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The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I’ll just drop my two cents into this threadnaught..

I hadn’t played GW2 for a few months now, but decided to drop back in and check out the new daily system.

The most specific one was to go and do the Maw. So I waypointed over there.

Spend half an hour, 45 minutes maybe tooling about hoping that maybe it would pop. It didn’t. Considered doing one of the other dailies but the sunk cost of having spent the time waiting on the Maw discouraged me.

Had a brief argument with a player in map chat because I said I didn’t think this was a particularly good change, and he thought that I should go and play some other game in that case.

We were both right. It wasn’t a particularly good change, and I should go and play some other game.

Oh well, I still have GW2 news on my RSS feed, if another patch adds something that sounds interesting, I’ll hear about it. But this return experience has certainly convinced me not to play.

How to repair? Update continues to fail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I know this is an told topic to bump, but I found a solution after having this problem today.

Aniaden had the right idea. But it isn’t your game folder you need to go into. You need to go to “C:/Users/YourUserName/AppData/Roaming/Guild Wars 2” and delete everything from in there.

The file that was messing it up for me was ‘local.dat’ (or something similar)

Bumping this old topic again because I just had the exact same issue and RayneSilverthorn’s advice sorted it out perfectly.

Word of warning: this will wipe your saved username & password so make sure you remember it, if you saved it in the GW2 client a couple of years ago and promptly forgot it, lol.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Agreed. I’m so bummed out that we’re never going to get to play through the origins of Abaddon’s secret alliance with Scarlet.

Fractals will never be GW2.......

in Fractured

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Like you, I loved the Tower of Nightmares.

Like you, I do not like Fractals at all. I tried them back when they were new – hated it. Never planned to set foot in them again, but when this latest patch landed, I thought I’d give them a second chance. Nope. Hated them even more. There certainly won’t be a third chance.

But unlike you.. I can’t think of any reason to remove content which some people like just because I don’t like it?

You appear to have made an enormous unsupported leap to “a lot of players left this game because of fractals” and “everything related with fractals…. it always creates problems.”

Kiel voters - Happy?

in Fractured

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


The fact that they put scarlet into this makes me think again that the entire voting thing was a lie, and that no matter what the players actually voted anet already had kiel selected as the “winner”

I can assure you that if the player-base had voted for Gnashblade, right now we would be playing a fractal which revealed that Scarlet built a time machine and traveled back 1000 years to form a Secret Alliance with Abaddon.

Dailies, How do you play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I look at the daily list, quickly knock off any that can be done in a few seconds in town (visit the laurel vendor, craft 10 items, that sort of thing), then think about what I’m in the mood to do, and do something that meshes.

e.g. if I feel like just general adventuring, I’ll pick a character and go adventure in a zone where there are kill quests or event quests; if I feel like WvW’ing, I’ll put the WvW dailies on the watchlist and go WvW.

Is GW2 players back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Have you been below a T2 server? It’s a ghost town in LA. Go to GoM or DR or any server below a T2 and stand in LA or anywhere for that matter and count how many people you see in an hour. Then go to anything T2 or above and count. You’ll see the vast difference.

A blatant lie. I have always played on a tier 4 server, and that description is a million miles from the truth. LA is permanently teeming with activity (and I’m not American and not playing in US primetime).

Now, GoM, DR, they’re tier 8 servers. Maybe they are deserted wastelands, I don’t know. But if they are, just say so. You’re only embarrassing yourself posting something as obviously false as claiming that “any server below a T2” is like that.

LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Yes, it is extremely useful, in my experience. I never bothered with dungeons prior to the release of the LFG tool. Over the last week I have run eight or so, all of them I got a group formed quickly and effectively, and all but one of them were good groups (one of them saw the leader ragequit after a wipe so the instance dissolved).

At first I was a little surprised to see that it didn’t autoqueue and autoform groups like in WoW, FF XIV, etc. .. but on reflection, the model of letting people write a description so you can choose the right group for you seems to be working really well.

