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Leather Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Also I wish Anet would just go back to the original crafting. 2 ore per bar, 2 leather per square, 2 wood per plank, 2 cloth per bolt no matter which tier you were on. It was simpler, making crafting easier to know what to expect with each tier, and fairer to each armor weight than the mess they made by altering the recipes. They never should have messed with any of that at all, especially because they tended to mess with that AND mess with drop rates at the same time.

Skinning should have been in the game from the beginning, I honestly don’t know why it wasn’t. I can only guess they didn’t want to ‘copy’ WoW… like a small game mechanic is copying a fundamental part of another game (It isn’t, especially since they had sickles for vegetables and axes for wood-WoW doesn’t even have wood last time I played and if they do now it was added after GW2 came out so they copied GW2). Or maybe they had issues converting a boars corpse into a harvesting node.

Here’s an idea I would like Anet to consider. Get rid of the salvageable hides or greatly reduce the rate from the loot tables of monsters and bags (replace it by doubling the salvageable cloth-I don’t mean the light armor pieces-dropped from humanoids and bags) and add skinning. This will probably help solve a lot of the headache that has gone on through the years concerning cloth and leather prices. Yes, it will be more similar to other games, but it will also mean that getting the fundamental material for the crafting professions will be a lot more reliable.

If you need leather, go kill some boar in the level range of the leather you need. Veterans can be more likely to drop a tier higher than the zone you are in (for example, veteran risen bulls would drop T5 with a high chance of T6 while regular risen bulls drop T5 with a low chance of T6). If you need cloth go kill bandits, flame legion, nightmare court, inquisition, sons of svanir in the level zone you need the cloth in. Again the veterans could be more likely to drop a tier higher than the tier for the zone. I suggest this because the salvageable cloth scraps you get from zones and bags are not linked to your level, only the armor drops are. So don’t touch the armor drop rates.

Yes, this will take more work. Yes it isn’t a quick fix like messing with recipes or adding a ‘farm’. Yes, you’ll probably have to introduce a new rag that is more likely to salvage into gossamer than silk. Yes, the market will be chaotic as it adjust to the changes. Yes, there will be programming to iron out to make the bodies of what you kill stick around long enough to skin if they don’t already.

Leather Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


The in game market price of an item is directly related to the supply the game provides. So yes, a dedicated leather farm should decrease the cost of leather by increasing supply.

It’s been about a week since the farm was introduced and leather prices are going right back to what they were when people panicked and sold their surplus, meaning the supply from the farm is the same as before even with the burst of people doing the leather farm since it was new content. This means the leather farm drop rates are on par with the drop rates in other places of the game that already exist. Eventually fewer and fewer people will do the farm as more and more people catch on that the drop rates aren’t any better for what they are trying to get and go back to content that is easier.

As people go back to already existing content, fewer and fewer Leather Farm LFGs will start up. As fewer and fewer people do the leather farm, the leather farm will become increasingly more difficult if you can’t get into the one or two maps that are doing it (since it is group content, and incredibly brutal to solo players or even small parties) which will drive even more people away from the content. Ultimately this means (as new updates are released, drawing even more players away from the farm to go explore the new shiny) that the Leather farm will become deserted.

Thus, the leather farm was a failure. It failed to retain players because the drop rate was not worth the risk. It failed to provide an adequate supply of leather to those who need all tiers of leather other than T5 because the drop rate of kitten and T6 leather is abysmally low or on par with the other new zones and the unstable leather scraps. It failed to reduce leather prices by failing to increase supply and failing to drive down demand. It failed on every level a so-called ‘farm’ could fail on.
It isn’t engaging content, since its a farm, so really there is no reason this farm ever should have existed.

Ultimately the only fix to the leather problem (or any of the common material problems) is to fundamentally alter how leather is obtained. Skinning would do this, it would let you target specific level zones to farm the specific leather you need. It would get players back into old or dead zones in search of the yellow monsters that are largely ignored. It would solve the “I can’t farm for T’X’ leather reliably because I’m level ‘Y’” and the “I can’t farm for unstable leather in the new zones because I don’t have HoT” threads. The market would eventually stabilize (just like it has for Wood and Ore) at levels where players feel that the price is affordable to buy the leather as they up their leather crafting but not so low it isn’t worth being a leather farmer for any tier of leather. If prices got too low, then they just need to introduce new content with new recipes.

Superior Sigil of Ice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I believe, in PvP zones, you have to swap the sigil in the PvP equipment page since the PvP zone uses different sigils/runes from what you currently have equipped on your gear.

"This map is closing"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I’ve learned to ignore that prompt. After about 5-15 minutes it usually goes away as all the other people form empty maps are shuffled around and eventually wind up where I am.

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


From the wiki:

A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”

I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.

For those people who are not so good with percents

Here’s the actual formula.

It would be like this:

n = the original % chance for something to drop
x = the % of magic find you have

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.

But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.

Assuming that drop rate would increase in a linear fashion with magic find, which i am very confident in that it doesnt.

As for farming in SW though, you wasted your 805% magic find. SW mobs rarely drop anything to begin with- usually grays- and MF only affects drops (same with which profession you are on, I did the numbers on chests and it didn’t matter if I was heavy/medium/light the chests had a 50/50 chance to drop a weapon or armor and of the armor it was a 33% chance to be heavy, medium, or light). The large amount of loot in SW, or really anywhere lately, comes in the form of bags and those are not influenced by MF.

This is why I’d agree that MF is a scam. If 300% only increases a 1% drop by 0.4% and it only applies to creature drops (fewer and fewer since the Scarlet invasions I’ve noticed). The majority of your drops will be through bags and chest that aren’t changed by MF. Also, ‘rare’ might mean anything above gray and white (maybe blue) so really the chance of getting a yellow compared to a blue or green is now less likely as you up magic find. The yellow chance increases, the blue and green chance increases more (1% to 1.4% for yellow which compared to 10% to 14% for green, so in 100 drops- assuming you aren’t lucky or unlucky- you’ll have 14 instead of 10 greens and still only 1 yellow and still no orange because those are at about 0.05% to begin with).

So spending gold to hurry to 300% MF is a waste- and a scam- because it is too small of an increase to matter as you farm creatures trying for a rare drop. It is better to get your yellows through events in the new zones. If you want exotics… well buy those with WvW tokens or the currencies in the new zones (Verdant Brink is a great way to get your exotic armor without spending a copper).

