7 gold, most I’ve had at once was early days at 50g to get my Corrupted Dag’s. Haven’t touched Living Story since the last 3 patches, been stuck in sPvP with only 3gold for months. But I’ve gotten to 10gold so far since the intro of moneyz in sPvP.
Use this site instead, it’s updated regularly and is more reliable than any other maps I’ve used.
Out of those who dwell these forums.
I’m excited for Ps4 titles, because PC is just full of crappy games.
Glad to see (althought not glad it’s happening) that I’m not the only one seeing this kinda stuff. It gets pretty bad in WvW as well, with people teleporting out of sight when they’re warriors or guards then run into them again a couple minutes later. You can tell they didn’t rage quit because you get no loot or that EXP + WVW EXP stuff pop up.
I miss having faith in the developer.
I wouldn’t hold my breath, they’d rather give us more Scarlet stuff hahaha!
New skills for existing weapon sets that you can swap out, more skins that AREN’T attainable just from Gem Store, more PvP modes, New WvW map (have them on rotation, EB for 1 week, other map for 1 week, back to EB etc.), new idle and combat animations (will never happen but meh).
Oh and more ways to attain Ascended Gear rather than stupid laurels, stupid crafting or stupid RNG drops.
I mean in a 1v1 situation.
The ones I hate going up against are Guardians, takes me a good while of dodging, getting a few heavy hits in then getting out real quick to drop their HP all the while their autos hit me for 1k each. Then after I get em real low on HP, BOOM, full health again and you can’t even rupt the heal cos’ it’s usually Shelter they’re running. After they’ve done all that though you can usually get the kill fairly easily if you have enough HP.
Game isn’t even challenging if you’re a couple levels below the recommended level.
Yeah, flex those kittens…so hot <3
No, that’s a bad idea. I don’t wanna go hunting a champion for a normal skill. For elites, maybe. But definitely NOT normal skills.
Don’t worry guys, we’ll just have to react to the stun, use a stun break, THEN use a .25 sec cast time shadow return, in less time than it takes for the warrior to use the next attack in their chain of cc.
Oh and we’ll have 0.33 more initiative regen per second. So everything will be fine.
Ya, Thieves will just have to play 10x harder than they already do now to beat other faceroll classes.
1v1 I’ve never lost to a Necro in tPvP and I don’t even run any Shadow Art traits.
You must be fighting hotjoin heroes.
I want the unnamed (possibly Mordremoth) Jungle Dragon. Then we can go explore Maguuma wastes.
…And possibly find out the origin of the Sylvari.
(and NO. I did NOT in any way imply, suggest, theorize, speculate, and/or assume that the Sylvari are dragon minions. Don’t anyone dare bring that up.)
IS/SR needed a nerf, it acted as a stun break and a condition cleanse with no cooldown and 1200 range.
Warrior is my second main but he doesn’t even have a third of the play time I have on my Thief because they’re so easy to play. Which makes it really boring imo.
GTFO of thief forums. Most S/D builds dont use SA so there is not another condi removal you would trait or take opposed to many other builds. So again GTFO
Are you telling me if you don’t take condi removal you won’t be able to remove conditions!?
IS/SR needed a nerf, it acted as a stun break and a condition cleanse with no cooldown and 1200 range.
Warrior is my second main but he doesn’t even have a third of the play time I have on my Thief because they’re so easy to play. Which makes it really boring imo.
The CD is called initiative – if you spend it all teleporting away from stuns (Much different than breaking stuns, you’ll note) you have no initiative for anything else.
Just because you can press it quickly doesn’t mean there is no cost associated.
Sure it’s not a stunbreak, but when you know where to place it (ledges that you can teleport to and from or behind walls) pretty much gives you enough time for the stun to run out while your enemy tries to get to you.
If you don’t know how to manage initiative (OR DODGE key attacks) and just relentlessly spam IS/SR then you’re a bad Thief.
I don’t run any points in Crit, still kick kitten in tPvP.
It should have been an Achievement award (a specific achievement, not Achievement Pts) imo. Full sets in the Gem Store I can understand, but 2 pieces? What…..The…..kitten
Yeah, it’s completely kittened. I honestly don’t know wtf was going through their heads when they made it so out of proportion to every other armor piece.
Link not working for me
IS/SR needed a nerf, it acted as a stun break and a condition cleanse with no cooldown and 1200 range.
Warrior is my second main but he doesn’t even have a third of the play time I have on my Thief because they’re so easy to play. Which makes it really boring imo.
lol warrior is a good main, it can’t really be nerfed since all the casual baddies play it expecting it to be ez mode.
It IS easy mode. Compared to other classes anyway.
I’m not sure how Refuge would get you killed. When I’ve used it in the past I’ve gotten away the majority of the time without much trouble.
It’s because the thief HAS to stay in the house for 4 seconds, so everyone and their mom just lays their AoE right on top of it and a dead thief pops out shortly after.
1. sacrifice HiS and Blind Powder
2. Drop SR away from location
3. watch zerg take dump in SR while you SS away safely
4. ???
5.Profitlol go ahead and sacrifice 3 skills just to escape…
Well when you don’t plan on engaging again, it doesn’t matter.
If Scarlet is to be the cause of the explosion/meltdown, I’d prefer if this new fractal were not created. I’d prefer the dredge fractal appear twice, in fact.
there are hints in the game that the explosion was created by sabotage from the inquest actually.
Oh god….the only thing worse than a Scarlet is an Asuran.
That’d be pretty cool, they could make it that events in that zone award tokens for that armor set. But then there’d be more currencies lol
The living story just isn’t fun and totally not a substitute
Couldn’t have said it any better.
