Can we just stop this already?
We know that they’re already all designed and finished, and that you’re just pulling one out each month to make it look like WvW is getting updates.
You’re not fooling anyone.
Furthermore, since people can’t refund WXP trait points, releasing them like this only serves to encourage people to farm more WXP to get the new traits, and the best way to farm WXP = Zerg.
I’ve always said the OUTMANNED buff should be +stats while the “orb” should be FLUFF meaningless to people to who care about fights, but worthwhile to the folks who don’t actually fight, like +MF +Gold +XP +WXP +Karma
They’ll never do that, it’s too much like common sense.
Try running a benchmark in 3Dmark to see if it does it under high load.
WvW on the other hand, doesn’t sell gems, simply because there is nothing WvW related to buy in the gem store.
what do you mean? WvW is basically PvE with PvP. All the armorsets, boosters, characterslots,… are useable in WvW. There are also the new finishers which can be used in sPvP and WvW.
Finishers I’ll concede, even though I am yet to see people actually use them in WvW.
But when I say “nothing WvW related”, I mean items that are directly and solely targeted at WvW players, in the way that PvE update themed gem store items are targeted at PvE players, or how tournament and private arena gem store tickets are targeted at sPvP players.
So, as always, make good suggestions in a positive way and you’ll see changes.
People have been making VERY good suggestions for nearly an entire year now, and the number of changes in WvW can be counted on one hand.
People are fed up with WvW being neglected, and this is the reason people are critical of the Devs. It has nothing to do with “hating” as the OP childishly puts it.
You are the reason the wvw forums have less posts than the other forums. People like you who judge others so harshly. “Childishly?” Who are you to judge how others choose to speak? I would kindly ask you to leave the forums and never come back.
Most of what the forums put out in terms of criticism comes across as mindless hate. You need to take some time off the game if this is what the forums bring out in you.
Your entire post is nothing but a personal attack because I disagreed with your opinion, and you say that I bring down the forum? /facepalm
because people will be disappointed if they tell us about this cool feature which later gets taken out because it doesn’t work as intended.
Ever since the embarrassment of having to drop an enormous amount of features and content they talked about pre-launch to make the release deadline, ArenaNet have had a pathological fear of talking about un-released content.
The thing that they have yet to realize, is that players hate not knowing where the game is heading, and that problems and issues are to being worked on. It destroys any confidence they have in the game’s future and the competence of the Dev team.
So, as always, make good suggestions in a positive way and you’ll see changes.
People have been making VERY good suggestions for nearly an entire year now, and the number of changes in WvW can be counted on one hand.
People are fed up with WvW being neglected, and this is the reason people are critical of the Devs. It has nothing to do with “hating” as the OP childishly puts it.
the rank up chests have decent loot in them, including chances for precursors
WXP rank chest:
Takes over an hour to earn
Chance at a single rare
Chance at a precurser
Any world boss:
Takes 5-10 minutes
Guaranteed rare
Chance at multiple rares
Chance at a precusrser
Are we bringing back the buff? Yes
You’re actually going to re-introduce the buff which only served to make the stronger server even stronger?
From a logical point of view, I can only imagine it’s due to a perceived lack of potential ‘return on investment’.
ArenaNet pay lots of attention to PvE updates, because every time they release one, casual players return to the game, spiking active login numbers, which has an upward scaling effect on gem sales, and thus makes ArenaNet more money. Furthermore the updates always have plenty of time-limited gem store items tied into the theme, which also makes ArenaNet more money.
They have also continued to expand and promote sPvP because they still hold on to their dream of becoming a major eSport title, which is a license to print money.
WvW on the other hand, doesn’t sell gems, simply because there is nothing WvW related to buy in the gem store. Furthermore WvW also sustains a lot of active logins, and places the servers under high load, both of which cost money.
So it seems to me the real failure is the monetization team not embracing the WvW playerbase, who going by time spent logged in, should actually be some of their best “cash cows”. And unfortunately because of this failure to monetize the WvW playerbase in any way whatsoever, ArenaNet foresees no ‘return on investment’ from WvW updates, so they neglect WvW.
(edited by Mif.3471)
Stupid bookah bard.
Using Rifle (Jump Shot) to cheat in jump puzzles :P
Is Grenadier required for Grenade Kit?
Yes. It’s +50% damage.
It’s really getting close to crossing the line from B2P to freemium.
The 2-week unlock for it drops for free off of alot of the fights down below
That does make the situation a bit better, but it’s still a worrying trend.
Rather than asking if it’s a good idea to involve bookahs, you should ask whether you’d rather risk them or your own epidermis in potentially dangerous otherwordly explorations.
I for one say we send the bookahs.
If that’s the case then they should be focusing more on the Charr in general, not the asura.
