Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
You CAN craft while you level, but not with just one character. I’ve done it successfully, but I’m running 8 characters and have them staggered levels (currently, lowest is 32 and I just had my first reach 80). As mentioned above, if you are planning to push one character up to 80 and don’t have a gold reserve (or guildies / friends helping you with materials), Jeweler is the craft to go with.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176
I’m pretty sure they changed it from exact addresses to ranges so it doesn’t continually send authentication for the many people on ISPs with “dynamic” IPs. The IPs will usually fall within the range for even “dynamic” addresses that change slightly every so often.
The range will only not help stop hacking if the person hacking you is using the same ISP in roughly the same area as you. This is unlikely for the majority of the player base. Anet is trying to stop a hacker halfway around the world from hacking you, not your neighbor a few blocks over.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
You can NOT delete an email with an item attached (until you accept the item). I think you may have an option to RETURN it (if from another player), but not delete it.
So you used an ethnic slur but had a good reason to do so. Don’t think the rules of conduct say it’s ok to do things against the rules if you have a good reason….
Did you tell him to go away or you would taunt him again? (horrific accent optional)
While this content has made the world zones much more “active” and potentially worth travelling to again (I’ve mostly clearing zones I didn’t quite finish with Alts), there are a few things that could have been added / Fixed to make them more enjoyable.
1) Identify which chests I already have, so I don’t waste my time climbing a tower and potentially accidentally traveling to DR (see below). It would be nice to view and area and note that I still NEED that tower toward the Achievement. I get that once I get the Achievement (I still need about 10 towers), this wont really matter, but it would have been a nice addition.
2) Looting of Chest….why is this different than all the other chests that are in the game? The chest does not provide loot contents after the opening animation is completed….why not? The activation changes to LOOT after the OPEN animation and I often have to button press LOOT half a dozen times before the LOOT comes out. This also leads to a click-fest that immediately leads to an unwanted trip to Divinity’s Reach (see # 3). Very frustrating and I’m quite puzzled as to why these chests can’t be just like the jumping puzzle chests.
3) The location of the Chest and the Balloon Travel area are FAR too close (overlapping almost entirely even quite far down the stairs). This issue would not be TOO bad, if I didn’t have to LOOT the chest many times to get the items out of it. If I just click several times quickly, then I have a highly likely chance to be off to Divinity’s Reach (yeah, I know, you can exit to character select quickly to avoid the travel….should I have to do this?). Has happened several times no matter how careful I try to be….just frustrating. I think relocating the chest to the landing below (where the trigger for opening and already opened chest is), would fix this issue.
I know these issues have been pointed out before, but I never saw any Devs comment on them (in terms of both, “we are going to fix this” or “the chests are different because…”).
Overall, it’s a decent content update to the world zones, but could have been tweaked a bit to be made better.
Anyone got other suggestions (not they they will do any good with this content, but might make a difference in future similar updates)?
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I don’t even go to WvW anymore because the rewards are so much better in the new place.
If you to prioritize rewards over enjoyment, that’s your own problem.
That seems to be an underlying issue with MANY of the complaints seen on these forums. If your continued pursuit of an activity is based on the minute percentage change of a specific reward, you need to take a step back and review the reasons you are pursing said activity and if you are actually still “enjoying” it.
Idk, I think the crown pavilion stuff is really boring.. I think this update is terrible, I’m not a very loot driver person, so unless the drops are much better than Anet has ever done before I’m just not willing to be bored and press 1 while targeting some legendary “champion” with 6 zillion hp.
To make matters worse, since everyone is grinding drops there other areas (WvW) are empty.
Your last comment is a valid statement, but nothing stays the same (even this “change” will wane). If you don’t like the Zergling Grind, then don’t do it….there is other content in this update. I did it long enough to get the Champion Achievement for Monthly but it is rather boring and the loot is not that good.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
My question was why they let the support tickets be sold, but not the badges? At least let me turn them in for some worthless vanity crap. I still have several stacks of badges and I just have this gut feeling that the minute I destroy them, they will become useful again.