In this scenario it is a scam because it is not doing what I and most everyone should probably assume it does. 300% should increase 1% chance to a 4% chance. Since Anet has never come out and said it works this way, and with all the loot exploding boxes and bags it makes it a headache to work it out on your own, no one can say if it works this way or the other. I think it does increase 1 to 3 though, as I have seen an uptick in yellows since I hit over 150 MF. Not so much orange because, with a drop rate somewhere around 0.05% that isn’t going to be noticed even at 300% since that will only be 0.2% chance. Just a little bad luck can greatly skew the drop rate on that one.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Trading post: people adding 1c

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Then why retract your bid after i retract mine and put it back up after i relist mine. Wouldnt you just leave your bid until you got it. And you mean to tell me this item becomes so sought after only when i place a bid.

So just to clarify. High price on an item is 129 gold. I place bid at 130 gold. Now someone comes and places a bid 130g and 1c. I retract my bid and within an hour there bid is gone and only the 129 high bid remains. So i again place a bid of 130 gold and within an hour there is a bid of 130 g 1c again. So i retract my bid again.

Guess what within an hour there bid is gone and only the 129 gold high bid remains. I did this off and on for two days and always one person higher. Why is that item only in high demand when i bid on it and then one is sold minutes after i retract my bid. But the high bid is always there at 129 G.

Edited to clarify

I’ll do that sometimes. Why wouldn’t I want to save a gold if the other person retracts their offer?

Wouldn’t your bid be 129 g 01 c though?

I usually buy and sell at the middle point above the lowest buy off and below the highest sell offer or whichever is what… you know, in the middle area where no one is bidding or selling. It typically avoids all of this if I actually want the item.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Leveling 400-500 Armor Crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


This is why leather and cloth prices are wrong. The prices are all balanced around Ascended Armor crafting. True, those are all roughly the same gold cost now after recent events, but the leveling up of leatherworker (and tailor, still) is grossly more expensive than armorsmith or any of the weapon crafts. That’s what the costs of the materials should be balanced around, but this is a personal opinion.

As far as tips? Have patience and slowly amass all the materials yourself. Play the game normally, you’ll like burn out on ‘farming’ for it.

Wait, there is one tip I remember. Complete the original Personal Story on as many characters as you can. The later episodes (in Orr) gave me a fair bit of gossamer and hardened leather compared to any other play style I’ve done. Farming for it will just burn you out since you’d probably get more gold doing something else to just buy it with… which just ends up driving the price higher.

Native Linux client

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Not gonna happen, Linux market share is like 2% while Windows is about 85%. Putting in that much effort to please the 2% makes no economic sense.

That’s 2% of the desktop market. Linux is a back in for way more than 2% of computing devices out there. As I stated previously; part of the reason why a Linux client makes sense is portability to other platforms like a native Mac client, PS3/4, etc.

How is this an argument for GW2 being ported to Linux?

It isn’t a console game (it might work if you rig it that way but it was never designed to be a console game), and it isn’t a game that would work on any mobile device any time soon since those barely handle games like Plants Versus Zombies II with a forgiveable frame rate.

Guild Wars 2 is a PC game. Not a console game or mobile game like candy crush.
Probably 85% of PCs are Windows based.
So Khadez has it right.

This is why GW2 will not have linux support, there is not enough of a client base to do so, and this is even before me discovering there’s 200+ versions of Linux out there. Even if they went with the most ‘popular’ version of linux it would probably cut that 2% of PC users in half… Not worth it.

Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Here is why the TP can be ignored. All the prices of ascended materials are a direct result of the gathered materials and crafted materials. If a material fundamentally takes more the an equal tiered counterpart, for NO reason at this point in time, then that will skew the TP prices. Furthermore, if one material is based on RNG and the other is not, then the prices for the RNG based one will typically be higher as well as a result. SO if one is RNG and also takes more (for a reason that is no longer valid because we don’t have millions of cloth and leather on the TP anymore) then it will be grossly out of proportion compared to its non RNG/less material required counterpart.

This is an unknown that someone starting the game will discover, and one that those already playing the game don’t understand either. Yes I’ve crafted all three weights (at the time leather was cheapest because it was before HoT) but I was not happy that light cost close to 500 gold when heavy only cost around 300 gold (I’m casual, don’t have the time to grind for mats and could get gold from dungeon runs at the time). How is a 200 gold difference ‘working as intended’ just because I was getting light armor gear instead of heavy armor gear?

I’d like a good explanation why a necromancer has to either waste WAY more time hoping for RNG to farm the materials or should pay 50% to 100% more to craft their ascended gear than a warrior? Or any gear, not just ascended really. A good explanation, because ‘TP and economics’ isn’t one as I just explained.

Also, to those who say leather and cloth drop more than metal and wood… have you cleared a map and seen the gross difference between the gathered materials? I mean just gone around heart to heart, way point to way point, WITHOUT farming humanoids on purpose and seen the difference?

I have, dozens of times. I can usually have 125-250 metal ore, 75-200 lumber (possibly 40 more of one or the other because of map completion reward), then I might have 15-50 cloth and 15-50 leather (possibly 40 more of one or the other because of map completion)… This is from opening every bag, salvaging every drop (by the way, drops are about 50/50 between armor and weapons and no matter what class you are on weapons salvage into metal and wood), and hitting every node I pass by.

The last zone I cleared (gendarren fields on my Revanant-level 80) yielded 35 mithril, 15 elder wood, 6 silk, 9 thick leather, 116 iron, 57 silver, 86 soft wood, 25 wool, and 26 thin leather… (I got some chef material for the completion reward)


Ore: 208
Wood: 101
Leather: 35
Cloth: 31

Notice anything? Maybe if I ignored the nodes the drop rates would be closer, but that’s plain idiocy. They’re right there, a guaranteed 3-10 ore (rich ore generally gives me 10 and more if it is iron) or wood (gotten 6 from one tree before) that takes 3-5 seconds to get. I could see up to about half of mithril being silk if I was playing on a light armor user or leather if I was on a medium armor user (since theoretically armor drops are weighted to what you use now) but only half because armor/weapon drops are around 50/50 from my experience.

Even running around Silverwaste, focused on events and ignoring the nodes, I typically saw 10%-25% more mithril and elder wood because of weapon drops than silk and leather and that was on an Elementalist. Maybe you have a different experience though, but that is the fundamental problem with RNG based systems of acquiring basic materials. Some will get boons of cloth/leather while others only ever see droughts. I probably am somewhere in the middle in all honesty.

I would like to point out, that leather doesn’t need to be a node, but if there was a significant chance 25%+ that killing that boar or jaguar would yield a slavageable hide I would probably kill them as often as I drop by the nodes. But since it isn’t, it’s closer to 5 or 10%, I just ignore the ones that don’t attack me and move on. Cloth could be the same way with humanoids.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


To avoid losing revenue, the cost of such an item would likely be around 50,000 gems.


