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Network error (Code=1083:5:7:1595:101)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


On the new Dragon Stand map 2 or the 4 times I’ve run the map now. I’ve gotten “Network Error” popup at the end of the lane phases. Seems like thats just possibly a map wide error though. Since both times its happened I’ve seen people that were on my map pop in on the same new map complaining about being booted. :/

One of these happened Tuesday. So its not something that I just started seeing today.

Help! My girl cant get into game, 2 step

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Probably going to have to send a support ticket to get the authenticator removed (doesn’t require logging in with existing account). Support tab → Submit a Request (top right).

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I suck at most adventures outside of Verdant Brink. Not sure if its lag for a lot of them or what. :/

It would be nice to complete them for the achievements, but its something to push myself to do later I guess. It really is going to take just a lot of memorization of the adventures I think (for me).

Since I can get the Mastery points from easier stuff for me I’m not too upset about it.

Shooting gallery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I had the best success by turning on First Person camera and tweaking my mouse sensitivity down to almost the lowest (I usually run it maxed out). Its still not perfect, but it made it a lot easier for me.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Seems someone forgot to put Agate Orb in the Material storage tab? No option to deposit and it has no slot to deposit it in.

Please add these items to the Wallet:

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I’d love to see them have a wallet spot, maybe a “keyring” section like others have suggested. And they can show up beside your currency when on the coordinating map. Would be a lot easier to tell if I have any keys for stuff rather than sort through my inventory to see.

Feedback on Mob Density and Exploration

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


This is probably my biggest concern. I really enjoy the maps and overall the enemies are ok in their design. But combined with fighting 2-3 at a time and the need to be mobile and dodge a lot and the respawns it can be quite frustrating.

If you aren’t following a handful of people to assist. It can be quite a chore to get somewhere by yourself.

I like exploring and running around finding interesting places on my own. But it is definitely a nightmare to go into a lot of areas alone.

Edit: It it reminscent of 2012 launch Cursed Shore. I never had any complaints of launch Cursed Shore. Sure getting immobilized every 5 feet was annoying. But I’m not one that likes to run by enemies. I do stop and kill them on the way. But that method seems to bite me in the kitten a lot in HoT.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Final story instance, Final Fight.

I’m having serious issues with the updraft things not pushing me into the air. They seem to work like 50/50 chance. Have died on this fight multiple times due to something I can’t control.

Never really had any issues with Bouncy Mushrooms or Glider registering in any other areas of the game.

Would appreciate if this is looked into.

Also the rifts seem to love to spawn in the air/off the map and make the fight impossible to complete as well.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Solo I’ve had some issues getting from Point A to B in some maps. Enemy density can be quite high in some areas of the maps. So its easy to get overrun if you are not very very careful. Especially if you are like me and want to look at the map and plan a path or get a bit confused on a path. Those couple of seconds the respawns can start popping.

Events is where I’m a bit bothered by. Even events not labeled as group events will either lead up to group events you can’t complete or is just overwhelming in enemy numbers that a solo person can struggle with it. And the amount of people I’ve seen oddly just run by an event I’m doing and not assist is more than I expected despite the need for exp.

Haven’t had too many issues getting people to complete HP when I get to them. But its a bit annoying to work you way to a spot and realize you need more people for sure. But I definitely see peoples fears for this system and trying to get HP completed on another character. I know I’m not looking forward to it.

Story is easy solo though. Haven’t had any issues at all there. But all the NPC assistance in a lot of the bigger fights is helpful as usual.

How to use mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


The mastery system is a bit odd in comparison to a lot of the systems. You use the points after you gain all the exp in a Mastery tier that you selected. After you max out that mastery bar you put in the points required to “unlock” it. Then you select another tier and get exp to level that up again.

What drives you from HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Mostly just how alienating it can be to be a mostly solo player. I don’t shy away from group events and stuff if people was willing to help do them. But I don’t always play at peak times, so it can be a bit empty.

But even events that are not marked group can be a struggle to complete solo. Honestly just traveling the maps can be a nightmare alone.

Its sad, cause for the majority of everything I enjoy it. But in the long run its going to test my patience. I already find myself getting frustrated at small things in the HoT maps. Which is something I rarely ever feel towards a game.