BTW, is anyone else still getting support tickets as random mob drops?
I don’t want to have these freakin’ tickets in my inventory for a year or so (especially since I doubt I will ever use them….that kind of fight does not interest me. LET ME SELL THEM!!!!
for bragdras.9572
not everyone got godlike APM and not every player hardcore.
not everyone have all day waste on a stupid challenge.
not everyone want to pay money and get annoy.and i didnt use google translate.because i am chinese,this is my poor english.
but whatever ,you know my mean,that’s ok,
language is for communicaition,event it Grammer is wrong,i can let other know my mean,that’s ok for me.
All you points are valid and scream one thing (no, not for Anet to make it easier or nerf it).
It was obviously designed FOR “Hardcore” players, so why frustrate yourself to this extent when the reasons you should STOP are so plain you are typing them on a forum yourself?
yeah, something like “…..and all I got was this lousy title”
Fixed this for betterness!
This particular achievement ’might" warrant a title. Even with a Thief it is NOT “easy” (it is certainly easier than with others).
The number of achievements in the game are immense and those complaining that there are not enough of them should be forced to sit down and write them all out by hand…
On the subject of titles….there is an new Anchorman movie about to come out….
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Apparently it’s a known fact that ANet hates every weapon, class, farming location, gimmick build, Quaggan champions and small yapping dogs (can’t blame them on that last one).
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I’m not sure I disagree with the OP….except from the opposite reason. I have no intention of doing the Battle Royal content, yet ALL of my characters has a stack of storage taken up by these tickets and I keep getting more of them as rewards for doing other event content. I can’t sell them to players that would obviously like to use them, so I’m just stuck with them. I don’t want to destroy them on the off chance that they may be sell-able to a merchant after the event is over, but they are just annoying me to no end right now.
However, I said “young males”, not all males. Specifically because lbr, if you really, honestly play games to watch an NPC’s boobs bounce, you’re probably a pubescent boy.
First, I doubt ANYONE plays games just to see NPC semi-nudity (cartoon, anime or otherwise), if you seriously think they do (even teenage horn-dogs), I think you have a twisted sense of the gaming community in general.
Second, I think you GREATLY underestimate the “dirty ol’man” present in most males over the age of 10 (both straight and not so much). Take my word for it, they are NOT limited to a sub-20 crowd.
However, if asked for a viewing preference WHILE I’m playing, I would certainly pick a scantily clad maiden to just about anything else. Sorry, I’m a 50 year old straight, male gamer with money to spend on entertainment.
I tend to agree that the 47% number needs to be analyzed a bit more. If that number includes those that play Facebook games and Bejewled then it is very misleading for the purposes of discussions about RTS and FPS games (RPGs and MMOs, maybe not so much (IMO) ….but that would be in the data that should be looked at closer).
I’m not sure they are realizing it too late….I think they have known since inception that the Ranger class was going to be odd class out in many end-game content settings because of the pet mechanic, but were simply unwilling to let it go for he sake of the overall concept of the class. While a pet-less Ranger can “cope” with and even in some way contribute to a party, they will never be the “optimal” choice when it comes to selecting a viable team. To be honest, this kind of plays into the lone wolf, explorer stereo-type of the class itself and maybe that’s what ANet is clinging to.
I recall having this discussion (pet-less Ranger) on many forums a least a year before GW2 released (as soon as it was acknowledged that the pet mechanic was not “optional” for GW2 Rangers).
Wow….turrets are the MAIN FUNCTIONALITY of this class? Never used any of them (except healing) and really haven’t noticed I’m playing with the lower tier skills…
Seriously, I get what you are saying, but fixing something that could stack Torment (from more than just THIS class build) is a bit more game breaking and urgent.
Basing this request on the assumption that new classes will be added is a HUGE leap. I think it’s pretty clear that ANet realizes one of the things that drove GW1 off the management tracks was when they started adding new classes to the mix and I’m not so sure they haven’t learned their lesson and WON’T be releasing new classes (thus 8 classes being available at launch).