These aren’t transmutation stones. You could probably count on one hand the amount of extractors that get bought a month.

People knew it was a ripoff within minutes of the thing being in the shop just like the original silver-fed salvage-o-matic.

An extractor that consumed a gold per use would probably make them more money in the first day than the current extractor has made them over it’s whole availability.

I would probably buy one if this were the case (at least to get runes out of my 3 sets of ascended if nothing else). I saw they were one use and never bought one, not worth the real money to buy when it is cheaper to just buy exotic armor over again and use a BL salvage kit (plus if you buy crafted armor there is a good chance you’ll get an insignia and can usually sell that for roughly the same price as the armor). Then again… I still wouldn’t buy it because only “meta” armors are typically worth more than a gold, everything else is less. Maybe I’d invest in those sets if I could save them when swapping out runes though…

Pros and cons, either way. One use is not worth it. Maybe 12-30 uses per extractor would make them worth it, even if they weren’t permanent.

Why no Slayer achievements for HoT mobs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Slayer achievements hand out too much AP for normal game play… or at least that’s a trend I’ve noticed since release.

When GW2 released, AP was given out like candy (literally if I remember one of the LS season 1 updates that I missed but heard about), then things shifted with them removing champ bags and loot from LS mobs because people would farm them after getting the achievements done in the first week (now they just don’t bother with the content in the second week). With the removal of loot came the removal of, in my opinion, the easier AP tasks. I also think this was the beginning of the game shifting away from casual focus to where it is now, hopefully it returns for a time before shifting back again.

The coins and such in Dry Top and Silverwaste are easy but do not come from regular game play (such as killing mobs), and pay out AP poorly. All of season 2 pays out poorly. I may be remembering incorrectly, but each update I could usually get a significant amount (one quarter to a half) of an AP chest out of doing the achievements. Now that seems closer to one tenth of an AP chest.

I agree though, that slayer achievements need to be updated to include a lot of the new groups added (scarlet minions should be added-which might make the toxic stalk events around Kryta played to be completed for a time, Zhaitan should not be the only one with an achievement, etc…).

Comparing S1 to S2 kinda shows this. S1 AP: 2047 (from the releases I remember that were story specific, not from holiday’s/regular festivals) S2 AP: 548 (Silverwaste and Dry Top bump this up to 891, which still isn’t even half of S1 and that is probably missing some releases too)

Yeah… no wonder it seems like my AP has been growing at snails pace since I missed a lot of S1 for various reasons. One reason for this is S1 seemed to have a lot more updates (temporary), and the S2 achievements were locked behind rerunning the story ON THE SAME CHARACTER which I haven’t bothered doing yet. This also enforces my theory that AP is going away from normal game play, because why reward someone for just running through a S2 story when you can make them go through it again on the same character to get them?

Even ignoring the fact that S1 seemed to have WAY more updates, in general they had more AP per update too. S1 consistently had 100+ (some even 200+) AP per update, only one of S2 had over 100, over half were 75 or less.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Half-naked females, fully draped males.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I agree with the OP, they should have gone the full covered, ugly too busy look for both genders when it comes to the legendary armor…

Then I wouldn’t feel like i’m missing out on some of the mix and match parts because I don’t raid and have zero desire to go for the grindfest that is legendaries in general. The light skirt is hideous BTW-if they had done away with the butt cape on the light armor it would feel like it belongs with that top and heavy is entirely unflattering, seriously do they have ANY fashion conscious people on their team?-male or female to me like the ascended armors were, but I like some of the medium and light pieces just not as a set. I know they can make good looking armors, I LOVE the Triumphant set for WvW reward track on heavy and have actually been playing in there pretty regularly to try to get it even though I detest PvP in all of its forms.

Joking and critiquing aside, I honestly agree with the OP. If it is revealing on the girls it should be revealing on the guys (like a bunch of the heavy armors I saw someone post earlier) and if it is full coverage on the guys it should be full coverage on the girls (I’m looking at you Phalanx armor, probably the worst offender I can think of). But more revealing and more so-called practical all around, what we don’t need is more outfits… ever.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Untradable weapon skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Here’s an idea, Anet… just get rid of the black lion chest. Put weapon sets (you can even make them account bound) up for $40-$50 worth of gems and sell them individually for $3-$5 worth. Get rid of the gambling, put ALL the permanent nodes in for 800 gems each (so one higher tier costs the same as the bundle of three lower tier nodes), put the permanent bank access in at 2000-4000 gems, and the other permanent convenience things at 1500-3000 gems and I’ll consider buying things again.

As it stands, the only keys I’m going to use ever again are the ones I miraculously get in game. BL skins have always been ‘exclusive’ to me because only those who either had the expendable income (or credit card) or those with the time to waste 16 hours a day grinding for gold could get. I’ve gotten, maybe, 10-15 skins total since the game released from the BL chests and have wasted too much money on keys already. I bought the phoenix glider before finding out the switch to this skin set.

What I do like from this, and you should apply if you don’t want to get rid of the chests, is keeping the ticket price at 1 ticket for 1 weapon. If you’d kindly revert all the old ones to this as well, remove the account bound status from the privateer set, then I think you would actually see a rise in key purchases. (And no, you don’t make the same money from the skins like you claimed, you only make the same money if the same number of people buy the skins. Lots of people get the keys with the idea of holding onto the skins and selling them when they reach 200+ gold price on the trading post, you make them account bound then ALL of those people who use them to make a profit suddenly don’t buy them-cause and effect people. I will be surprised if the privateer set makes more or even equal income compared to any of the other sets of similar quality).

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Choose a Name for Tyria’s Heroes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I voted for Dragon’s Watch, but I’m biased since my guild from Prophecies was the Order of the Rising Dragon (ORD) and still is.

As to the ‘stuck fighting dragons’ issue of the name… well… I bet they will retire this group after beating the six elder dragons. I hope they retire them at that point at least… Taimi, Kasmeer and Marjory might get us on the path to whatever comes after the Elder Dragons (being the most investigative) but I think Rox, Braham and Canach will be done fighting at that point and the other more intellectual ones will tap out shortly after. Not to mention… they could dissolve like DE did when faced with their mortality when one of them dies-possibly with the last elder dragon as an excuse to retire them.