Would you Buy a Cantha-based Expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Yes…but it would not matter if it was Cantha based.

Any GW2 expansion I would buy, because I have played 2000+ hrs, so GW2 is great value for money.

Same answer here. Well, I haven’t played 2000+ hrs, more like 500+, but yes, I’d buy an expansion for sure, it doesn’t need to be Cantha-based.

Key maker daily achievement bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Indeed making the key in Tyria completes the daily as I just have done and got the shoddy backpiece….

Impressive, sounds like you might be the only person who it has worked for.

Where were you when you did it?

Key Maker for daily is bugged!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Play your own way as long as it’s the Living Story.

Are you somehow forced to do every single option available for the daily?

No, but it’s the only one that also counts towards the meta.

So, basically, you’re whining that if you want to complete Living Story meta, Arenanet forces you to play Living Story content?

’k, that makes sense.

Only lvl 80 in Group or leave....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I recently reached level 80 and I have not done even one dungeon. Read that again ANet. I have yet to do a dungeon and in great part it is because of the mentality mentioned by the OP.

Now, with the LFG tool things might be better. I admit I have not tried it yet.

You should.

From playing on release (well, pre-order headstart) until three days ago, I had done one dungeon. Just one.

Now that we have an LFG tool, I decided to give it a proper go. So over the weekend I did five dungeons using the tool.

Four of those five had 3-4 players of sub-level-80 in them (the fifth was Crucible of Eternity where the minimum level is such that everyone is likely to be 80, and we all were). Three of those four ran smoothly. Not saying we never wiped but we never wiped more than twice on a fight and people kept their spirits up. No negativity, no rage.

The fourth time, everyone was cool except for one guy who ragequit. Only problem was, he was the group leader so the instance dissolved. Oh well.

But a 75% success rate of getting a run with no negativity is pretty good. I’ll actually wager that you’d be lucky to get such good attitude in a “must be level 80” run.

CAN WE PLEASE CHANGE Leader leaves party

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


The party leader, (should call it host rather) is the one who opens the dungeon and hosts it for the entire party. The only way of opening the explorable paths is by sending someone who has cleared story mode, which I think is very reasonable. Sadly this is not like WoW party system, you can’t transfer the host to one character to another.
Understanding this is very important before complaining about the issue.

Yes, we understand perfectly well that this is how it works now. That is why there is this thread asking that it be changed so it works differently.

I jumped in half a dozen LFG dungeons on the weekend. All went pretty well except for one. We wiped a few times (three I think) on the cave troll in AC, most of the group had pretty good spirits and were ready to try again, but one player was fed up and ragequit. That one player was the leader, hence, group dissolved, everyone booted out.

This is not good. It should not work like this. If the party leader quits the group, leadership should be transferred.

Note: obviously you can see a mild exploit here – a group of people, none of whom had done a story mode dungeon, could get into an explorable by having a player “open” it for them as leader, then quit as soon as they were in, to be replaced by the 5th player. To avoid this, the transfer of leadership could only go to an eligible player; if nobody was eligible, then the group could be dissolved as it is now.

Is precursor crafting going to happen or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I’m pretty sure they have problems internally tweaking the precursor scavenger hunt difficulty. Make it too easy, everyone will get a legendary. Make it too hard, everyone will complain about it.

Oh, in that case, they should just make it too hard. Everyone complains all the time anyway so there’s no downside to making it too hard.

Paid more for gems than a sub fee this year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Have you paid more for gems than a sub fee in the past year?

A year’s sub would cost, say, $US180. Less with multi-month discounts in most games.

Whilst paying GW2, I have spent $0.00 on gems.

So, no.

So am I the only one who looks at buying gems as a straight sale?

I see an item I want in the gem store, I work out how much it costs in real money, decide if I think that item is worth that price and if it is then I buy it. End of story.

