Elonia…….. That made my guild wars heart cry a little.
Insane amount of fps drop, unplayable for me without getting a sick feeling.
The area’s look better than the HoT, still not up to par to the original maps but hey they will never beat that.
Mounts………… Stupid addition, don’t like them and never will.
Hopefully the next weekend will get a nice sneak peak, something I never did with hot.
I am more exited, but to be fair Hot did not do it for me at all. I did not bother buying it, and I do hope this expansion is more like the original game. Surprise me Anet, my CC is ready
Oh and please do not make me have to play Hot, please please.
If you didn’t buy it, then how do you know “HoT did not do it” for you?
While I will agree that there are valid things to complain about in HoT, and LWS3 for that matter, I still spend more time in the four HoT maps than the others. HoT forced me to become a better player on ALL of my toons, not just my main. Because of HoT, I’m more likely to pop my commander tag and run stuff, instead of just using it for guild stuff. HoT added a lot to the game. I’ll admit, it was a huge shock going from easy maps like Frostgorge or Malchor’s Leap to VB, AB, TD, and DS, but it was a good shock. It made me get better so that I can run a full glass berserker PS warrior wherever, and whenever I want. Core Tyria didn’t do that.
Nothing and I do mean absolutely nothing that I watched from HoT was not appealing to me. It was for me if they made the game 10 times worse from what I liked about the original. I’m glad you don’t feel like that, but I will never touch it. If the expansion is more like HoT and less like the normal game I wish them the best of luck, but it’s not for me.
Sadly im not as hyped for this expansion as I was with HOT. HOT wasn’t even that bad but the PvP/WVW balance, Trait system has been butchered and Raids have become the main area of focus (should of never added or made them larger/harder dungeons) is putting me off to this game slowly every day. I only come on for dailies which is such a sad thing to say as I got a lot of passion for this game that I played since beta.
I am more exited, but to be fair Hot did not do it for me at all. I did not bother buying it, and I do hope this expansion is more like the original game. Surprise me Anet, my CC is ready
Oh and please do not make me have to play Hot, please please.
Mounts suck, imo they will make the game look like some stupid asian mmo.
I finished the story only once, and yes the story and the final mission is nothing to write home about. But still I managed to get 12 or so chars to max level. From all of them I enjoyed mesmer the least, was slow and boring. But I loved doing map completions and was easy to get them all to 80 for the living story content/farming and WvW.
No idea how WvW nowadays is, perhaps she could give that or pvp a go.
Or perhaps it’s not her game :/
I don’t have HoT or haven’t played in a while so I don’t know new ones. I love them all but the Orr maps. One thing that is absolutely love about GW2 is the maps, the different areas from snow to normal woods to jungle.
Going to be fun the see if and how they add the desolation maps in the next expansions, I think those were amongst the most hated maps in gw1 =)
Worst map probably one of the Orr maps, or if I can include WvW the desert homeland map. I hate that one.
I’ll rather not set a foot in that whole hot expansion mess.
Any news about new expansion here btw? All I saw was some obscure leaked data and not all of the info was great to be honest.What we have is that the plan to release it in essentially the same timeframe as LW, alowing for a bit more time as it is an expansion after all.
So, next episode sometime during july/v early august; expansion towards the end of the year, maybe? Probably more info coming with/after last LW3 ep. Then LW4 a couple months after expansion.(All of that from the Flashpoint AMA at reddit.)
Thanks, I can’t wait. I loved this game until Hot made it too bad for me to continue.
I’ll rather not set a foot in that whole hot expansion mess.
Any news about new expansion here btw? All I saw was some obscure leaked data and not all of the info was great to be honest.
I’ll gladly pay more money for the next expansion if that means I can skip everything hot related
Bump or not, I’d rather see the old gameplay come back, the play before hot, to be honest. All those kites or whatever they are called just doesnt do it for me.
New large expansion needs to be travelled by land and foot instead of flying, some nice jumping puzzles again.
I do wonder about one thing if this expansion hits, will I need to to all those terrible thing from hot, or can we just skip that and forget that expansion ever happened.
A fish tank as a shield
Still don’t understand why they haven’t done anything with Cantha or Elona
If the leaks are correct the next expansion is in elona.
Crystal Desert =/= Elona.
Well they are about as close as you can get to it
Wasnt there some teasing of an Elona area somewhere. Could be more living story, but expansion to Elona would make more sense.
You know the elite skills are bad when people rather have the option to equip another utility skill than an elite. They totally missed the ball on what the elite skill used to mean in gw1.
I played GW2 since release.. but after HoT left a really bad taste in my mouth I haven’t played for nearly a year.. and I really doubt I’d buy another expansion after regretting my previous purchase.
Kinda ruined it for me, but they can still make it right by releasing another expansion that is not pathetic like hot was to me :/
Good bye sir, thank you for helping create one of the best games I have ever played. Guild wars 1 changed my way of gaming forever. Thank you also for being a part of the many years I enjoyed Guild wars 2, I hope you are able to create such a franchise again and again.
More like the GW1 expansion. And to a place that is familiar to the first game. People want to go to elona or cantha, make it happen and stop screwing around in that jungle.
Very simple comparison for me. EOTN seemed like a fun expansion to a great game, and it was. On the other hand there is HoT, and seemed like a very kitteny expansion so I didnt get it.
Already looks like the same people who made that terrible eotm map are involved in the new BL maps. Lets not make wvw even worse now. Better would be to get the old alpine maps back, the ones people actually enjoyed playing and made sense.