Oh, yeah, and Rytlock isn’t a part of this group for me either (just a tag along). DE never really reformed after Zhaitan (Caithe was in the Grove, Logan is still too busy in Divinity’s Reach, Rytlock was still focused on cleaning up Adelburn’s mess when we saw him in LS 2, and Zojja does whatever she does in Metrica, oh and most know what happened with Eir by now), which is why we got this group instead.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Another Patch of more PvP nerfs to PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Here is the problem with balancing though. I have never seen a game balance well. They always go for the nerf bat and forget when you nerf something, something else needs to be increased. Take the Mesmer for example. Nerf their support abilities, but that better mean they get an increase to their DPS too. Ah, but this is how it works for PvE… GW2 balances around PvP. I’d love it if my Mesmer did more base damage after its support got nerfed, but since that would make them OP in PvP it isn’t going to happen. Hence why a split from PvP and PvE skills should happen.

Your perspective is confusing here. The whole point of nerfing something is that it is performing better than the other classes, and so it needs a reduction overall. If you nerf one thing, but then boost another to compensate, then you’re still stuck with the same class being overpowered.

Here’s what I mean. Numbers are not real, merely an illustration of why pure nerf with no buff doesn’t work:

Balanced around 5 man theoretical DPS

Pre nerf:
4 DPS do 8K DPS with mesmer boon (6K without boon)
1 Mesmer does 333.3 DPS with boon (250 without boon)
Total: 8.333K DPS

5 DPS do 7.5K without the mesmer

Post nerf: Mesmer Boon nerfed by 50%
4 DPS do 7K DPS with Mesmer boon (6K without boon)
1 Mesmer does 291.7 DPS with boon (250 without boon)
Total: 7.291K DPS (why did we bring that mesmer again? Oh right, for the BOONS!)

5 DPS do 7.5 K without the mesmer.

Pre nerf the Mesmer was much more desireable in group content, post nerf they would make do but would prefer someone else. Thus, to keep it balanced and less over powering to have a mesmer on your team the mesmer’s base DPS should be raised to 500 to keep the 4 DPS 1 Mesmer team in line with the 5 DPS team. Not only does it balance the teams but it also then makes it easier for the Mesmer to solo. Upping the Mesmer’s output to 500 would put the total at 7.583K DPS (more than just pure DPS but not so much more to be considered ‘over powered’ because the team will also have to worry about Mesmer’s ability to stay alive to provide the constant boons).

If done that way it would not make raiding PvEers so annoyed, and would actually make the casual PvEer a lot happier to play their mesmer because it kills things quicker which means less chance of being killed. However this was not done because of one simple fact. Upping Mesmer damage would also up how much damage all Mesmers do (not just the one helping out in the raid) and would be OP in PvP because they do too much base damage alone now. Instead now the raiding mesmer AND the casual mesmer take a hit to their DPS and usefulness while the PvPer stays the same, more or less. Thus, splitting PvP from WvW and/or PvE would be beneficial because this could be done to make the Mesmer more viable in a grouped raid setting instead AND keep them where they are in PvP instead of just less desirable in all game modes.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Another Patch of more PvP nerfs to PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Splitting PvP/PvE skills is always in the games best interest if PvP is any good in the game. CoH is a bad counter example because its PvP was horrid from day one due to the fundamental design issue of having every active power cause you to root to your location. The decision to split them was still the correct one, however, because PvE was great and did not deserve to suffer for the splashing magikarp that was CoX PvP.

That is where we disagree. City of Heroes was designed from the ground up to be a PVE MMO. It was only later that PVP was introduced into the game. The PVP system originally worked just like the PVE system, which was a bit wonky but could be worked around, due to the forgiving potion system that was inspirations. Issue 6 is when the infamous split happened, which is what caused the majority of the PVP community to simply stop PVPing. The reason being that, get this: the PVP was actually fun in the game. Yes, it’s not a twitch based action combat system, but there was still the intensity and uncertainty of combat, as well as a myriad of different enemies and fighting styles you could face.

But the split ruined it in a couple of ways. First was the immersion breaking:, which was more important for the CoX community. Second was the new build requirements. Originally, when you built yourself for PVE you were already well built for PVP. But with everything working differently, you had to come up with a completely new build, along with a new set of enhancements for that build, as well as a new inspiration lineup to deal with the new mechanics. Third was that, to anyone entering into PVP for the first time, there was a massive learning curve that prevented new players from getting into the game. Issue 6 basically destroyed the game people were already having fun playing, and replaced it a new game that was vaguely CoH skinned.

To this day I say that CoX was murdered instead of dying off, but it is easy to see how the lack of PVP contributed to its death. PVP can vastly extend the life of a game because human opponents and strategies are always evolving and always interesting. It is much harder, if nigh impossible, to pin down an exact routine to deal with a human player. But, without a thriving PVP community, the game quickly becomes stale and repetitive.

I think you guys are horribly overreacting. I read the patch notes myself, and immediately though “From a PVE perspective, this doesn’t mean a darn thing for me”. The tweaks are minor and in the grand scheme mean little to nothing for any of the classes that were changed.

I take it you don’t play Mesmer, right? Persistence of Memory went from a six second reduction in phantasm recharge to three: and that’s under the most optimal settings. I wouldn’t call a 50 percent reduction minor.

It’s not just about this patch, either: it’s about the incremental shaving because of eSports: kind of a frog boiling in water scenario.

Oh I play mesmer alright. I take compounding power over persistence of memory, largely because I don’t shatter my phantasms enough to warrant a cooldown reduction. Whether I’m a mantra vanilla mesmer or a chronomancer, I keep my phantasms alive as long as possible. Both to do more long-run damage, and also to buff my teammates with alacrity and break bars with slow. I only shatter my phantasms when I’m going for a full continuum split burst, after which the phantasms are right back up again. But even in emergencies where I have to break a bar or become invulnerable, the timeframe between these moments is long enough that my phantasms have recharged anyway.

Persistence of memory basically means that, in the situation where I have both spawned a lot of phantasms and have chosen to shatter them while the skill is on cooldown, it now takes 3 seconds longer to get them back. Considering I’m never in such a position wherein 3 seconds on phantasm reduction would matter, I would call this change minuscule at best. It alters a trait that I don’t even use.

I don’t see why you’re against PvP/PvE split in GW2 then. PvP builds work great in PvE (I have even changed my PvE builds because I liked how they worked in PvP) due to the casual atmosphere of it, not the other way round as my PvE builds (which work great in PvE) can attest, so I don’t see that being an issue and the immersion is already a non-issue.