Charr have a bit more lore than the other new races because of their GW1 connections. I’d say that Norn need the attention most.
Also, even if they focused solely on Asura for the next 2 years, they’d still have less lore than humans.
ArenaNet may take it as a sign that players do in fact want to see more content based on GW1 lore, rather than the typical “I’m not saying it’s Asura, but it’s Asura”
Meanwhile all of GW1 lore is human lore, but you don’t have a problem with that…
Face it, you had 4 games and 6 years to play GW1 based on human lore, stop trying to demand that GW2 be about the same old kitten. It’s time to let the other races and new stories have a chance to be in the spotlight.
“Rank 9,945 Diamond Legend”
It seems ArenaNet learned nothing from the ‘unobtainable WvW achievements’ issue.
A black screen would not prevent rez exploiting through gates and walls.
Considering that ArenaNet haven’t done anything about corpse scouting in nearly a year, I get the feeling that promoting and encouraging rez exploiting to happen at every possible opportunity may be the only way to get them to do anything.
I’ve had this problem for a couple of days too.
It would have been so easy for them with this living story too…
Achievement: Kill 20 Kiel Supporters in WvW while supporting Evon Gnashblade
Achievenemt: Kill 20 Gnashblade Supporters in WvW while supporting Ellen Kiel
Great suggestion
I was particularly annoyed when I browsed the achievements of the current patch, and saw that there were achievements for doing kitten near anything “while supporting Kiel/Gnashblade”, but not a single one for WvW.
Way to silence the “ArenaNet favors Evon” voices….
(edited by Mif.3471)
This considered I favor the Fall of Abaddon. Why? Because this will be one of the few opportunities we’ll have in GW2 to revisit “pure” GW1 lore. No dragons, no nothing from the last 250 years. Just straight up an episode that would feel very much at home in the original GW trilogy.
You already had four GW1 games and 6 years to experience GW1 lore, stop being greedy.
That’s why Evon’s winning, and all this talk is moot. :P
I feel your pain.
TR = Asuran sci-fi garbage.
We need less sci-fi/steampunk and more wizards/magic.
Perhaps if you peaked out from under the brim of your wizards hat once in a while you would of noticed that Thaumanova is about chaos magic and dragons.
He’s just being nice. Addabon is where the REAL GW lore’s at!
Last time I checked this is GW2, not GW1.
There have already been three GW1 games full of human god storylines, is it too much to ask that GW2 has an original storyline about something different?
Colin Johanson“Well, I can say that the reactor was the first prototype of the Inquest attempt to build something. Somewhat similar to what players find in the Crucible of Eternity later in the game. And the location where the Thaumanova Reactor was at one point in time exploded and destroyed what was once a research lab and turned, I would say, turned the world inside out where it occurred. I can’t give away too much more than that. I would say that if people want to know more, they should vote for Ellen and find out. Either way, it’s definitely something that ties more deeply into the lore of Guild Wars 2 than most would realize.
Wait, you guys made a new guild called RATS last week?
…. does that make Jade Quarry the ship?
Best zinger I’ve seen in a matchup thread for quite a while
Go here to remove the authenticator from your account:
(You’ll need your serial number)
After that you can re-add (which you should!) your authenticator here:
There is so much content related to the inquest and ‘science gone bad’ gags in this game already.
Multiple that by 10 and you’ll get the amount of Human gods stories in the GW franchise, but that somehow doesn’t bother you….
The difference is that the GW1 human lore was much richer and more mysterious than what has been revealed to us of the Asuran history. Asura lore could be much more intricate and ancient than “evil, corporate Asura with massive egos trash talk egotistical Asura with some ethics.” I’ve yet to see any inquest encounter that has been more nuanced. I get that the Asura came from under the ground and that they are scientists and tinkerers, but what else beyond that? Where did they come from? Have their beliefs changed at all in the past? I greatly enjoyed Vekk and Oola, but the Asuran lore in GW2 has been disappointing at best. They constantly go for gags and sarcasm, which for me got old very quickly.
I’m looking for something more serious and frankly, I’d rather not take another gamble on content we know nothing about, as opposed to catching a glimpse of something we already know to be EPIC in scale. I’d venture to argue for example, that the City of Arah, once home to the gods is much more grand than anything that the Asura have come up with, especially since much of their history that we know if is much more recent than the humans, who are somewhat ancient by comparison.
You’re basically arguing that current non-human lore is weak and limited, so instead of trying to improve upon it, they should add even more lore to the rich and extensive human lore.
All that does is make the problem worse.
The fall of abbadon was a HUGE deal in the first game, its long since that event in history happened, that’s why you have no clue that it happened in GW2… I’ve played both games, and i didn’t know about this reactor until now… something that happened recently. This is why the Abbadon fractal needs to win xD
Quite the opposite.