This isn’t going to happen even if you had 20 bullet-proof reasons to do it.
I play mine all the time (PvE exclusive). They are not going to be the class of choice for Dungeon farmers, so that’s why they are not seen “much” in dungeons. Anet has put out stats that only 40% of the player base have ever finished ANY dungeon (even the story mode), so the dungeons are not a good litmus test of where general players use a class.
I think the major issues with the use of the Engineer are it’s non-fantasy roots (it’s not really “swords & sorcery” enough for the majority of fantasy based players). Also, it is a rather complex class that requires a bit of work to play well. I’ve also heard comments that it’s very limited weapon selection is an immediate turn off (this is obviously coming from players that have never tried the class and don’t realize the diversity of game-play available via weapon kits).
Just a few thoughts….but I DON’T think the class is in anyway imbalanced, broken or under-powered.
I only see #4 as a valid complaint. We do need stability added to at least a few utility skills and possibly a trait or 2.
The rest are really something the OP just wants and will end up making the Eng OP. It’s fairly obvious that Engineers are fairly well balanced and don’t need any huge adjustments to play well in just about every aspect of the game.
I seriously don’t see how the time gating on Celestial gear is some sort of “hate” directed at the Engineer class…..paranoid much?
I think Dante was referring to the pet being a “choice” in GW1. You had to build for pet use to make it a viable option (but you are correct that until later in GW1 life, it really wasn’t).
No doubt the issue here is that the Ranger class is defined by having a pet as a secondary weapon (CAN be speced for a primary one), but that weapon can be removed from play by specific content mechanics. I’ve never seen where ANet even acknowledges this as an issue (tho, I’ve not actively searched for it…Ranger isn’t one of my favorite classes), so I’m not sure whether any kind of “fix” is even being looked at.
I get the OPs frustration, but the sarcasm and extreme exaggeration being presented by the thread’s title is not likely to garner Dev support for this cause.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
This will NEVER happen for a variety of reasons.
1) Most users of Fellblade do NOT want a Mesmer looking effect on their GS (I know I don’t)
2) ANet will no doubt eventually sell this skin on the TP for gems and this would reduce their market.
On the improved animation, the original GW1 SWORD had a black glassy (reflective diagonal bands) effect on the blade in addition to increased smoke. The GW2 GS needs THAT effect add as well as improved smoke.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Hope they let us sell these useless things after the event….I have no plans of entering the Gauntlet (I might try it later in the month if I don’t have other things to do).
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
The key word here is “required” (and I doubt they ever said nor implied NO SITUATION). This content is NOT required to progress in the game itself. Also, my statement was about obtaining ALL Achievements….those didn’t even exist with the game released.
I wonder who else just saw cool robots to fight…
I don’t know about cool robots to fight, but I did see another mob whose only purpose is to be destroyed.
What other purpose would a mob have in a combat oriented video game?
These Watch-knights aren’t even worth the time it takes to sigh and facepalm over them, so including them in the same vein as priceless works of art is quite a good joke.
As is claiming they are borderline pornography (but like most of this discussion, it’s an opinion).
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Yeah I did play Darksoul till the end.I can still remember that Dark Knight kicking my kitten at undead burg when I’m still a lowbie.But at least all the move got the right timing.Not something you have to predict before like playing online game with latency.
But that ENTIRE game hinged on the game-play notion of “you are going to pay dearly for any small mistake”. Those types of instances are far and few between in the overall GW2 landscape….and they can almost all be avoided by choice.
Comparing this small portion to Darksouls is “sort of” applicable, but making the statement that ANet is trying to change the whole game to be like Darksouls is just exaggeration beyond the pale.
I’m not sure there is a way to “fix” pets so they can survive these high end boss fights AND not be over-powered at other times.
Some sort of mechanic to limit pet damage to X% at once (so they can survive at least a few 1 hit kill shots).