You will have to see for yourself.
Personally I still love raiding the borders with my Guild. It’s just not worth to buy hot for it unless you are also roaming.There is no raiding on BL, you just like the karma train with no opposition. Let me guess, German server?
Sfr. And we are always looking for the fights. (There is not much of a k-train with 15-20 guys)
It’s fun mostly. You don’t really find people outside prime time anymore but I don’t really care if the borders are empty at 10pm or 11pm. Not much of a difference to pre hot from my experience.
I suppose it’s great for GvG now, no queues and no interference from defenders since the new map =)
Dont do it, wait untill it’s 10 bucks in the cheap as dirt sales department. Should not take that long.
You will have to see for yourself.
Personally I still love raiding the borders with my Guild. It’s just not worth to buy hot for it unless you are also roaming.
There is no raiding on BL, you just like the karma train with no opposition. Let me guess, German server?
So dont think you know it better than the previous devs. Stop screwing around with the jungle and create the expansion people really want. Go Cantha or Elona.
Yay, defense now even more dead than ever. Nice going again Anet. You really know your game dont you.
There is absolutly no one in the new borderlands. A roamer group of 2 can take the whole godkitten map.
Nice going there anet, yet again you fail to listen en ruin it all.
Wow that ending was really bad, ANet (Rant)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aspirine.6852
I watched it on youtube, all I could say is I hope they dont kitten up the next expansion like they did on this.
But with this pos expansion I very much doubt there ever will be. This is so sad compared to the gw1 expansions it’s pathetic.
The only true pvp is a death match where the ONLY possible way of victory is to kill the other player
WvW is both pve + pvp , you are using environmental objects to destroy other environmental objects, you are killing npcs to capture keeps and stuff
You can keep killing ppl in WvW but if you don’t capture anything you don’t rack up enough points to win :/
So saying you don’t want to pve is wooot?? *Scratches head
You wanted to say. “The only true pvp is a death match where the ONLY possible way of victory is to kill the other player, and doing this with 4-1 as much as you can”
Yeah true pvp.
Now if they could fix the guard on green keep who really really hates those marsh drakes…
Not that is has a waypoint but still, if they manage to fix Jerri in the same time. One of the tower guards hates those drakes too.
The alliance things looks more like the original alliance was for GW1. Kurzick area and Luxon area. Perhaps this Alliance is more for Pve than WvW.
-“Fixed a bug that allowed contestable keep waypoints to be available for a few seconds in between repel events.”
Really who was complaining about this so called bug? It was just one of the small things undermanned servers had to help out an almost falling keep from the invading zergtrain.
Looks more like the revenant and it’s fellow revenants.
I’m genuinely getting more and more baffled by the complaints on this forum.
You can’t expect content to be balanced around 2-3 person guilds. That doesn’t even qualify as a full party!
The game type should clue you in… Massivley-Multiplayer-Online.
If you can’t stand the rest of the community to thebpointbyou have hamstring your enjoyment of the game… Well, that’s your issue and not Anets.
And for the love of Dhuum. Does ever single tiny tangential complaint need a new thread?! This forum is already hard enough to navigate without “I’m quitting HOT because X” thread number 9000.
You should all start an anti hot support group guild, then you will have plenty of people to get a guild hall.
Meh, My 2 man guild in GW1 had a fully upgraded Guild hall. Why does a GH need so much grind when people just want to have their own place to hang out.
So it seems I did ok not to buy this pos called an expansion?
Too bad wvw died with it though, all I cared about and it seems they kittened that one up too. :/
I quit because of the hot requirements. Decided to come and visit WvW and cant even get into any BL because of HoT. But HoT wont change wvw at all, or atleast that’s what they lied to me about.
How can you not get into the BL? HoT is not a requirement in WvW. The only restrictions now are level 31 which can be bypassed through using the portals in LA and f2p which requires level 60…
I dont know, just know that I did not buy Hot. Logged into gw2 yesterday since a long time. Could get into EB just fine and no waypoints in BL, and portals to BL did not work for me.
I quit because of the hot requirements. Decided to come and visit WvW and cant even get into any BL because of HoT. But HoT wont change wvw at all, or atleast that’s what they lied to me about.
That was to be expected. It was called out in chat during the live event on Twitch. I’m prepared to face firing squads in WvW since I’ve seen that.
ANOTHER BONUS: EU is terrified of Canadians.
It’s TRUE!
We think they are sad for playing on EU servers, if that’s terrified then yeah.
The solution for Mesmers in keeps is to make Portal not able to go through intact walls.
Been saying it since launch but its not going to change. Anet loves their cheese. They just increased stealth – they make changes for PvP and PvE, they don’t care about how anything effects WvW.
Extreme long invisibility and a portal skill is just wrong. It’s insane that it’s still in the game.
Agreed the name daredevil is childish. Who the hell came up with that.
Well finally. I got to be honest that pic looks pretty kitten good. I got my fingers crossed it is OP as kitten.
You’ve seen them test it agains golems, everything looks OP against golems.
They need to showcase these things in actual gameplay instead of showing of against immobile objects.
ready, aim, fire.
(rifle looks like a firing squad)
More burning? Is that really what this game needs?
Daredevil is a staff user isnt he?
Curious, I see a big announcent as something completly new. The release date for me doesnt fit it that category. Well fingers crossed
Lag and random DC on both my accounts. It’s unplayable.