Oh, I feel exactly the same way. I’m still waiting to see the first item in the store that is worth the price, though. Or indeed the first item that I have any interest in buying at all.

(edited by Banquetto.9521)

Arenanet totally forgot GW1 fans?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I’m a GW1 fan, and you don’t speak for me.

Am I the type of player you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Guild Wars 1 was unique in that it was a multiplayer game that didn’t charge a monthly fee, but you couldn’t compare it to existing MMOs. In fact, those with background in MMOs often tried the game, and left because it was instanced. If it’s all instanced, than it’s not a true MMO.

Diablo 2, to pluck an instanced multiplayer fantasy RPG with no monthly fee out of the air, released nearly five years before Guild Wars.

There is nothing unique about Guild Wars lack of a monthly fee. No game other than MMORPGs had monthly fees. Probably 99% of the games ever released on PC up to that point were “Buy To Play”.

Why Vindictus and a lot of games like that are considered mmorpg and not GW1?

I haven’t played Vindictus (Australians not welcome there last time I looked..) but from what I’ve heard, it’s not really an MMORPG and if the publishers call it one, they’re stretching the term for marketing purposes.

Does Vindictus have a persistent world with an arbitrarily large number of players able to simultaneously engage in gameplay?

Ecto Salv Rate decrease after TEQ patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


all those people calling BS and saying stupid things as ecto rate is the same as before and you can get atleast 1 ecto for each rare go spend all your gold buying rares they are 24 silver cheapest lvl 80 ones and go sell ectos for 32 silver.

1 of 2 posibilities, iether you Win and hence repeat the process to end up with infinite amount of gold, or you realize that rare prices drop for a good reason.

You wouldn’t win. The salvage rate is reckoned to be approximately 0.9 ectos per rare (if it hasn’t changed). 32 silver x 0.9 = 28.8 silver, then once you take the 15% TP cut off that, you’re down to.. about 24.5 silver. And I’m not seeing high level rares cheaper than that.

Prices look to be exactly where they should be, if ecto salvage rates have not changed.

100% Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Just the one. When I play on another level 80 character, I do prefer to play in zones that I’m not 100% on, so I push a little way towards it. But I’m not focusing on the goal of getting 100% on any more characters.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Blizzard brainwashed a generation of MMO players into thinking a themepark MMO with endless gear grind, and a paid subscription is the way to go for the MMO industry.

Isn’t it funny that whenever Blizzard does something that people like, it’s all “oh they copied that from EverQuest, they never do anything original.”

But as soon as it’s something that you don’t like – such as “endless gear grind, and a paid subscription” – suddenly, we’ll pretend that EverQuest never existed, and that nobody ever dreamed of implementing such a horrible thing until Blizzard launched WoW.

Why i QQ, why you QQ

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Hell I’ve seen people getting into a fight for a ping-pong match.

I was chatting to a taxi driver once, and he told me the story of a ping-ping tournament he played in when he was a student. He was a junior, and he beat a senior in the final match to win the tournament. The loser got so mad that he threw his bat at him, and whacked him right in the face.

The best bit of the story? The tournament was sponsored by a local church, and the first prize that the angry loser missed out on? A Bible. :-)

Devs Testing Content Before Release ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


now the new Teq comes out and one server has completed it…once.

That’s a bad thing?

Obviously the content is not impossibly hard, because it has been beaten.

Obviously the content is not too easy, because it has only been beaten once.

Do you think there should be no content that is not insta-killed by everyone?

Ummm...Tier two???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Agreed, this thread might be about tier two mats, but the thread itself is definitely tier six in quality!!

survey: do u want surveys in the game?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


One thing I’ve encountered in some F2P games is survey links sent via email, with a small in-game reward offered for filling out the survey (just a little bit of coin or some such).

Acquiring loot indirectly vs. directly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to try to farm a large quantity of Lodestones directly, rather than farming for general wealth and buying them.