Basically that means a learning curve, but I don’t really see that being all too steep. Fundamentally the skills will act the same just with different numbers associated with them. On the other hand, if you aren’t referring to general PvE, well raids and ‘harder’ content already require or would prefer special skill sets which probably are already going to differ from your PvP builds anyway. The help provided to new players won’t change either, I’ve seen dozens of ‘new’ PvPers directed to wikis/videos on current metas. If learning the Meta is the steep curve, then that will be just as steep in a new PvP/PvE split balancing world.

Another Patch of more PvP nerfs to PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I think you guys are horribly overreacting. I read the patch notes myself, and immediately though “From a PVE perspective, this doesn’t mean a darn thing for me”. The tweaks are minor and in the grand scheme mean little to nothing for any of the classes that were changed.

I take it you don’t play Mesmer, right? Persistence of Memory went from a six second reduction in phantasm recharge to three: and that’s under the most optimal settings. I wouldn’t call a 50 percent reduction minor.

Usually, when a game is going down hill, it pulls crap like GW2 does. Over inflates its cash shop with things that, in all honesty, should be a part of the game (primarily glider skins come to mind, there should be craftable ones for each armor profession, order ones from the order vendors, profession ones, SOMETHING, to help lessen the blow of HoTs lack of non-gem customization content).

Celebrate your victory over Sabetha by buying her mini from the gemstore!

It doesn’t really matter if Mesmer damage is nerfed anyway because people don’t bring them for damage anyway. They have one of the lowest DPS and mediocre boons in a raid but their utility is very overpowered . Hense why the utilities are being adjusted. They were overpowered in PvE and pretty much provide a significant dps boost to raids.

I don’t know… but isn’t that the point? If I were forming a raid and saw a mesmer, but knew they granted amazing boons in exchange for having minimal DPS, I would want them. Nerf the amazing boons, well now they just do minimal DPS so it would probably just be better to get another DPSer instead of a Mesmer since the boons no longer make up for the lack in damage.

Here is the problem with balancing though. I have never seen a game balance well. They always go for the nerf bat and forget when you nerf something, something else needs to be increased. Take the Mesmer for example. Nerf their support abilities, but that better mean they get an increase to their DPS too. Ah, but this is how it works for PvE… GW2 balances around PvP. I’d love it if my Mesmer did more base damage after its support got nerfed, but since that would make them OP in PvP it isn’t going to happen. Hence why a split from PvP and PvE skills should happen.

Another Patch of more PvP nerfs to PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I think you guys are horribly overreacting. I read the patch notes myself, and immediately though “From a PVE perspective, this doesn’t mean a darn thing for me”. The tweaks are minor and in the grand scheme mean little to nothing for any of the classes that were changed.

I take it you don’t play Mesmer, right? Persistence of Memory went from a six second reduction in phantasm recharge to three: and that’s under the most optimal settings. I wouldn’t call a 50 percent reduction minor.

Usually, when a game is going down hill, it pulls crap like GW2 does. Over inflates its cash shop with things that, in all honesty, should be a part of the game (primarily glider skins come to mind, there should be craftable ones for each armor profession, order ones from the order vendors, profession ones, SOMETHING, to help lessen the blow of HoTs lack of non-gem customization content).

Celebrate your victory over Sabetha by buying her mini from the gemstore!

Oh, I don’t raid but that is a perfect example of what I mean. THAT should have been a drop. Hell there should be Sabetha armor skin drops too, or at the very least weapon drops… or maybe… just maybe… a glider drop?

Another Patch of more PvP nerfs to PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Splitting PvP/PvE skills is always in the games best interest if PvP is any good in the game. CoH is a bad counter example because its PvP was horrid from day one due to the fundamental design issue of having every active power cause you to root to your location. The decision to split them was still the correct one, however, because PvE was great and did not deserve to suffer for the splashing magikarp that was CoX PvP.

CoH was definitely floating when NCsoft shut it down, so the skill split didn’t kill that. It may have for you, as a PvPer, but not for its vast PvE player base. And the split itself didn’t even kill PvP, an unintended consequence did because nerfing skills for PvP ended up overpowering the NPC groups in the PvP zones. Making it un-enjoyable to enter for everyone to suffer through those zones, even if they didn’t end up getting ganked by a stalker. Could the devs have fixed this issue? You bet they could have (they figure out how to do power customization after saying it was impossible), but not fast enough to retain the impatient PvPers so they just threw PvP out the window and focused on PvE.

If anything killed CoH other than NCsoft it would have been the dated graphics and design of the game, but I haven’t known a dying MMO to churn out actual, quality content every three months-think an entire Living World Season (new maps, revamped maps, new side quests, main story plots, costume bits, villain group overhauls, raids, dungeons) every THREE months on top of bug fixes and balancing patches-like CoH was doing up until NCsoft shuttered it unexpectedly (two days before NCsoft said it was over, the Devs had released a game plan for the next 3-6 months with plans beyond a year in the works). Man those Devs really must have loved that game to work so hard if it wasn’t making them money. Usually, when a game is going down hill, it pulls crap like GW2 does. Over inflates its cash shop with things that, in all honesty, should be a part of the game (primarily glider skins come to mind, there should be craftable ones for each armor profession, order ones from the order vendors, profession ones, SOMETHING, to help lessen the blow of HoTs lack of non-gem customization content).

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

On TP Masterwork Greatsaws (not a skin) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Applying a skin (from wardrobe or the skin itself) causes a weapon or piece of armor to become soulbound (if it isn’t already).

If it was the other way round, none of those greatsaw skins would exist… at least not at that price but maybe 2850 instead of 3000 for the weapon itself.

ANET please nerf HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Not only that, but the reward for HoT’s harder content is still just as bland and terrible as the core game. That’s why I ultimately stopped bothering with HoT.

Drops were just as bad as core game, anything I ‘might’ have wanted is locked behind grinding for dozens of different types of currency after I have to grind through masters just to talk to the vendors, and the final nail was that the story- which everyone says is incredibly short- is gated behind just as much grind. All of these are the fundamental flaws with HoT and why casuals bash it so hard.

I’m pro harder content, by all means make it, but put it in instances. I loved LS season 2 because of the encounters, yeah if you do them more than once or twice or look them up they’re easy- so are the raids to be honest or any encounter in HoT because that’s cheating- but going solo and figuring it out on my own was enjoyable. What was the most enjoyable aspect of them, though, was that my failures and successes at the encounters were completely independent of everyone else because they were instanced. Harder content belongs in instances- why Anet decided to mess yet another thing about MMOs up that wasn’t broken- or even an issue- is beyond me.

