someone from the other server exploiting. Even when ’ people post it, they all 4 get infracted; this has nothing to do with ‘OMG this-or-that server hacked’. I even remember posting ‘this person clearly hacked into the keep, but your server was so correct not to take the portal in’.
But… I can not tell you how incredible annoying it is to WWW, see someone cheat into a keep, sent in a screenshot and then get infracted YOURSELF.
Especially if the same cheater has been doing THE EXACT SAME THING for months.
But this is anet answer: shut down the forum. <deep, deep sigh>
And in those two cases, you felt robbed of victory because one person happened to escape and WP out? Needing to get the kill to feel like you won, to me, also seems like pride.
So, one person is blatantly cheating to not get killed, the other person wants his kill, and here you are, actually attacking the person that wants his kill.
It’s a strange world out there!
Players who run supply for repairs from camp to keep should get badges of honor
I agree 100%. It cannot be that hard to reward someone that takes supply from a camp.
And escorting Yaks. And rezzing. IT is very easy to implement WXP & badges for these.
Healing & buffing should be rewarded too as is standing guard, but those are harder to implement.
It is silly that ANet does not consider these activities important enough to reward them.
The thing I hate the most, though, are players who rarely do any of this brag about their high ranks or number of badges. That is just a slap in the face of all others.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
We wiped our borderlands blue with a 10-15 man crew after TC either got bored or realised how much territory they had sacrificed for our garrison and withdrew the majority of their forces.
Well, as one of the TC players that was there, I can tell you that our determination to take your garrison was partly caused by the FA-whining-post here on the forums and partly by the many complaints in our chat about FA-corpse-dancing.
We knew fully well that taking the garrison while Yak was around would cost us more points that it gained, but several people literally said stuff like ‘better to take stuff from FA and loose to Yak, then let FA keep their stuff’.
That’s what happens when you are rude to others…
Tell me about it, just came from Planetside 2 forum and oh my what a whinefest.
Not as bad as here tho, but still…
Well, what did you expect? That players said ‘oh, well, you told us that this would not be a grind MMO, but now you changed, no problem, Anet, we will just be quiet and grind, grind grind’?
And, no, we do not whine often. I didn’t see anyone whine in the last 3 months, except over Legendary drop rates (which Anet is now changing) and botting (which Anet is doing something about it too).
This broken no-grind-MMO promise is a serious topic, something that people feel very, very strong about.
We do not whine about the small stuff.
But we do ’’whine’’ when you break one of your core promises.
Score update!
TC 236,493 +305
CD 173,216 +215
FA 168,901 +180
That gives the ranking (as per
TC 1,832,147 -9.123
CD 1,729,316 +5.202
FA 1,721,509 +3.898
Since the last in tier 2 is IoJ and they are winning 16 points and the first in tier 4 is YB and they are losing 43 points, it looks like there will be no changes in tier 3 next week.
I swear half don’t pick up supply’s or have any siege blueprints. Don’t how many times I’ve had to run back and forth from supply camp to build a ram while couple others sit and attack door with their measly 50 damage or so.
That is the same on TC, you know. There are always people just standing there shooting the gate here too.
If you just say in /map ‘Some people come with me to supply’ chances are no-one will come.
But if you whisper 3-4 peopel individually and ask them to come, saying very specifically that it is to build a ram that does 3,000 damage per swing instead of their 30 damage, then very few people refuse to come.
Tyrion – Best commander on NA servers. Hands down.
On TC, about half the commanders repeat each order 4-5 times too. I am not sure why they do that. It drives me insane, so I usually mute them in mumble. If I want to be yelled at, I’d just call my ex-boyfriend and tell him how money he owes me, lol.
If you yell each order 5 times, you’re probably taking this game waaaaaay too serious!
The other day I saw a group of 15 pubs auto attacking the gate to a tower. No siege. I watched to see how long they would go on. After 10 minutes I got bored and threw down a ram. It only got half built, because of 15 people only 2 were carrying supply.
We have good guilds, Pro, ULTD, PTX. But our pubs are complete idiots.