LFG Beta?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Talk about disappointment. I probably won’t even log in now. There’s no point. How could A-net think this is a good idea? Worst idea ever.

I would lol so hard if you were one of the subset that had access, but you never knew it because you were too busy stamping your feet and throwing a tantrum like a toddler, instead of logging in.

The LFG system, finally

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


One must ask, however, why it took them over a year after release to incorporate a useful LFG system in this day and age (honestly, EVERY new MMO should have a functioning LFG system at launch….to not have one shows pure laziness or uncaring on the devs’ part). Disconnect from reality maybe? Or just lazy devs? Or maybe they just didn’t give a kitten.

Or maybe they listened to the noisy minority that whine about how LFG systems destroy games, life was much better when we talked to people (because spamming “LF1M for dungeon X” is so social..), yada yada

Most will use still anyways.

I would bet you my entire bank full of loot that the usage of will be less than 0.1% of the usage of the in-game LFG tool, once it launches.

Ecto Salvage Rates Again.......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Seems the same to me, so either you’re unlucky, or your personal salvage rate got nerfed because you whined on the forums and made ANet angry.

What do you do with BL chests?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Right now, I keep them in the bank. Once I get to a full stack of 250 I’ll probably start deleting them, since I have a feeling I wouldn’t be able to sell them if I wanted to through the TP.

Same. I’m willing to burn a bank slot on them, for when I’m levelling an alt and get a key from personal story reward or something. But only one. Once I hit 250 it will be delete time, it’s not worth the effort of clicking through the TP interface to make 3 copper or whatever they sell for these days.

If I have one on me when I’m out adventuring, and I’m squeezed for bag space, though, that’s an instant delete.

ascended food?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Maybe they will allow cooking to be leveled to 500 by using it for the crafting of a precursor.

That would be champagne comedy. A year of tears about needing a better way to get precursors, and then ANet make an announcement: “Chefs will be able to bake precursors. Out of delicious flaky pastry and bacon.”

ascended armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


The issue isn’t the visual models, but all the possible stat combinations that go on the armor. These stats in turn interact with everything else in the game: runes, builds, traits, weapon damage etc.

It’s ye olde balance issue.

Is that a prediction that Ascended Armour will be anything other than the stats of crafted Exotic Armour, with all the numbers increased by 5% ?

Seems a bit unlikely to me.

If you enjoy GW2 leave positive feedback plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I quite enjoyed GW2 at launch, and I enjoy it more now. I enjoy most aspects of the game (don’t really care for jumping puzzles, don’t like SPvP at all, but enjoy pretty much everything else). I’ve enjoyed most of the elements of all of the Living Story updates, and really enjoyed some parts like the Scarlet invasions.

How much money have you spent on gems ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


None, haven’t seen anything in the gem store that I want to buy. If they released an expansion I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

This Game Has Changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


A lot of the changes in the game has made it less fun and more grind. While the grind is optional…it’s only borderline optional. That is to say, there’s pressure to get achievements, pressure to get certain gear. If some of that pressure is self-inflicted by players, well, it’s still pressure.

I’d be interested to know whether people feel that, say, there is more pressure on GW2 players to get achievements that there was on GW1 players to get brutally grindy titles like Cartographer and Vanquisher?

I should buy a lottery ticket

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I advice to get your tin foil hats in handy because Im about to drop a good one

Perhaps you havent played very often lately? Also, you are already mentioned that that was your 5th time doing a big boss, in about a year since release….. maybe, just maybe, it is because of that…

No, I’ve been playing the same amount as I have for the last couple of months. By “haven’t been playing much” I just meant I haven’t been farming every world boss every day like most people seem to.

And it was the 5th time doing a big boss since the SAB patch a week ago that added ascended weapons to the loot table, not the 5th time since release! :-)

I should buy a lottery ticket

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


So last night I join in on a Jormag kill – which was maybe the fifth world boss I’ve done since the last patch (haven’t been playing much), and what drops? An Ascended Weapon box.