If they ‘have’ to keep the difficulty where it is, they should at least up the rewards a bit to make it more appealing to those with limited time to play.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Was Faren too sexy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Also some men/women might prefer the loin cloth to the speedo… just saying…

SAB is back! [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Sure, SAB is unique… but high-quality content? No profit (at least none I’ve found anyway- new to SAB), no XP… no real ties to the game beyond Moto’s experiment. I didn’t grow up on 8-bit, platformer games… so I’m not really seeing the hype here.

I mean, if they want to make it permanent they can, but in a year or two of that you’ll be wondering why there’s constantly updates to LS or expansions but never new levels to SAB (here’s why, SAB is a mini game and not directly related to GW’s story). It’s great as a festival though (better than the Dragon one that’s solely PvP), but permanent content WITH experience (dungeons) are dead because tokens to grind skins isn’t incentive enough (either because everyone has the skins already, which SAB will fall into, or because they don’t feel they’re worth the time).

The no XP thing really takes all the fun out of playing this for me, I’ve spent 2-3 hours in there today and, ultimately, feel like I have nothing to show for it. No weapon skins, barely any bauble bubbles, and no new levels. 2-3 hours is 3-4 levels just exploring the world.

As a casual player, it is kinda daunting to realize that- in the 19 days- I might be able to earn 1 weapon skin from this, ultimately what turned me off of the Wintersday ascended thing, as a casual (30mins-1hr, under normal circumstances) there was no way to earn that other than to drop lots of real world money on it and pray to the luck goddess that I get in some snowball fights that my team miraculously wins.

SAB prizes are in the same boat for me, 35 bauble bubbles (not to mention gold- another thing SAB doesn’t provide, not even 1 copper in those 2.5 hours) and 2.5 hours has only earned me 2. I probably won’t bother. If it was permanent, still wouldn’t bother because- again- there is absolutely no character progression within that part of the game beyond unlocking things for SAB.

As for ‘recruiting new players’ , I point to the no XP thing again. It might be a nice gimick to get them to play, but after they spend 5 hours in it, get out and realize they’re still level 2… I don’t want to know how they’d react to that.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

That Bubble Glider though!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I saw it, thought it was cool and different from all the others and considered buying it…

Then I remembered HoT is so casual unfriendly I still haven’t been bothered to go unlock gliding yet… when I say casual, I mean 30 minutes to an hour tops… I still haven’t hit 2000 hours played, that’s what I mean by casual. Essentially, since HoT, I haven’t spent any money on the game… pre HoT I spent hundreds (even more than I would have on a sub game to be honest) in the three years for armor skins, convenience items, heck even some black lion keys hoping for a permanent hair style contract.

Now… I barely get my daily log in reward because I lost heart with the expac…

Sandy Bag of Gear Dry Top issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


It’s the old story of supply and demand. Dry Top is the butt end of Tyria. It lacks the infrastructure of Camp Resolve. It’s hard to get the goods out there but the merchants do because they know people will buy them and they have to charge more to cover their costs.

It is okay to be OOC on the forums, y’know. Player applied economics aside, it is a bad design and they should both be the same copper price (please don’t up SWs to 10S +change… no point in buying them if you could save half the silver and just buy greens from the TP).

PSA: Silver Fed Salvage-o-matic is back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I’ve heard that it’s salvage rate (especially for ectos) is well below that of a master / mystic kit

The salvage rate is identical. It’s the cost per use that falls behind mystic salvage kits. Higher cost per use compared to mystic kits, combined with initial gem cost makes it a no buy for me.

That was a while ago, last I saw the costs were pretty close (Silver fed slightly ahead) with Mystics being 63 copper per use and the Silver being 60 copper per use. Unless you have lots of mystic forge stones, which- admittedly- most people do, the silver fed is cheaper to use.

Queensdale/Kessex Hills is a pain in the ears

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


This sounds like a bug (it shouldn’t be EVERY human on the map saying it if someone else uses it). Have you put in a ticket about it? I haven’t experienced it myself, since I haven’t been in Queensdale or Kessex lately.

Karma Gifts -> Orphans. Horrific design.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Players have to understand that it is, in fact, a Karma sink. Do the event, spend some, gain some, get achievement(s) where possible, end event.
If you’re lucky, you might end up with something good, if not, you wasted your time, and probably money trying to get something out of it.

Same old, same old.

How is this a sink? Did you do any math or just decide it must be a sink?

I’m buying everything and making Karma bank.

15 wrapping papers : 7560
15 toy ‘x’ : 7560

15 orphans gives me (with consumables from wintersday presents) 27000 karma

Net Karma is 11880

To OP, if you want a never ending Wintersday Karma farm, hop in the bells. I get 1.6K for each song.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


These are the things I thought outfits were going to be for. I would have probably bought a few too. I had hoped, when outfits were coming out, that they would be the town clothes/casual wear/beach wear/etc that my characters would wear outside of battle…

Unfortunately they decided to make outfits stand-ins for armor… I do not support that and the only outfits I ever consider buying now, but still haven’t since the rest are too decorative- not appropriate for day to day wear- or too similar to armor sets, are the chef and noble.

Not to mention the pricing is disgusting… If an armor set is 800 gems and outfits are considerably easier to make then outfits should have been 300-500 gems instead of 700. This is why I haven’t picked up the noble and chef outfits, they are too kitten ed expensive in my opinion.

central Tyria mastery points (non-HOT)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


What are these ‘Story Points’?

I see no MPs at all listed for the Personal Story in the Achievement log under Story Journal, unlike those in LS2 and HOT which show MP icons against each chapter.

The Personal Story (from original GW2) doesn’t have them listed in the Story Journal but has them listed with the appropriate achievement in the General and then the Hero tab of the achievements section. They are tied to the story progression (for example as a human: Born on the Streets, Investigating your sister, Helping the Orders, Advancing through an Order, Forming the Pact, and Defeating Zhaitan) instead of each instance. Each race has one for the story before joining an order.

It looks like, after completing the Human story steps, it has removed the mastery point from the other races that lead up to joining an order. I don’t know if this was by design or if it is a bug.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Colin on esports and combat visibility

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I have seen people complaining about visual clutter… but for everyone forum topic on that I’ve probably seen 5-15 complaining about trenchcoats for medium armor and skirts/buttflaps for heavy/light armor yet armor design is still chugging along like it has from the beginning. And for every 1 visual clutter it’s probably 20-30 for those tired of seeing outfits instead of mix-and-match armor pieces. Or the 30-40 threads per visual thread calling for a better way to obtain cloth for ascended crafting. It seems incredibly ignorant to cherry pick which suggestions/gripes (even when I see very constructive feedback given in the others) you consider ‘important’ for the players.