Not sure if there is a legitimate problem with the servers or people are just spread out across maps. But it seems rare to run into any large group of people. Unless its a map meta event and its tagged you won’t see more than 2 or 3 people in the same area.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218



Overall the story is quite nice and a good bump up from the original storyline and LS and the new mechanics they used as well.

Maps are very pretty in design, but can be a bit of a nightmare to get around and map out/explore. I find it particularly draining since it requires a lot of effort to find out what you need to do to get to some places. Not that its bad, just a lot different than launch map exploration.

Enemies are a challenge. Not that its a bad thing particularly. But no amount of Mordrem Wolf training kept me prepared for some of this stuff. :P But with the density of enemies + abnormal map layouts. It can add to the exhausting feeling I get trying to get to stuff on the maps. This could be a issue with mostly roaming around solo. But if that is the problem. Then I’d see it as a huge issue in the long run. :/

Events are ok. I like that there is a lot of them at any given time. But I do fear that people being spread out so much on any given map. The scaling should work a bit better imo. A lot of events, especially the chain ones, want at least 5 people around. And a lot of times I seem to find myself alone doing an event that I find myself not being able to complete. The big map meta events are ok for now. Will probably work a lot better once everyone has learned how they work though.

Mastery and HP. You get a lot of Mastery points by general play and exploration in the Jungle. Can’t complain there. The XP is a bit meh, but I guess I needed to use up all those boosters at some point. But it is a startling difference than leveling exp 1- 80.

HP wise, from what I’ve founds theres quite a few that require groups and or masteries to get to. Not that I don’t mind it. But with the sheer importance it is for some people to gather these to unlock their specialization that they want to play it seems a bit too much. I don’t really have much to say on the area, other than I can totally see why some players would be upset about this. Gladly I have no interest in using Tempest anytime soon.

From the perspective of a mostly solo player. I worry how the maps will change over time. Its early now, people are new to the content and everyone is trying to complete stuff. But I fear it will become quite hard later to do a lot of stuff once people go back to their normal daily grinds. But thats always something that can be addressed if it happens.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Halloween Event Info

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I was really hoping to get some Tyria mastery exp from Halloween. But oh well. Glad to hear it wasn’t intentional though.

Labyrinthine Horror Not Appearing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Seems that some instances are affected with a bug that prevents him from spawning. I was only able to see him spawn for the first time after 4 -5 hours running Labyrinth in a new instance after a patch.

Seems to be luck of the draw if you can get into a new instance that may not be affected.

Labyrinthe Horror Not Spawning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Yeah after the new bug patch I was able to get a instance that seemed to spawn him almost immediately.

Labyrinthe Horror Not Spawning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I looked to see if anyone else has posted anything about this. But haven’t found anything.

But I’ve been running around the Labyrinth for around 4 hours now since HoT launch and haven’t seen a Horror spawn once. Usually you are tripping over him spawn wise.

I’ve asked in-game in map chat about it. But no one has responded about it.

On another note, I think the achievement for Mad King says might be a little buggy. I’ve completed it twice. Completed the key and done a full run with no mistakes + open chest and no achievement.

Edit: Well seems some players are not having any issues with having him spawn for them in their Labyrinth instances. Maybe some are a little weird or I’m just incredibly unlucky for the past 4~ hours.

Edit 2: Was able to get a new instance that easily spawned LH after the latest bugfix patch. Maybe some instances were just affected by a strange bug or we somehow mysteriously avoided him forever before.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Anyone not buying HoT and still playing ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I’ve had to opt to not get it until probably December. Medical bills and stuff sneak up on you like that.

I was still a little on the edge honestly. Mostly because I have no interest in Raiding. And I mostly just play open world PvE at this point. But I do look forward to the story stuff and Masteries. I’m kind of glad its not a super necessary mandatory need-to-have now kind of expansion. Like other MMOs. Don’t feel like being 3 months behind is really going to cause me any issues in the long run.

Only thing I really feel like I’m losing out on in the meantime is exp I get doing Halloween stuff going towards Masteries. But meh, no big loss. And doubt we will see any Living Story episodes show up till January at least with the Raid being delayed a bit.