It’d be cool if we actually had to EARN something for once, like complete a difficult achievement for each of them. But nah, I suspect it’ll either be RNG or stupid crafting.
Are you sure we’re playing the same PvP? There’s auto-balancing in the servers so the teams are almost always equal numbers, 1v4 is very unlikely unless you joined near the end of the game or were in a custom server where they’ve disabled Auto-Balancing.
Also, sPvP is dominated by Tank/Condition builds not the other way around.
Though it’s always a pleasure to have solo roammer that gets in a point to help you and leave 30s later with 3 corpses and run to an other point. (I might be exagerating on the 30s, but well played burst dps do have huge impact)
I meant dominated as in most of the builds ran in sPvP consists of Tanky/Condi ones. Though I classify tPvP as sPvP as well, so I’m talking about tPvP pretty much.
I haven’t done Living Story since the Queens Gauntlet, everything after that I found un-intriguing so I didn’t participate in them.
Are you sure we’re playing the same PvP? There’s auto-balancing in the servers so the teams are almost always equal numbers, 1v4 is very unlikely unless you joined near the end of the game or were in a custom server where they’ve disabled Auto-Balancing.
Also, sPvP is dominated by Tank/Condition builds not the other way around.
You and Your Alts
Hi there, I’d like to get to know how you play your chars or alts, or why, if you play only one character for all game modes.
For example, from most played to least:-
Guardian (main): map completed, dungeon pugging, low level fractals, guild missions, living story, occasional pvp, WvW with guildies, geared ascended
Warrior: geared in ascended, daily dungeons, speed runs, tequatl
Mesmer: speed runs, jumping puzzles, world bosses/temple events
Ele: dungeons, WvW zerging, dailies
Ranger: pvp, mule alt, harvesting in Orr, champ train
lvl 75 Warrior: mule alt, parked at harvesting nodes
lvl 3 Thief: new char
Feel free to share more in specific.
From most played to least:
Lvl 80 Thief (main): sPvP and WvW, only has Asc. Rings, everything else is exotic.
Lvl 80 Warrior: sPvP, WvW and PvE (barely, only PvE I do is Guild Missions, Living Story bores me.). Has Asc. Rings and Amulet, everything else is exotic. (Also has T3 Cultural)
Lvl 57 Guard: She’s been that level for a couple months now. Used this alt to get ideas on how to counter bunker guards in sPvP.
Lvl 5 Mesmer: Main reason I made this alt was to reserve a name, but also to figure out the mechanics of mesmers so I could kill em’ more efficiently in sPvP
Lvl 20 Ranger: Only a Lvl 20 because of that scroll that advances a character to level 20. Made an attempt to play a Spirit Ranger in sPvP but found it boring.
Lack of armor? Nah, just a huge lack of good looking armor lol. But yeah, I agree, when’s the last time we had a full set of armor introduced into the game that wasn’t obtainable solely through the Cash Shop?
EDIT: Excluding the sets that have different names but the same skin’s as other armor sets.
I use S/D in tPvP and do well, but for WvW, D/P is the way to go since our burst is ridiculous there.
I play with 250-350+ ping a lot since I live in New Zealand with crappy internet but I still get Rank 50’s+ PMing me saying they thought I was a higher rank due to how effectively I play the class.
Still, it can get pretty rage-inducing when you hit a heal button for it to activate 1 second later which could’ve saved you (happens a LOT).
If you stun or daze with BV it bugs out, letting the target being able to move around, been like that for a while.
I don’t have a stunbreak, no. I don’t need a stunbreak when fighting any other class in the game because I have 22,000 HP and nearly 2,800 armor. Not even hammer warriors are capable of stunlocking me to death in the span of a couple seconds, which really says a lot.
Not sure if trolling, or just stupid.
Lol, lost to the build that’s easiest to counter. Have you learned nothing this past year?
I mainly sPvP/tPvP, the classes I hate fighting against are Engies and HA Bunkers. I mostly win my encounters, but it takes AGES to kill them.
Because it’s slow, boring and easy to beat.
A year and a bit on and it’s still possible to do this crap, Anet stop doing living story kitten until you fix this holy kitten
Casual game.
I still remember standing in Kamadan for hours power trading and Spamming WTB “X”.
I don’t get it, are you trying to say that spamming chat is hardcore?
I’d rather older people play this game more than youngins. I’m 18 and barely play, we aint young forever yo! better push our young bodies to the limit while we can!
i can’t believe you all settle for roman numerals over icons.
icons will be much easier to remember than roman numerals!
So you would rather have “You want to take squiggly line in arms, purple heart in strength, and the pig face in your 5th line” instead of “Take arms IV, strength III, and _ V”
yes. icons > roman numerals
i say the full names of the traits when i share my traits build with others anyway.
roman numerals are just lazy. and confusing.
How the hell is it confusing? It’s fine as it is, we have a lot more other things that need attention.
d/d 3:
Charge a powerful attack with both daggers.
The more time you charge it the more damage you deal.
Take root at your place while charging.
2 ini/sDamage will be calculated on the amount of initiative spent and will significantly increase with it
A sort of Churning Earth
Being rooted in place is probably the worst thing for a thief.
A few days ago I placed my thief on the shelf and only use him for gathering and crafting. I am still looking for a new main and even though I like guards and warriors for their low skill ceiling I don’t want either of them MAINLY because every thief friend I know of switched to one of them. I like to keep myself away from the general public so I guess war and guards are out. I still have an ele and mesmer to work on. Whatever…
If you are suffering from a severe case of the ****its, which class do YOU plan on switching to once you retire your thief?
I tried switching to Warrior a lot of times, but always came back to Thief. Thief is just too fun and isn’t easymode like Guards and Wars.