People need to realize that GW1 is over, and that GW2 is the current game. We should be furthering new stories in GW2 lore, instead of making GW1 prequels for nostalgia.
To abandon GW2 lore and fall back to GW1 lore within a year of release sends GW2’s future down a very dangerous and destructive path.
Abaddon is dead who cares about him, the reactor might have something that matters about the current dragons.
The first fall (the one to be portrayed in the fractal) of Abaddon was over 1300 years ago.
The Thaumanova Reactor incident happened within the last 6 years, and it’s effects are still current.
Considering how GW2 wants to be about “Living World”, I find it quite vexing that something that happened over 1300 years ago is even an option.
(edited by Mif.3471)
<Hands Mif a tissue; used but still good>
So you’re accusing me of crying, while saying your own tissue is wet.
You really didn’t think that one out did you….
(edited by Mif.3471)
Well done JQ.
Approaching 30 omegas today on tcbl.
It’s sad actually. As a TC player I hoped to learn something from JQ, but the only tactic they’ve been using is “pay to win”.
i’ll stick with Evon with my guarenteed epic God battle
So epic that the Devs who design Fractals are more excited about Thaumanova…
I’m hoping for Kiel.
But I have a vested interest because my team will probably be working on the fractals.
To shed some light on my bias, our team brainstormed up a bunch of fractals for you guys to pick from and then we settled on the best two. I got pretty excited about Thaumanova, given what we intend for it to entail so I’m Kiel supporter all the way.
Sure Allie is great now, but long before she was PvP forum famous, she was responsible for destroying one of GW2’s greatest features…. the /plane emote.
Allie mercilessly bugged it to extinction from from her evil QA fortress, then trolled the GW2 community on Facebook about it.
Why Allie?
I’m not sure how you can compare a Thaumanova Reactor explosion to experiencing a battle with a God. To be honest i had never even heard of the explosion til now, and it still doesn’t interest me… Whatever happened at that lab obviously wasn’t as big of an impact as the fall of abbadon or we would know about it…. .
And once again, you prove my point:
By arguing about how important Abaddon is, while dismissing the value of the Thaumanova Reactor, they’re demonstrating how the GW franchise has placed importance upon human lore, while leaving the lore of other races to feel inconsequential and tacked on.
So just to clarify, GW 1, which is a game where you could only play as the human race, has placed importance upon the human lore.
So effectively you’re saying in GW1, there wasn’t a choice.
So then now that we have a choice, why make new lore and new content about a GW1 god, about something that happened circa GW1, instead of lore and content that is relevant for GW2?
These ignorant bookah responses just prove how much we need to research the failed reactor…for it did not just “go boom” and did a whole lot more than you know obviously
Their responses actually prove the point I made in the OP.
By arguing about how important Abaddon is, while dismissing the value of the Thaumanova Reactor, they’re demonstrating how the GW franchise has placed importance upon human lore, while leaving the lore of other races to feel inconsequential and tacked on.
You mean the Mesmer Section was so small you didn’t even notice it while scrolling past? kitten . :S
Two lines = two buffs.
Which is two more than Engineers got.Mesmer’s have been getting bi-weekly nerfs with the last 3 patches.
Expecting sympathy from an Engineer about your class being nerfed is like expecting a one legged man to care that you accidentally kicked your couch and hurt your pinky toe.
For some reason I’d rather see BG/JQ/TC…
FA’s lack of coverage means that frequently the matchup has become a 1v1, which gives the larger population server, in this case JQ, a huge PPT by default for long stretches of time, which decides the matchup.
You mean the Mesmer Section was so small you didn’t even notice it while scrolling past? kitten . :S
Two lines = two buffs.
Which is two more than Engineers got.
I will once again start this by saying I apologise if there is already a topic on this!
It is in reference to the fact that I feel a servers own BL’s should be locked down overnight whilst the majority of players are in bed, leaving EB as a playing field.
There’s nothing worse then to have a really good day of WvW upgrading 3 keeps in your BL (is that like 4-5g ish?) only to wake up in the morning and find out a team of 5 people raided your BL with 4 golems. Its demoralising to WvW players and somewhat unfair?
What do you people think about the idea of locking a Servers own BL down so invaders cannot go there but allowing EB to be an overnight playing field?
August 2012 called, they want their argument back.
There is so much content related to the inquest and ‘science gone bad’ gags in this game already.
Multiple that by 10 and you’ll get the amount of Human gods stories in the GW franchise, but that somehow doesn’t bother you….
ETA to map turning entirely green : 2 hrs
running with the team
See, i was almost close. Now i must get back to drinking
WoW, you managed to take all of FA’s kitten during Oceanic/SEA time.
Not like that happens every night…
Send some screenshots to