hes dead jim FeelsBadMan
lol how pathetic…
no kidding, they just need to let us pick another utility skill since they seem hell bent on nerfing elite skills into oblivion
yes because thats what every hardcore wvw player is asking for, more pve
but seriously this isnt wildstar we dont need that kitten here
what part of no subscription do you people not understand
they still haven’t updated the map for the orb spot at north camp so i wouldn’t expect them to change this either
so uh here we are a month later, whys this so hard to fix?
maybe you should actually read your mails before you delete them
sucks to be the fairweather pve server
its glass vs glass, u can 1 shot them just as easy if not easier
literally the most annoying thing ever to bank anything now
Yes please give the server that killed t2 more players to pvd even more
id way rather be able to buy weapon skins/armor then having the option to grind for something and never even get it
its not really that it kicks you out everytime its that there’s another load screen for it…..
the game is free to play for a reason, it seems like u could really use a break, stressing over in game gold
this is something that is already happening, slowly of course but the people who want to do this, will do it. the others well im sure will get tired of always pvding and just quit the game. With other mmos releasing the player base for wvw will shrink down to 3 tiers in a matter of time
seeing as they’re further dumbing down pvp with only allowing you to chose your amulet and not a jewel, i highly doubt this would happen. dont get me wrong i would love this, might actually get me playing pvp again but its just not gonna happen
all i have to say it, haha u got ganked. Get over it its pvp, but i do hope to see more of these threads, kittens funny
It’s PvE that they care about. PvP gets less attention than WvW does…
that may be true but devs atleast respond to things posted in the spvp forums, wvw gets 1 response per page, if we’re lucky
Since the devs only care about spvp i thought id throw this in here.
Its been around 4months since this was first announced and we havent heard anything since. So is this really gonna happen or not?
i know this will be locked but i wanna see how long it takes when i put this in a sub that devs actually read, as opposed to the wvw sub
can we please get an update on this, id like to know if this is gonna happen before the next wvw season. if not then just another reason for me to stop playing this game
How to: ignore pvp in wvw for useless ranks. grats
im fine with downstate, what im not okay with is one person can rally 20, i always thought it should b a min of 3-5players that can rally just off 1 person
all this guild humping in eb, lmao
oh sure this isnt a bug but using our ds to stop fall dmg was? not sure where they draw the line but ok….
oh no tc’s gonna lose this week, you guys are clearly the only server that participates in the holidays. Good job this week fa, its good to see you guys stronger than before
Actually, I think the better solution is that stability should clear and prevent immobilize. Also, stun breakers should be able to break any immobilize/root in the game.
No, its a condition, its soft cc not hard cc
sorry cant take this post seriously coming from someone in TW
sorry but if you’re comparing wvw to champ farming then your clearly playing wvw for the wrong reasons
them 21k hp guards, hahahaha
Any of you SoS or Mag commander want to start a proper karma train in one of the BLs?
sigh…. its sunday, why dont you actually play the game?
Its funny how these forums has made something they hated greatly one of the most wanted armor skin in the game now. Da forum community shouting them self in the foot over and over they will run out of tows soon.
haha too true, unfortunately the people who liked it were far overshadowed by all the nerdrage over it being too similar to t3, its a shame =/
its easy, just dont be on a stacked server
Its not a bad thing if it becomes an “exclusive item” because it cant be sold anyway so if ppl see it and want it, well they should have bought it when it came out
what they should do here is allow ppl to choose between the re-skin and what it is now. because if redesign is bad and they want their gems back, thats fine but i personally skinned over 2 pieces of human t3 i already had. so not sure how thats gonna play out
Had some really fun fights in EB tonight, its just a shame that SOR blob just disappeared and hid in their keep when they started losing. Better luck next time i guess.
just showing how many people that are in front of you in the queue would be an improvement
BG/SoR/JQ should just be given their own league. Nobody else has coverage and queues map(s) 24 hours of the day :<
TC should stop whining in every thread about leagues and take their upcoming beatings. Like I point out, when TC stacked themselves far beyond any competition outside of T1, you had the same complaints lobbed against you that were dismissed out of hand.
Now its too late for your precious community…. there will be many slayings of roleplayers and dolyaks in your future. Get used to it because it seems almost every week you will be facing a t1 server.
You have no right to pass judgement on any server. SoR has and always will be a server for bandwagoners and scavengers.
Yep SoR is a bandwagon server just check out our amazing t1 record.
Don’t worry TC once you face non sor/jq/bg servers you’ll get ur pve crew back for some wvw stomps.
you say that like its what we want. I’d rather lose to t1 servers every week than fight fa/db
i guess t1 really does turn everyone into blobbers
Woo TC again!
May our Dolyak Parade go on and on forever!
So much fun tonight! EP from TC you guys are really fun to fight. We had a really big zerg tonight and you guys kept coming at us! That NE tower fight!!
yeah we found out pretty quickly that we weren’t gonna take that tower so it just turned into seeing how long we can last. We had alot of fun with the new terrian around the ruins points, made for some crazy fights
wvw was always a casual gametype to anet so i guess they just wanted get rid of the hardcore players
Why do people keep saying that +150 to stats is “broken.”
Look at banners. Banner of Strength gives you +170 to Power and condition damage. Banner of defense gives you +170 Vitality and Toughness. Banner of Discipline dishes out more DPS than banner of strength does.
Are banners broken? Are people “too hard” to kill when they’re within banner range? I mean really now this is just getting silly.
The orb buff is not broken. Stop complaining about it.
no surprise coming from an sor player.
organizing gvg without this was a pain in the kitten sometimes, this only adds to that. Its just gonna be more of a headache than its worth anymore.
(edited by ThaOwner.7560)
It’s hard to believe with all that testing this wasn’t recognized…
Testing can never find all issues and some issues might not even turn up on the testing-servers at all.
or that this was a copy/paste of spvp cap points and there was no testing at all
To [EP] I wish I knew if you actually all wore purple to battle. That kinda makes me <3 you.
I personally change my colors too much to just stay on purple but no we dont all wear purple. That was more of a thing when the guild was started at release
Yes they have a kittenlist of changes to make to wvw that are long overdue but i know im not alone when i say this, GvG and open field fights are the ONLY reason i still play this game. Now that gvg is pretty much not possible with not being able to control the buffs to a reasonable degree that just leaves us with open field fights. Now when my guild runs with around 15-25 and when we run into those 35-50(or more but its rare that we’d be able to take on groups that size) man groups and if they have all buffs at that time, theres pretty much no chance in killing them. thats whats game breaking to me.
The stat boost, while controversial, is there to give the buff meaning in the context of the general WvW battle. Providing boosts like %WXP, etc. don’t have impact in fights against other sides, they are just a nice bonus for you. The stat boost and the points for finishing players mean that not only do you want to have the buff, but you don’t want your opponents to have it.
You are so delusional its actually quite sickening, you think the people that are the hardcore wvwv players, the players that acutally give a kitten to log in everyday, do you acutally think those players love siege as much as you guys do? no the players that still log in everyday(myself included) play this game for fights and to say those stat bonus dont mean much to the overall battle, well thats the dumbest thing ive heard all year. Have fun losing your hardcore crowd and wvw can be the casual gametype you always wanted it to be.
Btw the way you guys copy/pasted spvp capture points into wvw, are you kittenign kidding me? so lazy
sadly i dont think we’ll get anything gvg related till this games dead and most everyone has moved on, or just not at all
This day reminds me of when they killed the wilderness (pvp) in runescape and 5th grade me was sad
Was thinking the same thing earlier lol. This really blows