The excuse that the models for armor classes being rigged differently as to why they don’t cross over doesn’t explain why new armors aren’t being designed in better taste, or just ‘different’ taste.

At times, pretty much only when I was zerging against champions or WB, I thought the visuals were a bit much. I will concede that, but the implementation of the fix is where Anet dropped the ball. Nearly every MMO I’ve played has had the option to choose the level of visual clutter. CoH, for example, went from full vision seizure to barely noticeable and there was a way to up or lower not only your own particle effects or what not but that of the other players as well (I personally played with mine up and others nearly non-existent).

The fix, which will make everyone happy Colin, is to put the visual clutter into the hands of those who are playing – not yours. Or do you believe your player base is too… I don’t want to say idiotic, but it really seems that way – perhaps juvenile would be better given the condescending response done on reddit… to understand how to find the graphics settings, choose graphics settings that fit their play style, and change them accordingly?

Stop with the hand holding, you aren’t our helicopter parents that annoy the living kittens out of us. Starting with the NPE the game has been taken more and more out of our hands with how we want to play it. Change the dailies to be more generalized so we can play where we want to get them even if it takes longer (PS they were perfect before changing them to try to get more PvEers into PvP… all that did for me as a PvEer was remind me how much I hate – yes, I am intentionally using this strong of a word – PvP). Change graphics settings to being in our control – which has always been a suggestion and an emphasis in every visual clutter thread/discussion I have seen.

Choice is better, it always is.

Outfit/Armor Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Dear ArenaNet:

Stop making outfits… that is all.

Slayer Achievements for HOT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Killing creatures is no longer deemed achievement worthy, of course. Can’t give out free AP- aside from the bouncing around dailies- for just playing the game as you like without deciphering what the achievement actually wants you to do.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I’m not sure if this is already mentioned, but I’ve seen an issue popping up on the GW2 discussion forum of soulbound items that make more sense account bound. These include:

Precursor crafting rewards and the Mistward armor pieces.

These make more sense being account bound because the process to obtain them can be spread over the account. As it is now, while working to obtain these items you can, for example, wind up getting a precursor greatsword on an engineer so that the weapon is soul bound to a class who cannot use it. Same goes for the heavy armor of the mistward pieces being soul bound to a light or medium armor user.

I am guessing this was an oversight when developing the reward system for these collections, just thought I’d put this here so it might be addressed along with the bugs and other things.

Edit: I seem to recall that precursors would be account bound so they could not be sold but could be moved to appropriate characters during the presentations about HoT. I really think this was an oversight.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Need a followers list remove button

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


You don’t control the followers’ list. The Followers’ list is the people who have added you to their friends list… I don’t really understand WHY this is in the game actually. I couldn’t care less about knowing who decided to add me to their friends list without asking for me to do the same.

Instead of making it so I can remove people from the followers list, how about just removing it entirely?

Tradeable Legendary Items - Discontinued

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


New legendaries and new precursors, will be account bound

Old precursors will still drop and be trade-able (Twice Told Legend Achievement requires 2 legendaries of the same name), and old crafted legendarie will still be trade-able when crafted. If anything this will probably cause the old ones to drop in price because the old precursors- unless going for twice told legend- can now be earned as well at least once instead of relying on RNGesus.

My Character Should be 3 Years Old

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Your character is 1094 days old (says so on the screen). 3 years is 1095 (technically 1095.75 but that’s made up for in leap years).

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I suspect you’d get reported because someone would read it as anal, but that’s probably kittened on the site. Whether or not you’d have to change it, though, is up to the dev who gets the ticket.

I don’t really see a problem with it because I knew the difference between the two words.

I’m shocked… anal isn’t part of their filter words! Yet kitten (forty-five point five percent) is.

Profession armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Well, this is kinda a lie. Anet has recently added armor/weapons through actual gameplay. Examples of these include the carapace armor and luminescent armor from the silver wastes, an entire set of Ambrite weapons, and the Mawdrey back item.

Profesional armor: you will not get professional armor. However, you will get a weapon that matches your elite specialization, along with matching head or shoulder armor if you complete the reward track.

compare the amount they have given us to earn over gem store armors/outfits/weapon skins/any skin aaaannndddddd go


Earned in game:

Weapon Sets: 9 (really 3, since 6 are lazy re-skins)
Armor Sets: 15 (really 9, since 6 are lazy re-skins)
Outfits: 2 (if you are a ‘vet’, can’t be sure if this means everyone can get it, someone pointed out another one you earn with cobs)


Weapon Sets: 24 (that’s really disgusting since they were lottery based)
Armor Sets: 18 (15 since flame(insert suffix) were essentially reskins)
Outfits: 24

Percentages out of total, earned to bought:

Weapons: 27.3% to 72.7%
Armor Sets: kitten (fourty-five point five percent) to 54.5%
Outfits: 7.7% to 92.3%

This is including re-skins as actual ‘sets’. Without the re-skins it would look more like:

Weapons: 12.5% to 87.5%
Armor Sets: 34.6% to 65.4%
Outfits: 7.7% to 92.3%

I excluded back pieces and random pieces (it’s probably close to 50/50 even though a lot were time exclusive). I also excluded legendary for weapon sets, but adding 1 (since there’s only 1 full set of legendaries) would not change the weapon set numbers much. Obviously new cosmetics is geared towards gemstore and not in-game earning.

With the new idea of outfits instead of armor sets, I suspect the earned to bought will shift towards earned but the outfit ratio will explode because for every 1 armor set they’ll probably release 2-3 outfits in the gemstore.

Edit: I forgot the gag weapon set you can get from wintersday presents.

Edit of Edit: I can’t remember if the weaponsets like corrupted etched set were in game at launch or not so I left those out as well.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Fashion issue what goes good with white !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


A lot of things go with white. It is essentially the same as black when it comes to fashion. Normally you don’t put warm colors (yellow, red, orange) with their opposite cold colors (purple, green, blue) unless the shades are right. Dark of one temperature can usually go with the bright of another. The same could be said about white, I suppose. Typically you pair brights with darks so your detail doesn’t get washed out, so any color that is dark should work with white.

This, however, is not always true either as some have posted. Light blues mix well with white to give a sort of frost queen-ish look, too bright or pale though you look like someone white washed your clothing. Even these aren’t always going to follow that rule. A pale, pastel green with white- even though it makes me think of wintergreen packs of gum- looks better than a bright, neon green with white in my opinion. Also WHERE the color is placed on the clothing can play a big part too. A small neon green accent, like an earring or pendant, might go well with a white coat that has dark blue primary accents.