So yea, I don’t blame people for wanting to distance themselves from that.
Pffft, we were all newbies once.
It only takes 2 minutes to explain a group of newbies what siege is and how supply works. Then another 5 minutes to lead them to a camp, supply up, run back and build your rams.
Look at it this way…
About 3% of the population plays computer games.
About 1% of that 1% plays GW2.
About 5% of that 1% of 3% plays on your server.
About 20% of that 5% of 1% of 3% plays WWW.
So, these people are veeeeeeeeery much like you, it will be hard for you to ever meet a person in real life that is so much alike.
The only difference is that they don’t have your experience in WWW yet.
And you are here on this forum bashing them, calling them ‘complete idiots’, instead of helping these people.
If you can’t even take 10 minutes to explain things to these new people and show them how to do it, then you are more part of the problem than part of the solution.
Just my 2 cents.
Reset night is always too early to talk about scores, so instead of talking about score, I would just like to point out that this thread has double as much posts in it than any other WWW thread.
Hooray for us three!!!
The complete history of the FA – TC matchup in the past…
October 13 – 20 2012
1st Blackgate 442,949
2nd Tarnished Coast 102,076
3rd Fort Aspenwood 83,220
=> TC wins over FA.
October 20 – 27 2012
1st Tarnished Coast 413,816
2nd Fort Aspenwood 117,167
3rd Dragonbrand 82,352
=> TC wins over FA.
November 17 – 24 2012
1st Tarnished Coast 227.668
2nd Fort Aspenwood 198.906
3rd Yak’s Bend 190.939
=> TC wins over FA.
November 24 – December 1 2012
1st Tarnished Coast 256.950
2nd Fort Aspenwood 184.958
3rd Yak’s Bend 184.204
=> TC wins over FA.
December 1 – 8 2012
1st Tarnished Coast 279.596
2nd Fort Aspenwood 176.299
3rd Yak’s Bend 167.087
=> TC wins over FA.
December 8 – 15 2012
1st Tarnished Coast 261.804
2nd Crystal Desert 184.407
3rd Fort Aspenwood 177.955
=> TC wins over FA.
December 15 – 22 2012
1st Tarnished Coast 279,542
2nd Crystal Desert 173,515
3rd Fort Aspenwood 158,201
=> TC wins over FA.
February 2 – 9 2013
1st Blackgate 265,892
2nd Tarnished Coast 179,209
3rd Fort Aspenwood 162,260
=> TC wins over FA.
March 15 – 22 2013
1st Kaineg 220,054
2nd Tarnished Coast 200,080
3rd Fort Aspenwood 193,536
=> TC wins over FA.
March 22-29 2013 (too early to give meaningful data, but here it is anyways…)
1st Tarnished Coast 2,729
2nd Fort Aspenwood 2,688
3rd Kaineng 2,616
=> TC winning over FA.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
The fact that crafters in this game expect to be able to make a profit on certain items, despite readily available pricing information which would tell them exactly how much difference there is between current mats cost and current finished item cost, is not the fault of inflation or of the market. It’s the fault of crafters who are bad at really simple economics and also who are apparently unable to check the Internet before making crafting decisions.
In theory, this is true. Except that…
a) Alot of the stuff that you see on sale is only created to get to 400. People sell it for whatever price they can get.
b) Alot of crafters consider the materials that they gathered as ’’free’’ and do not count their costs towards the price of the end-product.
They simply fail to see that when you use a material that you can sell for 1s, costs you 1s to use, even when you mined it for free.
c) When you make 10 items that costed 10s each and sell 8 for 20s each, you might want to sell the remaining 2, even at a loss. That doesn’t mean that crafting the 10 items was a bad decision.
Sorry TC, no disrespect but you guys just don’t have the coverage to have a strong say in what should be a decent weekend battle amongst the other 2 servers.
We know, we know.
Well, sort of. We enjoy being the third party, like… when JQ & DB are fighting in out, run into the JQ zerg, so DB has an easier time. Or when DB is attacking JQ’s garrison, attack DB’s hills, so they got to stop the attack.
It’s fun, doing things like that
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