But being a player since launch. I do kind of feel a strange sense of disconnect that I am going to have from my other fellow Veterans. Guess I’ll have to tell them to keep their spoilers away from me.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

SMS... Thingamjiggy...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Can I ask how the form wants you to put in your phone number for the SMS? I’ve tried with and without -, with and without country code and it doesn’t seem to want to recognize my landline as a number.

Edit: Just set up authenticator since I dunno why it wont accept the number. I prefer the SMS calls, been using it on Gmail for a long time.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Bizarre Graphic Problems.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I had this issue for a long time with my R7 260×. Others on the forums with similar series of R series cards also shared the issue. We never could come up with a concrete fix for the issue. Sent reports to AMD to no fix that we ever heard of.

Most I could do for the longest time was alt tab when it was freaking out (the Legendary greatswords were the worst culprit for the graphics bug to occur) and then tab back in the game and it would clear up for a while.

I assumed it was overheating at first, since thats what it definitely looks like. But computer would be running quite cool everytime it occurred so it was strange. Did the usual cleaning, but it would still pop up every day.

Personally the issue went away for me after fixing another bug with the default manufacturing overclocking speed of the card. It caused another issue with just random black screen at times. Others had this issue a lot with the card as well so there was a lot of posts about it to fix it on other forums. But after manually changing the overclocking speed down to 750 hz in the Catalyst control center. Never seen the weird graphics issue again.

I’m not sure if its entirely tied to the same thing. Since as far as I have heard the R9 series doesn’t suffer from the manufacturing problem the R7’s did. But its something to look into if it continues to crop up.

Best GW1 class and campaign?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I played mostly a Monk/Mesmer healer. Ele/Monk was great too with the energy regen. Overall I was pretty attached to monk in the long run. Loved their armor and just the large amounts of ability from the class..

Ritualist is a lot of fun though. Probably the easiest class to level and do most of the content with imo.

Best campaign is probably as much of an opinion as the classes. Since they all had their perks. I think overall the Prophecies campaign is probably the most interesting to tie in with GW2 and Eye of the North expansion. Factions and Nightfall were pretty interesting in their own accord as well though. Factions is generally the shortest, but it can be very rough for a brand new player when you get about halfway through the campaign.

So are you killing of personal guilds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Most of my friends have left GW2 over the course of the years for various reasons. So the guild I made to house them has pretty much turned into my personal guild. I kicked most of them after a while due to concerns of the storage if they got hacked (I did make a rank for them so they had no access at all to it, but just felt better to remove them until they decide to return).

So for the past year and a half I worked up the guild bank upgrades from influence from myself entirely.

I never expected to make or use a guild hall as a person that solely in that guild. The changes for currency doesn’t really affect me since I feel like I unlocked everything I can for a guild housing one person. I never bothered with guild missions since it obviously requires quite a few people.

But I do hope the smaller guilds of 5 – 10 people can progress their guild and maintain the guild hall. In most MMOs I usually start feeling uncomfortable if I’m in a guild with so many people I can’t remember who is who. So 5 – 10 has always been a pretty comfortable group for me. In the video it at least didn’t show a massive amount of people required, looked like around 5, to take the map.

I just hope the progress for the upgrades I made are still accessible in the main cities without needing a guild hall. Overall though, the guild hall sounds like an amazing feature and has lots of nice concepts to it.

HoT Pre-purchase up now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Yeah I’m a little confused. Says the pre-order includes the base game. Which would explain the price. But most of us don’t need the base game…

Coming Back: all racial/dungeon items gone

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


The wardrobe system would only grandfather in two things in terms of the skins/transmutation stones when it was first implemented. The item that it originally was stat wise and its skin and the skin you are now using. So if anything was used in-between and then overridden it is lost.

For example, I made a Berserker Ascended Staff but I also made a Knight’s Ascended staff to just use the green skin for it. Before the implementation of the wardrobe I decided I was tired of it and switched the skin to Ancient Walking stick. When the wardrobe was implemented I had the red Berserker staff skin and the Walking Stick skin. The green staff skin was lost because the game had no way of recognizing that I had ever owned it.

And yes even so the culture armor works the same. Even though the style achievements log that you did buy something to get credit for them.

The wardrobe would pick up skins for items you have soulbound but still in the inventory, items you salvage, or right click and add/unlock skin to the wardrobe (making it soulbound).