Delighted with my new Ascended sword, I join a Scarlet invasion that just kicked off. First portal event? A mob drops a Black Lion Key – the first I have ever seen drop from a mob in more than 500 hours /age played.

After the event, I’m back in town and I use the key to open a chest. Inside? A full Black Lion Claim Ticket.

What do you reckon? Buy a lottery ticket? Or have I used all my luck for a long time?

Last time you had the oh yes! feeling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Last “oh yes!” moment? Beating a Scarlet invasion with less than 30 seconds on the clock was pretty exciting.

And had some exciting wins and then hilarious defeat in WvW the other night.. half a dozen of us yoinked a couple of camps, couple of towers and a fort – before literally a hundred or so enemies came and roftstomped all our gains. “Stack on the keep lord!” our commander said. And then he – and us – melted in a few seconds when they burst through the gate. Good times!

Why was Karma income nerfed by ~90%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I had way too much Karma, that I was running out of things to use it on. Over 7 million from the start of the game until now. And that’s only a fraction of the Karma gains of some players.

I’m glad they reduced the output. With Karma being so easy to get, it made it less desirable to get. Plus, now that there’s no Karma gain from failed events, that gives more incentive to people to actually succeed for the awards.

I have millions of karma too. However, new players don’t.

It would have been smarter to deflate the value of karma by either increasing prices or introducing new, expensive things to spend it on.

That would have made karma more important both for old-timer millionaires like us, and for newer players.

The approach of drastically cutting karma earn rate, whilst leaving our stashes intact, introduces a real haves and have-nots division. It doesn’t hurt us at all. It hurts new players badly.

Explorer achievements (Maguuman, Krytan etc)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


To track down those pesky last ones:

Go to the wiki page on the overall region, e.g.

Open the pages on all of the explorable zones within that region, e.g. and

The list of Locations is what you need to visit. They show as names on your map. I recommend paying particular attention to the locations that do not contain any hearts, vistas, waypoints etc., since you could have missed one of these and still had 100% map completion on that zone.

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Collect the stuff yourself and it is significantly less than 200G

If you collect 200G worth of stuff yourself and use it, then the opportunity cost of leveling crafting was indeed exactly 200G.

Take a breath regarding changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


When you have almost 0 chance to get something, 300% increase to almost nothing is still almost – nothing.

You may get bit more blues/greens though

Almost 0 chance multiplied by a whole lot of players = a bunch of precursors on the Trading Post.

If there were 300% more precursors, what effect do you think that will have on the market price?

(of course, there wouldn’t be, since they don’t all come from drops, plenty of them come from not-affected-by-MF sources like the mystic forge – but still, supply will increase as average account MF increases)

Is GW2 changing its target group?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


90% of the ascended stuff is time-gated so the hardcore players can’t have their ascended items in a day. Instead, by time-gating this content, casual players and hardcore players are on equal footing.

You’re soooo wrong… What kind of so called ‘casual’ have the astronomical amount of gold needed to reach 500 and then actually start crafting the weapon? This isn’t aimed at casuals but grind bots/hardcore crowd.

Actually, I think you are both correct, in a way.

Galtrix is right that the time-gating is to stop the ultra-hardcore for having their Ascended items in a day.

But it doesn’t put the ultra-hardcore and the casuals on the same footing. It puts the ultra-hardcore and the hardcore on the same footing.

Nuka Cola is correct that the casual players will never feel the time-gating because it will take them so long to collect the materials that they will never be slowed down waiting for cooldowns. Hell, I’m a bit of a packrat, I’ve got two level 80s and 500 hours played, and burning through my stash of mats, I only got one craft up to 430-something before I ran out of ancient wood. A two week time-gate is not going to be the bottleneck for me!

ANet does not have a “target group”. Point blank questions to the developers regarding marketing segmentation are ignored.