Some auto-dodge mechanic to avoid X number of high damage attacks per time frame (per above but totally avoid the damage).
Some DPS (or general boon / power) increasing mechanic that kicks in when both pets are dead (temporary?). This would maintain the pet mechanic but allow for some limited power increase when the pet weapon gets removed.
Wait, your going to rage quit AFTER you finish the content?
….and you are seeking support in this “movement”?
I’ve had to SEARCH all of them after OPENING them to get the loot.
WHILE being careful not to stand close to the balloon and accidentally traveling.
Agree with Donner. The bottom line is that ANet obviously does NOT want a strong “Tank” mechanic in the game so to be successful, one needs adapt to that mandate.
(Go Offense!, Meh Defense)
How the heck can equipment trivialize content? Do you seriously think that one set of equipment is responsible for some players to be able to blow thru this content?
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
I totally agree with the OP that 1-shots feel like a cheap gimmick to increase the difficulty. However, to make a boss battle challenging, I’m not sure how many other cards the Devs hold.
There are 3 ways to avoid these 1 shot kills.
1) Dodge it
2) Interrupt it (stun, daze, knockdown, etc.)
3) Avoid it (the Gauntlet entirely)
If the OP is standing still to cast marks, his equipment is NOT the problem.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Plenty of threads on this (claiming it is likely impossible with the current time limitation).
I don’t think begin able to Rez the mob should be considered a “problem”…..not unless your definition of a challenging encounter is everyone failing.
Folks, this is like the world bosses on steroids. It’s not designed to be tactically challenging mission, but a fun boss stomp for the masses…..play it as it’s intended and don’t try to make it out to be something it isn’t.
Pretty sure the update changed ALL Signets so they display their symbol when the Signet is activated, not when the “action” happens. This was changed due to complaints that while all other skills can be identified fairly quickly after activation, Signets were not (so determining which ones to interrupt was nearly impossible).
Not sure why you would think foes shouldn’t be able to interrupt your heal….that’s part of PvPing (being able to identify which skills are important enough to attempt to interrupt). What you are reporting as a bug is how Signets SHOULD work.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
More like “stern expression of disapproval”. (but that would make a longish title).
Having to wait for Gauntlet fights IS rant worthy, but needs to be expressed properly (I’m not planning on doing the Gauntlet, so I’ll pass on it).
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
It’s annoying that Developers don’t respond when players point bugs in this current Living World. For example, I’ve been QQ’ing on GW2 Forums because I can’t use the Tokens in Account Wallet to craft stuff on Mystic Forge.
Wow…how self centered. Maybe nobody is responding to you because of HOW you are QQing. Chill out.
So OP is stating that he has visited ALL 42 towers and only has 29 count? While I too would like a Dev statement on the “open chest” reports, I find it hard to fathom that 13 towers had this bug.
Speculation at this point indicates that the open chests are due to accidentally traveling from the tower (due to the closeness of the travel activation and the chest), before opening the chest, but I have seen far too many people reporting that they acceded a tower they have never visited before to find the chest open to think they could all be mistaken in some way.
I’ve never even seen any comment about if the chests will ever reset or if there will just be a bunch of locked towers for 3 weeks (after everyone visits the majority of them the first week). Once the chest is opened, why would anyone ever bother with that tower ever again?
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
+1 to Kal. Good post man. Summed up my thoughts as well.
Ditto….well said, Kal.
I’m confused as to why some of the QQers still play when they obviously seem to hate everything going on in the current game. I suggest some of you take a break from GW2 for a month or so and come back in the future (or don’t). It’s not like there is a monthly fee to “force” you to keep playing.
………while leaving the majority of the world as empty as Kessex Peak from Guild Wars 1.
Really loved that zone…..but no zone in GW1 was ever more than 8 players full.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Likely the best suggestion I’ve seen in quite a while.
Too many people complain, you’ll always have it in every game. First people beg for hardcore content, then they complain about it. I rarely PvE, i’m a WvW only player but I had to try this. If you want one of the biggest challenges on GW2, well this is it.