So even if you bought these items in the past and ended up not using the skin anymore they are lost and you have to unlock them again.

If these items were active skins you were using on your characters and now gone though. Then I’d say contact support by submitting a ticket.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


(Sorry for bumping a old thread. But after googling this issue for a while. It seems its been a long-going issue and no real fixes that I could find for it. But I only recently started having it.)

Started experiencing this issue recently (within the past two weeks). Initially blamed it on a worn out mouse. But right-clicking in other games and general computer use never really seemed to be faulty or not registering.

But I went through typical mouse troubleshooting. I’m just using a basic m100 logitech mouse. No software or anything. Tried other USB ports, cleaning mouse, redoing drivers, etc. No change.

Got two different mice completely (one Razor and one Microsoft brand) from friends and tried it in-game. Still no change. Ordered a new mouse anyways since this one is around 3 years old now and I’m pretty harsh on them and suspect it may still be worn down.

Tried a client repair and haven’t noticed any improvement. Nor did it seem to find any damaged files or anything to re-download.

Only thing that slightly seemed to improve it was max out the camera rotation speed. But it still seems to cause issues and lose focus randomly. Doesn’t seem to be directly tied to alt-tabbing or anything. It occurs just as often if I am playing directly after launching without alt-tabbing at all. I play in full screen mode.

Tried the DPI compatibility suggestion. Still seems that just sometimes the camera is either slow at registering or won’t register at all.

This issue makes it incredibly hard to play at times, especially in something like pvp since I have to resort to keyboard turning because my right-click randomly just stops registering.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Mini Fawn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I don’t recall seeing it sold again since its initial release. It was part of a Wintersday pack (comes with beagle and arctic fox).

It might of been around last Wintersday 2014. But I don’t recall seeing it (Pale Tree and speedo glitter Faren was released then). It’ll show up again eventually, one day. They seem to be fond of putting old minis in the gamble chests lately. Hopefully they don’t do that.

Is it possible to switch orders?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


No way to switch orders on an existing character after the choice.

But you can make another character and pick another order, buy the gear, and unlock the skins and use the skins on any character.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

if I buy LS Season 2...

in Living World

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


You will have to do the achievements to get the Ascended items like everyone else. Only one or two can be bought from the vendor with Laurels/Bandit crests without doing achievements first.

Missing tailoring recipes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


If I remember correctly when Ascended crafting was added the professions that got increased to 500 had their Exotic recipes reset to allow ease of crafting since you gain crafting experience from the discoveries again.

That said you should still any inscriptions still unlocked and anything learned through recipe items. Sigils and Runes are probably reset too, but I can’t recall exactly.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

FPS DROP after Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Good to hear its being looked into.

While I have gotten a loss in frames. I am lucky enough to still have a playable game. But it is noticeable especially in situations that I would lose frames already like big boss fights, etc. Getting rid of the UI would make my frame loss go back to its usual frame rate pre-patch..

Just wanted to state that I get massive lag when loading any menus. Inventory, hero screen, bank and collections, PvP menus, etc.

So.. am I the only one with this ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


The couple of hours I played today I’ve gotten huge lag spikes when I almost never get them. Got dc’d twice but the other couple of times I survived the lag spike and it went back to normal.

Give me a spoon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Should of been a skin reward from the spoon collection. :P

Maybe its partly just a signifier that he is the master of the spoon collections anyways.

Honestly though only thing I can think of is there may be some enviromental shovels/weapons that look similar. But no actual skins.

Missing Grawnk and Mini Skritta Claws

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Do you have the heirloom toy chest to unlock the collection for the weapon skins? You can buy one for a couple copper off the trading post.

As for the Grawnk issue I believe you had to start the quest/talk to him during Wintersday at least once for it to remain triggered. I could be wrong.

Male & female sylvari faces

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Some of the female faces working with the sliders can be a bit tricky. For example, I found the 2nd female face in Vienna’s picture to be the best for my Sylvari but I did not like the huge wide eyes. Messing with the sliders I tilted the eyes and set it to min widness and now they are significantly less wide. Looks more asian-like now I guess though.

Some of the other faces I’ve found it tricky as well. But there is some decent faces to start as a pallet for a less doey-eyed Sylvari. One of the newer ones in particular I feel is a nice base but I haven’t messed with the sliders or anything for it.