You don’t go mass market by targeting one group – and millions of sales is mass market. WoW proved this by showing that the way to millions of players is to target everyone from the most insanely casual, to the hardcore raiders willing to eat hundreds of wipes in pursuit of a world first.

Daily Karma Reward Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


You get some Essence of Luck as well.

But I agree that this might be a somewhat heavy-handed response to the fact that many, many players had literally millions of karma and nothing to spend it on.

Unfortunately, it’s going to make the karma grind for big-ticket expenses like Legendaries pretty brutal for any new players coming into the game.

Take a breath regarding changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


MF will not help with precursor drops, yes, but MF absolutely did work in the long-run and with a large enouh sample size.

Hang on, why will MF not help with precursor drops?

Sure, it’s not going to change them from being as rare as hen’s teeth to as common as goblin droppings. But once a large slice of the population are running around with 50%, 100%, and more MF, there absolutely must be more precursors dropping and entering the economy.

Nobody wants RNG

You may not want RNG, but I would say that observing what has been popular in ARPGs and MMORPGs for a couple of decades now, a lot of people obviously do want RNG.

What if Ascended had been only skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Well, this approach would have meant that Ascended gear actually did fill “the gap” between Exotics and Legendaries. Since, of course, there was previously no stat gap in there. Only a (massive!) gap in difficulty acquiring them.

My only concern would be that design is so subjective that it could be a real challenge to try to come up with Ascended skins that were widely agreed to be cooler than Exotics, but “less cool” than Legendaries!

Unintended Monthly Achievement Rollback?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


I, on the other hand, have 15 years experiences doing systems engineering for an aerospace company. If my code fails it gets dozens or hundreds of people killed. So it certainly is possible to test your code enough to make sure that there’s no critical bugs. And if I was doing my job the way ANet does theirs, quite frankly I’d be in jail.

I know how systems engineering is done in fields like aerospace. And here’s a question for you: just taking a wild guess, how much do you think GW2 would have cost if ANet did their job the way you did yours?

I’d wager it would be more like $6000 than $60. There’s a reason why that level of quality control is only done in industries where errors get people killed.

Unintended Monthly Achievement Rollback?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


The commentary about how people shouldn’t be playing games, or shouldn’t be upset or how easy it is for some people to do the monthly is not helping things.

It is a major issue and we have a right to be upset. If you aren’t upset, then that is great for you, but you don’t need to post about how not upset you are.

“A major issue”? Hysterical much?

A few people got a few tokens in-game that they shouldn’t have gotten, and you didn’t get. How is that “a major issue”?

Getting Karma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


At least you can get precursors dude, I can’t even get that with this gamble bullcrap.

Just out of curiosity: is there any topic which could be posted on this forum which would not attract a reply by you crying about how you put a fraction of the price of a precursor into the mystic forge and didn’t have the incredible good luck to get a precursor?

It’s getting really boring, mate.

I blew 5 million on boxes, have 600K leftover, and still have a whole row of consumables still in my bank I’m too lazy to click for 15 minutes to chug. Not to mention I’ve been dumping karma into my thirst-slayer achievement.

Are you just now trying to earn karma? Because the karma most people earned previously could last them months.

I have millions of karma, too. But you gotta admit, it’s a different ballgame for a new player now compared to what it was for those of us that accumulated our millions already.

Regarding the growth of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


go back to enjoying grinding and a mystic toilet slot machine?

Why would I do that when I can simply stop playing.

If you’re going to stop playing, please do us all a favour and also stop posting on the forums.

Unintended Monthly Achievement Rollback?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


Sounds like a lot of people in this thread should probably, for the sake of their health, stop playing online games.

Seriously, if you get so mad about a bug that you post things like “so angry I can’t type properly”, then log off now, go to your GP, get your blood pressure checked (you may well have a problem there), and then find a new hobby that relaxes you instead of enraging you.

Dying of a stroke before you even get old is a lot more annoying than losing some monthly achievements.