Ultimately, this boils down to how your want your character to look. What is visually appealing to you. Even if it isn’t in ‘fashion’ it might be some day (just look at the horrid color matches of the 80s and 90s, at some point society thought that was a good idea and very well could again).

Harbinger of Mordremoth Outfit Avail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


So sick of these outfits. Once upon a time outfits were going to be something you’d wear when you WEREN’T wearing your armor. Ever since the Noble Outfit, I haven’t seen anything that remotely resembles ‘casual’ wear aside from the wedding attire (which has its own issues for me). The only outfit I have on my account is the freebie for being a vet and it isn’t to my taste since I can’t mix and match any of the parts (I really hate its butt skirt, it looks like a dish towel draped over my character’s kitten).

Bringing back town clothes as an outfit might get me to buy the Noble set and Town Clothes set.

Account-wide bag for Heart of Thorns, PLEASE

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I would pay for the account wide unlock, not character unlock.

No, they would not be losing money. They’d get money. Right now I have one set of harvesting tools and when they first came out I refused to buy any because they were soulbound not accountbound. The set up of paying 400 gems for each character is pretty much making them soulbound again just 60% off. They should just lower the cost of them to 400gems instead of 1000gems if they did this since that’s the only thing I ever swap. Maybe they could make a harvesting/salvage tab and equipment tab. Harvest/salvage is for the account (at 800gems), equipment (for Ascended/Legendary) is character specific (at 400 gems).

Making you buy things per character, in my opinion, is never a good idea. Originally it was why I never bought the armor sets (had to pay per use back then, only bought any after Wardrobe aside from the free set from upgrading to deluxe) and one of two reasons why I don’t buy character bag slots. The second reason is that I don’t need more bag space.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


The starting zones have no nodes until you are fighting creatures and doing hearts that are higher than level 6/7.

For Queensdale this means on the other side of the mountains south of the reservoir and east of the tutorial fort (Shaemoor).

Wayfarer Foothills – North of where you killed Issomir

Plains of Ashford – East of the mountains/gate across from the Citadel.

Caldeon Forest – North of the Giant tower where a Hero Point turns you into a bellossom for a few seconds and northwest of the heart where you kill grasping hands and light lamps.

Metrica Provice – North of the Golem Arena/mountains above the ooze testing area.

Basically, if you ran along and someone said something along the lines of ‘the creatures up ahead are stronger, you might want to train a bit more’ go past them and you’ll start finding nodes.

This was a change that happened with the NPE update, before that you could find nodes just outside of the capital cities. You can still harvest at level 2, you just need to go to level 6/7+ areas to do it.

Items received creating a Character

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


All gold/items/levels earned in Beta will be wiped from your account. This is how ALL betas work and why it’s idiotic to pay a company money to play their beta.

Being lucky to play the Beta, or signing up for it for free is one thing, but companies that sell access to betas make very little sense to me because it confuses people like Alvys who assume that they bought the game, therefore the beta IS part of the game when all a Beta is, is a way for the developers to find and hopefully fix bugs.

Which is not their fault, but the game developers. Beta never should have been linked to prepurchasing, but done through sign ups only (I promise everyone who pre-purchased for the beta access would have signed up for it regardless). Pre-purchasing should have only included bonuses that actually impacted the game you bought (like ‘x’ amount of Unidentified Dye or something like a pre-purchase skin).

(edited by Kentaine.4692)

Hammer Skin contest!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Number 3 in contest should have been first. First 2 just boring quaggan and not very interesting for guild.

Except, those two make perfect sense if you think about what is considered the end-game thing to go after (legendaries). I still have no interest in them because so many of them are so wrong for the feel of the game, like the Quaggan guild emblems. I do agree that those should have been given a nod at best, not 1st and 2nd place.

Here, you’re fighting super powerful DRAGONS, have a pop gun legendary or one that shoots unicorns and neighs. On top of it, charge into battle against the dragons that distort everyone and everything you love and cherish into abominations weilding a battle standard with a homeless young quaggan boy or a young quaggan girl in a field of stars on it… WTF?

I know there’s a lot of Quaggan RPers out there, but Anet could have just slipped those emblems into HoT without saying anything as a nice surprise for the Quaggonians and chosen two others that would more likely fit a broader range of guilds.

On topic, IF they did a contest like a hammer contest, it would probably be a general weapons contest where they put 1st place of each type into the game (like what had been done in the past with GW1). Unfortunately, given how the emblem went, we’d probably be stuck with a bow that say FOOOO! every time you shot or a shield shaped like a quaggan that squeaked Ooooh nooooo! whenever you blocked…

On second thought, give me that Quaggan shield, that would be worth having.

Welcome to the new players!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Someone explain 15 char to me…. Please

The 15 chars is because the forums won’t let you post unless you have 15 characters (letters, numbers, spaces) in you post.

Add pvp to all maps...

in PvP

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


There is already WvW… go have at it. that’s as close as you will get to open world pvp.

And to say it wouldnt take much resources to implement is absolutely stupid. You have no idea how much that work it would take to make ALL the PvE maps into something thats totally open world PvP..

WvW is a joke, and you obviously don’t understand the point of flagging up, it would be a skill you have that lets you fight other people, making new skills isn’t a year of work. So it is you that is not understanding.

Soooo…. costume brawl?

Wedding Dress on humans - How Garters Work

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Friends, Romans, Charrs…

As far as I can tell the wedding dress hasn’t been put in the gemstore yet, and so I would like to point out a small problem prior to launch…

This is not how garters work.

The purpose of a garter is to hold up socks or stockings. Garters are itchy and while sexy they tend to look pretty silly unless they are also serving their initial purpose. (For more information, click here)

Which brings us to the issue at hand.

The female human wedding outfit does not include stockings and yet the dress is cut high enough to reveal a garter. I am requesting a fix by either removing the garter or adding the stocking.

Thank you.


All the weddings I’ve been to the bride wore a single garter without stockings and that single garter was used as a sort of ‘catch the bouquet’ gimmick for the single men.

True, garters are used to hold up stockings in the most traditional sense but the wedding garter- at least in the culture I grew up in- is not used that way.

In fact, the link you provided states this tradition and describes it in more detail under the section titled “Use in Wedding Traditions”. So, hopefully you now understand their design choice.

I think the real issue is with the design of the skirt itself, though. I was glad I delayed buying the monk outfit when the ‘fix’ for the clipping issues was to turn the skirt into a circus tent and I won’t be buying this one for the same reason. The skirt would have looked much better if it had been floor length all the way around and just left the wedding garter to the imagination. Then it could have been form fitting (noble dress) as well.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)