Every face on all races seem to have limitations on how much a slider will actually make a difference. For example, some faces changing the noses or something will not be as effective as others. That may be partly to prevent ridiculous morphs for some reason, or just limitations of the system entirely. Or I’m just bad with sliders. :P

Female Sylvari idle animations have a tendancy to widen eyes to begin with I think. So personally I found making the eyelids smaller made it look less huge when the animation plays through.

Of course beauty is always in the eye of the beholder so they say.

Attached a screenshot of my Sylvari for the sake of helping explain my example. I’m also terrible at screenshots so.


(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Bug: UI costs 20 FPS

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


This makes sense interestingly enough.

I’m about exactly 20 frames less now then before the patch, still playable but noticeable (even more so in fights that you get significant frame loss to begin with). Getting rid of the UI makes it go back to its usual frame rate.

Teq jump pads bugged after latest patch...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Noticed this as well tonight. Timers on the battery events seemed off as well.

Personally I was getting hit by invisible tidal waves. Would get hit by them way before I saw the visual for it.

What about GW2 attracts you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I’ve always been one of those people that spent a majority of my time alone in MMOs. Not entirely because I’m antisocial or anything. But because most of the time I found my friends schedules and mine would conflict greatly. Making a schedule to play together was never set in stone or anything, so I became fairly used to doing solo things in other MMOs.

GW2 allowed me to easily play solo and still be sociable for lack of a term. I can still do group events and a lot of stuff without having to do a lot of LFG and stuff. And honestly the times I’ve done group content I’ve found it generally quite accepting and pretty tolerant.

Not having a monthly fee is just icing on the cake for me. It does, now, make the game more desirable to me. But before I started playing it I wasn’t turned off by subscription fee games. GW1 I enjoyed a bit for my ability to come and go as I please. As I enjoyed GW1 but there was a lot of times I just wasn’t into it.

There are plenty of small things I enjoy about GW2 but those are the two biggest things for me I guess.

3rd Birthday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I found the blaster quite nice last year. Which was along an interesting line of usefulness/fun toy. I didn’t mind the mini the first year but getting 5 of the same thing is kinda underwhelming.

Scrolls I don’t mind entirely. Just wish they could stack with previous years. Boosters are always good though.

Curious to see what they come up with. As the 2nd year compared to the first one was quite different. Hoping one year they’ll do a free storage slot in the bank of something on the lines of GW1. But thats hard to do with something character bound I guess.

Imagine if 100% health regen gets removed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


OOC healing regen is pretty high I have to admit. Not that I’m complaining, its a timesaver if anything. Especially if you are used to MMOs where you’d spend countless hours waiting for regen for health or mana. But I can’t really think of a proper way to address it now after its been this way for a while.

I’d just start using healing spells/combos more often at the end of combat then I do already. Maybe you’d see people putting in general regen/healing traits/skills or gear into their daily builds. But I think the mindset of just avoiding damage as most as possible will still remain before anything else for majority.

Not sure regen food would really change at that point. Regen food has some very niche uses and I don’t mind using it for a general use food when I don’t have any damage food made up. But I don’t think getting rid of or nerfing regen would really make it any more appealing. It still regens lower then what you could heal by other means.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Hall of Monuments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


So, why would anyone ever bother buying Pavilion or Airship passes if you can access basically the same for free over there, with a nice teleport from everywhere and back there directly.

Does everyone have a HoM?

I believe anyone can buy the stone from the vendor in LA despite having linked accounts. Its just not automatically put in character inventory like linked accounts and they have no access to anything from the vendor.

Can people who didnt play GW1 access the HoM?

From what I have heard you can. You can try to get one from the Skritt vendor in LA.

Hall of Monuments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


So, why would anyone ever bother buying Pavilion or Airship passes if you can access basically the same for free over there, with a nice teleport from everywhere and back there directly.

Does everyone have a HoM?

I believe anyone can buy the stone from the vendor in LA despite having linked accounts. Its just not automatically put in character inventory like linked accounts and they have no access to anything from the vendor.

high AP but don't know game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I like to see others AP in parties just to see how potentially old a persons account is. Never really considered it as a measurement of a persons game knowledge. I’ve encountered low AP players that play solely PvP/WvW and very little PvE. Or lower than average AP with legendaries. AP really has very little poor measurement considering if you play a lot in one area you eventually “cap out” in terms of how many AP you are going to earn.