This isn’t hardcore content. This is broken solo content which blatantly favors certain classes over others. Stop confusing fake difficulty with actual difficulty.
But the challenge is still present and you are attempting to overcome it? How about you try one of the “favored” classes, prove you aren’t just QQing because you are unskilled and move on.
(or NOT and just move on).
OT, who designed that gawd horrid 2 bladed sword (Twin Talons). That’s got to be some designer letting his 5th grakitten ut some content in the game….
(I don’t normally criticize ANet’s content but that thing is just FUBAR from all angles).
(Kitten on gr-ad-er? Really?)
To get the Liadri mini you just have to defeat the final boss of Queen’s Gauntlet. You don’t have to have five gambits active.
Ok that’s good then. It still doesn’t sound easy but at least it sounds like it might be possible for the majority of players.
Seriously, WHY should this even need to be possible for the majority of players? It’s suppose to be the most challenging battle in what the Devs specifically stated was the most difficult PvE combat content they have ever developed.
The world needs ditch diggers and despite the story making every player a hero, there should be content that some players just aren’t good enough to complete (rest assured, I’m one of those that likely can’t).
Last time I checked basic math 2 > 1.
How is that not a higher reward for success?
Yes, the chance you are going to fail is higher, but see, that’s the definition of GREATER RISK. However it appears you are complaining that there is no GREATER REWARD and that is just not true.
Who the hell salvages their blues&greens?
Blues get vendor´ed and greens toilet´ed, thought everybody does that.
Don’t need gold….need mats (that can get me gold whenever I want). Also, runes salvabed can often sell on TP for much more gold than vendoring the item. You may have a point about greens in the toilet (can these generate a rare?), but I’ve never been a big flusher.
Why the hell would you ever complain about too much money.
Armchair economists that think they need to “save GW2 dying economy” or people with hoarded T6 mats that realize their gambit to buy T6 low and sell high just got torpedoed…..
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
This has been answered in other posts. Dev reported that this achievement is still possible as money is now automatically “deposited” when it goes into the wallet.
The only armor I see on wiki that has a prefix of Shaman is the T2 Citadel of Flame reward armor.
If you mean the “of Shaman” suffix, that is obtained by adding a Rune of the Shaman to any armor.
I could be missing something or the wiki page is not up to date: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_armor_sets
… because whenever you’re choosing your character, you’re annoyed since one of the achievement thingies isn’t golden.
That’s a sad, sad reason….OCD checkup may be in order.
I was about to ask if ANY back-pieces can be crafted? This would be news to me.
Now the idea of being able to craft them in the 400-500 range (along with Breathers) would be welcome news.
So the answer to the question is that NO back recipes exist, so why would a Celestial one pop up now?
We will likely get a count of some sort today (like last week).
How much faith you have in these numbers to be accurate or actually matter in terms of how the story goes, is an individual choice.
It would be nice for a Dev to at least let us know if there are any plans for these to be useful in the future.
Why is that ANET’s fault? If you miss click a billion times, it is completely your fault. If you have bad internet connection, just learn from your mistake and stop clicking. It isn’t rocket science …
It’s not ANet’s fault. But these mistakes are going to happen and guess who is going to have to spend resources to address the support tickets? My concerns are much less about inept or connection-challenged players not being careful enough in the TP, but more about Anet’s already backlogged support team getting further behind.
Maybe they should just put it in place, monitor the issues and then decide if some sort of player protection solution is in order (I’m guessing the support staff would think otherwise). It appears that this is what is going to happen as I don’t want to think they haven’t considered this and the other player level complaints this change would potentially generate.
Just to be clear, I LOVE the idea of this change.
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I agree that the transformation is not a boon, but I think the boons bestowed by the transformation should be extended even after the transformation ends (or at least it should be looked into or commented on by a Dev). It is possible that it technically isn’t possible to extend these boons as they ARE generated by the transformation itself.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.