Personally I only have 14.8k AP and have only done 3 story dungeons (AC, Manor, and Arah). Personally I do a lot of the exploration stuff, LS achieves, etc. I’ve never really needed to touch dungeons. If I want dungeon tokens I can just get them from PvP tracks.

I wouldn’t want someone to see my AP and assume I know how to play every dungeon because I don’t. Alternatively, with that mindset, someone could look at my AP and assume I’m not as knowledgeable in other areas because I didn’t do dailies for the first year of their existence in the game or something.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

[Suggestion] Endless Tonics Collection Tab

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I’d like to see something like this. Or maybe just a “toy” inventory in general. The finisher comparison would probably be the best since there is the non-endless tonics as well that can take up quite a bit of space too.

I usually keep like one tonic or two at most on a character. But after Wintersday and making the account bound tonics I’m a bit baffled at what I should do with my collection except load it off on a mule which results in me never using them.

Salad Dressing (Sylvari Fashion Thread)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Nothing too fancy. But I love my Sylvari. <3 Been my main since launch.


Not enough icy armor pieces/outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I would love to see more elemental oriented pieces as well. It does seem there is heavily a lot of fire stuff.

Outside of weapons I guess there is really few “icy” looking armor skins around that I think about it. Would be nice to see.

I’d love to see more Earth element oriented things myself. Though I imagine more plant/earthy things will come into play in HoT so I can’t really say much for that (still holding out for a nice green planty staff outside of warden stuff/ancient walking stick).

Shadow of the Dragon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I think it has something to do with certain skins and items in the gem store are not available all the time. So they are not available in the wardrobe for that reason (whether it because they cannot link to the gem store item to buy or because of OCD collectors I dunno). Mini pets that are temporary also act the same way.

For example the Magitech and Primeval skins are always in the gem store. So their skins are available for viewing in the Wardrobe.

Light in the Darkness!

in Living World

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Thank you Luckily I had saved 50 of each part during the break so those were easy, just had problem with the carapace chest box that refused to drop in like 20 kills

Haha yeah. I saved around only 10 of each so I still lucked out on getting all the other pieces.

I super lucked out on getting all 3 chest boxes in 4 runs. Guess I gotta thank the RNG gods sometime. :P

Light in the Darkness!

in Living World

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Grats. Armor looks really cool with the holographic stuff. Never thought of that combo.

All I need is Thrasher/Husk kidneys. Despite saving bags and doing those two bosses so much today they seem to want to elude me. :P

It's All About Timing soloable?

in Living World

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


If you can pull out a huge amount of dps its doable. I barely made it within like 10 seconds of the time solo on Ele with zerk/soldier ascended. I didn’t do this with the bloodstone on because that heal debuff gets rough with some of the mobs. I was running some food buffs with might on crit and stuff.

Getting the first trial done quickly enough is the biggest thing, as you know. Like others have said if you can get the hero to aggro one and “solo” it by himself you can practically make the event have less waves. First time I tried this the hero just bugged out and attacked nothing and stared at the wall the whole time.

That said a group does make it a ton easier. Helped some friends with it earlier and it was a cakewalk timewise. Plenty of people around that wouldn’t mind a group in LFG.

Could always get the Ogre Pet Whistle/Fire Elemental powder spawning items from karma vendors too. Can’t tell you how much those extra buddies help in some of these story achieves on solo. Cooldown is long, but if you just need some dps assistance in the first bit then its good.

Good luck.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Re-run the living story 4 another box?

in Living World

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


If you run on another character for a headgear box yes. It isn’t tied to the achievement, just the last story instance.

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Was something I was curious about as well. I assume we’ll just have plot immunity to be honest. :P

Would be cool if there was some temporary corruption or something. But a lot of people wouldn’t be fond of that.

Its possible some of the Sylvari that is in the pact may have even come from other trees and not the Pale Tree or willpower is a subject to mind control.

As for Traehearne and Canach I dunno. I assume it would probably be pretty hard for them to be corrupted to be honest. Just because they are pretty big names at the moment. Never know though.